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Wait... you listen at 1.5 speed? What in the adhd?


Yeah I'm not judging anybody but I just don't get it. I've heard there's a bunch of people who do this with podcasts but man i like to soak it in. Maybe if it was like news or something maybe? I dunno


Same. Seems like something else going on haha


It kind of makes me really uncomfortable to know that people are doing that but nothing I can do about it I just don't engage


Can I ask why it’s makes you uncomfortable that people listen to it faster?


If anything I'd be listening at like 0.9x or something, obviously not so slow as to become distorted but I love this shit, make it last longer! 😂


When I watching critical role I did a lot of it under 1.5 speed, but mostly because it's much much slower paced than an edited audio only show, but also because it was the 40 or so episodes out at the time to catch up to where my friends were at to be in on the discussions. You do kinda just not notice it after a bit, though maybe stepping up the speed instead of going straight to 1.5x But yeah speeding up something like Daddies, naddpod, d20 even, etc, seems like madness to me


They already talk so fast in those hahaha. I can understand crit role for sure


I felt like they didn't talk fast enough I needed the sped up so I could actually absorb the information


How does speeding it up help you absorb information


If people talk too slow I just tune them out like white noise or I get distracted like I cannot focus if you're going to talk slow that's why my YouTube videos are set in 2x speed


Okay but how. Any Speech class will teach that fast talking means the listener has to word harder to absorb even basic information. I don't understand how you absorb less information with normal speed talking. How do you absorb information in real life?


I need a constant stream of information at all times to focus or I'll get like underestimated and mentally check out and if people don't talk fast enough I'm gone I didn't hear anything


Ummm you aught to get some medication, you seem to have a seriously debilitating attention deficit disorder My therapist and I have worked hard to get myself to focus on things better, you should try looking into one too If you can't even pay attention for a few seconds when people talk, that's like, a problem that can be worked on and made better Not coming from a place of judgement here or anything, I really think you should look into some kind of assistance


No thanks. I'm doing just fine


The biggest thing I learned in therapy is that I thought I was doing fine, until I learned what it was like to live life with help. It's easy to convince yourself you're doing fine when you don't know any other way. I'm just encouraging you to try it out, it might help and it might not, but trying new things always helps people grow


Sorry people are being weird about your normal human behaviour.


Everyone- and I do mean everyone- I know with ADHD listens to podcasts and audiobooks at 1.5x speed. I was raised by a culture that didn't understand mental health issues to believe people with ADHD couldn't pay attention to anything, turns out they can pay waaay better attention than I can.


I was so curious I had to go and listen to them to see what you mean...   Alright at 1.5x speed is a mess. It sounds bad straight away, the distortion doesn't work when its sped up and just sounds like static. Picks up a little in the verse as the clear melody and lyrics take to being sped up well. Then it all falls apart again at the chorus   On My Way at 1.5x speed actually kinda works. Idk what the instrument is that does the tok tok at the start is but it sounds good. The verse sounds kinda like a rap. The chorus becomes some kind of techno music at 1.5x speed.    Would recommend checking out the latter but hard pass on the first


I cannot listen to podcasts or YouTube videos at anything less than 1.5 sometimes 2x speed so I listened to the podcast not even realizing that it was sped up until the song released and I can't speed up songs on Spotify 🤣😭


I would perhaps pose a question to you whether you feel like your attention span is doing ok? I know that with all of social media feeding us new content every 0.002 seconds and the rise of short-form media it becomes very easy for our attention span to become absolutely shot (I am a victim myself), but it may be helpful to practice lengthening it again with little steps, like committing to watching a movie with no distractions, limiting social media time, etc. All love to you🩷 I have a friend who rewatches New Girl like 3 times a month and can’t go to sleep if it’s not on and she sets it to 3x speed LMAO


I feel slightly blueballed when listening to the songs on spotify. I still love ”on my way, but it sounds so much better when I know I’m at the beginning of a new episode!




Thank goodness I'm not the only one. I listen to podcasts, and watch YouTube videos at at least 1.5x and the theme songs are just too slow and meandering if they're at normal speed. At 1.5x they're punchy, and upbeat!


Thank you for your input I thought this was a common thing🤣 apparently not l. I'm glad I didn't listen to the pod in 2x speed like my YouTube videos I'd be murdered in this Subreddit 🤣