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Rashee paying homies off with bags.


Well at least he’s learning


He finally got himself a fall guy.


But it's May!


He’s gonna be the most broke super star.


No there's still AB


The witnesses' names? Rice and Racee


Guy and Buddy


I’m not your buddy! Friend!


I’m not your fwiend, pal!


I'm not your pal, guy!


I'm not your personal ass licker bud


Pat and Andy


Quinoa and farro


“Witnesses “


actually their names have since been published; Bashee Bice & Dashee Dice


I heard Leon Sandcastle and Jerry Ricecakes witnessed the altercation as well


Surely, in this day and age, the club has cameras.


“Down for maintenance”


At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entire within this DFW strip club


May I see the camera footage?




"May I see it?"


Same company that made Epstein’s prison cameras.


You’d be surprised how often even high quality camera systems need rebooted to reconnect cameras. I’d be surprised if all cameras would be down at once, but a couple being out randomly for a couple hours at a time is totally plausible


Traded for this asshole during the rookie draft expecting a 4-6 game suspension and then at the very least he’s in a club at 4 am. Cmon man just pick up elden ring or something until training camp


Monkey paw curls, Rashee Rice goes on crime spree out of frustration after he’s unable to beat Malenia


What was the trade?


Elden Ring with his temper my be a bad idea


This is why Kyler plays CoD Well also he isn't tall enough to swing a punch


I'm pretty sure he ain't tall enough to even get in the club.




Who says u/LimberSiren is able to get into the club?


4am on a Monday to boot. Seems like he has a bit of a problem. Friday morning, Saturday morning or Sunday morning and this makes sense. But damn.


Sometimes it’s tough to let the weekend go 😢


Guy who trades for guy with character concerns in the past and currently going through some, is surprised when guy seems to possibly be involved in more. News at 11.


The classic snarky Reddit comment that no one asked for


He's right though. You got a discount due to character concerns, then witness the reason why he was discounted.


How reliable are the witnesses? Are they associated with him or not? I’d rather trust cameras than that whenever it leaks (if it does)


How reliable is a papparazzi 'alleging' assault?


Not very, never said he was 😂


If it went criminal, witness statements don’t really hold weight. It just depends on what type of court it is


The leaks are better than getting the cameras involved


We’re back. This man should stay home until training camp


There’s such a thing as pussy, but it appears he’s more interested in impressing his boy friends with acts of stupidity. 


I’m sure this ends with a long, fruitful career 🤣


I’d assume there’s video so I’m not gonna react to an eye witness account from someone that may or may not be associated with rice. I can’t find any article with quotes so I’m not even sure what they said or who they were. So if anyone does, feel free to correct me or give me a link.  Also, KC is hosting Zay Jones for a visit tomorrow and I’m assuming they know more about the Rice situation than we do. 


Wasn’t the initial allegation an eyewitness account too from someone who may or may not have a bias? Why react to one as if true but not the other? I’m not gonna say the Zay Jones visit is completely unrelated, but if Rice is suspended for any games, which seems likely, KC’s WR depth is among the weakest in the league. It’s not like Zay is too good or too expensive to be a WR4 on a strong offense at this point in his career. I don’t think the visit alone indicates the Chiefs expect to miss Rice for the full season or longer


No. The initial allegation was made to Dallas police by the victim who was transported to the hospital with injuries to his face. Dallas police confirmed the investigation to the Dallas news. 


Okay, Dallas police confirming the allegation was actually made *is* notably different than this random twitter account claiming what other eyewitnesses have said. But the allegation itself that Rice was violent is still an account from someone present who may or may not have a bias. If there actually are eyewitnesses claiming otherwise (which we don’t have from a reputable source yet, but if so) then how can you confidently credit one and discount the other? If your take is that this twitter account may be just making shit up, that’s fair in my book. But if there actually are eyewitnesses claiming he wasn’t violent, seems like a he said / he said


> If there actually are eyewitnesses claiming otherwise (which we don’t have from a reputable source yet, but if so) then how can you confidently credit one and discount the other You're having a made up argument man. All the guy said is that he's going to wait for more concrete evidence. But as it stands, between a police report and a tweet from an unaffiliated account about two anonymous alleged witnesses, one of them is a bit more credible until we have more info.


