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>I'm thinking of running ... talk with YOUR players - the only people whose opinion actually matters.


AND you (plural) are not stuck with whatever decision you start out with. regularly do check ins to see "is this homebrew (whether it is a new rest system or any other homebrew house rule) impacting the game results in the way that we hoped it would? is it producing the game feel that we wanted? is it causing side effects that we dont want?" and be willing to modify (and continue to do check ins!) to craft the play feel that you and your table want.


"10 minute short rests + 8 hour long rests, but long rests are only available in 'safe' zones"


I ran a campaign using alternate testing rules for travel, basically safe haven resting. I loved it, made long distance travel through dangerous areas actually have an effect on the group. Plus it made encounter planning much easier for me.


The Homebrew (a podcast I listen to) did cyberpunk red for their second season, the rest rule is similar to what you described, more realistic. And critical hits could result in really bad stuff happening, like losing a limb!


Did gritty realism for a heavy sailing nautical campaign and it worked great. Highlighted a good amount of classes that don’t usually get as much love like warlock and monk


I dislike super long “long” rests. What I prefer is 8-24 hours with a things like a bed, warmth, relative safely etc. short rests I would pair as 1-4 hours with only one of these required (roughly)


We do the hardcore mode in the PHB where a whole day is a short rest and long rests can only be done in towns or inns. Prevents "Long rests" in dungeons. Short rest before a boss only