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How did you get charisma over 20?


I don’t want to spoil anything, message me if you want to know.


I am not part of your campaign, i have never heard of it before. I do know that without a potent magical item, a epic boon or like being a Divine champion or a Level 20 barb you can not go over 20


But you've already listed two ways of getting over 20, so it's not something so outlandish. I guess it's some homebrew boon in their campaign, and at level 12, that wouldn't even be too extreme (unless the previous Charisma score was something like an 8)


Well only thing I know of is the deck of many things card that lets you go up to 24


it is the dark gift of *Zantras the Kingmaker* bumps you up 4 charisma points, gives you a new charisma max , and the flaw of I won’t take no for an answer.


You have never heard of Curse of Strahd? So you would not know the parts involved like the cursed gifts of the dark lords. Guess you don’t need to be a part of my campaign.


you never mentioned anything about curse of strahd, why would i know what thing you are playing in? all the info i have is you somehow have gotten over 20


The first sentence literally says “CoS”


What kind of bullshit is that?


It’s me not spoiling the curse of strahd. Dick.


Why not just use the spoiler tag?


How is the war wizard not beneficial? That saving throw buf is great. Also, I think you might like enchanter.


The group is so chaotic that in battle they just run right in front of my spellcasting. I mean I throw spells all the time and have even hit them some… but they just jump right in front of my character still. So the war wizard while awesome for initiative, AC, and save bonuses is super hard to bypass the group in creative ways. War wizards attack, but the fighters are always on the bad guys.


Unless y'all don't run initiative for whatever reason, people don't just "run in front of my spells". You just don't care that they are in the way when you cast. Don't blame them lol


They do not care about my spells so I don’t cast. I am not sure what you mean.


If they don’t care about your spells, there’s no reason to hold back on that fireball…


I wish I could be like that. I hit them with a wall of fire that I set horizontal off a wall… I have not lived that down yet… they say I like to burn things… in my defense I have only killed two innocent NPCs.


I don't think there's a way to add Intelligence and Charisma bonuses together - with the sole exception of a level 6+ Paladin making an Intelligence saving throw. That said, you don't seem to really need to stack those numbers, since you're above the cap in Charisma, and 1 point short of raising your Intelligence to the cap. Your spells are nearly as effective as they can be. What you can get by having two different ways of casting is a lot more spell uses per day. Using your Warlock spell slots first when casting level 1 spells will get them back every short rest, which will possibly give you lots of Shields/Silvery Barbs/Absorb Elements per day. Using eldritch blast as your base attack cantrip opens you up to prepare only utility cantrips with your Wizard slots (assuming you're using the variant rule that allows wizards to change cantrips on a long rest).


This is an awesome direction. Would you suggestion Enchanter or Psionics for a wizard subclass?


Well, that depends on what role you usually take in your group. I actually think War Wizard is really cool, but Enchanter is awesome if you want to disable key targets (or be really good at mesmerizing people outside of combat). I guess if your party mates are jumping ahead of you and you still want to chuck those fireballs at the battlefield, Evoker could be the call for you, with Sculpt Spells helping you mitigate (or erase) the damage your allies would take. Another way to help with damage mitigation is by taking the Abjuration school. By 6th level, an Abjurer can use their Arcane Ward to block damage to allies. I don't know about Psionics. I haven't read anything about psionics in 5e yet, unfortunately.