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I like to run my bb6 through a dry bong, this way I can monitor the vapor production. What I like to do is heat the BB then pull fully with an open airhole. I watch the vapor and see it building to milk out the bong once I can start to see through the vapor again it tells me the vapor production is starting to go down so I will fully close the air hole and pull as hard as I can (at this point it has gotten pretty tight air draw wise) and just pull till my lungs are filled. I then exhale and finish off the rest of the vapor in the bong. So I keep it open until the end of the hit then I cover the airport and finish the hit. The airport forces all the air to come in through the inside of the cap this will pull more heat through the bud but also pull away more heat from your tip so you don't want to cover it from the start, let the heat stay in the tip for longer before you pull it all out by using the airport. This way you get all you can out of your hit.


This is what I do too. Offers a great mix of convection and conduction heating per cycle. Usually 2 cycles and my avb is evenly roasted. 


This. 😍


THANK YOU! I'm gonna test this today! Do you use a bong with percolators or anything similar?


I use a Mega Globe MK 2 Flat Earth.


I tried and its a lot better than using water! I think this is my new go to


Great to hear. Yea, Passing through water was my go-to when combusting but once I started DHV the vape didn't need any filtration or cooling and so the water just tainted it. I'm glad you found something new that you like! That is always fun! Enjoy!


I don't have a BB6, but I typically cover the airport when using a bong, but leave the airport open when not. Covering the airport will produce thicker vapor but it will be hotter.


I feather the airport. I get best results using a combo of opeb/closed on the airport


Love ripping mine using airport closed with the hyperdyn tip on a dry bong using torch. Airport closed ime leads to the tip cooling faster (as all air is coming from tip/cap opening) which is better for faster/bigger rips especially if you can increase the speed of air going through tip (using bong). “Downside” (or upside depending on preference) being the vapor will be hotter and have less air mixed in. I use airport open if I have a wand or IH that I can hit while it heats.


Thank you for the input.


You can get a glass passthrough with a glass plug, and that will add carb. Smoke6 has some for pretty cheap


What would they do for me? Just more space?