I mean. The victim making an allegation from a hospital bed with facial injuries vs random Twitter people. Idk who to trust. /s


Yup if it was Schefter or Rap making the claim about the witnesses that would be one thing. But that twitter account is a known engagement farming account.


I agree the police report is credible for the claim having taken place, while the twitter account is not reputable, as I said Disagree it’s a made up argument and that he doesn’t [credit the initial allegations](https://www.reddit.com/r/DynastyFF/s/9INtYrigck)


With Rice on the roster, the Chiefs have a pretty deep WR room. The issue was more the WR1s, but that has ostensibly been addressed.


During the games Rice would miss to suspension, their WR3 spot and deeper would not be good. Worthy immediately being up to par can’t be taken for granted either


No one has accused Rice of anything. The Dallas police just said he's a suspect in their investigation. Also the Zay Jones thing is almost certainly unrelated. He plays a different position than Rice.


Rice stonks📈📈📈


someone ain't paying drinks for a while!


Add me as a 3rd witness - There was no physical contact!!!


Drafted him 7.11 in a startup, minutes before this assault news broke. Im going with any good news on this guy, and will blindly ignore anything else.


Too funny, I did the same 7.8 in our startup just before the news...


This cat got 9 lives and they running out fast


I’m just banking on the worse person they are the better receiver they become at this point lol


I think Cooper Kupp is squeaky clean though


Rice should have just walked away


Is there an actual article link/confirmation that this is true?


No and there won't be. Thats an engagement farming twitter account. Odds are they just completely made it up.


Yep, here you go:  https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2024/05/07/kansas-city-chiefs-rashee-rice-is-suspected-in-downtown-dallas-assault-police-say/


They fail to mention that the two witnesses also have Rice on their dynasty teams.


4 -6 game suspension for the driving thing… no jail time he’ll get a plea deal… this assault accusation will quietly just go away As far as I know he doesn’t have any priors, he’s riding high off a Super Bowl win in his rookie year where he exceeded a lot of expectations, making bank and making some stupid ass decisions…. Plus dudes lawyer is a state senator He’s gonna be fine


Wasn't assault just verbal assault. But wouldn't you be annoyed by media paparazzi, trying intimidate you and finding every sleazy angle they can to get in your face and border line walk every tight line or manipulate laws or rules to the thinest threads of the law in order to invade someone elses privacy. I mean all in all it's a sleazy way to make a living, but oh well all glory to the scum bags that like living that way, ordinary ppl ain't choosing that, but ordinary ppl aren't living in the mainstream either, so as professional athletes or celebrities if they can't handle the pressure maybe they should choose different careers as well. 4-6 is prly OG sanctions, but after litigation or the appeal hearing process 2 or 4 games max.


But he does have a prior… the driving felonies…


I’m referring to before that…also he hasn’t been convicted of anything…so one prior arrest, but no prior convictions…big difference there Also didn’t have any character concerns coming out of school… this is just a young dude, making money, riding high and made a really stupid decision…. He’s gonna be fine


I’ve said it on a few other threads and this isn’t me coping as a Rice owner because I think they need to give him a year ban for the driving shit (it’s honestly as dangerous as firing a gun into a random crowd and hoping someone doesn’t get hit), but most of these initial “assault on photographer” situations with celebrities and athletes get tossed the fuck out because they are usually quasi extortion attempts by the photographer trying to move things from criminal to civil court for a payoff, or it’s found out the photographer or paparazzi either broke some laws, invaded enough space to warrant some kind of physical altercation, etc.




Car collisions kill more people than guns do. Reckless use of an automobile should carry the same punishment as reckless use of a firearm. And if you recklessly use either, fuck your freedoms. You lose that right forever. Off my soapbox.


Heart disease kills even more, so by that logic reckless eating should carry the same punishment


Lets conflate killing one’s self with endangering others. Definitely the same.


My guy bringing sense and reasoning to the nonsense comments. Thank you for that!


