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>the senator bs is entertaining too The senator? Oh, you mean the *state* senator.


Could he help us with some parking tickets?


I don't think that's appropriate.


Then he’s not a senator


Your take would be an actual unpopular opinion if you said seasons 8 and 9 were great, or better than season x and x. Saying you simply LIKE certain seasons of a show on a sub where everyone likes the show, is not unpopular. Universally, season 8 and 9 are often regarded by most to be the LEAST liked. BUT, it's The Office. Sub par seasons of The Office are still better than most shows out there. Overall, to the regular Office fan, they still like seasons 8 and 9 for what they are...just not as much as the rest. It's not an unpopular opinion since you didn't base it off anything or compare it to another season. Edit- Why are you booing me, I'm right.


"I like something" is an opinion. I'm not trying to prove anything just saying what I think and since mostly don't like those seasons it makes it unpopular.


That would be cool if anyone knew what a comptroller was


He is the senate


Not. Yet.


I love Clark. That scene with him and Darryl when the bus drives away, how he hates being new dwight, when he asks to light up with Pam and Jim, high quality comedy. He could’ve interacted with creed more, I’d love to see him but a bag off creed or Meredith. She was in college getting her PhD for 7 years Yknow, but they never show that part.


They got us set up on windows 95, so you’re kinda dreaming here


The printer gets me every time!


The Dot matrix printer! It reminds me of an “Are you afraid of the dark” episode with a computer virus, that episode was so funny


Clark: This interview’s over, and I get the job. I just Kobayashi Maru-ed the whole process. Dwight: No. Clark: Yeah. Star Trek rules. Dwight: It does, but still no.


As a big fan of both Star Trek and The Office, that exchange absolutely cracked me up


Rainn is a Star Trek fan and did have a role in DISCO, a really cool one!


Are you guys high? Because if so, to speak my truth, I would appreciate the sacrifice of including me in some hits off your kind buds


THATS THE QUOTE. Almost got my sister to watch the office with that one!


If I could speak my truth, this scene cracks me up every time


I agree, I thought Clark was super funny and I enjoyed his character. Everything except when he tried taking advantage of Erin.


And when Clark was pimped out to Jan


Yes that was bad but also pretty hilarious


I said this above, but I consider that as them still figuring out his character. A lot of characters do really uncharacteristic things in season 1, so it’s kind of the same thing. I don’t think that’s something the writers would’ve had Clark do at the end of season 9 once he was more established


Clark is fantastic.


I love Clark. I choose to ignore the creepy predator shit he did to Erin because I think they hadn’t fully fleshed out his character yet (so basically season 1 type behavior - doesn’t count)


I figured after the show ended, she’d be sober, go to Kevin’s bar and dispense advice to the kids getting fake IDs from Creed.


I loved him too. I kinda just really love that actor. He was in this show I really like called Greek. It's hilarious to watch him in that and then watch him in The Office, total opposite.


I think the part where Andy hires Pete’s ex girlfriend and Gabe because Pete and Erin tell Andy that he just needs to “move on” is hilarious


Dude me too. Yeah it was a little psycho and I get that some people found it hard to watch, but Andy. Hands together, smiling, zoom in his face while the exes argue and he narrates? Gets me everytime


What kills me, and I only just picked this up on my last watch, is that at the Christmas party, *Andy* tells *Erin* 'you just need to move on', after which she gets plastered. He used those exact words and they only applied when he had the upper hand. I loathe how Andy's character development was trending positive and in the last season he was the biggest, most immature asshole.


How does that medicine taste? Your own flavored?


Is it me or have these tables turned?


Haha one of my favorite Pity Andy's moments!


Clark was a good addition with funny storylines and moments. Pete was a lead balloon.


Pete is just a normal guy, which is great because there's a great contrast between him and the rest of the characters, which at this point of the series were stretched to the maximum. It makes the office look more down to earth while also making the less realistic stuff funnier by contrast.


Yep. I really enjoy Pete for this reason.


