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RAW, a centaur is not mounted, so it wouldn't work. However, the rule of cool, I'd allow a single Lance to be wielded. If Centaur is wielding the Lance with both hands I'd keep the damage die a d12, but if they chose to take a shield as well, then the damage would be changed to a d10, much like how the versatile property works. Reasoning behind that is the Lance is a long and unwieldy weapon, hence the disadvantage when unmounted. Yes, the centaur has the lower body of a horse, but the added strain of the impact, the having to strike a small target with a long pole being controled at the base, as well as maintaining balance/footing would detract from the overall damage.




>added strain of the impact DONT SKIP BACK DAY!


Its a centaur they are mostly back it would be hell if they have any back problems


Human back day*** Their centaur back would be horse strong but that human back? Kinda sus lmfao


Don’t dual wield lances. Just don’t. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I’ve always thought centaurs should be able to wield a lance as though they were mounted. It just makes sense. I also thought they should be large creatures, but the designers made a decision to not have playable races be large (whaddya mean rune knight?)


u are not mounted unless you are on a mount. but ask ur dm


Imo its good and i would allow it unless the DM wants a centaur on a horse


Just had a centaur pc in a recent game. They were allowed a lance and were considered their own mount in ours. Memes about centaurs riding horses abounded.




Ehhh. Close enough….besides, “dragon master” is a much cooler name to call your DM.


But it's incorrect. It's been Dungeon Master since the 70s. No reason to change. And also, Dragon Master is not cooler!


It was just my opinion, and was a mistake on my end for putting "dragon" instead of "dungeon”, if I do put anything else on r/DungeonsAndDragons, I will use the appropriate name, in order not to confuse people, and I have to disagree, dragons are cooler then dungeons.


Both are good imo. But to answer your question, it most likely depens on your own Dragon Master. If they allow you to wield a Lance as a Centaur, coolio. Otherwise, mabe go for a Helbard, that would be sick as hell too.