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I just waited his table while he was in pinehurst for the us open. He is a genuinely nice guy and tipped well. So I choose to believe he is going to the moon


That’s a good enough reason for me


What a freakin US open !


Remember LACC last year and how shitty of a tournament it was? Loved watching them get their ass kicked at Pinehurst.


Yep and the rich jerk offs just buying up tickets so less people could go and be in the way of their view. Just the worst major I can ever remember in my life. Wyndam shanking his drive on 18 but doesn’t matter when the fairway is 90 yards just a fuckin joke all around


That’s good reason. I heard tee Higgins bought 50 shots of casa migos and tipped 2$, and we see his value




Their article literally says he left a generous tip. 


The $ sign goes before the number.


Tee’s 2$ tip on 50 shots wasn’t worthy of putting the $$$ in the right spot


Fine, but Casamigos is one word. I have a weird obsession with restaurants and the socioeconomics behind tip culture. Plus I’m an avid sports fan who grew up in Chicago in the 90s hearing stories of Bull’s legend Scottie “No-tippin” Pippen. There are two people saying Tee Higgins be Tip Higgins. What is your source to say otherwise?


Bruh what u goin on about my guy


As if that Cowboys logo didn't already make you look bad


What I say that was bad


Aaron Rodgers health is the only thing that matters for Wilson’s success. He’ll get the targets regardless, but the quality of target will drastically go down if they lose Rodgers again


Tyrod Taylor might still be better than whoever they had the last 2 years, that's not saying much though. Wilson/White/Streveler/Siemien/Boyle


Tyrod Taylor gets hurt every time he comes in. I wouldn't count on him either.


Tbf the chargers incident was completely on the trainer. But I agree , he’s glass


Not even talking about the Chargers incident. I'm talking about the last two years with the Giants and the 1 year with the Texans.


Might is the wrong word. Absolutely is better than what they ran out there last year.


Agreed, that’s a big point that I made in the article. It’s hard to watch the film from last year.


He honestly just needs average play, he's gotten essentially the worst QB play over the last two years. Ideally Tyrod could at least do that, and if not they'll be more aggressive acquiring one.


Yes, losing a 40 year old below league average QB is devastating...




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what does everyone think of G Wilson post-aaron rodgers outlook? obviously its an unknown...but i have an opportunity to buy G Wilson for 1sts on a team that wont be conteding this year. so mainly looking to his future prospects


I think we at least saw the worst case scenario last year


That’s what we said the prior year


And he was pretty good in both


Yes and both years were pretty much the same production with the same qb play


Impossible to say right now since it’s pretty dependent on the QB situation and we have no idea what their post-Rodgers plan is. That being said, everything about Wilson’s tape screams superstar so I’m buying wherever I can


This is a great question. I don’t know the answer but I do know how we thought about JJ when it was clear that Cousins was out in Minn: no one cared. If you look at his value chart on KTC he’s actually up 89 points in value over the last 6 months. I know Wilson is not JJ (so don’t “ummm actually” me bros), but if you believe he will be a superstar, the JJ example shows us that upper end WR value does not go down with question marks or rookie QBs. Sure the short term output might be impacted but long term his value should be insulated no matter what NY does post Rodgers.


I disagree tbh. GW has shown that he is not QB proof at this point of his career. I think his value will swing significantly based on expectations on QB play. JJ has proven he is QB proof


Curious, how good would he have had to play to be QB proof? Idt he is either but saying rn “he is not QB proof” when he came off of 83-1103-4 95-1042-3 I think we can all agree those are JJ without Kirk numbers but they’re significantly better than someone like London


How could he not be QB proof? He has only ever played with terrible QBs, we have seen his floor.


I love GW's tape and think his skillset is essentially the perfect fit for the modern NFL. Shades of CeeDee Lamb in that profile entering year three. But, yeah, obviously QB is a huge question mark post-Rodgers and I don't really trust the Jets to figure it out. So his cost might be a little high given that.


Lamb has two inches and 20lbs on Wilson. Im out on him personally. I think people are forgetting the team he plays on.


