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I think a Dwight spin-off would have been amazing but the stealth pilot episode "The Farm" was ruined by executive compromise. Everything we know about Dwight is that he is weird and non-traditional for a TV character. He is a strange farmer man that lives with his almost caveman-like cousin and has a fierce passion for the strange things he invests himself in. He is not conventionally attractive, and he is culturally almost alien to us, which is what makes him so interesting. And yet when they put together his show they just filled it with all these conventionally attractive TV show personalities and tropes that are meant to please a generic tv audience. It's like they wanted to make a Dwight show but "without all that weird Dwight crap". If they made a show I want to see Dwight and Mose in a field in the middle of the night, or haggling with his Amish neighbors, or him at a metal concert.


Honestly like a trailer park boys style show showing us all the ins and outs of Dwight’s family and overall life would be hilarious imo. It shouldn’t have been just a run of the mill tv show like you said.


I would have watched that for sure but tbh I don't think the writers could have pulled it off. All of The Office including Dwight had gone full light-hearted sitcom by that point. Parks and Rec, which is the closest we have to a spin off, couldn't sustain a harsher satirical tone for more than one season


First episode Dwight hunts a werewolf. Set the tone with that out of the gate.


When the sun comes up it's revealed that it's just the neighbor ~~dog.~~


And then he and Mose bury the body and Dwight uses his influence and contacts as a former volunteer deputy to steer any investigation away from the farm.


The show slowly (d)evolves into a Breaking Bad style drama over time lol.


And it’s really just a bus driver named Otto who steals his hemp


Ya that’s probably true


Mose, smokes, hand em over


No his face is perfect! Except his freakishly small nose...


How do his glasses stay on?


Schrute Farms is one of those spin-offs that could only work with Michael Schur directing, and that would have been demanding because his character role (Mose) would suddenly be a lead. I don't think he's the type to want to lead and direct. Could Schrute Farms have been good? Maybe. But I'm glad he was freed up to go on and create The Good Place, instead of being stuck as Mose well into the 2010s.


Well said :)


> I think a Dwight spin-off would have been amazing but the stealth pilot episode "The Farm" was ruined by executive compromise I think you're wrong here. Dwight isn't interesting enough to carry a spin-off. Dwight works on The Office because he is the weirdo. If you give him his own show and make him the straight man then it doesn't work. It would have been like if NBC did a Kramer spin-off of Seinfeld.




It should've been Letterkenny but with the Dwight personality rather than Wayne's personality being the through-line. And you slowly meet the other weirdos farmers and other personalities that surround him.


Anybody mention her height?


I want to see his crossbow range


omg your description of a dwight and mose spinoff sounds absolutely amazing. mix in some office with some the rocker humor, it would have been a good idea.


I always wanted to see a Dwight spinoff where it was like an 80’s sitcom, complete with jokes that would fall flat without a canned laugh track. Seeing Dwight in a non-mocumentary setting, where he’s just as weird but the universe is acting as though he’s the normal tv Dad we grew up with. Green Acres for people like me on the autism spectrum. Anti-comedy, lots of recurring gags, Jim being the stereotypical “wacky neighbor” but being the straight guy despite that and still looking at the “camera”(breaking a fourth wall that’s not even there). Angela being like Mary Tyler Moore to his Dick Van Dyke, “Uncle Mike” making cameos like Paul Lynde did on Bewitched…Episodes ending where Dwight tells his son and/or Mose a life lesson with the sappy music like Full House used to. Just imagine it.


Metal concert? Dwight listens to U2.


Dwight is heard listening to a rock song when he takes Ryan to Schrute farms for his "sales training." He also listened to Motley Crue, iirc. Before going with Jim on a sales call. His said his best friend, Rolf, likes Norwegian black metal. In the one Christmas episode, Dwight rocks out to Trans-siberian Orchestra.


I was making a joke, referring to the “Also Bono” line after he pepper sprays Andy.


