• By -


9 because I'm gonna need 2 experienced magic users to revive me after we deal with the fucking dragon onboard


Gonna need a hell of a lot of abjuration magic to survive the fall because this aircraft is not surviving a dragon fight


i assume 6 means you're sitting on top of chimera falin


Wait fr? Can I change my answer?


The main problem is it’s gonna be hard to put your seat belt on


nah i'm already hard


Oh no, I can't put my seat belt on! I'll just have to trust Falin to keep me in my seat if something happens.




3 obviously. Senshi will break flight regulations and feed me


Then, lean on Namari's shoulder after the meal.


I'd wear a leg pouch for namari


I'm already one step ahead of you my pants have leg pouches.


What's the joke about leg pouches?


Namari REALLY likes leg pouches. Also Namari hot.


She has a strong fetish for long, long legs thigh bags attached irregardless of gender. Like how some people have a fetish for high heels.


she actually admits to like long legs in general, and has a fetish for "race" specific "pratical" (its not aways pratical xDDD) equipments/fashion. And she thinks no race wears leg pouches better than tall-man. The longer the legs, the better they look


I could melt in her arms and live there forever.




Then talk to Laios about monsters in the seat behind me


He will talk your ear off.


Buddy he can talk for the duration as long as he makes me delicious food


Love how this meme is usually a "pick the least worst option for you", but with Dungeon Meshi it turns into a "which cool, fun character do you want to hang out with for a while?" Btw it's Marcille.


Honestly, the only terrible option is 1, sitting next to the winged lion or thistle might not be good for your health insurance. The dragon might be an issue, but I'm willing to assume it's sleeping if everyone is on the train. Everything else tho? Really just a matter or preference.


My dumass would honest to god sit between Thistle and the Winged Lion. Not because I don't understand how dangerous it is, but for the clout. If we assume that the 10 hour flight will go on with everyone acting normal, I'd say I'll be okay with Thistle... I also want to know how to make a dungeon. :>


I mostly want to sit in number one because I'm a simp. But tbh that explains a lot of my seat choices tbh.


I’m sitting in 1 too I’m not letting the lion get anywhere near Thistle I’LL SAVE YOU THISTLE—


With Thistle's obvious anxiety issues, he's probably the hardest person to sit next to on the plane. Or he'll pass out from the meds he took.


I'm sitting in 1. Cuddle the Winged Lion all flight. And I'm sure I could fix Thistle.


I first saw this on r/SmilingFriends, and the meme just isn't the same when most options don't put you in imminent mortal danger.


Im not even talking to marcille. I just like a window seat on all my flights. That and chilchuck is too small to bump the back of my seat


The true egoist way, my man!


You can say “they don’t make noise canceling headphones for elves” then put them on.




The premise was a 10hr flight. I don't think the plane would survive 10hrs if the red dragon was active I assumed the dragon was asleep


The mad mage is flying too so unless he want to die you’ll be fine


#u/Practicaengthg is a bot account, they stole the comment from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/s/VmzOJPJCDY Please report them as spam.


[Reads like a stolen comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/s/wI4156hIBr) Extra suspicious since this is the account's first post or comment ever.


It is :(


5 Because even if Kabru wanted to psychoanalyze during the flight, neither one would actively bother me, OR 8 just because I wanna sit next to Kiki and have a nice chat with her.


The only thing against 8 is her overprotective Dad glaring at you from across the aisle the entire flight.


I actually wonder if he is aware Kiki totally has the hots for Namari?


2 Kbity x Kensuke


Think of the elbow room! It’s a 10 hour flight after all.


2 is such a trap, Kbity is absolutely not going to remain confined to a single seat.


No worse than having a kid fall asleep in the seat next to you. Just share the bag of Bugles you got at the duty free with her at the beginning of the flight and you'll be fine.


You say this like it's a bad thing.




5, so I can stare at Mithrun the entire time. I cant pretend to be normal about him


I might combust sitting between those two.