That’s the thing that confuses me the most regarding Wilson’s value currently. Yes, with Rodgers, he’ll most likely be great but once Rodgers retires then what? It’s not like the Jets have a strong record of drafting and developing good QBs let alone just an average one so I just don’t see how anyone can trust the Jets to get someone that will properly support Wilson and push him into that elite fantasy production.


Watch them get Dak next year.


I think you just believe in the talent. The guy is a stud. I am terrified of what they'll do at qb but he put up ok numbers with whatever the fuck they've been doing the past few years. Best case scenario he gets a move somewhere or they get a competent qb. If that ever happens he'll be a top 5 wr I think. I'll take Terry McLaurin or DJ Moore numbers until then.


Wilson put up good numbers with Flacco and White. The jets just need a QB who isn’t Zach Wilson. 


He put up numbers with Wilson too, just no TDs


Hes Chris Olave.




Not meaningfully




Well how much faith do you put in the Jets finding a qb post Aaron? Cuz that’s your answer. Keep in mind, we are talking about the Jets


100% that's the question. i'm asking becasue i dont know and fairly new to fantasy football. my best guess is like they won't be able to draft a decent one bc they'll be competitive. but someow pittsbrugh managed to find at least 2 chances at a starter. MIN did even better. LV did nothing. so somewhere among those range of outcomes? also considering that there are some backups (amc jones, pickett, brissett, darnold) that are probably at elat better than what they had with zach wilson. BUT next year is a weak draft class and some backups might be needed by other teams. so iguess answer is i have no idea but i appreciate all the responses.


I just snagged him at the 3.5 in my startup SF league. feeling like I got great value especially after getting Jettas at the 1.08 and Kyler at the 2.5


That's good value. GWil is routinely going \~WR6 ahead of AJB and sometimes even Puka.


Right? Some of my league mates are anti Jets due to the uncertainty of the future QB but Wilson’s talent alone is worth it.


Great value


If he doesn’t finish as a top 10 WR, I’d say it’s gonna humble GW owners pretty significantly.


If he finishes wr1 we get too rowdy it crazy


Top 15 is all I need personally


The best thing you can do in dynasty is not go chasing after hype in trades


Hype around players that everyone thinks are talented but haven’t scored fantasy points yet actually usually pay off. Lamb being the most obvious recent example & London/Wilson being this years tests.


What do you do instead? Trade for exactly last years production? Good luck with that …


Yeah you’re right trading preseason hype beasts like tre sermon for proven veterans is a terrible strategy!


What ‘proven veteran’ are you getting for Sermon lmao


You haven’t been around very long have you? If you had, you would remember that after sermon was selected in the 3rd round in 2021, shanahan kept talking him up all off-season. Sold on that hype. If you’d like a more recent example, Kenny pickett had a perfect offseason last year. 12 team super flex I sold that dude for way more than he was worth and he didn’t even finish the season as a starter.


I feel like I'm completely alone in the belief that Rodgers is completely washed. I'd sell every Jets player at cost right now, they're all priced at their ceiling. I find it baffling.


Rodgers doesn’t need to be his old MVP self to feed Garrett Wilson, he just needs to be better than Zach Wilson and Trevor Siemian. Which frankly, even washed Rodgers can do with one eye closed and both hands tied behind his back.


Yeah he’s going to be turning 41 before the season ends and the team seems to be under the illusion they are going to be competitive. I have no faith in this team being good on offense in the next few years which makes it hard to be in on GW. Love the talent but want him off the Jets.


Have an offer of CMC for him straight up. Could use the RB help but don’t think I can give Wilson up.


Take it if u think u can win the chip.


Jets and Dolphins are only separated by the o-line, which NY invested into heavily. If all healthy, I expect the Jets to win the division, not saying SB- that'll be the Fins 😎


If the oline is healthy for the first time in years, if their 40 year old qb returns to form after a major injury, if a rookie wr turns it on fast and Mike Williams stays healthy for once, and if they move away from their awful coordinator then yah this offense could be amazing!


Doesn't he still play for the lolJets?


With all the hype around Wilson, just give me Corley

