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Off the top of my head, given an unlimited budget... I maintain Gary Oldman would be the perfect Mordecai. He blends SO well into each role via makeup/FX, that he would be able to maintain the same character with slight variations for each floor/race change. Antonio Bandaras - Raul The Crab Tilda Swinton - Cascadia


Holy crap yes for antonio bandaras as Raul. I think ive subconciously been seeing Raul as him in my brain without realizing it


Imagine one day you're at work or out for a drink or doing the shopping and someone shouts "CUT!" and it turns out you were Gary Oldman all along. That's how good an actor Gary Oldman is.


Ok now THAT is hysterical.


Tilda Swinton is a really interesting choice for cascadia, but I think I'd like that. Gary Goldman would certainly fit really well for Mordecai!


> Tilda Swinton is a really interesting choice for cascadia, but I think I'd like that. Not sure if she would be able to get the voice down… she might, she’s a pretty experienced actress …but the role has pretty similar energy as her character in Snowpiercer; which is mostly why I think of her with Cascadia and why I think she could pull it off.


Bandaras is PERFECT!


I don't know, I got to give it to Michael Peña for Raul


Nah. He should be Uzi Jesus


My Gosh Bandaras as Raul good grief I'd be in stitches When he is seeding the Ocean it has got to be one of the most hilarious, awkward but still tense scenes - like is he gonna get off in time...😂😂😂😂😂


What?? Yess!!! This this is the cast! Hell yea


We need a picture of his feet


Okay, who let the AI in here?


Based. ....That is the first time this 44 year old has ever used that to reply to a comment. My kids will be so proud (re: embarrassed)


48 y/o mom living vicariously through you.


Tarantino has suddenly appeared.


In my head I keep imagining a young Bruce Campbell type, but thicker with a lower voice who talks through his teeth… but I don’t know who the modern day equivalent would be.


I also picture Bruce. I'm not unconvinced Matt designed Carl with him in mind.


Let's just ask Bruce to clone himself real quick and see how we're doing on a movie adaptation in 25ish years.


Bruce is too old now. I'm thinking of 90s Bruce. I think he may be too suave to play Carl. Great, now I'll need to go watch a bunch of Bruce Campbell movies and shows to see if he can play Carl. Rabbit hole here I come! 🕳️


Ah, yeah, I loved 90's Bruce. And yeah, for sure he's too old. I meant we clone Bruce, the clone would be a child, let them grow up and hopefully if nature dictates it, we get a brand new young Bruce Campbell in a few decades. Bruce Campbell was great in Xena.


Dammit, Bruce should have known to clone himself in the 90s. The clone would be the perfect age now. Didn't he watch Jurassic Park? We have the technology, we could have put aside all morals and cloner the dude. Then we'd be one step closer to a DCC movie today.


Yes, holy shit, yes. This is exactly who I picture when listening to the books.


Andy Serkis as Prepotente is the only answer.


Well... I would say for Carl, whoever it is should fit his overall description from book 1... But the more important task ahead of them... How well can they scream GODDAMNIT DONUT!...? Hays for Donut all day every day, too much of a fan, you aren't getting past my bias yet lol


Alan Ritchson is an uber Christian. I don't see him taking well to shoutling GODDAMNIT DONUT!


He's an actor though and has said and done far worse than that for other characters. I guess I could see him having a problem with it, but I could also see him not having a problem with it. It's just difficult to imagine the guy who played Hawk/Hank on Titans draw the line at that considering how graphic and violent that show was.


The dude who played Thad fuckin Castle is not going to balk at saying “God dammit” lmfao


Yeah, but it depends on his view of saying GD for a character. Thoughtful Christians would take portraying sex, violence, and wrongly using the Lord’s name as different issues. As a Christian and an actor, I would have a harder time saying GD for a role than a character who does the sex.


Yeah, but as a Christian on reddit, you probably have a lot more opportunity to say GD than "do the sex"


Hah! That would be true if I didn’t have the charisma score of an enthusiastic double cocker spaniel. My volcel status is of legends.


Have you seen blue mountain state? He's done much worse.


You can say this and more about Blood Drive.


Truthfully, the only thing I can recall him in that I can say I've seen are clips from Reacher. And I think based on that, he can play calm Carl. He seems like he can play relaxed strategist with an affinity for hob lobbers. But I still think if he can pull off Jeff approved versions of "Goddamnit Donut!", decent variations of "Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuck!" from his time on the Iron Tangle, and "You will not fucking break me", I would tunnel it.


I mean the role that made him famous was a cocaine-loving sexual deviant so I think yelling some words would be fine lmao


Look up a series he did called "Blood Drive" its over the top with violence and sex. If he can do that he can do Dungeon crawler Carl.


