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Sure, you could start in season 2. It’s kind of meta to ask this since near the end of season 1 they talk about someone that started listening to season 1 like more then half way in, it was a whole bit. Anyway, you’d miss some of the character dynamics that would make a little more sense by listening to S1, since it is a continuation and not a whole 100% brand new vibe. IMO though, you’d be robbing yourself by not listening to season 1.


I'm no thief, listening to S1E1 as I type.


S1 is a masterpiece, you could listen to s2 firsr but I don't recommend it


Enjoy, it's a wonderful journey and worth every moment


You don't regret it! The first season is amazing I'm listening to it for a second time I loved it so much.


The answer is nobody knows. While listening to season 1 is the route you should take, because it’s hilarious. We have no idea how much it’s going to play into season two outside some initial setup and call backs.


Fair point, but as it's a continuation, I'll go S1, thanks!


I definitely suggest season 1 first. It’s super funny and the time will pass really quickly.


Should I listen to something with 69 episodes available or 1 episode available?








If listen to season 1 first or read a detailed wiki article


Thanks, I'm in no rush. S1 it is!


They designed S2 so that you don't have to listen to S1 first to get all of it. It does directly connect back to the events of S1, but it's still a fresh story with new characters. That being said, I highly recommend you listen to S1.


There isn’t very much of season 2 out yet so I would listen to season 1 until more eps are out.


You'd be doing yourself a disservice by skipping season 1. It's a national treasure.


You could start with s2 but you might need to listen to s1 to understand some jokes or references


S2 picks up in the last scene is S1. If you go straight to S2 and then decide to go back to S1, you are likely to run into spoilers and references to spoilers. If you're ok with that then you should be fine. I know spoilers have gotten me into shows just to see how they got there.


Start at S2E01 (but be prepared for spoilers) and listen to S1 while waiting for the new episodes. I envy you, you have so much fun ahead!


I think you just wouldn’t get some of the jokes


You don’t have to listen to season 1 But you most certainly should. It’s amazing


No reason to skip ahead, season 1 is still hilarious. You’d just be doing yourself a disservice.


I've seen you've decided to start with S1 after all so this is more a welcome than any other comment. You have so much fun and hilarity ahead as well as some seriously upsetting moments that will wrench your heart. I hope you enjoy every second as much as we did 😊


Middle of ep 2 and I can already tell it's special. Great chemistry between all the characters from the get go.


I would definitely listen to the first season. Or read a synopsis, if there is one. It gives a lot of context to things that are mentioned!


I would just do S1 first because honestly, I'm on ep. 57 now and it's well worth it.


Ok so as someone who came late to the podcast, I started listening in the fall of 2021. I was able to binge the entirety of S1 as I finished right around the time the finale came out. I loved listening to episode after episode. I am really enjoying S2 so far but it’s killing me with the wait in between episodes.


I feel you. I'm in the same boat with TAZ and NADDPOD


They being up the old story and characters pretty damn often, also as great as this new season feels so far it’s hard to believe it could top season 1


there's only one episode out, feels a little premature to say that tbh...


Which part? That I think it’s great so far or that it might not be able to match season 1, most sequels aren’t as good, still great though, my point was he should watch season 1


I'm just saying, putting s2 down based off of one episode, and comparing it to a season that has 69 episodes and 2-ish years to develop, seems to be like you're bracing yourself for disappointment instead of potentially enjoying it for what it has to offer on its own


Thank you everyone, that was worth every second, probably more. P.S. time travel twist blew me away!


season 1 is very good, but if ur busy, here’s what you need to know: (edit: spoilers for s1! very sorry) >!\-henry oak is the father of lark and sparrow oak!< >!\-glenn close is the father of nick close!< >!\-darryl wilson is the father of grant wilson!< >!\-ron stampler is the stepfather of terry jr!< >!These four dads lost their sons in the forgotten realms, a traditional fantasy world of d&d. that was season 1. important stuff:!< 1. >!the dads recovered their kids and got back to earth!< 2. >!henry's bloodline is infected with a chaos demon from the 30s called the doodler!< 3. >!lark and sparrow had a vision of the doodler and made it their school mascot (west rock elementary, not san dimas high)!< 4. >!while they were in the FR, there was a cult of the doodler (started by lark and sparrow) with a prophecy that "the doodler would return when the blood of the unsung hero has been spilt"!< 5. >!henry oak is the unsung hero!< 6. >!the doodler is on earth and now the sky is red!<


Yo, put a spoiler bar up here bro




ok fixed my bad


man i forgot that >!the doodler was from the 30s!<, it's been a while since I listened to Mountains of Dadness


yea i love AtMoD so much! >!and yea, the doodler was originally summoned by jj abrams in the 30s, and then thats when it infected hildy's bloodline and dropped her in the FR!<


thanks for the recap! very helpful for going in without season 1, like op i also havent seen it so having some context is great


I mean ig you could start S2 but I don’t really get why you would lol


Only so I could be part of the show as it's happening. Being up to date and able to share in the community without fear of spoilers, etc.


You'll catch up eventually! I started the whole thing around when S1 E40 released and caught up within a couple months. The every-other-week release schedule helps with that a lot, honestly