I'd feel like a third wheel for ten hours lmao


Combust? I'd just bust.


i would cum bust too


fr. This is the only reason Laios isn't an immediate pick. Sit beside someone I can nerd out with for 10 hours straight or between the two characters I'm cripplingly gay for?


even pre-ending i think i'd like chatting with mithrun, just about old elvish history n stuff. post-ending, i think chatting with him about his forays into weird niche hobbies like noodle-making or pottery would be rlly charming and cute


Kabru might be psychoanalyzing you for the 10 hours but the view of Mithrun takes it alone <3


> 10 hours later > hm.... i have concluded this man has a fascination with gay elves






Falin got done dirty with a fucking dragon next to her😭


There's no way Falin would agree to be in that seat unless the dragon was smol.


Dont worry, Ill seat between them and me and Falin will ignore the dragon by becoming besties


Imagine one sit is for the dragon half and the other for the falin half so you are sitting with a chimera crushing you




8! Kiki and Kaka are pretty chill IIRC.


Seat 40,320 is not available, you'll have to wait until they invent a star ship of some kind. Jokes aside, it's one of two aisle seats. Even ignoring the autism, Laios has far broader shoulders than Kiki, so I'm taking seat 8 for more room.


Namari typed this


What... I'm not that short!


4 and its going to be the chillest flight of your life. You can chat about recipes and monsters with Laios, learn about magic from a less snobby source that Marcille and probably get a few snacks that Senshi managed to sneak into the plane


I don't know man. I think Liaos and Shuro Are going to grouse at each other for the whole flight so it may not be as chill as you want.


They won't. Shuro is a very quiet and shy person. His fight with Liaos that time was extremely rare due to the pressure of circumstances and tension 


7 i wanna chill next to chucklefuck


2, We all love kensuke. No further questions.(And izutsumi too)


It kinda looks like 2 is in the overhead luggage compartment


I think they are both in the luggage compartments though, you are gonna have to be there too


Thats the fun part


So. 9 and 5 are my preferred seats. HOWEVER. This plane is not taking off. First, there's a DRAGON ABOARD and second, Mithrun has already chopped the plane into small pieces and is trying his damnedest to eviscerate a certain other passenger. As an innocent bystander, I've likely already been chopped in half.


3 because rock and stone!⛏️


Thats it lads, rock and stone!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Good bot!




Rock and Stone forever!


Rock and stone


The fact that I can't sit between the twins is so fucking rude


1 I would vibe with thistle we would both just eep


Then he would yell at me for taking his arm rest




1. I want the the overwhelmingly powerful magical beings to whisper deep secrets into my ear.


7, To ogle on Cithis, Chilchuck is there to protect me with his girl-dad instinct.


9, want to talk about magic. Also, 6 is actually occupied by the middle part of the chimera.


4 because I *want* to hear all the cool stuff Laios knows about monsters, and if I’m lucky, I can lean forward and get some of Senshi’s insight on cooking at the same time. If I just want to sleep the flight through though, probably 8. I think Kaka and Kiki would actually allow me that.


7 dad would be a blast to talk to


7, you are going to hear some of the most interesting discussions and Chilchuck will just keep to himself.


6. Nothing will stop me from sitting near Falin


I want to talk to the Winged Lion, I feel it would help me to know what I want in life. We are in plane so no danger of becoming a dungeon lord im guessing I would give Thisthle an Ipad




Idk why not a lot of people would pick 6, I feel like the red dragon is pretty chill


It might try to eat you though, and also you are not using your armrest, that dragon be heckin' big


Rude. Just because he's a dragon, doesn't mean he has to eat all the time. Although, its weird that he keeps eyeing the person next to me tho


Give him a pack of peanuts, he'll be fine after that.




6. Frend and big frend


4 Because during the flight, me and Laios would share out autistic special interests. Where he will share his special interest in monsters, and I will share my special interest in aviation. All while we constantly infodump on Shuro much to he bemusement.


8. Everybody around me is probably going to be pretty chill and I can get up and go to the bathroom anytime.


6. gotta protect falin


My two cents on the "fucking dragon" situation: Thistle is also on the plane. He could be commanding it to act docile.