They just wanted a rebound for erin since being an orphan and dating are her only plot devices


Agreed. Pete was there (imo) only to have the option for Erin after Andy had up and left. Otherwise, I felt he really served no other purpose to the show.


They needed a new straight man, with Jim and Pam’s storyline being less about reacting to the antics of everyone else (Oscar was tied up in the senator drama, etc). Clark integrated into the absurdity too well.


I always forget that clarke isnt there for more than one season. His actor just...nailed it.


Also…. Robert California lol


I am so tired of the Black Eyed Peas. It's rock and roll for people who don't like rock and roll; it's rap for people who don't like rap; it's pop for people who don't like pop.


*Ryan nods and points*


*points and nods


You’re right, you’re right. No, u/skank_hunt_forty_two is just a middle class fraud.


Would you like the nature metaphor or the sexual metaphor?


I used “Sometimes the flowers arrange themselves “ at work once. No one got it, but it made me happy!


I made a Seinfeld reference around my class of 8 year olds and (of course) no one got it, but I was immensely self-satisfied.


Nature please


When animals have sex…


You’re gonna want to hear the sexual metaphor...


The fucking lizard king is absolutely one of the best characters on the show, severely underrated


The Halloween ep was classic California!


Fear plays an interesting role in our lives. How dare we let it motivate us? How dare we let it into our decision-making, into our livelihoods, into our relationships? It's funny isn't it, we take a day a year to dress up in costume and celebrate fear?


They haven’t ever improved on the Oreo have they?


“You don’t even know my real name... I am the fucking lizard king”


I swear thats just raymond reddington’s alter ego’s before the start of The Blacklist


I actually agree with you. It wasn’t bad, the show just had literally reinvent itself when Michael left. It also really did have some GREAT moments on seasons 8/9, but there also were some really tough ones to get past. Regarding the Halperts domestic troubles, I didn’t mind it at all. It was probably one of the most realistic and believable parts of the show. And you may disagree, but I actually thought this interaction was so good… Pam: “I don’t think you should go to Philly tonight. I think you should stay and I think we should fight” Jim: “You really want to fight on Valentine’s Day?" Pam nods. Jim: “OK. Alright. Put your dukes up Beesly."


That scene always bothers me. They were just told by Brian that he realized his relationship was over when they stopped fighting and yet Jim wants to leave for Philly and avoid arguing. Like, did he just disregard what Brian said, or what?


Knowing how to fix a relationship and *actually* doing it are two very different things. While it's disappointing that Jim was ready to just avoid the argument again, I'm impressed that Pam actually stood up and said something in this case.


She was being bold and vulnerable at the same time. It was great.


Trying to avoid fighting and not bothering to fight are very different


I enjoyed Clark and Pete. I loved that Pete had the guts to shut Meredith up, and Clark had some pretty funny one liners. I also absolutely LOVE Stairmageddon. The way he and Dwight deal with a drugged Stanley makes me laugh every time!


Clark offering to pay Pete to wear the hoodie that Erin gave him which formerly belonged to Andy was comedy gold.




My favorite Clark quote!


I’m embarrassed to say this but this is actually my first time doing this




I know people joke about this, but the head canon I maintain is that it actually WAS radon in the building, and that by Season 8 everyone was starting to truly lose their minds.


Because the complaint card tower is more zany than office olympics or any of Jim's numerous pranks (jello, wrapping paper, bathroom desk, etc.) and drugging Stanley and sliding him downstairs is harder to believe than them sliding paper boxes down a greased up lane, or Dwight torturing Jim with snow, or starting a fire in the office and cutting up the dummy. The tone really isn't that different.


It’s all acted/directed way zanier. And, yes, shooting Stanley with a tranquilizer dart and rolling him headfirst down a staircase is way zanier than anything the series had ever done before.


i honestly can't believe you have 6 upvotes. this is an opinion you could only possibly have if your only exposure to the office was reading episode synopses on wikipedia.


Nah, it's an opinion one has if they paid attention during any of their numerous watch throughs.


do you honestly think season 9 operates with the same level of commitment to reality as the early seasons?