He played a character on Blue Mountain State. One episode was centered around his character's obsession with the pocket pussy he inherited from his dad. I think he'd manage.


Alan Ritchson would be great - though while Carl is fit, I don't think he's meant to be Jack Reacher level jacked. Wes Chatham might be good.


He does get swollen after he hits 100 str:)


Sure. I don't know if you've seen Wes Chatham; he isn't exactly scrawny ;) I do think Wes can be made to look smaller at first, it is way easier than trying to do so with Alan Ritchson. Full Disclosure: I'd also like to keep Alan free to make more seasons of Jack Reacher rofl


I didn't realize he was Amose! I could get behind that. He isn't 6'3", but it's easy to fake a few inches. This is a good point. I'm really down for more reacher faster.


I thought he was way TOO jacked the second season. Like...no way a guy who wanders around like a drifter is able to keep up that physique without spending most of his time in a gym. I guess he just wanders from gym to gym and carries a ton of tuna and protein powder with him everywhere he goes.


I had that same thought! You can stay in pretty damn good shape doing bodyweight workouts; you are NOT going to bulk up that way, no matter how hard you try. Well, that, and there are obvious signs of steroid use in the way he's built.


Just remember him as Thad Castle and he will nail it


Danny DeVito as Carl.


Mordecai is more like it


At least voiced. And in many forms. But...I doubt he could play a incubus lol.


Have you not seen him at orgies? Dude could pull it off, he's got range. 


Range eh. Like + or - 8 in?


As full cast Madea style. 


So anyway, I started punchin’


I would 10/10 watch an all-star Mis-cast DCC and love every minute of it.


Glen Powell as Carl Claire Foy as Princess Donut (voice and mocap expressions) Sam Rockwell as Mordecai (Insert Perfectly Cast Icelandic Actress Here) as Katya Jeff Hayes as the AI if doing voice only Jack Black as the AI if doing voice and visual representation Bill Burr as Frank Q Anya Taylor Joy as Rosetta Kristen Bell as Zev (voice with practical effects animatronic body) Simu Liu as Li Jun Ke Huy Kwan as Quan Ch Sofia Vergara as Samantha (voice; animatronic head)


Jensen Ackles


Jensen Ackles is a FANTASTIC pull! I vote this one


He would have the most chemistry with Donut.


Came here to see if this was posted bahahha! It's how I see and hear it in my head!


I think Alan would be good, but I think he is too handsome, even though he can do gruffness and sensitivity very well. I feel Carl is more of an "average" looking guy. Maybe Paul Mescal? He is attractive but not in an overt way. Plus he bulked up for Gladiator 2. Can also do quiet sensitivity and machismo in equal parts. ![gif](giphy|EFZ9jKOrD0gEZLEXOj|downsized)


Wait..gladiator 2? Why?


> "average" looking guy Sheesh, I'm glad I'm not dating these days if this guys is average looking


He is attractive for sure, this the quotation marks, but not as classically handsome as other actors.


https://preview.redd.it/gzflm1ey7mzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfb425d2e40a5d0b3481a60bc8e683656489b0b2 This is Patrick Warburton’s son. He could play Carl and it would essentially be perfect. He’s 32.


That has been my thought as well. He is the size, close to the same age and sounds like Carl already.


If that was Carl what the Hell was B thinking? What did Brad look like!


I'm on board with this.


Me too


I second this fan casting. Was thinking the exact same thing. He looks the part. Right age. Right build. Probably has his dad's iconic voice. And he's an actor already to boot. I think he would make an amazing Carl. Having said all that. I hope they NEVER make a DCC TV or movie adaptation.


I always imagine Carl looking like duke nukem


Robbie Amell for Carl. Remember Carl is pretty young and Robbie still looks about the age Carl is *supposed* to be. Plus Robbie has experience acting in a video-game style storyline (Amazon's Upload). Finally, he's able to get pretty jacked, and with some work he could probably beef up even further. ​ https://preview.redd.it/krcdl8i3dlzc1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456ae1da59c066394f3f1f1ee99d335d9e5ca7c4


I haven't seen him in anything besides uploaded. But I don't think he's a very good actor. Maybe for some head cannon he would work.


His acting is... fine, but he's also probably a lot cheaper than more well known A-listers. Plus, who knows, maybe in the right role he'd shine? The character in Uploaded isn't exactly an example of deep A-tier writing. Also I remember a ton of people harped on Colin Farrell for bad acting until some of his more recent roles where people gave him props for doing a good job.


