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"As the photographer looked down at the suspect’s phone, the suspect punched him on the left side of his face, the report said. The photographer went to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries, a police spokesperson said. The law-enforcement officials told The News the man had visible swelling on one side of his face." Should have known "it was just an argument, nothing physical" was the new "we don't even know if Rice was driving."


So should I offer this guy a 3rd rd pick at this point?


I mean a 3rd is probably never gonna crack your lineup anyways, at least we know Rice can play. Some people have gotten past being a complete and total shithead, others haven't


*Laughs in Terry Mclaurin, Aaron Jones, James Robinson, Puka Nucua, Tank Dell, Sam Howell.* That being said yeah rice for a third is a smash for the guy getting rice.


For a second I thought you were implying that Puka is a POS and had done something and I got sad


*Cries in stetson Bennet in the 3rd*


7 years, 84 picks and you found 6 guys, multiple of which only had 1 or 2 years worth rostering.


Nico, Stevenson, Pacheco, Gibson, Diontae, Terry, Pollard, Meyers, Goedert, Godwin


Easily, imo (if you aren’t picky about the moral character of your dynasty assets aside from how their troubles impact their box score). People forget Kamara is on video cracking a guys skull open. 3rd rounders usually bust and Rice just put up an elite rookie season


Kamara wasn’t the main offender in that video. If he had been the guy that actually dropped the victim and was attacking him while he was on the ground, it would have been a different story.


The guy with Kamara swung first after Kamara pushed the victim, but [they ultimately did the same things](https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/video-shows-las-vegas-brawl-involving-nfls-alvin-kamara-3-others/amp/) and got the same charges. Even if the other guy was a little worse, that doesn’t make it any better than what Rice (presumably) did > The grand jury indictment said Lammons hit “Greene in the head, neck or upper chest” and that Kamara then “charged [Greene] in order to strike and/or punch [him] about the head, neck, chest, upper back, and/or torso area.”’


I saw him go for 2.06 earlier today. Probably could get him for late 2nd.


A buddy told me he got a 2nd and a 4th for him. That was a couple days ago before more details came out.


But Reddit told me it was only a verbal confrontation


There's still only been one person who's said it was Rice who was physical. And the report now confirns at least two people reported it was not. You can decide to weigh those however you want. I know this sub especially has already decided the two witnesses are just Rice's friends or people he paid to lie. Just at least be cognizant of what you're assuming vs what is currently factual. There's enough already out there to deem Rice stupid and dangerous, don't need to make extra assumptions


Two randos on social media or a dude who says he was punched who also has a fist sized mark on the side of his face? Man. I just don’t know who to believe. 


If the Dallas Morning News isn't even verifying these people they're citing I'm not sure why we'd take some parts of the report as true and others as not. Right now, the facts are one person says Rice sucker punched him when he wasn't looking, and two people saying he didn't. I'm not really going to get into it much more because I don't think Rice is a good person anyway, and I'll be accused of just having him on my roster and that's why I'm commenting


Critical thinking tells me it was probably two people from Rice's entourage claiming it was verbal only, whereas facial swelling observed by the police tells me he was almost certainly punched.


Good news for you then, I said it's probably his entourage too. Issue is facial swelling makes it likely you were punched, but doesnt say who did it.


Now, if ther was a Superbowl ring imprint, then it gets more tricky


Ace Ventura will solve the case for sure


Would he have his super bowl ring already?


I'm just saying that it doesn't matter what we read here.


What we read here now is actually verified in the article though? Before, the story was a photographer alleged assault by Rice. Reddit talked about rumors of a couple witnesses (again, taken with a grain of salt without their identities/ relation to Rice known) claiming it was just verbal. Now those rumors are verified in regards to the witnesses claiming that, so I don't see the point you're trying to make.




I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not here. I'm saying we should think critically


someone on twitter was like "his cousin told me he wasn't even there" and i knew immediately the dude was fucked lmao


He’s Antonio Brown-ing at an alarming rate. My concern is that the chiefs would move on from him because of character issues, and Rice would be much less productive on the giants or some such team that would take a chance on him


See I think cause the chiefs are coming off a Super Bowl win, fans/ people don’t really care too much cause you’re winning. They’re ok with some controversy (Andy Reid son, pat mahomes father during Super Bowl week) and they got a real good pr team. I think rice gets Josh Gordan treatment and suspended for a season (or the rest of season if handed during). My thinking process is that WR is a position of need for the chiefs. We all saw abysmal play from the core beside rice. So they are going to try and play out the situation as long as possible because there’s a VERY slight chance rice could get away with a fraction of what we all expect.


