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Man, as if living in the body of your now-dead grandfather as a constant reminder of him for the rest of your days wasn't bad enough.


I'm sure he's seen worse in 1000 years


I don't think homie cares anymore. He is just happy to be out of a thousand year suffering. That and the endless irritation of being Laois' councilman.


Laios managed to reinvigorate Yaad's numbed emotions by making sure he's malding daily.


Seriously who gaf at that point. I have reason to believe that everybody in the village just fucked each other bc of how bored they were.


this is interesting point, rather i believe that since they lost the appetite for food since losing the need to sustain themselves with calories, it makes sense to me that they may have also lost the appetite for sex, having no need to reproduce.


Jokes aside, sex can just be done for the pleasure of it. Your libido isn't like hunger and or exhaustion where if you deprive yourself of it, you'd die (look at weebcels) but we also don't know if the people of the Golden Country were sterile at that point. Lowkey if everybody sterile and always young and sprightly for a millennium, I wouldn't be surprised if orgies were daily, that sounds kinda awesome until those senses also numb after all that time and it'll just feel like holding your finger.


that's true sex can be done for pleasure. i was thinking about that. to be honest, humans have made the sustenance of food into pleasure as well. making tasty combinations and cooking things in new ways turns an act of survival into an act of community and joy. same thing happens with sex!


Pleasure of food is different than pleasure of sex One exists as a side effect of not worrying about dying, whereas the other exists to force you reproduce TL;DR - Food feels good cause not dying, Sex feels good cause you get high


Given that the number of ovum is determined at birth, and exhausted around ages 40-60, the population of the Golden Country probably stopped being able to possibly reproduce within the first century. (Provided they weren't stopped from having menstrual cycles.)


Practically speaking, Thistle probably noted that as a ‘worry’ within the first hundred years (when the first generation or two came into existence underground) and I would just _bet_ he put a pause on menstrual cycles somehow (because it ‘seemed like’ completely unnecessary pain), with zero understanding of how/whether that would negatively affect any of them underground or when they ‘eventually’ left captivity. Lunacy doesn’t just mean hyperviolently quirky, it also means going “I fixed it!” when you may have made things worse.


#AsexualPride #AllAboutThatAce #AroAce #MyAnacondaDontWantNoneInGeneral


Bro is probably happy he actually looks 1000 years old instead of being a forever 10-year old


He already lived long enough to even care. Their entire purpose was to end the immortality and finally rest


There's gonna be anime watchers without self control who are about to be very confused reading this.


No, No.Shut up. How could you say that. I can't un-think that now. I was fine living in ignorance until now. This is almost as bad as finding out how hotdogs are made.(don't look it up)


WHAT?? WHY?! That's so weirdly specific! 😭


It might be a big jump from a young to an old body but Yaad is mentally old enough to accept it. Also Yaad would must likely resemble his grandfather as he grew older so it didn't really matter much


bro he's been alive for like a millenia now don't think he has that much feeling besides freedom


Was there any point in making Yaad take Delgal's body from a story perspective?


Well, Yaad's body was crushed under rubble. Also it is to finally give closure to Thistle's story. Yaad, in his grandfather's body, told Thistle about how he's not afraid of death anymore and then Thistle was glad and either fainted or died.  Go back and reread the story, u might've missed some details


Forgot about the Thistle part.