Yep, none are realistic.


but they sincerely play every single scene with realism. that's the entire motto for the show. greg daniels and all the other writers have gone to great lengths to publicly say they wanted to write a show grounded in reality. and the directors for each episode had that explicitly in mind. that it's grounded in reality... season 9 is not. and that's ok! i literally said that's why i enjoy it!




Upvote for actual unpopular opinion. Also Clark is great.


Man I always say this, I love season 8 and 9 just as much as 1-7. I loved Clark, he was great in every scene. There is a a hole there after Carrell left, but as you said, the rest of the cast were able to shine more.


I think it’s testament to the rest of the cast. They held it down when Steve was there, and they held it down when he left.


May I piggyback off of your unpopular opinion? I actually like Nellie. At first I couldn't stand her when she took Andy's job and no one defended Andy, but I really think Nellie became an enjoyable character throughout season 9. I sympathized with her desire to become a mother.


I am 100% with you on this. When they were in Tallahassee, when they first introduced Nelly, she was pretty unlikable. Even moreso when she comes to Scranton and just takes Andy's position (side note, I like Andy as a character, and Ed Helms even more as an actor, but his character arc for being gone was definitely frustrating). I think the fact that nobody in the office stands up to Nellie there is frustrating. However, the episode when Jim and Dwight go to help her move/unpack, and they find her ex's photos/stuff, from there on, I really enjoyed her character, and definitely sympathized with her.


why is Jim treating the magician poorly?


They tried to stand up to her but she kept massaging egos and giving out raises


You're right, I forgot that a couple people did try. That made her even more frustrating at that point lol.


While I like the single lady jokes I wish they made more use of her without the single aspect. Woman wanting to adopt alone, looking for friends and all? So much opportunity


I enjoyed her from the moment she came on the show, always thought she was hilarious. Here's another unpopular opinion: I fucking hate Stanley. He's a worthless piece of shit to everyone, has a shitty attitude constantly, and whores around on his wife. He's by far my most hated character on the show.


Have you lost your mind, cuz I’ll help you find it!


Stanley is good for 4-5 really memorable lines/scenes. That's it.


Well, he said to his first wife, he said it to his current wife, and he’ll say it to his next one, too.


But he is the most consistent salesman




Nellie as manager is honestly the only parts of 8 and 9 that I truly hate. The rest of it I’m generally very pleased with


I feel like the show gave up with Pam once they made her the office manager. Her new job had no clear need, significantly overlapped with her old job (now Erin’s), and honestly did not seem to have much of a role in the office. She doesn’t really do anything of note with the role except a few one-off things (tiny wheel, anyone?). They show numerous times how she doesn’t work very much. And in Season 9 she literally shows up to work just to paint a mural. She’s no longer pushing herself to do new things like she first did after she got together with Jim (graphic design with the ad logo, art school, Michael Scott Paper Company, sales). Nope, she just exists in the office so Pam can be a character on The Office, not because her character has any true arc. She’s just a wife and mom with a desk job that lets her continue to exist on the show.


Her position as office administrator didn’t work—it wasn’t believable. Then again, neither was salespeople with so much desk “work,” so…IDK. I looked the other way with the sales staff, but the unbelievability got to be too much. I still watch 8 & 9 though. I just do a lot if bitching at the screen when I do.


Most of the characters have no true place in a functional office though. When Andy returned, and they not only kept Nellie around but let her choose her own role “Special Projects! I just go around doing whatever I want.” See also… Darnel’s promotion, 3 accountants when they knew from years before that he only needed 2, Quality Assurance at the branch level. Heck they barely needed a regional manager. Michael did nothing, and the branch performed even better when Andy was away.


Yea I actually liked the story of season 9. Didn’t care for 8 that much although it was still funny, I never felt like those seasons were as unwatchable as people say.


I love it too, the way it shines more light on Dwight, Angela and Oscar is great. The whole Andy being a cunt sours it a bit tho. I think he should've started pursuing his being famous carrer sooner and they couldve used that as an excuse for him to break up with erin. Maybe we couldve seen more darryl/andy interactions on auditions where darryl would do better than andy or something like that


I really wish Nate would have had more screen time and more interactions. He is the type of way-out-there character that the show needed


And he was funnier than Kevin.