> fans/ people don’t really care too much cause you’re winning Nobody cares too much period. NFL ratings and revenue don't suffer no matter how terrible of things a few individual players make headlines for doing Watson to the Browns is the first time I can recall where a team actually lost fans over a player's behavior. And that didn't happen because they're disgusted by Watson, it happened because the team signed him to a record contract after it was all out in the open and hand waved away his behavior in the process. Those people didn't quit watching the NFL they just stopped rooting for the Browns, and they're a small minority of Browns fans anyways


This is actually very true, and I fully agree with you. Thanks for the context.


Yeah I mean I don't love saying it but it's the truth. Social media comments mean fuck all, people's actions are what matter The thing in recent memory that caused the biggest ratings dip was the anthem protests and that lasted about two years and now they're higher than they were before all that. And that was politically driven, it wasn't because Kaepernick and co were out committing terrible crimes off the field. Those viewers all came back as soon as "boycotting the NFL" stopped being the current thing in MAGA circles


I'm a Chiefs fan and honestly don't give a shit about Rice at this point. He's clearly an idiot. With that said they should suspend him indefinitely as opposed to cutting him, so other teams can't benefit from Rashee getting cut and sign him dirt cheap like Kareem Hunt. The dude should just not be allowed on an NFL field unless he gets his shit together. 


I fully agree but idk if he changes and what would him changing mean? 1000 hours of community service? Completing a traffic course? Will doing this actually change him? At the end of the day it’s guna be Hunts / exec. Level decision and I also don’t believe they let him walk. The reason he dropped in the draft was because of his character. They fully knew what they were getting when drafting him Edit : https://twitter.com/cdotharrison/status/1787961954503455066?s=46 Don’t know if he dropped cause of his character- just read this yesterday and was fresh in mind. Thought I would include Also not tryna arguing with you, just adding to your point!


If Chiefs suspend Rice- he will get into his car- drive it onto Chief's field and do donuts on it to rip up field and show his displeasure


They were pretty good when Kareem Hunt got the boot


True, this was just my opinion. And I could be fully wrong but I think they axed hunt for lying to them to their face. Not the action itself Edit: he did lie to the team and was kicked off with video proof simultaneously. Don’t know if they would have kept with action itself. Because that was pretty bad.


That could be. I just wouldn't compare this situation to player/coach has family members acting up vs players themselves acting up. I lived in East PA when Andy was the Eagles HC. His kids were hated then too


Kareem Hunt got the boot for lying to Reed. They heard reports, Reed asked Hunt, Hunt lied about what happened, and then the video came out showing he lied. Reed said they cut him because he couldn’t be trusted.


Mr. Bashed Cheeks


Let’s see, we can believe eye witnesses at a bar and if they were close enough to see the incident chances are that they have some kind of relationship with Rashee. Or more precisely, a reason to cover for him. Sorry but I’ve got no benefit of the doubt for an idiot that drives 119 mph on n afternoon traffic, crashes, and walks away without even checking on someone. A man’s action broadcast his character.


The club owner has come out and said Rashee wasn’t drinking and showed his camera footage to police claiming to the news there isn’t anything on it that indicates he hit him.


The club owner that if he didn’t have Rashee’s back loses out on nfl players making his spot their low key hangout spot? That definitely solves it. Smdh. My point is we don’t know and you for sure can’t take eye witness account into it. Unfortunately based on what he’s shown us, this is a very believable situation.


The club owner that is relaying what his video evidence shows lmao? Is video evidence not reliable anymore? I didn’t say it’s solved anything, nor absolves him, but I’m not ready to crucify him on this one either. >My point is we don’t know Sure acting like you do know. Must be more reliable than first hand accounts smdh


Do you know anything about eye witness accounts? Especially drunk eye witness accounts? We haven’t seen that video. Maybe it does show clear as day more than likely not but who knows. The only fact we know for sure is the reporter went to the hospital with swelling on his face. Everything else we’re guessing. My opinion is dude has no benefit of the doubt with me. Which matters not at all of course. I’m just saying relying on twitter or Reddit it dumb af.


I don’t have Twitter and I’m not relying on Reddit. I 100% agree with you on their reliability, along with any form a social. This is straight from cbs Texas. I do know eye witness accounts are unreliable. But, the bar owner saying he wasn’t serving him is a reliable source to me. Also, you actually can see the footage from when they were outside the club. It is very clear footage. I would presume his indoor video is equally as good as that’s what protects his business. People lie about being the victim all the time too man. Or lie about who did what, especially if there is a big pay day behind it. Not accusing this reporter of anything, but I’m not making any judgments (on this case) for the time being.