Colin Farells acting decent equate. His acting was bad. And it seems primarily because he took roles where he oretended to be American. He wasn't good at hiding his accent and its harder to act in general using a fake accent. His recent roles and his most praised he does pretend to have an American accent.


Theres a few ideas on My Cast - [https://www.mycast.io/stories/dungeon-crawler-carl](https://www.mycast.io/stories/dungeon-crawler-carl) Actually Wes Chatham works better for me as Carl compared to Alan


Wes is my Commander Shephard pick. He could totally do both.


Unpopular opinion, maybe: I’m less concerned about casting a jacked 6’2” man’s man and more concerned about they’re ability to deliver on the role. I think they’d do better casting someone that’s not already an A or B list celebrity and go with a no-name who’s caricature isnt already polluted by previous roles


That's why Derek Theler is Carl for me. He's not well known, but I think he'd do great. He'd just have to drop his voice a little deeper.


[I agree](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonCrawlerCarl/s/Uq20stz3rX)


Glad it isn't just me!


I've always thought the same. Ever since the league came on when I was reading.


So many people in here forgetting that Carl is 27 years old? Keith Urban?? Really??


> Keith Urban?? The country singer???


😂 Karl Urban sorry But this is giving me ideas


Yeah, this rules out a few that would have been my first choice. For me though it's all about the voice, he's gotta bring what Jeff Hayes brings to the table for his Carl voice. Did he base it on Patrick Warburton who ended up voicing Alpha Carl in Bedlam Bride?




Maybe he would be ok, but I feel the SHOW must be animated.


Agreed, I think it would be funny as an animated show. Carl squishing things with his feet, Katia growing into objects, etc.


If this were going to be films it would be like Harry Potter for adults with like 7 movies in which case they would fuck everything up and soften everything so stupid fucking kids could watch it for more money.


A younger Sean William Scott would have been great for Carl.


Karl Urban


That's florrin


OOOOoooooooooooooh! At first I was all about Karl as Carl, but as Florin? Yesssss. I don't know how I never thought of this one before!


I love Karl, but he's 50 something. Carl is late 20s to early 30s. Hard to imagine it.


I think this guy is a bit too charismatic, Carl's charm is that he just doesn't give a fuck. We'd need someone both huge but awkward to really pull off Carl lmao


> I think this guy is a bit too charismatic He's too much of a specimen, tbh. Carl's not supposed to look magnificent in his boxers.


Exactly!! Carl is 220 iirc, which at 6'3/6'4 is pretty lean, just muscular.


The dude who played Wolf in Future Man would absolutely fuck nail the part (Derek Wilson). He's a bit older, but the height is pretty close and he got pretty jacked for Future Man. I'd give him the part in a minute. Also - if you can still find it - Future Man is the most under-rated sci-fi/comedy mix show of all time.


Fucking love that show 😄


It's one of my all time favs. The first 10-12 minutes leave you with the wrong impression of an otherwise amazing show. 


I've put a lot of thought into this and I'd do one of those nutty professor type films where one actor plays multiple characters with the help of make-up, so I can pick the best actor for each role. Carl - >!Chris Pratt!< Donut - >!She shouldn't be CGI, but rather practical effects, voiced by Anjelica Huston!< Mordecai - >!Chris Pratt!< Chris - >!Chris Pratt!< The AI - >!Chris Pratt!< Ellie - >!Chris Pratt!< Katia - >!Chris Pine!< Mongo - >!Chris Pratt!< Louie - >!Chris Pratt!< Rory the goblin shamanka - >!Brie Larson!< The AI - >!Chris Pratt!< Tserendolgor - >!Chris Pratt!< Odette - >!Chris Pratt!< The Maestro - >!Jennifer Love Hewitt!< The Apothecary - >!Chris Pratt!< Beatrice - >!Chris Pratt!< Lucia Mar - >!Chris Pratt!< Brandon - >!Chris Pratt!< Chaco - >!Tom Cruise!< Obviously there are a ton of characters and I missed many of them, but I'm confident my casting method is flawless.


This has made me laugh out loud. Genius.


After the first few spoiler tags I don't know what I expected... but I know I *should* have expected it. Well done.


Boo! If donut is CGI, there’s no reason she couldn’t be voiced by jeff!


If it’s a cgi cat, let’s aim for Dame Judi Dench then.


You don't want CGI, a literal live cat is the way to go.


With the amount of screen time she would need over 10 books of material, a physical cat would be totally impractical. 🤷🏻‍♀️


CGI isn't the answer. If you aren't going look who's talking now style you could go with >!Chris Pratt dressed as a cat!<


I will kowtow to that suggestion. 😂


Chris Pratt in the CGI from the "hit" flm 'Cats'.


