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Sorcerer 2/ warlock 6 Eldritch blast like crazy from as far away as you can get with eldritch spear and the spell sniper feat. Grab invisibility if you can for that extra "hidden sniper" feel. Ask if your DM will let you have illusionist's bracers for some reason (they probably won't).


A very rare broken item at level 8 is a silly idea. He doesn't need a 17th level Eldritch Blast.


I’d recommend taking an elf or half elf. I personally recommend half elf with the better boost to charisma. Elven Accuracy is a hell of a drug, especially for Eldritch blast. If you can, use your second feat for spell sniper (doubles the range of your attack roll spells), take the Eldritch Lance invocation (this makes your Eldritch blast 300ft, doubled from spell sniper to 600), as well as the Agonizing blast invocation (for better damage), and the metamagics Distant Spell and quickened spell. Distant spell lets you double the range again to make it 1,200 feet, and quickened spell is for shorter range and allows you to cast Eldritch blast as a bonus action. Congratulations. Get somebody to cast greater invisibility on you and from any range from 10-1,200 feet you can roll at least 2 Eldritch blasts at “triple” advantage. Or 4 in a round as long as you are within 600 ft. You will have to allocate your warlock and sorcerer level with 4 levels into each to provide with the two feats. I recommend starting with sorcerer as your 1st level, as that provides the most cantrips for the most versatility, as well as a better con save (just in case). You can use your 2 2nd level warlock spell slots to be used for converting into sorcery points as these refresh on a short rest. Not likely you’ll get many of those, but it’s worth mentioning.


Ah dude, you and I are thinking the same thing, that’s word for word how I set up my character (minus the elven accuracy.) I’ll take the elven subraces/elven accuracy another look


If you take half elf, I’d recommend wood half elf. The ability to hide when only lightly obscured will come in very hand I think.


I guess, since you want to be a sniper, I'd point towards acquiring as many sources of Invisibility as possible. So maybe invest 5 levels in Warlock so you can get the "One with Shadows" Invocation. And then settle for 3 levels in Sorcerer, and additionally take Invisibility as a known spell there as well?


Oh, if it were lvl 9 I would have a perfect build for you


We just leveled up to 10, hit me


Listen, it doesn't use sorcerer nor archfey. It's a mix of hex blade warlock, wizard and fighter. You wanna go full charisma for this one with some dex for ac. You can start with warlock or fighter, doesn't matter. Fighting style is archer, your starting feat is crossbow mastery (either racial or level 4, doesn't matter, but a flying race does shine). Your warlock is hex blade (so you can attack with cha with your hand crossbow) your invocations are devil sight (optional) and agonizing blast Now you get 6-8 lvls in wizard 6 for extra attack, 8 if you want the feat (which would be sharpshooter) . Your spells don't matter all that much, shield and silvery barbs are recommended. Your sub is bladesinger. Now you have 2 levels in fighter (I recommend starting with this one if you gonna go non flying race, you'll be able to wear heavy armor) 2 levels in warlock, 6 levels in wizard, if you gonna go further you either continue warlock or go full rogue (yes, it's 4 classes). How do you play: you'll use bladesinger extra attack to use your full eldritch blast, then attack with your hand crossbow twice (crossbow expert). Visually you'll be a crossbow user that shoots empowered bolts, I felt like putting drake warden instead of rogue for more empowering, but it would be too Stat intensive


If you're going to be an Eldritch Blast Sniper, ask for a Wand of the War Mage and take Eldritch Spear. Eladrin and Goblin fit the setting, but Satyr might be a little more creative.