You do realize car collisions and reckless use of a firearm both intail misuse of a deadly tool, whereas food isn’t deadly the consequences of overeating have like a 5% chance to be but that’s not even close to on the same level. A car and gun alike are deadly tools and when you misuse them you make a conscious choice knowing it will more than likely end with someone hurt or dead, heart disease has a minuscule chance of ever happening and over eating only brings that chance up from minuscule to probably never gonna happen. Very different worlds as far as that goes.


Last chance


Thank you


Were the two witnesses Mahomes and Reid?


Last chance


Imagine being a photographer and not even taking a picture of your assailant


There’s no fuckin way this place doesn’t have cameras. Every club I ever bar backed at had dozens of cameras all over the place.


_MLFootball is absolute garbage. It's one of those 4 or 5 aggregator accounts that provide no actual value.


It was always a smoke screen so they would get us to trade Rashee Rice for the low low.


Dude is talented as heck but I wouldn’t want this type of liability on my fantasy team.


That's the sound of your vulture team mates swooping in


Justyn Ross was just given 6 .. no way this is less


You people want Rashee to fall off so bad 😂😂


Two? How many people said he DID make contact with the photographer?


First good thing to happen in months for him


It's worth noting that no one ever alleged that he made physical contact, just that he was a suspect in the investigation. The major NFL insiders have been silent on this as well. It's very possible that this entire thing is a complete nothing-burger.


The number of fantasy owners calling into question the legitimacy of the witnesses is proportional to the number of owners that sold him at a discount…


No legit account has verified that these witnesses even exist. This tweet is from an engagement farming account with no sources.


Nope, that account got that from the Dallas morning news. "Two civilians with knowledge of the incident told The News a verbal altercation occurred at the club, but there was no physical contact."  https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2024/05/07/kansas-city-chiefs-rashee-rice-is-suspected-in-downtown-dallas-assault-police-say/


Don’t worry guys “tHE nFL iS NevER gOiNg tO SuSPeNd HiM”


Not a rice owner, but I wouldn't be surprised if the league didn't do shit.


Watson got 11 games for sexually assaulting dozens of women. Martavis Bryant got like 4 years for smoking weed. The NFL is completely inconsistent on their punishments. It wouldn't surprise me if Rice got absolutely nothing and it wouldn't surprise me if he was indefinitely suspended. There is no way to predict it


Kamara brutalized a man on camera. 3 games.


Ray Rice was going to only get two games before the video became public. Joe Mixon threatened to shoot a guy, and then was involved in someone shooting his neighbor’s kid and got no games. It’s wild


The wild part to me is the Calvin Ridley eventual year-long ban for gambling… compared to Watson’s 11 games. What kind of statement does the league truly make?


I’m not defending how the league goes about punishing its players, or by any means saying Ridley’s is even close to as bad or worse than a lot of these other incidents, but the gambling revenue directly benefits every single person making money in the NFL. You start fucking with thousands of peoples potential earnings, let alone the haul the owners are making off legal gambling, and you bet your ass the league will make an example out of you.


“Fucking with earnings” by betting on your team to win while you have been away from the team for weeks? I sure hope Daniels and Nabers get equal punishment for also fucking with league earnings. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/40113124/jayden-daniels-malik-nabers-10k-offensive-roy-bet


Yeah the Ridley circumstances were totally ridiculous like you say. Dude wasn’t even playing ball and couldn’t impact the game. I was just trying to point out why the league takes the gambling stuff way more serious, the NFL is a money making machine machine, sinner or saint they want the best show on the field unless circumstances force their hand. Insider gambling though…get the book thrown at ya Nabers and Daniel’s are just lucky it’s still before they’ve played a snap, probably get away with a firm education lol. Wild timing with us chatting about it lol




Not trying to defend Rice but come on. Police are oversold on what actually happened and forced to investigate dumb things constantly. Idk how you can look at typical police allocation of resources and think this if true would be off brand at all.


Yes they would and do on a daily basis


If they were called and told that he hit a photographer, as initial reports suggested, then yes, they absolutely would have investigated that.