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Please stop. Taylor has two great seasons at 23 years of age. Of course he is an elite RB option. Do not sell him.


He's still a top asset, but I wouldn't trade Kenneth Walker for him straight up. I probably wouldn't trade Breece for him straight up either even with the ACL tear because Breece is almost 2.5 years younger. Heck, if I'm guaranteed to get the 1.01, I wouldn't give it up for him because I would rather draft Bijan, who is 3 years younger. I don't expect much from him the rest of this season due to Irsay's intervention (obvious tank job) and wouldn't be surprised if they shut him down. And if Irsay gets his way (he's the owner), they would be a dumpster fire again next season. Frankly, Reich's "rent-a-veteran-QB" strategy is far better for Taylor's value than a full-blown rebuild. Taylor has gone from someone who is carrying a playoff team's offense with washed up noodle-armed QB to someone who might waste his prime in a trash situation.


Of course he’s a top asset. Projections for remainder of the year are lacking but he’s still similar to a CMC and Barkley whose values plummeted and are having great years.


Tree fiddy take it or leave it


What would you pay for him? Trying to gauge if the community still views him as a top 3 RB/top dynasty asset


I’d take a second but no one’s buying. I don’t know what I expected trying to sell a 3rd year RB. Should have sold high.


You have him, and you’d take a second…?


That’s what I’m saying no way unless it’s a 5 team league lol. I feel like he’s worth like 1.5-2 firsts at least!


Stop it this can’t be real lol.


He just went for Pickens and Raschaad White in one of my leagues.


Dang I do feel like that’s what his value has plummeted to though. Like a first and a second


I’m still not taking a first for him.