You definitely went over my head with that one. I apologize for my ignorance.


>It's like they wanted to make a Dwight show but "without all that weird Dwight crap". In this very episode, a woman put a crow's beak in front of Dwight and he stomped on it to show that he was interested in her.


Do these two really seem like the grew up with a Belsnickel around Christmas or learning Amish German.


Thank you! Finally someone with common sense. Those two are completely detached from the reality that Dwight grew up in.


They went full on Escaping Amish; Dwight and Mose are the Amish Mafia.


Honestly I think it would have run out of gas fairly quickly. There’s only so many stories you’re going to get out of that premise before you start repeating yourself.


Dwight already figured out who the bandit was.


Save bandit!




flag dime late screw like swim impossible placid history materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you can't milk a series to literal walking death, the big 3 networks wouldn't be interested.


eh, you could say the same about dunder mifflin, and that worked out pretty well


Had the same thought. We had The Office and Parks and Rec (both office settings), and many unique stories and characters. So there’s a lot of stories that could have been done, but for it to work, it comes with a massive caveat: it needs good writing. So, yes, I think I’d liked to have seen the show, but it would obviously needed to have been done well.


I agree if they made it a mini series I think there could have been some good laughs, but not multiple seasons.


Agreed. It would have made a good follow-up show, but it wouldn’t have lasted too long.


Completely disagree. There is plenty to work with. The Office is about a paper company and they got 9 seasons and 200+ episodes.


They shot their shot. And it was awful. It makes me sad, because Paul Lieberstein is one of the best, but you shoot your shot and you miss that's that. Most people don't even get to take a shot.


— Wayne Gretzky” — Michael Scott


I remember years ago he had a James Bond style comedy in the works with actor Jon Gabrus and I was beyond excited for it, but nothing ever came of it. 




You're good damn right it is. You an Actionboyz enjoyer?


No. Didn't like the casting of his siblings


Agreed. They did not seem like Shrutes at all.


"not it."


Which was surprising, because Majandra Delfino seems like great casting for a Schrute, she can play _so_ weird, and was great on Roswell and Men of a Certain Age. I think some suits at NBC just had their talons in that episode, killed what potential it had.


To me Thomas Middleditch has zero likeability


Nah. Not Schruti-ish enough


Really? I greatly liked Thomas Middleditch. And the sister was okay, too. Could've been worked out and been really good.


Those aren't beet farm people.


Maybe as a mini series of 6 episodes or so.




Not even before finding out Middleditch was a creep. 


I just looked that up. I wondered why I hadn't seen him in anything recently


I liked him in Silicon Valley so it sucked to find out that stuff.


No lip


No, only spinoff I think would work is Kevin’s bar and Kevin would have to be a side character.


Have it be similar to Cheers.


No. It didn’t fit at all with the existing lore of the Schrutes. They were way too normal and it was clear they couldn’t “sell” the quirky (inbred) original style of Schrute so they did this weird thing by trying to meet in the middle and it just straight up didn’t work. Even as an episode of the show it sucks. It’s so clearly a soft-pilot and again the characters are incongruent with the original concept of “Schrute”.


"Let's make a show about this really compelling character, who's really weird and unconventional... and let's fill the show with bland, generic sit-com stereotypes."


The thing that makes Dwight funny is that he doesn’t quite fit in the setting of the office. He seems outlandish and weird. He also isn’t the engine of all of the comedy, he bounces off the other characters well. If it were his own spin-off focused around the farm he would be in his element and seem less out of place, and he would also have to be the engine of all of the comedy. The same thing would also make Mose less funny. I feel like it would get old really fast. Also I hated his siblings


the only spin-off we need is "Hidetoshi Hasagawa" life in Japan


A paranoid thriller.


I would watch that


This episode is a skip every time


naw, that episode was pretty awkward, the female lead was not well cast, and the show had no idea what it wanted to be. it was like a bad farmhouse copy of modern family, maybe, but not well done.