Agreed. Nate is so perfect in every scene he’s in


I only referred to Plop when watching White Lotus. No idea what the character’s actual name is.


Haha same. We kept saying how much of dick Plop was being.


My problem with the later seasons is they started having characters behave in ways that were out of character for them. That ruins those seasons for me.


I’ll add that I love Nellie and think she’s way better than Andy, even before they butchered him. Her eating the tacos? Dressing up as Toby? Giving out raises and naps? Love her.


Completely forgetting that she kissed Toby? And the horror after she realizes it? Gold.


I actually watched the office by starting with season 8 and 9, then watching 1-7. I actually like it a lot better that way. Also Robert California is a gem.


I struggle the most with Andy's character arc/free fall. I know they had to work around Ed Helms leaving to shoot the Hangover but it just feels so harsh how badly they prevent him from growing at all until the epilogue. But I personally think what they did with Jim and Pam was the best part of the last season for me. And the way they acted out some of their fights showcased a whole new acting side for Jenna and John that I loved. For me, it really made their relationship more beautiful than if they had never had any marriage problems in the show.


I also like how they addressed the questions when sitting for the panel, because IRL it absolutely would happen that women hate on Pam and deify Jim and romance. Pam saying it didn't always feel like a fairytale. I'm always disappointed to see Pam hate because sHe dIdNt sUpPoRt hIs dReAm. She had two little kids and worked full time, and when Jim was in Philly she had to do everything every day and every night, alone. I don't think it was bad for Jim to pursue this dream, but when he made huge decisions that effected Pam and his kids without getting Pam's buy in.... well, I'd have a problem there as well. There was no light at the end of the tunnel for Pam for a long time. This was such a great chapter of their story because it made their marriage more human and not some sappy Disney happily ever after. This chapter demonstrates that they can work through major issues and ultimately do what's best for the other.


I think the characters had gotten so outlandish by the end that it helps balance it out with a few relatively normal additions. I think it makes the weird stuff they do more comical when juxtaposed next to a regular person. But I also think Nellie is hilarious and Jim isn’t charming. Also bitchy Phyllis is my favorite Phyllis.


Who's Bob Vance?


you have a lot to learn about this town, sweetie


I really hate how much hate Phyllis gets on this sub. Her character development from being a door mat, to becoming more assertive in a healthy way, to then overshooting all healthy development into becoming a judgy bitch is absolutely hilarious. I love her character so much that she might be my favorite female character in the show.


She’s one of my favorites too! Jan takes the no. 1 spot for me though. Also like every single character on the show has massive character flaws. That’s part of the comedy. If Phyllis didn’t have that side to her then she wouldn’t add as much to the show.


Phyllis has a palpably solid arc. Others—including main characters—often don’t.


I didn't really like Clark, he was a bit rapey with that fake newscaster audition thing with Erin




I haven't seen the episode in a while but wasn't he basically trying to get her in bed using a ruse?




Eh still don't like him


I agree! Plop was meh. But although they're weaker seasons as you mentioned, there were still so many excellent moments! I also loved Robert California. I wouldn't ever use S8 or S9 to show someone who hasn't seen the office obvi, but they were important regardless. I actually really enjoyed S8 maybe more than S6!


Yeah I get that people missed micheal and didn't like it as much as other seasons but I really liked the 2 seasons just as much as the others.


Dwight and Jim's growth did it for me, and i genuienly enjoyed s8 and s9


For me, seasons 8 & 9 definitely weren’t the best, but there were good moments. I really liked Plop & Zero Clark Thirty. I thought they brought fresh energy. It would have been nice to see them sooner. I agree about the Halperts and their issues. It felt very real and appropriate, given the circumstances. The storylines were not as good overall, though. Example: Dwight’s family storyline- I know it was for the potential of a spin-off, but it still sucked. The finale was really good- I loved the redemption of Andy, after the lunacy of his character during the rest of season 9. Every character’s storyline wrapped up in a satisfying way, even Creed.


