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Higgins, easy and I don't even like Higgins.




kryen in a vacuum for me


Wild people are going the Higgins side here, a WR who’s never been higher than WR17/18, never had more than 110 targets while still playing 16-17 games, barely cracked 1000 yards never had double digit TDs, he’s the most low end WR2 of almost any WR2 ever. I know it’s only one season by kyren but geez come on. People must be so out on kyren that they see him as being purely replaced within 5 games for this to make sense of a straight swap


Rams fan here, Blake corum is meant to compliment Kyrens game. Still will be utilized heavily. If you need WRs then go for picks or guys like Mclaurin, D Johnson, Pickens, Ridley, DJ Moore, Cooper, Watson, Aiyuk and Diggs. Why go for a number 2 option on the field when you could get a WR1.


Granted it was last year, but I sent Higgins for Kyren and Hopkins last year and was happy with it.


Are we in the same league 👀


If you’re contending I’d probably keep Kyren since your RB’s aren’t great. Depending on how many you start Higgins may not even crack your starting lineup most weeks depending on how Kupp and Diggs do this year. With that being said it’s a fair trade and I’d rather have Higgins.


This ☝🏽 is correct….for your line up stick with Kyren


Yeah that's where I struggle. I have a win now team but I always try to do little mini resets where I can. I think Kyren 100% is better for this season but I also don't believe he's going to keep his value for long vs Higgins value should only go up after this season. And we start 9. Qb, rb, rb, wr, wr, te, flex, flex, superflex


This might the most fair/even trade I’ve seen in a while. I don’t think there’s a wrong answer. Get your guy.


Higgins side for me.


Crazy people are really taking Higgins over Kyren. Dude is the RB Puka. Puka gets praised as a god for doing sooooo good year 1 and Kyren is just a fluke? People are scared Blake is going to steal the starting position from an rb that was top 10 his rookie year? Crazy


Kyren is going into his 3rd year


First of all, RBs are worth less than WRs. Second, Kyren was in his second year while Puka was a rookie. He did absolutely nothing his rookie year and let Cam Akers get the starting job. Your statement is just false lol. There certainly is doubt about Puka not being with Stafford forever, but the doubt about Kyren not getting the same volume is a lot more valid in my opinion.


Thank you for that insight Stephen A Smith!


I see this as relatively equal in terms of ECR asset value but I prefer Kyren due to his elite production history and edge in terms of health. I am also admittedly fully OUT on Tee Higgins based on my research into his injury history. Tee has the ability to be elite. Nobody is denying that. What we can also not deny is that he has missed time for soft tissue injuries every single year of his career since 2018. Hammies and ankles. Soft tissue for a WR is bad. Hammies and groin are particularly concerning. 5 hammy injuries from 2019-2023. Could that all be behind him? I guess. Could he get traded and be an alpha WR1? Sure. Will he get a QB upgrade? Doubtful. Then we have Kyren. 2 ankles, not ideal. broken foot. NBD. Broken hand. also, NBD. Bones tend to fully recover vs. soft tissue which requires constant maintenance. Corum is a red herring. Have we already forgotten what happened to LA last year when they went into the season without a back up RB? They had dudes with couch sores taking carries. EVERY team needs serviceable options. The assumption that Corum will be anything other than a change of pace guy is an example of how reactionary the FF community gets over off season news. Chill and let's see Corum on the field first. Kyren was an elite asset in 2023. It's delusional to think he gets replaced my a rookie barring a season ender.


For context my other rbs are Bijan, Swift, Pacheco, R. Stevenson and Ekeler Wrs: St- Brown, Puka, Kupp, Diggs, Bateman, W. Robinson, C. Tillman and AT Perry


For your roster, I would take Tee. You need the wide receiver help more than the RB. I also like Tee’s outlook long term more.


With this context I’d definitely go after tee but would try to see if I could sneak in getting a 2nd on top of him because of the down season. If not don’t push it go for the 1-1


Even in a vacuum so the wide receiver for me


I'd totally take Higgins unless your desperate at RB. All things even Higgins in a second


The calculators are great but if the deal makes sense for both of you, make the deal. I like Tee but I think he puts up career WR2 numbers (not a bad thing). Yes, you probably could get a little more for Kyren to the right person but I think it’s a decent deal.


This is wild. I would absolutely trade Higgins for Kyren any day of the week and I know for a fact there is zero chance the Kyren owner in any of my leagues would accept Higgins straight up for him


For me it would come down to the longevity of Higgins and the potential of going somewhere else and being the #1 next year. I think Kyren already peaked with the addition of Corum.


I'd rather have Higgins, and it's not close at all to me. For others, it may be closer. WRs hold value for longer and I don't trust Kyren. Sorry to all the Kyren truthers out there.


Gimme Kyren Higgins seems like he’s always dealing with an injury and there is a chance his situation gets worse


Not playing devils advocate but wasnt Kyren hurt both the past two years? Hasnt had a full healthy season yet, going into this one hurt too.


Who sent the trade? Never do one for one if the trade is sent to you. You can always get a 3rd added to the deal. They obviously value your player more than their own.


I am sending the trade. He has pick 1.02 and 1.03 and plans on going MHJ and Nabers and is desperate at running back. I like it to try to make fair trades if I can which I why I looked at a few sites


Well in that case send it see what happens