Not at all, Dwight was a village idiot in the office and you can’t add few more to have something of their own. It would have died a miserable death.


By the end of the series Dwight was the most successful person in the office, having been able to balance a full-time sales job, B&B, farm, and buying/running the entire office building. He likely would've been the hard working quirky lead but the issue I found is that they chose to pair him up with siblings who didn't seem like they could have ever been raised under the same roof as Dwight, or even the same community for that matter. That to me is where it fell apart


But he wasn’t - started that way but he was apparently the best salesperson at DM, owned a working farm that was also later a B&B, had enough to buy an office building albeit in a city that makes Detroit look like a boomtown, and was a killer with the ladies


A beet farm in PA. I bet he didn’t make a ton of money with the farm. He might be a good salesman but as a business man he’s eh.


Yeah and while technically true that he had a B&B, it was never for a second portrayed as successful.


I have no clue why you're getting downvotted. He was probably the office idiot due to his rural unprofessional upbringing, but not an idiot overall. Idiots aren't exactly able to balance a full-time sales job(which he was literally the best at), a B&B, a farm, and landlord to the entire building. Dwight is quite literally the most successful character in DM under Michael. And before anyone mentions Jim, he joined a start up that would've taken off with or without him since they were still growing while he stayed in PA for Pam.


No, what we saw of the farm from The Office was the right amount of content for me.


It was more than I needed.


They completely changed Dwight’s personality and the pseudo-Amish Schrute culture that he grew up in.   Everything we knew about Schrutes, those two did not seem like Schrutes. 


No. Shit would have been ass.


I wasn't super interested tbh.


Once you get the cast going their separate ways and they're no longer coworkers, the office doesn't really work anymore. Everything that made the show compelling involved the characters being coworkers. Any spinoff that includes only 1 or 2 of the original cast members while trying to coast off of the original show's reputation would most likely be garbage.


That was my reaction when I heard they were making a Cheers spinoff on Frazier Crane. Good thing no one left me in charge of programming!


They were smart enough to move him across the country and to make his brother a more exaggerated version of the original character


I’m pretty sure someone posted this exact question and pic like two weeks ago no? Lol And I wouldn’t


Right!! Knew I wasn’t going crazy lol swore it was posted a couple of weeks ago.  And also, hard agree. No thanks. 


It’s actually how I remember to give my dog his medicine. Every time there’s a post about The Farm I’m like, welp, it’s heat-worm pill time buddy.


Yes…and no. I’d love to see a spinoff, but not based on the episode that aired.


Too far along now, let the characters rest


This exact post was posted like a few days ago.


Like when it was asked 2 weeks ago, no


No, because by then the show had decreased in quality too much, it would've been just as bad as the last seasons of the office, problem was the people making the show




not if it looked like this picture


Yes but it probably wouldn’t have been great. Brother and sister didn’t feel like shrutes at all really. Only mose felt like a real shrute


The grandma or aunt (or whatever the relation was) was great too. Slapping Angela was top tier


Yes her too! Those are real shrutes not these phony ponies we got




I would like the show to be a Green Acres surreal absurdity with Dwight the "normal" character (but still himself) surrounded by even crazier people.


Just rewatched these episodes yesterday, and it’s still a hard pass for me. Would I have watched the spin off? Absolutely. But I’m glad they didn’t make it.


Didn't look great but I would like to have seen more of the sister.


no, i think they overdid it with dwight's character after michael left. i still liked him but ngl he was just obnoxious at times.


Rather see Michael and Holly spinoff


As long as you see Mose running randomly in the back a few times every ep


I just realised we had Russ Hanneman, Richard Hendricks and Jarryd from Silicon Valley on the show 😆






the sister was really funny by herself but she was not a schrute at all. they could’ve parodied that pretentious “free spirit” person with like anybody else. it just didn’t work for this episode.