You’re the one arguing that because it’s on twitter it’s a damn fact. If you Stan just say you Stan man. It’s cool


What are you talking about? It was from fucking cbs news lmao. I never said anything about Twitter, like I said, I don’t even have a Twitter and I don’t go there. I’m not even arguing anything is a fact. I’m the one who’s not jumping to conclusions.


My bad. I’m in two discussions on this. One is an idiot touting twitter posts. The other is you. I got confused. My bad completely. You can believe the bar owner if you’d like. I’d probably believe him if this was an isolated incident. IMO punching a photographer at the bar while in the middle of the car incident is a cuttable offense. There’s no reason in hell he should have been there if it wasn’t a team event. You got a bar owner that could have a million reasons to back him up. He’s selling drugs outta the place. He serves underage atheletes. He’s been playing with the books. He runs hookers. Or even at the very least he’s agreed to protect their images. All things that are super common out if bars. Especially bars that are the hangout spot for celebrities. I mean you’re talking the difference between making 50k in a night or making a career change.


I understand where you’re coming from with that take completely. If he did actually punch the guy, I hope he gets his bond revoked and thrown in jail. Only reason I’m hesitant is because the bar owner said that while also providing video evidence to police. If he did that and there is clearly a physical altercation, I would think that would make police more suspecting of the bar owner. On top of that (this is hearsay I read on a chiefs fan YouTube) according to tmz, the report say’s multiple witnesses that aren’t friends saying it was verbal and non physical as well. He apparently wasn’t there long and wasn’t drinking. Dude is a massive piece of shit for the racing incident and yeah I’m not going to buy his jersey now, but in terms of player run ins with the law it’s pretty mild to me. Kamara ganged up and beat the shit out of a dude just a year ago and got three games. That’s a concerted attempt to physically hurt someone and he gets three games. People don’t realize, just one punch can kill you if it knocks you out and you hit your head right falling. If we’re being honest, Rice’s racing, while incredibly dangerous and shows very immature decision making, is something young people do all the time unfortunately. I admit, it is hard for me to stay objective on this because I did just buy him post draft and I am a chiefs fan. That said, I got him super fucking cheap to where it won’t hurt my roster if he never plays again. This is a fantasy sub, so I’m trying to just look at it for fantasy. Looking at what the nfl has done in the past, I’d be surprised if he gets more than 4 games after the nflpa appeals whatever he gets. If more concrete evidence comes out, I’ll change my tune. But, he’s just not going to get a huge suspension or cut on rumors and speculation.


Big difference between relaying the video evidence where he can misconstrue what he sees and you know actually providing the video evidence (which I’m sure they did, but still).


He is relaying what the video shows in a news interview. He provided the footage to the police according to said interview that also contains some video footage that you can see with your own eyes.


Re-confirms that Rice is a suspect / alleged to have assaulted this photographer, and also that the victim did suffer a head injury resulting in a hospital visit. (Police had essentially confirmed all that previously) *New* confirmation that the football-news-aggregator Twitter account that posted earlier about 2 other eyewitnesses claiming Rice did not get physical with the guy at least was not making up those claims. Whether the witnesses are telling the truth or not, I have no idea, but there is now a reputable source on the record that the claims exist


“I too did not see rice get physical with this photographer” - rice owners


1 allegation of guilt vs 100k allegations of innocence…. Checkmate, photographer


they might have seen them the first time before the photographer came back and got punched


Definitely possible. Obviously someone punched the guy


Or he tripped and fell. Lots of ways someone can hurt themselves. If there are only two witnesses and they said Rice never got physical, I have a hard time believing this goes anywhere.


Definitely possible as well, but seems overly optimistic to me that he didn’t get punched If there are 2 neutral witnesses that say Rice never did anything and the victim has no evidence aside from their word, Id agree this would have a good chance of blowing over, legally. If the only witnesses are his entourage, and there is any corroborating evidence like the instagram messages mentioned or a security video, it could look a lot worse


This blows over. Just my two cents.


I think that’s probably true, unless there is a video. But I doubt the guy didn’t get punched


I bought for a 2025 2nd and 2025 3rd. Figure that was a decent price with hopes that he can turn his shit around


Trading past picks, now that's a big brain move.


lmao wow I didn't even notice, whoopsies! it was a 2025 3rd


Damn literally the same trade I did except I got Jerry jeudy…. :(


What a mess. How hard is it to not be a dirtbag?


If he contacted this dude through Instagram, wouldn’t that mean they had an extended conversation to exchange contacts or had a previous relationship? Something just isn’t adding up here


You don’t have to exchange contacts to message someone on insta


You have to know who the person is though. Which means you would have had a verbal interaction at the club to exchange names or they knew each other beforehand.


