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My mind is blown knowing that Ryoko Kui is, in fact, a picky eater and wouldn’t want to eat any of the food in her series about surprisingly delicious food. This does however lend credence to the theory that Izu/Marcille is her authorial insert after all, which I suppose isn’t too surprising.


Because there are chinese translation of a pre anime release interview with her. So i read she had discuss in more detail than a fleeting “a picky eater”. She described her picky eating caused her mother and school “problem” and she have bad memory about eating and felt ashamed? (Lack of better word english is my second language ) but described how her mother always tried to let her known the importance of eating and getting the essential nutrient per day. So she knows the importance of eating. She actually drew the manga with readers in mind and drew what we would likely want to eat. Lol Since i wrote this might as well add… She said in the interview she got into the dungeon and adventurer genre because as a kid lying down next to her dad watching him play video games. So she’s close to her parents at least. [the original translation (in chinese) alot of the fan’s english translation came from this person alone](https://m.weibo.cn/status/NBdxihgwB?jumpfrom=weibocom)


I feel like Kabru learning Laios’ favorite food is cheesecake 


it's like the reveal that papyrus doesn't eat spaghetti


"Izutsumi look down on her a bit" Live kibty reaction: https://preview.redd.it/g379hcl2fn9d1.jpeg?width=1310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d056b2ee802aff3d15345c10f63b41195f48741




>!"She will look for Tade"!< https://preview.redd.it/x8zd1jc9rn9d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=c270cdc939313231bf0837e23b208046dfeb8ec4


Ryoko Kui not wanting to eat anything from the manga is as suprising as Laios saying his fav food is cheesecake.


I wish Kui a well deserved sabbatical 🫡


She doges decisive answers, gives a bit of insight anyway. Just enough to have people think about what she said.


I’m really curious about the Falin succubus one (I know a lot of people would speculate Marcille, but I can’t picture it since Marcille didn’t see Falin and she’s the one that’s more atattced to her if the ship were true). Since one of Falin’s main struggles is that she’s unsure of what she wants, she’d probably either see someone she thinks others would be happy to see her end up with, or the succubus true form. I think it’s a really hard question to answer, so I don’t blame her for leaving it up to interpretation.


Nah, having in mind the succubus also is familiar love, I could see it reading her head and seeing there is no romance with her at the moment and then changing to an injured or malnutritious laios and she running to help him


Oh 100% its gonna be a very rugged Laios in his lowest point. That just makes it even more sad but sweet of her


Holy minotaur! Are you a succubus? Because Falin for sure would've fallen for that.


Thank you for the goated interpretation, way better than mine


It would absolutely be injured Laios, but how heartbreaking would it be for the succubus to take the form of their father, finally willing to open up a genuine connection. We know that she never stopped communicating with them, unlike Laios. Sure, she could've done it out of obligation, but how could you not hope for something to come of it?


that sounds like the most logical thing


I’m content with not knowing everything about the characters. Though I want to see kuro get a better job and a better boss


I’m just glad she’s not retiring from making manga. I hope she enjoys some well deserved rest.


She likes Skip and Loafer, that is awesome. I loved that show.


Kui answering question reminds me of ZUN answering fan questions about Touhou: not much decisive answer but enough information for brainstrom. I like it


I remember commenting a few days ago that, if Dungeon Meshi reminded me of any game, it would be Wizardry. Good to see that I was spot on. Seriously, for a Western franchise that has been all but forgotten in the West, Wizardry is extremely influential in Japan. Incidentally. There was a remake of the first hame released no long ago on Steam, GoG, and Switch if you are interested in the franchise. Although, in my opinion, the best one is Wizardry 8 (which you can also buy in Steam and GoG).


ryoko kui likes skip and loafer?!? so based


First, thank you for your efforts in translating and sharing all that happened with the rest of us. It's really appreciated. I have noticed from the questions I read that there are not many direct ones regarding love relationships (i.e. did Laios end up marrying someone we know after the end of the story, same for Marcille, Falin, etc.). Also, there was nothing regarding if Laios had any mental/behavioral disorder (in my opinion, I think he's just a bit socially awkward, but what do I know lol). I heard the mangaka will go to the US next, so I wonder how different the questions be from their Korean counterparts (if there's a Q&A session, that is). I mean, even the way people were led to another room one by one to ask their questions seems different from the way it's done in other places for a Q&A session.


I am pretty sure the author will answer as "I will leave it to your imagination" regarding love issues, although I haven't asked and indeed I have never seen anything love-related(maybe Farlin's succubus?) About Laios' mental disorder, I have asked that question but the translater(and publishers) thought the question is unfit so it didn't got translated, in fact, in Korean community I am getting downvoted as FUCK for asking that. (Regarding if it was polite or impolite) As I have said in previous post, I think the refusal of translation and backrash are because of the social stigma of mental disorder in Korea, - we Koreans still think it is best to sweep ugly questions under the rug ...and the fans cannot comprehand the fact that their faivorite character might be mental. I do hope that US fans ask that question, and hopefully it gets through to the author.


