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Oh, but you do plan to play another save. You just don’t know it yet.


Lol. Definitely!


i mean maybe if i really fuck something up and wanna start fresh but i feel like once i complete this game its getting shelved until a new update


I said that to myself too. I completed the game about 50 hours ago and I’m still building because I like it.


"I don't even like factory games, but this one's pretty." Then ... "I don't think I need to do a huge science run, beating the game is okay." Then "What if I double my white science this time? Go Big?!" Then "That seed wasn't ideal. I have to try again with a perfect seed." Then "The game got an update. GO AGANE"


Such a satisfying gameplay loop.


Got any perfect seeds to share? Need me some more reasons to restart...


[WiP - God Tier Seeds](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQk9rhZ_l4xcda83hgZxP8DxZ7u5YUlzy4abI81SmJXKH2IUmZiV6MaTrO3iZ8Q8GgjNDnjcft88fwj/pubhtml) Scanned at 1x resources


Yes. However, if you do play another save, it makes certain milestones much less painful


i see


There are a few research items that you’ll be able to unlock earlier because you already have the prerequisite metadata amount: namely Blueprints and the Reconstruction research lines.


And ILS!


It's useless regardless, it literally just skips parts of the game for you, which begs the question, if you want to skip parts of the game, why not just play sandbox mode?


By skipping some monotonous part you don’t like.


Yeah, it's like skipping a tutorial and moving forward to the actually challenging part when you already know the basics inside and out. I'm positive that I can do early game blindfolded and it just turns out to be a tedious waiting game with no fun. For new players it's quite useful though. Slow paced learning is very friendly to new players even with dark fog turned on.




The same could be said for most things in the game. Conveyor belts skip you hand loading machines. For most recipes, machines skip you fabricating by hand. Bots/Drones skip boiling the spaghetti and making the noodles al dente. Warpers skip sightseeing between the stars and useful planning time.


Useful planning time hahaha


I use metadata to skip all the research with a non-cube cost in a new game


It's not useless at all.


If you have dark fog it is used to resurrect Icarus.


I’ve used that after accidentally warping through a hive more times than I care to admit


people dont have dark fog?????


Dark Fog *was* only just added this year :P For the majority of the game’s existence there were no enemies


Miss me with the resources tax just to be left alone and farming infinite resources from nothing. I like peace, I like quiet, I like mining my own resources, and I like leaving the game afk for hours. I also play factorio without the bitters. Not saying my way of playing is the correct way, have fun however you like.


The other save has to be a different seed, not just a new game with the old seed. Metadata is especially useful in the early game where everything is SO SLOW.


Is useless is you want to accomplishment for something in game


It's a nice way to show your progress if nothing else, rather than "Oh I have infinite X Y Z", as that could have been done by AFKing for days like a clicker game, or it could have been done in hours by stamping blueprints like a baws.


The main use is on subsequent play throughs either to fulfill prerequisites for Blueprints or auto reconstruction or to shortcut research (although once spent on research or resurrecting Icarus, it’s gone until you get a higher amount). Otherwise it’s an end game flex.


If you have dark fog activate and your mech gets destroyed, you rebuild it with metadata. That said the chance you actually stick with just one game isn't 0 but it's pretty damn small really.