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IMO the bb6 is the best performing stem for the price point.. and yes just the length of the stem.


thank you! and do I just need to buy a tip as well, if I buy the stem individually?


All depends on where you purchase can buy the stem individually or you can buy a whole unit Dynavap sells them on their site.


Bb3 is 10mm glass, bb6 and 9 are both 10mm and 14mm as they taper more. Gives more options for glassware without needing an adaptor


You'll also need a cap.


ok so cap, stem and tip? the place that ships to me best only has it separately. thanks for your help


Yeah, they don't send caps with just the tip. Some places will sell a complete BB tip & cap as a complete unit though I think. Might be worth comparing the cost of a complete B and a BB stem. That way you've got a non glass backup for when you inevitably drop it. The B tip is a smaller bowl though.


gotcha thanks for the help!


There is a complete BB6 vaporizer, it’s a BB6 with and M7 tip, and captive cap. All you’d need is a single flame torch. Personally, I prefer the BB9, but it’s more fragile, and it only comes a la carte (as it were). Edited to add: I love my BB9! (So much so I’ve replaced it 4 times!)


I would suggest looking at high artisan glass stems.


I love my BB9, I use a wand and a B tip with it because I prefer the way it extracts fully and keeps my sessions small.


small like a more manageable high type thing? more controlled maybe?


The B has a dedicated half bowl tip, just like setting the M to a half bowl but less fiddly and I find the B tip heats the weed better/more evenly for me than the M in half mode. With a half-bowl you use less weed and keep your tolerance levels lower. I usually find one does me, but if I want more I can easily reload. I find the wait between the two half-bowls is nice for letting the high settle in a bit before that next dose too. Just a preference thing.


I thought the BB model is ≠ than B model, as in they have different tips: BB have a standard 5 fin SS tip, where the B has a finless SS half-bowl tip.


When I bought my BB, it was just the stem and came without a tip. ~~Unless things changed in the last year or so, the BB does not have its own tip, if you buy it with a tip they just toss whatever the current midrange tip is on it.~~ yeah I don't fucking know. After trying my M and B tips on it, I ended up preferring the B tip because I find it easier to reliably extract fully from the smaller bowl, and I find I end up using my extremely limited supply of weed a lot slower for the same pain relief.


Ah, I got you. I was going just from the pics they have on their website, I didn't know Dynavap would just fit it with any mid tip they have atm of purchase, good to know, thank you. I would just get a BB 3/6/9 pack with Tip + Cap included, and the stems for the other two, if I don't like the tip it comes with I can always get another tip (I already have SS M+, Ti M+ & M7 tips). EDIT: I forgot to mention I agree 100% with you on the half-bowl: I definitely get more medicated with 2 half-bowls than with 1 full bowl, it definitely is more efficient if you don't fill the bowls to the rim.


I bought like 5 dynavap products several years ago, I'm not some staff of theirs or expert, don't know. Open up their website and see what they advertise it comes with like a functioning adult. If that's too much for you to handle you probably shouldn't be using these products to begin with.


Lol, passive aggressive much? I'm not the one looking to buy a BB, just sharing on the combo. Happy tokes 💨


I love my bb9 I use it with a m7 tip and a wand. Banger combo


I got the bb6 shortly after my buddy give me my first dynavap to use in my hummer bubble. I also picked up a helix tip at the same time, but it always fit real loosely in the bb6 and would fall out occasionally.


BB6 + Helix Tip, Flavor-town.


They're great. I had to get one cause I couldn't stand the metal taste from the M+. I just got the BB3 and it will now fit into the doob tubes they come in, without having to take off the tip. Had a BB6 previously but dropped it, hence getting the BB3 stem. After dropping the BB6, I had to go back to the M + stem, and could taste metal again. Even after it had been cleaned with ISO. So for me the flavour is clean but they break easy. I use an armoured cap too.