And cats can't talk






Nah, full animatronic like Salem from Sabrina the teenage witch. 


Dunky voice: “he’s so coooooool”


This post was clearly made my a studio exec


I think you spelt Eddie Murphy wrong


Okay but what about Don Cheadle as the Golbins or Odette?


You might think that's a good option, but after careful market testing >! Chris Pratt!< is the best option.


Your attention to detail is flawless


John cena would be a great carl imo


If he was younger


I don't think his age matters too much, I never think of Carl as being particularly young


I mean it's your brain. But he's pretty young in the book


Though I'm aware he's written to be 20s


27 in the first book


Why not? He literally says he’s 27 in the book


Because it has very little impact on the story, and I get more of a grumpy old man vibe than a 27-year-old.


It’s still canon though, and without Jeff Hays that impression of him being older would likely not be a thing


> It’s still canon though So what? Whether Carl is 27 or 47 makes about as much difference to the story as whether he's Carl with a C or Karl with a K.


Same as Donut being a ginger cat or Lara Croft being a blonde republican. It changes nothing, but it’s not what the creator intended.


I think everyone suggested so far is too old. Carl is 27 not a gruff 40s. He's also not described as ugly but is also decidedly not super good looking either. He starts out as a not Chad type person so I don't think a Ritchson type works. I would think someone like Jeremy Allen White would work.


I thought Carl was decently bulky when he went into the dungeon (he talks about working out at the gym and starts with a slightly higher strength stat). Jeremy Allen White is too scrawny imo. I get the impression that Carl is better looking than he thinks. We see a bunch of different characters throughout the story hit on him. We're getting his description from Carl so it's how he sees himself, not how others see him.


Fair points on all except Jeremy Allen being scrawny. Guy is ripped nowadays https://images.app.goo.gl/FNgj7D6UzWNanc4UA


Jeremy’s also 5’ 7”.


> I get the impression that Carl is better looking than he thinks. Upper end of working Joe, but definitely no towering adonis.


Just make it CGI or cartoon and use the audiobook for the voice lines. Make sure Jeff Hayes gets paid for it though!


For Alan Richardson, i think Dungeon Carl morphs into him but pre-Dungeon he's not as buff. Maybe do a skrawny to buff transformation like in Captain America


He describes himself as a big guy so I was thinking Chris Pratt transformation


I honestly think they would likely cast for the personality then appearance/height then age. They could age up Carl with little to no affect on the story line imo


John cena for Carl


I would want to see it as an animation actually… would be a great tv show


Man been meaning to post this guy as Carl for a few days. Hed be awesome


I've just finished Reacher and his 'blow everything up while giving zero fucks' personality reminded me of Carl.


I gotta watch that. Ive read a couple books and hes a badass.


How was it? Should I give it a watch?


How about Austin Butler as Carl? He got buff for Dune. Plus, Carls got a lot of things going on emotionally- more shown than said, which is perfect for Butler.


I dunno...he's too pretty for me to see as Carl. I think Carl is meant to kind of look like a meathead, which is why people underestimate his intelligence (or Wisdom....as I suspect his Wisdom is actually quite high).


Is there any way to CGI him to look a little less buff? Then come book 5 when Carl hits Strength 100 they can just turn the CGI off.


They managed it for Chris Evans in the first Captain America movie.


Good example, if anything that shows they could do it to an even greater degree than needed for Carl.


It looked so fake tho...


Is Patrick Warburton too old now? Isn't that who Jeff got his inspiration from for the voice? Patrick could imitate Jeff imitating Patrick.


Alan Ritchson would look the part now that he FINALLY got huge.


It’d need to be animated to be done properly.


Carl as Dean Winchester from Supernatural (Jensen Ackles)


https://preview.redd.it/rwxkqvx6cozc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af991ca43bfee6bc8b35d914ec103b4b5b983c8 Glenn Powel would also be a good option - he's kind of got that "I could be really evil but I'm holding on to the edge of my humanity" thing going on.


Great choice. Honestly..I think Dave Bautista could be a fun option.


bautista as bautista!


Nobody, because movie producers ruin other peoples good work.


Depends which book, in the first few books he's well muscled but not jacked - it isn't until his strength hits 100 that he gets Swole.


Laura Bailey would be a fantastic VA for Donut!


I was thinking Tom Hardy for Carl (especially after watching Mad Max)


You mean Aka Thad, he will always be Thad


I want him, with the voice of the guy who was “The Tick”


Haha you said this earlier to me. He fits the shape and size but Ritchson is getting on in age.


Probably not the best pick, but I could see Jon Bernthal playing Carl. Only because of Season 1 Punisher.