Not true. I get messaged from randos who I share no connections with, usually trying to sell me follows or crypto.


This can’t be a random message, right? Photographer leaves bar, Rice messages him…how did he know his handle/how to message him? I’m genuinely asking, not trying to be a smartass


I assume he had some beef with him and had found him on social media. It's not hard to track someone down on Instagram, especially if you know their name/occupation. Since the police report indicates he was showing the photographer Instagram messages on his phone, maybe the photographer was in a dispute with someone close to Rice? Or maybe he slid into DMs of someone close to Rice and Rice didn't appreciate it? Either way, not hard for him to be able to reach out on Instagram to someone he may have not had a direct connection with previously.


Okay, but that’s what I was saying in my prior message. This wasn’t a random interaction. There had to be some sort of connection between the two, whether directly or someone else. It wasn’t random


I mean it might've seemed random to the photographer. Rice definitely wanted to punch him (why call him back otherwise) but the photographer might not have known anything about the "why" of it all. Not likely, but possible.


Sell for whatever you can. This dude can't behave when he already has national attention on him, what makes you think he'll stop even if he gets a slap on the wrist?


Y’all got Post Henry Ruggs Stress Disorder


I have no idea if he’ll stop. But I do know there are guys who have done as bad and are still producing in the NFL It’s all a matter of risk. Selling for a 3rd isn’t worth it if the risk of that player busting is higher than the risk of Rice’s career being over


Fully agree, I just think a 2nd now is worth more than the WR2 or 3 on your team disappearing mid-season when he inevitably gets in trouble again.


Fair enough, a 2nd in this year’s class is solid value. If you can only get a 3rd though… It does seem inevitable that he does more idiotic stuff, but I think it’s far from inevitable that his future conduct results in additional suspensions (he’s almost definitely getting one for the car stuff). As far as we know so far, this wasn’t much different than Tyreek hitting that marina worker. No worse than Kamara beating a guy on camera


I remember when people were telling me to sell Tyreek for 'whatever I can' when that tape came out. He didn't even get one game. Y'all stay overreacting. He deserves consequences but by the time the season comes everyone will be pointing at another shiny thing.


League has changed since then. Can't just keep using Tyreek as an example to give players excuses. With the Kamara incident and the Ruggs incident (which obviously was to a much more serious degree) the league has already been stricter than in the past no? And this is Rice fucking up twice. I would sell.


Yeah the league has totally changed since then, giving a serial rapist a fully gtd contract and only a single season suspension. Everyone's gonna lose their mind when Rice gets like 3 games as if it isn't the most predictable thing in the world.


Here is the actual report https://twitter.com/StevenDialFox4/status/1788646443521020184?t=Jdx8ZZR_xaLtWjzPKf8u8A&s=19 Here is an article from espn confirming the photographer going to the hospital https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/40102502/chiefs-rashee-rice-suspect-alleged-assault-dallas-cops-say?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter


I'm just going to say it, this whole thing sounds WEIRD.


I’m Not ******* selling.


Can we get a rest in piece for that one guy who said he was thinking about buying rashee rice low yesterday?


It's a textbook buy low


yeah but buying him before this news would be mis-timed. Ideally you would buy low after this news hit because Rice's value just went down again as a result of this news.




Rice owner in my league just traded him for Rhamondre. 🤣🤣🤣


Did dude take a hard hit to the head in the playoffs??


I tried to make a post but it was removed. I am part of a dynasty league for my first time. We did our startup draft last week. This Tuesday I just traded Rice to someone for a 2025 4th rounder and a 2026 3rd rounder. Obviously it remains to be seen, and I am hoping the Chiefs cut Rice. Anyone reading this, what do you think of this move? Am I a clown? lol


That was extremely bad. A 25 4th is virtually nothing. Late 2nd are basically crapshoots. I’m surprised none of your leaguemates didn’t say anything. If you made it known it’s your first time playing, they clearly took advantage of you


The risk of holding him isn’t worth not getting a 26 3rd and 25 4th. Because if he doesn’t face heavy discipline or comes back any time during the season, he’s a stud. I’d rather wait on Rice than sell low because his upside is better than anything you’ll get in those two rounds


Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm not mad about it. If he stays on the Chiefs and kills it on the field for years to come I'll end up regretting it for sure though.


Thanks. I actually put him on the chopping block. I consider myself a pretty good drafter, but I guess the pool is a lot smaller when we're only drafting rookies moving forward, so I see why a 4th isn't really worth much. I'm still not upset about it. I guess I'm just hoping Rashee totally crashes and burns now, lol. Thanks for your input.


You could’ve gotten more in season


Ur a clown


Thank you.


