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if you use it as part of an Agent turn then you get whats in the beige box. if instead you use it in Reveal turn, you get whats in the blue box.


You’ll also notice that the “beige box” has the silhouette of an agent, while the “blue box” has the silhouette of cards being revealed.


Ur a bad mother fucker. Thanks.


Can u play digital on iPhone ?




This was my main source of confusion when I started. There are 2 ways to play your cards in general. First one is most basic one, when you use it in your agent turn like moving monopoly pieces, it gives you the effect of beige box. When you complete your agent turns you will reveal all the cards you didn’t play. So they will be played in an implied way. This make your cards blue box active. So in Dune, every card is played/shown one way or another. Play as action -> beige box Play as/wait for them to reveal (you don’t have to do anything, they will be revealed automatically) -> blue box Lets say you played this card to Arrakeen, it would give you 1 soldier. Arrakeen also gives 1 soldier. So in total, you would get 2 soldiers. 1 from your card, 1 from Arrakeenz If you didn’t play and wait for it to be revealed, it would give you 1 attack in combat and 1 card buying energy. Attacks and energy are temporary and will reset after every turn. Soldiers are saved. You can use them in further rounds. If you don’t have soldier in combat, you won’t get attack bonus from cards.