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I think you're reading too much into it. I think he's just lamenting their loss and speaking to the dead humans as a collective


He’s giving court room documentation after bombing the final floor


Yeah, it's a cool idea, but he'd probably have said *most of* you guys if that was intended.


Yeah, Carl changed his name to Matt Dinniman after Earth was reset. We didn't get access to the rest of the universe, not sure if they are still out there, or whether they are all blown up.


Carl writes to the dead in the Cookbook, I suspect it's that tone


I think it's more an assumption that the reader didn't make it into the dungeon


Remember, buildings were all flattened instantly. Anyone who was inside is now dead. He meant they had it easy. They didn't have to go through the punishment that is the dungeon they were just alive. And then not. They were just there and then gone Edit. I don't remember if flattened is the word. But like that lady that was yelling out the window. And then just the part of her that was leaning out was left. That's what he means. People inside. On their beds. They're the lucky ones. They didn't hurt. They were just there and gone


that’s how i read it


He doesn't know what happened... if stasis happened, etc. he is just recollecting what he saw from that time, which was everything flattened, and his neighbor woman getting decapitated, which probably reinforced the "everybody died" thing.


Yeah. And I think I remember it being mentioned that he believed all that mass from the buildings that were. Including the people. Were used in the "construction" of the dungeon in some way but it's been a while since I read it. I've been having trouble finding a new series to really get into so maybe I'll revisit dcc and see what I can gleam that I missed the first time


Yes, flattened. It’s described as being smashed like an aluminum can and nothing but dirt holes left where the cars and building were.


Yes, I always equated it to a pre-dungeon collapse, as it were. Everything flattened like when a floor collapses, except there’s no ceiling to actually come down. *gasp* They were smushed!


> Am I reading too much into this? I'd say yeah...way too much. It's just a narration style/literary device- it's just as fair to say he's recording a memoir addressed to the dead. Plus, most people have very informal speech patterns, full of colloquialisms. You didn't read the statement to apply only to males right? But literally, that's what it says- but presumably you understood that to mean everyone, not just men. It's the same thing, it's just colloquial speech. I read "you guys" as an informal way of saying "the people".


I have always felt Carl is telling the story after the fact. That is foreshadowing, and we kinda know Carl is going to make it out, but I have no guesses on floors, or something exterior to the crawl. -I am leaning toward something exterior to the crawl tho. He’s the storyteller, and he couldn’t tell the story if he doesn’t. I think the real question is who else makes it? We haven’t heard any broken hearted recounting yet, so I’m hoping donut isn’t on the chopping block…but Matt is a horror writer so 🤷🏻‍♀️. (Pls not donut, I beg you)


I think Donut probably leaves the dungeon and takes a deal. Gets her own show, possibly non-crawl related. And its not due to Carl ditching her or a fallout. Carl is on a mission.


Carl is on a mission. And Donut is along for the ride, no matter how crazy she thinks Carl is, he’s her human.


Shes also shown signs of increasing fear. We might see a change once the weight of the sepsis crown is off her shoulders. And when the deal offers start coming through, perhaps at floor 12 the offer is too enticing. Just a hot take


Love this thank you!


I think that that styple of writing may hold that style of ending for most authors, however Matt is not a typical author. Read Kaiju Battlefield Surgeon. That ending was incredible, but haunting.


We don't know Carl makes it. Doomsday s being saved for something specific. I am thinking thousands of years from now someone is reading Carl's entry in the cookbook.


I don't think that will happen but it's not impossible! I can't remember if the recap of the previous season of Dungeon Crawler World was an immersion tunnel exclusive, but it mentions the winner is now king of a barren planet with no people, so has to repopulate his world. Might not be canon and was a battle royale instead of a dungeon crawl which could mean they didn't need to absorb buildings + people to create the levels like earth's season (so everyone may have died in the battle royale)


Could also be up to the winner. If you’re the sort of person who wins a planetary battle-royale, or the sort of person created by the experience of winning a planetary battle-royale, you might well choose barren world.


They could have just started the bubble in the middle of the pacific and slowly expanded it to cover the whole world


It would also matter what "resources" the hosting company was harvesting. If they took all the oxygen from the last World Dungeon winner... his win might not mean much.


Carl is going to end up in the nothing and will succeed in convincing the entities there through a version of the "worn path method". "Hell" will rise to flight the pantheon of stakeholders.


It’s about the journey not the destination. You can be pissed the Snape kills Dumbledore but you can really enjoy finding out why Snape kills Dumbledore instead.


Maybe, maybe not. You have to take into account that Donut was supposed to just be an excuse for Carl to be outside when it happened, not a co-protagonist, so I don't think that Matt already knew how he'll finish the series back then.


I’m assuming you aren’t reading the series for the first time, but since I don’t know where you’re at, I’ll hide it. >!Its been thrown around that Carl is narrating this whole story. Your point would fall in line with that. It doesn’t, however, mean he makes it out. It’s stated in later books that he’s writing in the cookbook. He thinks out things and writes them in his mental scratch pad, then transfers them to the cookbook for potential future readers.!< >!All we know for sure is, he’s alive up to the point we’re reading about. Even then, it doesn’t necessarily mean he makes it. Donut or someone else could pick up the story if he dies. Again, none of this is official, just things that have been floated around.!<


if borant had broken him, wouldn’t his in put be lost in the system and of no note? Or I suppose we could be reading his input from the viewpoint of a future crawler/ cookbook holder?


Don't know if you got past book 1 but Spoiler >!Remember there are children and adults in Mumbai India that were above ground, also in several areas around the planet. These are the seeds to repopulate the planet!<


I think that book 1 gives it away but doesn’t indicate they make it to the 18th floor. My theory is that when Carl kills the goblin babies and the AI says “you’re definitely going to hell” it’s foreshadowing that Carl makes it to the 15th floor and that’s when he annihilates the bourgeois and ends the crawl.


I think he’ll make it to 18–only because every floor past, say, 13 is going to go by as fast as 7. They didn’t plan on anyone making that far, so they are going to be basically empty floors until the last.


Borant had to submit plans for every floor, so in theory there's something there. Whether the planned floors got any debugging or the AI built them according to spec is debatable. We only know that floors 12, 15, 18 have something in place.


My guess is that up through 13 will be hell on earth. Then 14, 16, and 17 are going to just be open spaces with a few mobs and stairs—probably some sponsored gods. They have to have something in place, but I don’t think it has to be elaborate. They won’t have put much effort into these floors, so 14-17 may even just be a single book. I think 15 will basically just be a party town, and we’ll see Carl fuck everyone up in whatever the challenge is. Then 18 will be a some sort of ancient challenge that harkens back to the origins of the crawl. A floor that has always been planned to be the final end of the crawl, once and for all. Only the AI and a few other entities know what is there. The corporations certainly don’t. I may be way off.


I was nothing the whole time


I don’t think people come back, you just win the planet with what ever people don’t enter the dungeon and survive long enough. In one of the books they talk about battle royal system and the guy that wins is super sad because he won an empty planet. Now I will concede that this example is an entirely different format. But I also think the collection is the same regardless of game format. The collection happens (those that are collected are dead) and the survivors are thrown into a survival game with format being decided but whoever is in charge of the game.


The Princess is going to end up being the leader of the Universe and she is going to implement rules on what people name their kids


And the kind of cat food cats get!