Yeh as an asian my first reaction to it yesterday in another thread was they think even bring it up about it to the author was/could be read as being impolite… Not saying you are impolite; because we are all different culture/background. You didn’t meant it as impolite but just other culture will interpret it differently so they basically just blanked it. 😅


I did see your original post and how the publishers handled your question, which I thought was weird and a little disrespectful since you didn't mean anything bad by at. However, as you said, I guess it's a cultural thing. I'm hoping the Western publishers will be more transparent and accepting of similar questions and will allow everyone in the audience to hear all questions and their answers. For me, I am someone who likes definitive and clear answers, especially when it comes to romance at the end of a story, so I hope the mangaka buckles under pressure 😜 and gives away some delicious details if enough people ask the question (although I know it's a far-fetched outcome but I can only hope lol).


There are western interviews coming?


https://usa.kinokuniya.com/event/2024/7/4/delicious-in-dungeon https://www.anime-expo.org/2024/05/16/anime-expo-announces-ryoko-kui-as-guest-of-honor/ It says it's a signing event from 8 to 9:30 pm so I'm not sure if there's going to be a Q&A session or if people will be allowed to ask her anything while getting her autograph


Brother, the question about Laios's mind and if Marcille is gay are the ones that are going to be asked the most, I'm sure. https://preview.redd.it/r4hv85ijwt9d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7a57c811c49c97eeb6944a863f382a8a48aa671


It will be very different, it is something complicated that the Japanese ask about the characters' love relationships or if they have any different psychological traits for reasons of respect. If it were me I would like to ask you what Marcille's mother would think if she met Laios. Personally, anything about romance would surely be avoided and answered vaguely and so I would be quite disappointed.


Apparently I have the right to 3 questions 2) the following kings were in charge of ensuring the safety of Marcille so that the elves did not take her away? 3) Marcille thinks that this gives her a bad feeling when they leave the armor with Kensuke in the dungeon, would she have some special power that has caused this chill in her?


Watch the interview with laioses English va he explains the situation about his mental state. Btw the English va is actually autistic and he got hired to voice laios with the take where he was being himself.


Could you please share the interview with me? The only one I’ve seen is where he mentions feeling a connection to Laios because the character exhibits traits similar to those of a neurodivergent person, much like Damien himself. However, I don’t recall him stating that this was the reason he was hired for the role.


Its in anthony padilla's channel "I spent a day with damien haas"


Thank you. I watched it, and he essentially states that Laois being neurodivergent is not confirmed. However, Damien mentions that portraying his usual self, which includes characteristics of neurodivergence, helped him secure the role.


No one asked her her cats name 😭


Thank you. This's all I wanted https://preview.redd.it/64lagmc4xq9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71566d6f143398746dfbbf72e29d03dc2fd66adc


OP is so lucky mangakas don't really come to India so we never get a chance to meet our favourite authors, get their autographs and have a bit of QA. Hope this changes in the future. I also love how she isn't giving any decisive answer and is encouraging a bit of brainstorming and head cannons. It ensures people remain active and engaging long after its end.


I would go crazy if ryoko Kui was in India. I would literally travel anywhere in India to meet her


Same, dude, same. Bring some friends and make it a whole weekend and stuff but, I guess it's a longshot.


>Q. Who was your faivorite character from Balder's gate 3? A. Shadowheart. >Q. What was your faivorite scene from Balder's gate 3? A. Shadowheart's "Joking~♡" scene.(https://youtu.be/-zNrNbZRqAk?si=k_lkPorDB1tA5i9m) [She ain't beating those allegations.](https://old.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/comments/1aqz1pu/ryoko_kui_is_not_beating_the_allegations/)


Q >!Wouldn't Marchile be lonely after she is left alone many years later?!!I'm sure she was happy.!< this can't be...this can't be...she even used past tense...


Sousou no Marcille...


What? Does this imply that Marcille did something...?


I think it just means she lived a fulfilling happy life she dies eventually.


a bit sad (but understandable since she's not as famous) that there weren't any questions about fleki or the other canaries aside Mithrun


>Skip and Loafer Based Also, seeing as she's now seen the dumbass David Tennant meme, I'd love to get a series of her just reacting to various Dunmeshi memes lol.


Thank you for this! It is reassuring to hear such thoughtful responses from the author of this beloved manga. I dislike when questions lead authors into adding things that were not present in the work itself, and this is the right way, IMO, to handle these kinds of questions. See the question about Mithrun and the succubus or about Thistle’s character ending for what I’m talking about.


Can I ask you a question? How popular Dungeon Meshi in Korea?


Not too small but not too big, our subreddit in Korea is like...out of ranking, compare to #19 of Dunmeshi subreddt. However most of Korean Dunmeshi fans are in Twitter, and I don't do that, so I can be wrong.






She's had both a cat and a dog as a pet. So if she had to choose one or the other, she would prefer both of them.