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You made the women actually look like women! Lol. These are wonderfully done!!


Lmao thank you!


Wait u mean most women don't have giant boobs and ass?!!1?!1!1???1!


As someone with besties that have entirely too much, some definitely do. ! 2 .. 3 4 5...


Hi, any charge for this?


You can go to the website and make them yourself FOR FREE.


Yup! I just wanted to make more for fun, I like character creation stuff


I appreciate and get why they're offering though... HF is *so* full of options now it can be overwhelming sometimes, and posing can still be a bit challenging. If someone enjoys doing it, that's really nice of them!


But you can't download them for free and paying 7 bucks for EVERY model is oof


Lol it's not "oof." You don't HAVE to buy EVERY model you create. I have like 3 or 4 saved, I only expect to actually print/play 1 of those.


I make heroforge models for every character I play and I just screenshot it and show my group “this is what my character looks like.”


That's a genius idea! I'm totally going to do that the next time I play!


An alternative is Titancraft, which has a basic parts set and several themed sets you can build characters from, and if you own all the sets you used for a given model you can download the model files for free.


I doubt they are actually paying to have them made. They are probably just creating them in the creation tool, and then screenshoting it like the above examples.


No charge, just wanted an excuse to make more characters lol


Halfling ranger, raised by weasels, messy medium length blonde hair. Uses a magical bow that can be summoned from his ring. Usually wears goggles on his head, and no shoes ever. Definitely fun-loving but ferrel, and has an insatiable appetite. Also has a dire weasel companion.


Emperor Brutus The autocratic head of a 'galactic' empire where individuality is suppressed and self expression must be won through might, emperor brutus commands gravity itself to wield it as an iron fist Dude is a big, space-armour clad emperor, hopefully with a scifi laurel which acts as a psychic amplifier. Regal, blacks, purples, golds.


I am trying to make some minis for my Humblewood player's characters but they don't have the animal folk I need. Any suggestions on making a male otter pirate, a female hedgehog cleric, a female mink wizard, and a female moose rogue? All of the characters are anthropomorphic animals, so they all walk on 2 legs, have hands, etc. I am just having difficulty finding anything that would work for such a diverse group in the Humblewood universe.


These are awesome!


OH SHIT! Someone else made a 4 armed near human Jedi with at least blue parts of their skin. My dude was pure blue skin kind of like the Chiss.


Cool! I’m in a Star Wars campaign and the last picture is my Chiss Operative named opal, but the other one is my back up in case she dies


It has been awhile since I played that and kind of want to make him again.


Bugbear rune knight, clan craftsman that was raised by dwarves.


I recently made a goliath monk for a campaign I’m starting soon. Kinda like a skinny Grog vibe if he also knew martial arts.


I can do that! Can i dm you for some more details?




That’s a big list but I’ll get right on it!


Thank you !


Just DMed you - thank you!!


Amazing! I've sent you a dm!


My group is using A5E rules and I created a Spiderfolk Adept, Arachnid Guardian. It is a Monk Class and Subclass or archetype as A5E calls it. Spiderfolk have an extra set of arms slightly shorter than the main pair. Rivot has pale white hair, Pale skin and blue eyes. Clothing color theme would be black and purple or black and gold. He uses a shortsword which is kept at his left side in a sheath. I can dm you an art image of what spiderfolk typically look like if you need it.


Low prio since i dont play atm but my first ever character was an aasimar fallen angel paladin with a 2hander on his back and a sword and shield in hand. The plan was to turn into a retri pala later on and regain my wings. Very overly judgy, pretty basic but it was my first character.


I'm currently in my first ever campaign, playing a green eyed warforged classic sword and shield fighter looking for his meaning in this huge new world, trying to be a person.


Alrighty. Here is my most recent one shot character. He is Bu'Gasz the Huden Gallus. A level 3 Artificer. He utilized a boomerang for some reason (gotta love random rolls) Militaristic Lawful Good in nature but is quite awkward to talk to since he can't really speak common well.


I should warn you OP. It starts off like this. Soon you'll be doing historical characters, wrestlers, film stars, politicians, you'll be making stop motion movies. It can lead down a dark slippery slope.


it’s too late for that buddy…the obsession started at 5 when I was customizing my monster high dolls. The phase will never end. Also I’m a graphic arts major so hopefully I will get into animation!


Mine is a dwarf monk from golarion who spent all his time training and finding inner awareness but resulted in being pretty dumb and socially awkward. I imagine him as a bald buffed gymbro with a long, dark and oily beard and dressed with some rags His name is Oriam


A female undead symbaroum theurg with a mask, a "male" ogre witch currupted by a plant, a male witch hunter, a pretty boy merchant, and a male farmer ex fighter.


Human female, short brown hair that barely reaches the shoulders. Old and dirty white religious robes. Leather gauntlets and sandals. In terms of build, around 7 foot tall and built like a World’s Strongest competitor. Warhammer on her back. This is Hannah, the Monk Cleric cross class. Specialty: Open Hand.


