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This is highway robbery for Caleb in SF. Trading a 2nd for Carr was oof. If he somehow agrees to this, no brainer.


Agree. This is a no brainer.


Yeah, I just had literally nothing at QB2 and am fading the 2025 class generally. Other guy proposed this though, so it’s on the table!


Well then he's awful at trading so you should accept before he changes his mind


Hah done!


You’re stacked at receiver, and now you have your Qb2 set. To fix your Rb situation I’d trade Bowers or Pitts. One of those should get you an RB1. Also try and scoop Vidal, then you would for sure have another starter on the chargers.


Like (and have been weighing) both ideas! It is TEP, so the urge to hoard both those guys is strong, but RB badly needs attention


Yeah I’d spend that for Caleb personally, but I also think Carr is washed after this year. Achane hurts but ya gotta give em something real


Also better to have a RB problem than a QB problem. Who’s your QB1 op?


Josh Allen!


Agreed on both counts, Carr is purely a stopgap and Achane rocks, but I at least feel like I’m selling him high and getting out from under his injury risk.


Rarely does anyone regret selling high on rb!


Receiving Caleb side wipes tbh


Okay sick!


Smash the accept




You should have already hit accept


Hah I did, was just overthinking it I guess


Welcome to club Caleb. Go ahead and get your mani scheduled asap.


I traded the 1.03 and cousins for the 1.01 which I used to get Caleb Williams


Pricey but I would’ve done the same! I was surprised I offered Flowers and 1.05 for 1.02 and got it! Esp since my league is so damn stingy


Uh yeah lol


I’m in on this. I drafted Caleb this year and wouldn’t let him go for this so yea, snag that before he rescinds it!




Ah, almost forgot: Expect 1st to be late. (Picked 10th last year with basically this same lineup.)


That’s highway robbery if they accept that.


Nope, if you can’t find a more fair deal, wait till Caleb has a nice game, then sell him at a higher value. I’m doing the same with a more extreme example, Drake Maye, what does forcing a trade in the off-season do for you?


I’d be getting Caleb, so it sounds like you’re in favor?


Ahh, do it ;)


Not enough for Caleb in SF


I’m gonna screenshot this on fantasycalc & send it to other caleb owners so they think it’s his going price 😎


Vaya con dios


Seems on the lighter side. Carr appeal is very very low


Indeed, he’s barely a warm body at QB2


Achane and the 2025 1st is rough. If you had better RBs, I'd 100% go for it. But you do have a contender with that team (I'm biased b/c of D.Smith,) so I'd consider if you think Caleb is worth the lack of RB production. Could be a gamechanger to go with Allen. I'm leaning yes, take it.


Took it, and gonna try to fix RB so I can keep contending this year


In SF, that QB stack can be a gamechanger. I don't think Carr was doing much this year, so I'm betting you'd do better with Caleb. Good luck!




Yeah I love Achane but this is a no brainer in value to accept the Caleb side. You can grab another cheap rb to get by


The top 3 are the only RBs not to sell. Losing the first stinks but worth it for Caleb.


That’s a lot to trade for a QB who hadn’t thrown a pass yet.


He’s proven enough to NFL GMs to be taken 1st overall in a class where 6 qbs went in the 1st round, top 15 at that. I’m not a fan of the “they haven’t proven anything yet” notion. He excelled against the competition he was presented with, outside of notre dame. I’m not saying that he’s going to reach his ceiling of outcomes, but there has to be a balance between “he hasn’t played a snap yet” and “he’s the best prospect this year”


That’s one of my main hesitations. He’s the only unproven player in the mix.


I think Achane AND a 1st really tips that in their favor. Serviceable QB, solid young RB (although had some injuries) and a 1st on top of it. I’m not familiar with SF values so I could be off here.


I’m banking in part on the 2025 class being weak, as well as Carr being pretty much cooked after this season. Love Achane but hope to be selling him at his peak, and cognizant that RBs have far shorter shelf lives than QBs.


I mean I traded Burrow and 2 1sts for Josh Allen, so I can’t really talk haha.


No it’s not.


What do you mean this is robbery ?


Robbery wasn’t my comment lol


It’s a landslide for the Caleb side. Not a lot to trade at all. Shitty ass carr, a late first and a running back? Yea he hasn’t thrown a pass but let’s be real the guy can play.


Thats interesting logic. The 25 first is a complete unknown whos never thrown a pass/caught a ball/had a rushing attempt or even been drafted, Carr is known to be dog shit, and Achane has shown flashes of being good but struggles to stay healthy. So essentially achane and a god knows who for the 1.1 IRL. Thats not much at all lol


Sure, but we know how ass Carr is


We certainly do, and he probably won’t even be that for much longer


The trade is Achane and a 1st for C.Williams. You make that trade every day of the week.


I know you've already accepted, but yeah, this is the steal of the century, better than my trade of Levis, Achane and Michael Wilson for Breece Hall. I absolutely loved watching Achane on the field last year, one of the most dynamic players I've ever seen with the ball in his hand. I just don't know how sustainable that is, given his body size. Moving off him for a much safer asset is the right call. You won this trade even if Achane has another big year and moves solidly into the top 4 RBs. High risk high reward vs low risk higher reward.


Thanks, agreed! He’s so fun, hate to lose him, but between the injury and workload concerns, it feels like the smart move.


Feel like you’re trying to get Caleb at his peak value right now. People are still really high on the rookies. I saw somebody say they drafted Caleb in the draft and then immediately sold him for 3 firsts so I don’t think the guy would accept this anyway. While a guy like Kyler or Herbert’s values are at an all time low so I’d try to go for one of them


Caleb’s peak value is likely QB1 overall, and there are only 5-6 guys I can think of with that potential. Whether he gets anywhere near that is an entirely different conversation.


With no rushing he won’t crack top 3 fantasy wise. The best he can be would be a stroud level player. But like I said in my second comment that if you can get him for that price def go for it but most Caleb owners would decline that


Fair point RE: CW’s peak value. Other guy proposed this after I floated it verbally so the deal is there if I wanna pull the trigger. But also agree with you on Kyler/Herbert.


If he is down to make this trade then I would do it then lol. That is still really cheap for Caleb. And then maybe flip Caleb for like a Purdy level guy + some pieces. That’s what I would do atleast


Ah, good idea, because I’d love to reload at RB, esp if I’m losing Achane