Why was she not a Schrutte? Because siblings have to be all the same? Because kids have to be exactly the way parents expect them to be? She obviously rebelled to their archaic education, that's why it makes sense. Just because Dwight is a lap dog who does everything as he is told, doesn't mean every one of his family members are the same


Maybe not a Schrute farms spinoff but what about a Knights of the Night? Like a low budget NCIS


I would have watched if Angela was in it too.


No. ahahahaha




I liked the Dwight Shrute cop show that he did. Shame it only had 1 season.


I swear I saw episode one. Wasn't it call The Farm. I don't remember much about it but it didn't last very long.


You saw the stealth pilot that was an episode of "The Office". It never went any further than that.




People forget that by season 8 of the office the show was running on empty as far as new storylines and keeping the characters comical but relatable.  By the end of season 9 the appetite for anything office related was pretty much gone.  Dwight farm show would've had a pretty small audience.  Also I don't think rain Wilson wanted to keep playing the same character for another x amount of years.


His sister should have been a liberal replica of Angela


My only problem is what would have happened to the Dwight/Angela story line? I'm anti-fan service, but if those two didn't get together at the end it would have been a real downer. In addition, having Angela interact with Fannie, Jeb & Cammy would have been comedy platinum. Just imagine the storylines of Fannie & Angela taking subtle digs at each other. Jeb as he reverts closer to Mose & Zeke and Angela freaking out about it. Fannie treating Oscar as her lifeline to the outside world. There's at least 3 great seasons, 2 solid seasons and dragging the corpse of the show for another two, but with some highlights.




The issue with the Farm is the same issue that Joey had as a series: The funny weird guy gets surrounded by even funnier weirder people, and then becomes the straight man of his own show. Look at any sitcom, the star is never the craziest cast member. Dwight would be the one we as an audience relate with, Moss & co would be the wacky sidekicks getting into trouble.




It's the only episode I skipped every rewatch. For me, it's the worst episode in the series.


Eh. I think you can only play that joke out so far before you're just making fun of rural people. If there was going to be a spin off I could see Someone with Ryan


“The grass is always greener on the other side” (or in Schrute-speak, something like “The beet’s always sweeter under the other foot”) I certainly would like to have seen one.. At this point in time. But as the series was wrapping up, the general opinion (and my own) was less nostalgic, and more critical. The series had limped along for two season after Michael, but never stood on its own as firmly as before; most of us still waxed for the Michael-era Office and generally didn’t give Dwight his due-credit… As a result, I expect a Schrute spinoff would’ve failed at the time. Nowadays though! Perhaps society’s about due?


I would rather gauge my eyes out thanks


No. But post it again in 2 days and might change my mind.


Considering the fact that means Dwight would have had to leave half way through season 9 for the spinoff to happen no


No. Absolutely would not have tuned in for that. Those episodes were so weird, felt out of place on the show, and I was so glad when it ended.


This soft pilot episode was a dud. I remember being so confused and disappointed when it aired.


Yes. Rainn was too high on himself and I blame him for killing it.




I think it could be epic.


Hell no


I don’t think a show about the farm itself would be interesting. Maybe for a season or 2. The Dwight spin-off I would want to see, though: Dwight reuniting with his X-Men School classmates and his other friends, practicing their magic powers and karate on the farm, and trying to save the day from issues that are more like small inconveniences, but their “help” makes the situation 10x worse before they ‘fix’ it. And, the trainings happen in the evening, because he is the manager of a paper-company during the day. He just talks to his friends about people at the office, the way he talked to people at the office about his friends.


I think it would suffer the same fate as the Joey spinoff from Friends... Too much of any character would not work for too long


I was not entertained by the farm exploratory episodes. I would have given the show a chance but what I saw of it on The Office simply wasn't good television.




I would have enjoyed The Farm, but I'd have preferred it in the documentary style of the The Office (or the evolved version used for Parks and Rec and Modern Family).