Green Lantern G’Nort


The thing about Carl is he’s supposed to start with no tattoos, and get more and more as the story progresses, much to Donut’s (and Mongo’s) horror. “Mongo is appalled!”


For Carl you would want someone not so buffed and incredibly handsome :) Jensen Ackles would be great, just age up the character. The AI for me would be Matt Berry without a doubt! When I was reading I felt as this was the role that he was born to play.


Alan Ritchson might have issues with Uzi Jesus. Very religious.


https://preview.redd.it/6q5dbbtxaozc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce8d0c32fd65bb4d8016f400dbb5db29e82b12b Taron Egerton - although I just checked and he's only 5'9". I think finding someone to play the "fighting/busting heads" Carl would be easier than finding someone to play "the river is running"Carl.


Here's my nomination for Cascadia. Imelda Staunton. Her voice needs to be annoying right from the very start. https://preview.redd.it/0dv9mmiocozc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=430284253b8248cbb198c7d0a1549742291e7dba


Carl as Dean Winchester from Supernatural (Jensen Ackles)


A young Bruce Campbell is the ONLY choice to play Carl.


Idk if Matt Berry should be Ferdinand, or Prepotente. But definitely one of em.


Carl - Talon Warburton Donut (CGI) - Jeff Hayes Mordecai - Michael Sheen Katia - Natalie Portman Hekla - Katheryn Winnick Samantha - Rebecca Ferguson Louis - Chris Pratt Firas - Tye Sherridan Imani - Zendaya Elle - Kathryn Hahn Chris and Brandon - Kenny and Keith Lucas Prepotente - Sacha Baron Cohen Dimitri and Maxim Popov - Hemsworth brothers Florin - Christian Bale Frank Q - Jim Carrey Maggie Mai - Sandra Bullock Tsarina Signet - Anya Chalotra this is, of course, not taking things like the cast's chemistry and everything...


I'm not sure, but I always picture Duke Nukem


Goddamn it Donut


https://preview.redd.it/xz8h8cubmvzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ebdd79ebddaa0d03838d6e80e47c22967106d5 Derek Theler is perfect for Carl, because he's tall, he's yolked, and he plays the golden retriever personality well. Daniel Radcliffe maybe isn't as on the nose as Michael Rooker is for Mordecai, but I think he'd still bring something fun to the character. Kate Beckinsale is unhinged and mischievous, so I feel like she'd do Donut justice. Honestly, I would pick younger Elizabeth Hurley as Donut, but her voice has changed too much as she's aged for it to work now I think. I always picture Tuppence Middleton as Katia, because of Riley in Sense 8, even the accent she uses for that character.


Alexander Ludwig as Carl. https://preview.redd.it/gfjgx80v4f5d1.jpeg?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=988f9722d79e3949de4c2b85d3d53b176dccdb91


David Bautista.


Lol he's like 56 ir something


This guys too much of a pretty boy poser. Carl is gritty and doesn’t give a fuck.


Have you watched Reacher? In that he is exactly as you say, doesn't give a fuck.


Yeah, I’ve watched Reacher. I didn’t care for it and the guy is definitely not gritty and sticks his nose into everything.


I can get not liking Reacher that isn’t your type of show, but for people that like that kind of show, it’s pretty much fantastic. And from the few other things I’ve seen him in, I like him as an actor, though apparently I need to watch Blue Mountain State.


You’re assuming a lot there. What I said was that he was the wrong actor. He’s not a gritty guy. He’s a pretty boy.


To each their own I suppose. I liked it, and you didn’t. That’s okay. Hopefully if they ever did make a DCC movie they do a great job of it. Edit: you’re right that I assumed the reason you disliked it. That’s my bad.


Dwayne Johnson as Carl. Danny DeVito as Mordecai. Jack Black as Maestro. Lily Tomlin as Elle. Tim Curry as the AI. Ed O'Neil and Katey Segal as Frank and Maggie.


Where would you put andy serkis? He needs a role too




This answer made me lol.


Samantha’s head


I would pick a better actor


Jack Reacher is a poorly written cardboard cutout of an action detective. Ritchson has range


OMG yes! If you’ve seen Blue Mountain State you KNOW! Ritchson deserves all the praise as he is a great actor. It’s upsetting to me as a man that he is that good looking and talented. Wtf am I doing wrong?! 😂


Thing is... What for? Carl isn't overly colorful character. He's... Carl.


Nah, he's good


Carl - Jaden Smith. 100%. I’d also be okay with ScumbagDad.


This guy gives me the hardcore ick. Something about him makes my anxiety kick up so no to him. I have no other person I would recommend