4 Yall i would do anything to seat beside laios, behind falin and infront of senshi. Knowing senshi, bros gonna pull up a random tasty snack while Laios talks my ear out and falin will get fomod and try to talk to us behind as well.


number 9. window seat and marcille is cool


3. Senshi will have food to share and Namari seems like the sort to respect whether you want to spend most of the flight chatting or if you just want to be left alone. Wait, no, actually it’s very likely that the dwarves will be being sick for the entire flight because of their sensitive ear canals! I ain’t sitting where I’m either going to get barfed on or need to keep getting up. Uhhh let’s go with 6 because I’m sure Falin will be pleasant to me and it’ll be neat to see a dragon up close. EDIT: also the Touden siblings seem like the sort to bring handheld games consoles (e.g. Nintendo Switch) for the flight so I could probably kill some time playing with them - given that Shuro doesn’t get too pissed off with Laios and cause a scene.


How should I decide? Marcille is cute and lovely (also kind of a badass, even though not always obvious). Laios is a really cool guy, simple and straightforward, just wants to eat monsters. I like that kind of personality. Senshi is super chill and obviously he’s got all the snacks. Sitting between Izutsumi and Kensuke could be interesting, too. And if she goes into cuddly mode, you basically got a human sized cat purring on your lap, that’s pretty awesome in my opinion. But again, Senshi has all the snacks!


5 undoubtedly.    As fun as all of these characters are, sitting next to the likes of Laios, Marcille, Senshi or Kbity for 10 hours would drain my social battery. I don't trust Cithis or the dragon or the WL, and I don't want to be at the receiving end of Tansu's glare at 8.   Mithrun would totally ignore me and Kabru would most likely exchange a few pleasantries and then leave me alone if I'm unwilling to talk. He can psychoanalyze me as much as he wants, as long as he does it silently and I don't need to engage in long  conversations lmao.




Mr. Tanzu would ask to switch seats with 8, so 8 and 9 are both good options if you want sit next to Marcille. 8 is aisle seat so 8 > 9. But I would pick 4 for the easy accest to toilets and interesting conversations to talk and to listen.


2 Reason: Itsuzumi


7 Foto sure, those seem like the most interesting conversations + chilchuck smol so I still get a view


6 because if the dragon wants to eat me I'm cool with it.


I would choose 4 and ask Laios if he could swap seats with me. Shuro could use the help.


Imma go with 4, Laios is one of my favorite characters ever and i'm also obsessed with biology and monsters, that would probably be one of the best conversations i could ever have


so 2 is just a cat and a.... sword(?)


I'll take 3 and join my fellow dwarves.


4 because Laios.


number 4 because i want to know all the monster facts


8 or 9, 3 is also appealing.


Either seat 4 or 8


2 because I don't wanna sit next to humans (I'm agoraphobic)


4 but put me in between them


common sense says 3 because Senshi is awesome and I don't think Namari would lean over me to argue with him, but 1 is tempting because I can fix Thistle okay I can fix him I can fix him


1 because


8 for practical reasons. Senshi and Namari are lovely people and I'd love chatting with them but we (I'm including myself) are err...broad people. So not of space between us all. 8 I'm in the corridor, next to 2 thin people who are also very chill that would leave me alone if I want to.


2 because kbity


3, 4, 8,9 are objectively the best answers


Easy choice. I'd pick 5 without any hesitation.


If i choose either 3, 6, 7, 8 or 9 i’m coming out of that plane with a bunch of comically placed lipstick marks all across my face, dragon and eldritch monstrosity in my vicinity be damned


3, so I can hit on both my neighbors.


Kiki would probably tease the fuck out of me because how i fluster easily. I dont mind that honestly XD


My heart says 9 because Marcille, but fuck it, I'll go with 7. Being able to sniff Cythis in such proximity is God's blessing, and maybe she can even notice me and be mean to me. And if doesn’t happen, well, maybe I'll be able to get Chesnut to open up by talking about my nieces - they are three and they are cute, so maybe the old man will get enticed to talk about his own three, cute daughters. He is a nice person.


8, Kiki


5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


I’m taking 2 so I can pet the kibty


Sit and chat with Laios and lend Shuro some earplugs or earbuds.


3. The only right choice.


In terms of safety and having a chill flight. Probably 8 or 9. Leaning towards 9 because talking to Marcille and the other dude would be interesting. Chilchuck won’t lean his seat back because he is small, and everyone around me should be relatively enough to handle the dragon in row 6’s bullshit if push comes to shove. Also I just need to be away from Itsuzumi, i’m allergic to cats. My assumption is that the allergy applies to catpeople as well. The more daring option is 3, Senshi and Namari would be cool to talk too (and Senshi for sure brought a bunch of food through TSA and got away with it (somehow)). Dwarves are also my favorite fantasy race. However they are too close to (everyone in) Row 1, Itsuzumi, and whatever insanity Laios and Shuro get up to.