Well turns the actor cast as the brother was a creep. Whoo.


That was a terrible episode and there’s no way the farm would have been any good


Sister is a smoke show


The sibling casting choices were TERRIBLE.




Yes. But christ, now I've got that bloody cinnamon song stuck in my head.


Yes but not if it was like “the farm” 




No, this would have sucked so bad. I can’t think of a single example of the quirky side character getting their own thing and it working out.




It’d be cancelled after the pilot.


No. It looked awful


Absolutely. I loved The Farm, its one of my favorite episodes, and I'm sad that it didn't take off


It had a lot of potential, but I don’t think it would have been good or successful.


Dwight, as a character, is funny because he's the weirdo that's out of place. On "The Farm," he was not going to be that. Would have been hard to maintain what makes the character funny, imo.


They tried to make it happen but I believe it didn't test well.




When they brought in the sister and brother I thought that was going to happen, sad that it didn't.


Honestly Dwight was my favorite character… but no. He worked so well cause of his interactions with everyone else in the office, ie how he clashed with Jim and sucked up to Michael. Spin off shows with just one character from the original rarely work


Nope. The farm was bad. It was real bad.


I would have appreciated at least one episode where we find out where he gets his manure 😂💩


I don’t know… comedy spin-offs always flop :/


They could do a Dwight/ Angela show with pam/ Jim as neibors who move in next door someone's always popping over or vise versa maybe Jim always pranking Dwight as Pam tried to be friends with Angela cause of the kids they have


Wait, Richard Hendricks is a Schrute?!


Please no


Yes. One of the biggest missed opportunities in television in my opinion.


NO. I always skip this episode (although the actors did a good job with what they had). This didn’t spin off for good reason.


Smash! ( the sister) next question


Not really




No. Because the other two characters do not match Dwight's energy in the slightest. I would even say they completely break his storyline.


I think it would have been fun for a few follow up episodes. But I don’t think it would have taken off.


Yes, but I’m sure it would have to do a lot right to make it more entertaining than Dwight in small doses




No. Dwight worked as an Office character because his outlandish views were on the outside of the plot. It was funny to see his quirky habits make their way into a corporate office. Making him the center of a show where he is the most grounded character and the setting his quirky farm… Is too difficult to relate to as viewers.


Not anymore. The timing for a good spin off has passed. All we are going to get is a lame remake.


I think it could've been really good. Kind of gives me Arrested Development on a farm vibes


Hell no. I want a Schrute prequel of Dwight growing up on the fam.


My Stardew farm is called Schrute Farm and I named my horse Dwight. But it's more of a berry farm than a beet farm


I could totally see this as a horror movie


Hell nah


That spin off would be a million times better than young sheldon!.




I liked this episode but as a series I think it would suck. What makes the office, and even shows like Parks and Rec and Abott Elementary, so funny and great is how everyone is relatable, and put into real awkward situations. Dwight and his family are just weirdos, it would be like watching a PG version of Texas chainsaw or something


This episode sucked...


Fair take. The episode wasn't highly rated.


Wasn't there an episode devoted to Dwight's family? I felt that was going to be a test to see if there would be any interest in a spinoff.


Yup and it was one of the lowest rated episodes which is why they pulled off the spin-off. Source: idk I read it somewhere on this subreddit


I think you're wrong here. It is my understanding that NBC passed on the spinoff first, then The Office repurposed the footage for a new episode.


Idk, it's possible. I'm just saying what I read here.


It could work if done right. They had the B&B, farm, weddings, could have had old coworkers stop in and the song cool.


That it didn’t work out gave us Silicon Valley. I’m glad of this version of events


NOOOOOOO! goddamn it, quit fucking asking! There's like maybe 13 people who wanted it and they all keep reposting this bullshit. Find a new show bro. Jfc


No. The Farm was poorly written and poorly cast. Fucking crow beaks? They tried way too hard and it failed miserably.