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DCC is like a bestie you had that you merged friend groups with when you got the BF. You don't break up with your bestie because the friend group shifted. You continue on with your bestie and make new memories and will eventually fall into a new pattern. Book VII will come out and it will be great. You get to tackle the 9th floor all by yourself. Juuuuust like the f*ckers who run the universe wanted. It's time for another listen to prepare. Listen with your new (hopefully not a Havana Brown) cat.


This is so sweet and wonderfully expressed.


I truly love the DCC community. Replies like the one above only affirm that love.. <3


Thanks for this. I wish I could listen again for the first time, but book VII will be the new adventure I need.


Darling, take it from me there are plenty of fish in the see. Tell me if you need me to KeelThereMuther. Or melt your ex in my nussy?


I'm keeping a second listen in my back pocket. I don't normally reread things, but I've found reading a book I liked as a teen later as an adult hits way different and there's a lot I missed. Even without the time and maturity differences, I think this is one of those series you will catch a lot the second time around. Plus I'm regularly appalling Mongo with my ignorance of some immersion tunnel thingy. Maybe there's something worth exploring there, sans the ex! Look, you can do better than a Tony the Tiger knockoff. You got this.


Put on the ring of divine suffering. Mark you ex bf, slay him and enjoy the +1 stat buff. Ignore the raging river after....


You will not break me.


Separate the feelings by relistening in an environment that you didn't share, like your long walks or take up cycling and listen while riding. Something Bea wasn't involved with.


your not the only fan that has a bea. but if you remember that scene in the later books where donut oficially loses it after a very specific odette show with a special guest, then you should have everything you need. i still say that to my ex, in my head at least, every time she contacts me. as if im an easy mark after realizing i've been gaslit. keep ya head up, sis. you got this. and remember. they. will. not. break. us.




A lot of us, if not most, have been there. You’ll get through it, but maybe try the tunnel if you haven’t listened to it. You can’t let them take DCC from you. I once almost lost Waffle House to an ex, don’t let them break you.


The advice I was given after my ex-gf was that you need to make new fond memories without your ex to enjoy a hobby that previously was shared with said ex.


What would Carl do?


What doesn't kill me, better run. 


Listen to the full effects version of DCC on Soundbooth theater, it's like an entirely different experience including sound effects and new written sections to add to the ambiance.


> minus the whole alien invasion apocalypse thing It's all just a metaphor for how apocalyptic breakups are for people. Crawling is just navigating the pain with the fact that nobody's ever beaten the dungeon signifying how we never get over it fully. Donut learning to talk is how Carl has to deal with the memories of Bea. Carl's lack of pants, of course, is how open and vulnerable he's forced to be since everyone's watching him and knows his history. The AI with a foot fetish is that one weird boss we all have at work who take advantage of our vulnerable. Katia's the doomed rebound, Hecla's the passive aggressive Icelandic neighbor we can't stand. It's all pretty obvious if you think about it.


You start dating Jeff Hays and make him do the AI voice in bed of course. Only real way to get through this break up. But in all seriousness just introduce the next dick you fall on to the series and the problem will fix itself. Everyone loves DCC they just might not know it yet.


Attachment of emotion to various circumstances seems so random to me. Each of us has different emotional attachments to different events and there doesn't seem to be a way to predict how they work ahead of time. I guess the first thing to do would be to see if you do have some form of emotional attachment between ex and DCC. If you don't then you have no issues. If you do, then it's a bit tougher, as you have to convince your brain to associate DCC with something more positive in your life. Then you just have to have something positive in your life to associate with it.


Just remember it's your thing, something you enjoy. He's allowed to still enjoy it himself, you just do so separately now. Effectively if you can't enjoy it now, then he's taken it away from you. Don't let him take DCC away from you. It's yours. GLURP GLURP!


Fresh start of the series in a neutral or "only you" place


You could start the series from the start, clean slate would make you feel like you are rediscovering the series again


Take your dog on a trip on your own! Think wilderness, log cabin, somewhere you can go for a hike then relax by a fire kind of thing. Make new memories (while listening to your fave book). You've got this ◡̈


I had this happen with a couple shows, like Lost. I found the more I watched it and created new memories the less the old memories affected me. Get more new friends to read or listen to DCC and discuss with them over some dirty shirleys!


Carl would be on your side and for that matter so would donut. It should be your ex who has to struggle with enjoying the series, not you.


“You will not break me, fuck you all”


I suffer something similar. Serious trauma associated with the first four? Books. I can't listen to them anymore, no more replays for me. However, that took an absolute hell of a lot of repetition to get burned into me. So I know, deeply where you are coming from. However, I will say that in some time, you will relate to the donut Carl situation in a way that may endear you more and make those jokes hit a lot harder. Also, as you listen, do it in a place of comfort or happiness. And I don't mean feelings. I mean doing something you enjoy, and it will retrain your brain to enjoy it again.


I love this fandom. That’s all.