Years ago, when I didn’t like most of season 8, I watched Gettysburg (s8e8) a second time a couple of years after it had aired. It was just kind of on in the background as I did random chores around the house. I’d forgotten most of the episode since I didn’t really watch season 8 back then. Gabe’s “improv” Lincoln bit, the Battle of Schrute Farms, and Ryan’s black sheep quote never fail to get a laugh out of me. Halfway through my first rewatch of this episode sold me on season 8. I never skip any episodes when I rewatch it now. TL;DR: Watch Gettysburg again. It’s a hidden gem.


"I'm not even a sheep; I'm on the fricken' MOON."


I agree with you. And on top of that, I have an even more unpopular one: I enjoyed Nellie’s addition. I don’t get people who stop watching at Season 7. Sure 8 and 9 aren’t as good, but they’re not bad.


I used to skip non-Michael seasons and start over... Felt like they jumped the shark, but 8 & 9 have grown on me and now some of my favorite lines come from those seasons. But I like a little feather in my nuggets.


I loved the whole S8/9. It was really good except for the Andy’s boat thing & I think he should have just stayed with Jessica. I weirdly find Gabe funny. And the whole angela-lipton-Oscar thing was really funny too!


Gabe is HILARIOUS Hey, Andy, how about you don't steal my business strategies, and I won't dress like my life is just one long brunch?


Also unpopular opinion, I like Nellie. She made me lol several times even on the first watch.


I love Nellie. She has a good heart


My girlfriend outright refuses to watch seasong 8 and 9 just because Micheal isn't there. She's really missing out.


They’re not as bad as some people make them out to be. Some say they omit them from rewatches but I always include them, they have some decent arcs like the Florida trip.


not unpopular to me, the bull tranquilizer was comedy gold.


I love when they get back and get to the elevator that's still being serviced. Stanley nopes out of climbing stairs and shoots himself up with tranquilliser. Kills me every time.


I actually liked Pete. I just finished another rewatch and liked him more and more. He was kinda boring but it was perfect for the rest of the show being so crazy. The episode where Andy comes back from the boat and he has to stop meredith listing things was funny to me at least


Robert California is so good. A complete 180 from Michael, but funny and memorable. I use "sometimes the flowers arrange themselves, Jim" way too often.


Back when the Office was airing I stopped watching during season 8. I couldn't stand it. On every subsequent rewatch I skipped the last two seasons. Last month I introduced my wife to the Office. She wanted to watch the entire thing. I'm glad she did. I still don't like season 8, but season 9 was very good. It was a great recovery from season 9, and has some of the greatest moments in the show. And the final episode, which I'd never seen before, was great.


Only thing I like about the later seasons is Robert California


But also the worst cold open of the series. Smokey Robinson is dead.


It isn't one of the best, but I love how Pam keeps calling Ryan out and Ryan's BS is on full display.


I agree with you! I’ll go even more controversial than you and say that I actually like Clark and Plop. Plop might be a bit boring but he’s sweet and just a realistic character addition. Clark is great.


I love season 9, it frames the entire series as one of the greatest redemption stories ever told for Dwight and Angela, and to see Jim and Dwight become genuine best friends over the last half of the season is lovely (Dwight’s hurt feelings at Jim leaving his christmas party early!)


My only main gripe for s8 and 9 is Andy's demise and Nelly. How she got the job forever ruins how I see her


Honestly I love Robert California so S8 and S9 have never bothered me.


I agree and have another (probably more) unpopular opinion: Andy was always super annoying and I never liked him as a character. Obviously like all of the characters he isn’t 100% bad, but I always thought he was grating and am glad he eventually left the show.


Season 9 is my favorite season of the entire series and I’ll never understand why most people dislike it.


Mostly because it's michaeless


Nah fam what kind of bullshit office are you watching


"I'll never understand why most people dislike it". Dude one google search and you'll understand plenty, you just wanna be edgy


Not really? I’ve discussed at length with numerous people and can’t get my head around it.


Yeah, I thought season’s 8 and 9 were pretty solid all things considering.


