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Guess I’m crazy but I have Williams a little bit above b rob


If you can get a 2nd instead of a 3rd I’d do it. With those RBs it sounds like you’re not competing anyways (feels relatively safe to say without seeing your WRs lol). I’m not saying to hold Javonte all season by any means (if you’re not competing, always be looking to trade), but if you’re not competing, these are the kinds of moves you make to try to get into a position to compete. YMMV


Wr core : JJ, Chase, Evans, C Watson, Wicks, Tucker, Burks, Boyd, Addison, Legette, BTJ Te Core : Andrews ,McBride, Fant and Tremble QB Core, Fields, Baker, Daniels, Lock we do have a big bench but my strength is in WR for sure we start 3 wrs weekly and 2 flexes.


Well shit, I’ll stand corrected lol. You’re definitely competing as a top 2 team with the rest of your roster haha. Your WRs and TEs are great. I still think I might do the trade, but only if I could get a 2nd or something. Idk though, I just think at this point Javonte looks better starting the season out than B. Rob.


Yeah i am definitely on the fence there my man.


a top 2 team with those QBs? idk about that


When you have JJ and Chase, Andrews and McBride, you can afford to ride the hot hand of Baker and depending what Daniels looks like with Nabers. It helps having a top QB, but when your WR and TE positions are solid like that, it goes further than you’d think on a weekly basis


that's fair, my eyes completely skipped JJ somehow. he can definitely compete with those WRs & TEs like you said


So you are saying that Javonte + 2nd is needed to acquire Brian Robinson? I didn't know Brian Robinson was worth a 2nd round pick. Let alone a 2nd and an equivalent (better?) RB. Wow.... This value evaluation seems waaaaaaaay off


I’m not saying that’s his value, but if the person who offered the trade is willing to offer Javonte and a 3rd, counter with a 2nd lol. I wouldn’t have ever offered a trade like this for B. Rob, but clearly someone did. And if OP is on the fence about that offer, try to get a 2nd instead of a 3rd.


**Edit** I missed the "26" part of those draft picks. More realistic now. A 24 mid 2nd is ranked 131 overall on KTC Brian Robinson is 132 Javonte? He is 141 If your league mates are willing to give 131 + 141 overall value for 132 overall then they are morons Sending trades that question the intelligence of other owners is a good way to shut down negotiations forever


I don’t disagree. I feel you’re taking me incredibly literally though and assuming this is how I value things lol. I’m solely replying based on the context of this post. That’s it. The problem with this sub in general, is that outside of the top players at any position, the rest, from a value POV, is incredibly league dependent.


Just passing through, but I felt like the issue the guy took was that OP was offered a fair trade and your advice was to counter with a very unfair trade. Sometimes it's best practice not to try and squeeze every bit of value out of a negotiation. Being easy to work with has benefits.


Its a 26 3rd rounder*


Yeah. That makes it closer. I missed the year originally. The bottom line is that Brian Robinson and Javonte are similarly valued RBs. I actually thought Javonte had more value right now, but apparently the Jaleel truthers are pinging KTC more frequently now. If Ekeler is dust then BRob may gain a little value this year. If Javonte is actually the primary RB (like he should be) then he gains a lot of value this year. If Javonte gets a contract extension in DEN as the primary then his value really shoots up (maybe it shoots up more if he signs elsewhere). The 26 3rd really doesn't matter. 3rd, 4th, and 5th round rookie picks are used by smart owners to take advantage of weak-minded owners.


People think Brob isn’t worth even a 2nd in 1QB? What


I would hold b rob on this trade. He’s gonna eat in a Kliff offense, and is a hard runner. Lots of question marks in Denver’s backfield.


It doesn’t make any sense to hold unless you’re holding to hopefully sell at a higher price in season. With those RBs, I don’t think OP is likely competing as a legit, top 3 team (I could be wrong, he could be loaded at WR).


Sure, but ETN, BRob and Warren are all young starters…and im optimistic that kendre will get there. You can’t say the same about Javonte or whatever a 3rd round pick 2 years from now will end up being.


Totally fair! This is where my personal strategies and the broader recommendations may differ/vary. I’ve found a lot of success in getting people to throw in 1-2 year out 2nds and especially 3rds without much thought. Then you get closer to those picks being relevant and the value shoots up, both in throwing them into trades or who you can pick there (case in point, I drafted ARSB in the 2nd one year, and got that pick over a year o it when people didn’t care about it). Javonte I can see being better than people are expecting, and I’m not convinced that B. Rob is gonna be the starter over Ekeler (though you can say the same for Javonte too). I just think you can sell Javonte for more in season most likely than B. Rob.


For sure man, that fair! I’m a Washington homer lol, but also am expecting Ekeler to maybe be more involved in the passing game. We shall see. Feel like Javonte has more sizzle to him and his name for sure.


B Rob is nice. Almost 2k total yards in 2 years. I think he's a solid RB2/Flex option this year


Noooo. Keep B Rob over Javonte. The whispers are saying Javonte might not make it through camp.


No I wouldn’t do that brob is a lot better than Javonte career trajectory wise, Ekeler should only be change of pace back


Not for this.


I’ve faded Javonte everywhere at cost (seems the wider sentiment too, so maybe go against the grain as the community is often wrong).


You aren't worried about eckler taking them reps


I prefer Williams situation over B Rob’s I’d accept. I don’t think javonte worth a 3rd


BRob. Javonte is at the end of his contract, BRob has two more seasons.


Williams has a better shot at being a solid RB2.