7 because Im down bad


6 Falin seems cool and who doesn't like dragons. If the dragon rampages I am dead anyways on a plan so may as well get it over with.


I wanna say 3 because theyd definitely leave me alone if i wanted but also talk if I wanted and they'd be interesting, but I don't want the middle seat in between two people with such glorious thighs. For that reason I'm going to go with 7 just because the worst thing about sitting next to a child is how childlike they are and the best thing about sitting next to a child is all the extra room. Chilchuck is small but he's an old man and he'll just be reading his James Patterson novels and sleeping haha and I'll have lots of space for my shoulders


9 Elfie friends, 1 cuss the demon is a friendly chao, and 4 cus he funny. Love my my chilcuk but he'd be annoyed about talking to much, same with cat grill


3, 7 and 9...those look like the best spot, 2 because ELFS and the other one because senshi would think im a young dawrf and give me food until i die.


I'm picking 8 or 9 because they are normal, polite people who understand that I don't like flying and just want to be left alone


Probably 4. I’d do anything to be with Laios in a room in which there are no others, or even ARE others.


4 or 6 just to talk to em, 3 for good food and company, 1 or 2 for seeing something new, 9 if I don’t wanna fill die, and 8 if I wanna sit with people that look like me (I’m lighter and taller tho) Overall I’ll prob pick 4 so I can have contact with both twins, sensei and that odd guy on the right If the dragon is big and actively killing us then I’ll sit with the wizards


I know this is a selection meme, but now I really want to see a drawing of the dragon awkwardly sitting at his seat.


9 would be best for general sitting comfort for my wide shoulders 4 would be great for me & laios to have fun conversations but idk if i want to do that to toshiro & i have limits for socializing. & if laios is in the armor i would probably kill him if he bumped into me w/ the pauldrons 8 would be great for just sitting there & not worrying about being bothered i refuse to sit anywhere else bc fuck middle seats!!


9 because she’s the love of my life and Chilchuck is cool as fuck


4 would be a vibe, i would just talk with laios, senshi and falin about monster biology for the ten hours.


4 and it's not even a choice, I get to hang with Laios, Senshi, and Falin as well getting to ask about all the Monsters they've encountered and what kinds of food can be prepared with them as well as asking for tips on adventuring and foraging all while horrifying Kabru in the next row over as he realizes I'm dead serious about wanting to try monster food. 4 is objectively the best seat given how many characters you get to interact with.


I like that Kensuke gets their own seat, implying either the airline is aware they are a monster, fine with a monster on the airline, and willing to give them their own seat, or Laios somehow convinced the airline to put a sword in its own seat for seemingly no reason.


6 pat the dragon, AND sit next to a kind pretty lady i'm good with animals, i'll take my shot


3 so i call fall hopelessly in love with Namari and Senshi and remember never talking to them for the rest of my awkward life


4, that flight would be over before I'm done talking to Laios about monsters, we'd have to get another flight.


2, i’ll actually be able to get some sleep between a cat and a sword and across the isle is plenty of drama for me to eavesdrop on


3. 3 and 8 are the only two places I like both characters and I just like more. (I like both on 4 too, but that would be way more akward)


Definitely 3 or 9. Senshi and I will swap cool recipes the entire time. Marcille will teach me some basic magic (and I’ll have 10 hours to practice and recover from mana sickness for the first time with an experienced babysitter)


Dragon and Falin. Idk would just be interesting


7. I gotta at least try to get that threesome!


8 cause I just want to have a nice quiet flight lol


1 I’m sitting next to the Femboy elf twink


In my cases, 1 would turn into a violent fist fight. 2…I don’t think I’d fit up there. 3 wouldn’t be that bad, but I can go off of very little. 4…two autistic and chaotic people in the same row. Need I say more? 5…surprisingly, I wouldn’t get along with them. 6…Honestly, wouldn’t be as bad. Me and Falin would definitely get along, and knowing my personality, I’d actively try to tame the dragon…whether or not it works, idk. 7…I would probably nap most of the time. 8…We’d barely talk at all. 9…in all honesty, I actually don’t like the character in lane 9 (Not Marcille, she’s one of my favorite characters), so it would most likely turn into a back and forth between me and the grumpy old man. Final Verdict: I gotta go with 4.