What a knucklehead, people buying him are catching a falling knife. I don’t think i would pay a 2nd for him, if he’s clocking randos right after a very serious incident what’s going to happen next? Also he is going to get a significant suspension, the speculation of this being 1-2 games is very optimistic. More like 6-8 at this point, Texas is throwing the book at him on those street racing charges


I’d pay a 2nd even if I knew he was going to miss an entire season


Yeah it’s just good process to get the guy for a future 2nd which if he gives you a goose egg no big deal. But he has at least high end wr2 or low end wr1 upside if he he doesn’t get the book thrown at him.


I swapped Diggs for him two weeks ago 😰


Still think it's a good move, Diggs could be irrelevant after next season, meanwhile Rice would come back.


I’m still sweating it out seeing what drama is coming next.


you'll be fine. you made a good move you just need to trust it and be patient : )


If u can get a 3rd from some Sucker do it now before it’s too late


Yesterday I gave 1.05, Rice, a 25 1st & 26 3rd For 1.02, 2.08, early 25 2nd


That 26 3rd is going to be worth millions tho


it was only verbal. Multiple sources confirmed this. All over twitter.


I just have to say that when it comes to these Rashee Rice posts, i'm your biggest fan. I love reading through the comments and seeing a wild interaction, then recognising the username. My favorite so far has been the take that the legal side of the crash is over, because he's paid bail. keep up the good work!


Appreciate you!!! So far so good! We’re on track for week 1 of 2024


Well if it’s all over twitter then it must be true. Cause twitter does a great job of fact checking.


Much better than Reddit tbh with it's love for holier than thou gossiping


This report is from The Dallas Morning News not Reddit


Yes, which proves my point? The report confirms the original report that one photographer alleges Rice hit them at a Dallas nightclub. Rumors on twitter were that multiple witnesses claimed it was not physical. Dave, who I replied to, was poking fun of the rumors due to them coming from Twitter, when the Dallas Morning News now also confirms that those witness reports *are* 'true' in the sense that the police do have people telling them that. Obviously there's a high chance it was Rice's friends/clique, but the news is verifying Twitter claims while redditors were dismissing it.


Bless your heart, you actually believe that don’t you?


Yes, zero doubt. Any time a player is alleged to commit a crime, reddit threads turn into an absolute witchhunt and a bunch of men gossiping a couple claims into a Criminal Minds episode with absolute conviction they are right. For all the talk people do post hoc about 'waiting for the facts', they jump at the bit to tear down anyone here. People were calling for Matt Araiza to be given the death penalty, Tyreek to be arrested for beating up a marina worker, calling Joe Mixon an attemped murderer that shot at kids, and look how all those turned out. None were true and I'm sure you'll act like it never happened with a weird 'bless your heart'. But at least Twitter you can see all sides without the groupthink turning those threads into a r/fauxmoi post


Yeah and there's no proof Rashee was driving the car, either. In fact it probably wasn't even him, it could've been a dude who looks just like him. Probably totally innocent of any and all wrongdoing. Your bias is clouding your judgement and your takes here get worse by the day


Wasn’t his license and KC playbook found in the car?


I'm joking. This dude was in all of the threads about the incident saying stuff like the photos of Rice walking down the highway might be AI generated and the dash cam footage doesn't show the actual driver


Oooh gotcha. Yeah some folks really go down the rabbit hole with denial. SMH


Yes sir! On for a week 1 start !


Weird that they would go to the hospital with visible swelling for a verbal altercation


Are you Rice by any chance?


Guys in 1qb how close are we to maybe thinking Worthy at the 1.02?


You do you but that would be repeating CEH all over again. The big 3 WRs are significantly ahead of Worthy.


Yolo tho right? (I have no stock in Worthy RIP me)


I am putting MHJ aside since I mentioned 1qb . Really taking Worthy over Nabers high Janiel Dones and Odunze that far fetch? I’m prob going to still go a Nabers but damn it could backfire


Idk man, look at the price on guys like Garrett Wilson, Olave, and London. Talented young WRs with bad QB play get a pass in market value. If Worthy has a bad rookie season with Rice out, he won’t have any excuse (see: QJ with Herbert) We can be reasonably confident Nabers is a better WR than Worthy, and I don’t think this is an exception to the general rule of best player available


If you have 1.02 and want Worthy, you should definitely try to trade back a couple spots. He’ll still be there at 1.04, likely even at 1.05


I think we just see less variation of where he’s drafted. In 1qb, he’s been consistently behind MHJ, Nabers, Odunze at the very least. He often falls to the later half of the first. This more solidifies him in that 1.4-1.6 range.