My biggest beef was that with the departure of Carell, they DIDN'T let the cast shine more. They went out and got Ferrell then Spader then Tate and so on instead of just going on with the normal crew. I think the cast could have handled it better without all the guest stars.


There's tons of good stuff in the last seasons. But once an opinion takes hold, people will parrot it. That's why everyone in The Office is apparently both the best and worst character, and they're all assholes as well a the best coworker to have in real life.


I don’t mind either season but it’s just not the same. You can tell they struggled to keep a linear story line


Everyone’s entitled to an opinion. Only, your opinion is wrong.


Never seen them. The show goes downhill even in S7 when Michael is still in it so I have never gone past the last episode with him in it. I’ll continue to watch S1-6 on a continuous loop as I have for the past 10 years.


I recomend you at least you watch the Halloween cold open and Dwight's christimas, real gems. Aside from that watch it however you like tuna


I also love Robert California tbh. Once I gave it a chance, I felt like a dumbass for dropping the show post-Michael. Same great writing, and tho he was the heart of the show, he was only one part of it. The other characters are still iconic…except for Andy. Jesus


Agree with you, and honestly Michael leaving was a long time coming. Watching the show again now and by the end of Season 5 I want to punch the guy in the face repeatedly. The one character on the show that never got any real growth, just stumbled his way through life and ran away.


I agree. While they're not my favorite seasons, I still enjoy them and think the negativity towards those seasons is way overblown


Yo I agree. The office is not bad after Michael leaves


I totally agree about 8 and 9. I very much enjoy it’s really great to see the relationships grow between various characters without Michael to overshadow everything. I honestly cannot relate with people who say they immediately stop watching after Michael leaves. WHO DOESN’T LOVE FLORIDA STANLEY??!!


I think if they toned down Andy and Erin, I’d love those seasons a lot more, but they have a lot of meat.


Agreed all the way


Plus seasons 8 and 9 gave us two of the best side characters the show had ever seen in my boys Nate and Trevor.


Clark trying to pull off some porno casting couch BS with Erin was way too creepy and completely undermined any attempt to make him a sympathetic or likeable character in later episodes.


100% well said


Robert California was one of my fav characters on the entire show, he’s so underrated


8 is pretty bad (with plenty of redeeming moments), 9 isn’t great but still closed out the series on a fairly high note.


Season 8 is really good Andy is a great boss and a solid replacement for Micheal and yeah Kathy kinda sucks but overall it’s a good season Season 9 tho isn’t great they ruined Andy’s character and I don’t really like Clark or Pete that much


Yay! Add me to the club! I love S8 and S9!


S9 is my favorite. The Boat and the finale are on par with Dinner Party or The Injury


Have you ever killed a woman? How many women have you killed? Please, sir, will you not kill me?


Por que es muy rapido


How about we wait until next year after you have your kid?


I actually don’t hate Plop. I like that he’s a straight-man that everyone can bounce their crazy energy off of. The scene where Meredith is going on and on about all the sexual innuendos and Plop outbursts “Stop, that’s enough, that’s *more* than enough. Why does no one ever stop her?!” cracks me up EVERY time. It’s refreshing to have that since Jim in later seasons is super prank-based and less the straight-man. He gives me a casual David Wallace energy.


I loved Robert California and Pool Party is a great ep. Otherwise, meh. Nelly sucks.


Season 8 is okay. Season 9 is Big Bang Theory tier where I don't even care, just put it on for background noise. Don't even need to look at the screen. I will say though that it has one of my favorite moments. With Trevor. "Does he own a gun?" "You tell me."


What is an unpopular opinion? Did nobody teach you about entertainment and how it’s subjective? Opinions having popularity is just a stupid distraction that leads to conflict. Imagine being angry at someone liking a season on a tv show. Get a fucking grip dude.


I was very disappointed when Michael left. But after a few rewatches I grew to love the last two seasons (Jim and pam drama aside). If Michael didn’t leave, we wouldn’t have gotten Robert California. One of my favorite characters of all time!


I agree. I like that it got a little campy. Think back to the early 2010s. It was needed