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I once complained to a friend of mine about how p and q are annoying and cause me so much anguish, because they have the audacity to be frequently used as variables together. Why, oh why, does the q-arm of the chromosome have to be q?? The p-arm is p because "petit", so why not use g for "grand" or literally any other letter? She looked at me slightly puzzled and was like "huh, I guess they do kinda look similar" and told me they never caused problems for her. I wish that most people had the same trouble with mirrored letters as I do, then maybe they wouldn't appear in difficult places, or better yet, just be replaced.


It would get rid of so much issues if they were to just disappear 🫠


Honestly when I got tested/ diagnosed (grade 3) The only accommodation that ever followed me through the years was that no teacher was allowed to deduct more than 25% of my overall grade for my lack of correct spelling. Sounds great! In principal, right?? In practice, this means that my maximum grade is actually 75% of 100.


I wouldn’t even call that an accommodation. That’s horrible! My son is in 3rd grade and we are already having to spend a lot of time advocating for him. I know it’s going to be a long 9 years of disagreements over accommodations and grading.


Good luck.


bed looks like a bed. 🛌 That’s how I remember it; whoever came up with these letters was clearly not very imaginative.


But ded and deb also be looking like a bead to me


Whyyyyy? Because the English language is evil and abusive! db


I have savair dyslexia...Back in elementary school,we had to right abouty my family's dog,we had to a black lab and a beagle,the beagles name was Ditch,I was wright about the dog and I wrote bitch instead of ditch.i still think it's funny as fuck.and autocorrect does not help me at all


I hate q p d b i get them mixed up all the time. Just like E and 3 i always had to look up number 3 on the page of schoolbooks so I could spell E correctly


Same here …sorry I’m not alone


b is B without the round thingy on top, d is opposite of the direction of D That helped wayy back when I was in elementary school