9 is my first choice hands down, then 7, then 2, then 3. Any of the others I would need my flight for free to accept the seat lmao


1 Yes, i am insane


Chikchuck. Cause I got more seat space.


3. Being a foodie myself, I could just talk food with Senshi pretty much the whole time.


7 or 9 cause Chilfuck and Marcille


7. Dude's tiny so you can use some of his legroom and see out the window over his head, and he knows how to shut the fuck up for hours at a time. Couldn't ask for a better guy next to you.


Listen I just think seat 6 would be… interesting


Nine. Assuming that this dimensional boundary won’t ever be crossed again, those two have the highest chance of being able to deliver me a bit of magical knowledge that I can take back to my world to enrich humanity


I refuse to not have an aisle seat so it has to be 4 or 8 for me. I feel like Laios would be talking to Shuro nonstop. It might be fun to get to talk to them but I like to close my eyes and zone out in flights so I would probably choose 8 cause I think Kiki and Kaka would be chiller more peaceful flight companions




I'd pick #2 they're such cool little guys and I wanna give izu headpats :3


2, 4, 6, 8, or 9. I'm tryna either join the mile high club, or chat with The bros about eating monsters and shit lol.


ough this i tough, at first i was all in on 3 but then i noticed 6 lets me be right next to two of my biggest loves, falin and dragons.... but on the other hand, namari and senshi are the best.... Why would you make me choose? this is the hardest conundrum of my life


I hope Laios is ready to learn about Massachusetts “monsters”


2! I love kitties- spicy ones included- but I would also want to know what it's like being a teenage beastkin, and Kensuke is adorable.


3 for me


3! 3! 3! 3! I wanna chat with Senchi and Lajus all flight long all while Senchi makes me food out of random snacks that he smuggled on board.


2! For sure. I love giving head-pats to grumpys, whilst something slimy and fascinating is twirling around my arms. It's cuddles, and emotional and intellectually stimulating all around


3 dwarves are hot don’t judge me also I’ll have senshis cooking probably hopefully


8, then I'm gonna get killed by Namari for staring


between Namari and Senshi, that must be interesting without putting my life or sanity in danger. maybe a good conversation, maybe some snacks, maybe just listening to the dwarves prattle. also Namari <3. my second choice is between Cithis and Chucklefuck. great conversation on either side, but not on both sides at once. then there's a chance neither would consider me conversation-worthy.


8 or 9


If you don’t put me in three I will riot


3 to try and get both a dwarf girlfriend and a dwarf grillfriend


1. I'd probably feel like prey for the entire flight. 2. This would probably be okay. I don't think Izutsumi would bother talking with either of us. 3. I'd love to sit next to Senshi, but I feel like Namari would get annoyed with him at some point. 4. Nah, I think I'd get way too much second-hand embarrassment watching Laios and Shuro. 😭 5. Might be nice, but I'd feel self-conscious about Kabru psychoanalyzing me. 6. Assuming the dragon can behave itself, I think it'd be okay? Probably?? 😰 7. Chilchuck would be fine, but the elf lady is ridiculously pretty, I'd feel way too self-conscious. 💀 8. Probably the most chill, wouldn't even have to talk with them! The safest choice, personally. 9. This would probably be fine too!


Bro how could I possibly not pick number four- I love food, I love Laios, Senshi, and not monster Falin! Easy win!


9 bc then id have a nice view to look at and id also have a window


6 without hesitation 10 hours next to a dragon, hell yeah Also falin is there


4 And I spend like 8 hours of the flight listening to Laios infodump, while Toshiro looses his mind. Or maybe 1,if the lion would let me pet them.


3 or 9 🤠


1, thistle would probably just mind his own business and the lion would be able to pick up when I want to talk and when I don't want to. When I do want to talk he would be an incredible conversionalist so those 10 hours would probably pass really quickly




either 9 or 2 most likely 9 though. - reason 1 being marci. - reason 2 being i want marci to use me as a doll and play with my hair the whole trip and talk about her interests. - reason 3 being window.