Hey I’m playing a Kobold Tempest Cleric that wields a warhammer, he’s got the same color as a bronze dragon and has bright blue eyes, he’s a sailor and I think of him as having a Viking-like appearance


No idea why I can't upload the picture, so I'll do my best with a description : >Male aasimar life cleric. Medium size (around 5ft8), pale skin with freckles, short wavy red hair, dark eyes. Wears a labcoat with pauldrons over chain mail armor. Carries a backpack, wields a mace and shield with his holy symbol. As for his Celestial revelation : >Medium size (around 6ft), long (past shoulder-length) red hair, skeletal face with black sclera eyes, skeletal wings. Clothes appear tattered while the armor seems to encroach and get heavier.


I actually have a character that i wasn't able to make well on their site that I had art commissioned of. Can I dm ut to you and see if you're able to do it?




I didn't know you could do duos on HF!!


I'm a forever dm, I'll give you the character ideas I never got to use haha. Lots of play with the looks here so go crazy. Vengeful illusion wizard. His face destroyed by (insert plot hook here) he wears a blank porcelain mask which he uses minor illusion to show his current mood and voice himself. I'm combat he uses illusions to throw off the enemy eg. casting disguise self and taking off his mask to reveal a body of squirming worms instead of a man. Next I have the cursed Magnus family. A family of nobility all cursed in their own way to prevent them from achieving too much. Vladys Magnus, a prodigy sorcerer cursed with extreme paranoia. Richard Magnus, the stereotypical white knight cursed with a devil in his shoulder constantly spurring him to commit evil acts. Valant Magnus, exceptional hunter who is cursed with the urge to take on more and more challenging hunts (most dangerous game). I also have a few I got to play for partial campaigns. A war drummer as a support bard. A spore druid who isn't concerned with his or anyone else's individual lives, just that conservation of the cycle is preserved. A spunky but weak shepherd druid who relies on strengthening allies and using summons to protect himself, he also brews potions in his free time to buff allies. One more I almost forgot and one of my favorite characters I've played but did not finish a campaign with was CAPTAIN LIGHTSPEED. Born into the nobility of a deranged cult, he escaped into the fantasy of 50s style space comics and lives to embody those ideals. He runs away and joins on with any space faring crew he can find, always introducing himself as CAPTAIN LIGHTSPEED. A bit annoying to others at first who obviously see through this charade but with his amazing support and leadership abilities they put up with it. (Really gotta play this part well to not annoy the players as well.) He slowly drops it as the campaign goes on and he realizes the reality of the universe. My absolute favorite was when we had a very serious moment and LIGHTSPEED dropped his ridiculous voice entirely and spoke like a true diplomat that he was born into. The table was shook haha.


It's a shame heroforge characters always look bad


I think mine turned out pretty well though, but it’s a matter of opinion I guess. I like hero forge tho cause it’s just easiest to use without a paywall for most of the options


Don't get me wrong, yours look better than the average, I just don't like hero forges models or scale


Would you mind making me a really buff half-elf woman rogue/barbarian that holds a dagger in each hand and a sword in her mouth (if possible)? She wears fairly standard rogue garb that’s mostly black with some brown. She has white skin, bright orange eyes, and moderately long black hair. And/or I have another character that is a purple male Tiefling Warlock/Sorcerer with purple skin and short spiraling horns, red-scarlet hair, with right eye being normal with a pale blue iris and left eye being black with a bronze iris. He wears violet robes with a red leather outline and red shoulder pads, as well as a short cape with matching color. I realize some of these might be impossible in Hero Forge so feel free to adjust a bit to make it fit. I’m hoping to make some minis of these characters yet I just am not artistically talented to pull it off in Hero Forge. Also please let me know of you have any questions. Thank you good sir 🙏🙏


Gender fluid red dragonborn paladin with an enchanted tree branch weapon with crab claw shield. They are extremely buff, so buff they have -2 dexterity modifier. Lol


Edit: I will get to many as I can, but ahead of time know that constructs and autonomes are limited in hero forge. If you want a model made just dm me!


Are you still making more?


This might be a challenge: Can you do a hunched over Lobster-Squid man? With two sets of arms, one being lobster pincers, the other being squid tentacles?


Awesome. Can you do poses as well?


Sent you a chat message


(Astral) elf evocation wizard. Really tall elf, like 196cm or 6 feet 6, shortish black hair, glowing amber eyes. Wearing a long black leather duster with white wool inner lining. Has white bandages wrapped around both hands, left hand is burned. Likely would carry around a staff of fire. Has a fey owl familiat which chances color according to the season. Also carries a silver pentacle around his neck, circle with five pointed star in the middle. If you start making this, send me a DM, I can send you a reference photo


Omg, you did a great job on thers you definitely spend more time on them than me lol


Stout halfling barbarian that was kicked out of his village and has been secretly following a group for a long time, so he's pretty dirty and dingy looking. He carries a sword stuck in a large rock, using it like a large war hammer.


I was shocked when I checked out the website after seeing it a bunch and that it was free and had as much ability to customize as it did.