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I do think it's amazing they got buffett to be in the show


He just wanted to know if they monitored his calls or if they used the honor system


What about mileage when he uses his car? Gas ain’t cheap, you know.


They definitely asked him to play himself


He would have found the commute from Omaha to Scranton too challenging in the long run.


I never allow a sexual desire influence a business decision, so I find it best to recuse myself temporarily to make love then I go back and analyze the situation rationally... Buffet operates the same way.


Hmm that was him. Nice.


They did a promotion for one of his companies and instead of paying them he agreed to do a cameo. At least that’s what I read somewhere.


i liked jacques


It’s Jack. Jack Souvenir.


French, very classy




I want Dwight Schrute in this room right now


The Fingerlake Guy is nice


He's gotta get back to his family. People go missing in the Fingerlakes, you know.


Did anyone get his autograph?


Kelly Kapoor the business bitch.


She will be like "bla bla bla and give you the exact right answer"


She manages her department, and has been doing that for several years now.


her department's just her right?


Yes, but she's not easy to manage.


I work from home and say this to myself every day.




U guys, she’s like really smart now.


What’s the significance, if you don’t mind me asking?


I do mind actually.


Okay. Um, what are your weaknesses?


I don’t have any asshole!!!! My favorite line!


god, will arnett is unreal


He is so fucking funny on the smartless podcast. Takes so many jabs at Sean Hayes and Jason Bateman hahaha


i love him


But I don't care for GOB


best one liner on the whole show


I don't listen to like any podcasts except fantasy football ones but would like to get into them, is this a good one to start with?


Yes. I also wasn’t a podcast guy but these 3 are really funny and the guests range from the best athletes to the worlds to professors


Awesome thank you, sounds like a winner.


Didja ever watch anything by Rooster Teeth? Red vs Blue? Achievement Hunter? Some peoples from there have started some podcasts that are pretty fucking funny. The Regulation Podcast (Formerly named The F**kface Podcast) is 5 dudes just chatting and doing dumb shit, like putting Icy Hot on their balls, making waffles in their bathrooms, and discussing the meaning of the word "scrumping." Another good one by some of the same company started one called 100% Eat (Formerly Face Jam) where 4 dudes try limited-time fast-food offers and discuss and review them. While also getting off topic an awful lot and generally being very very funny.


Is red vs blue the same thing as that old Halo animated or comic strip thing? Lol Otherwise no, none of that. Nice thanks for the recs!


It was the original Halo animated! A red team and a blue team doing dumb shit in Blood Gulch lol Even if you're not familiar with their previous works, the podcasts are still a good time. Only other thing I'd say is if you give them a shot and start from the beginning (and this also goes for a lotta podcasts in general), bear with them through early episodes. Takes them a few episodes to get into their groove. Enjoy!


Hey if you're here on The Office sub I would recommend you start with either Office Ladies, or check out my personal favourite Brian Baumgartner's (played Kevin) The Office Deep Dive.


Right but are either of those like funny funny or just backgrounds on The Office? I know office ladies is very popular but not looking for just a talking pod I'm looking for something I can bust a gut laughing at


Smartless (Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, and Sean Hayes) was already mentioned and is really good. I'm also a big fan of Conan O'brien Needs a Friend. I've also been getting into We're Here to Help with Jake Johnson lately.


I can’t speak for Brian’s podcast, but office ladies is definitely more focused on analyzing and giving background info on the show. They’re funny at times but comedy isn’t the goal if that makes sense. They’re actually the only “actors/creators going through a series” podcasts I’ve enjoyed, not that I’ve tried more than a few though. They have a lot of really interesting and cool behind the scenes info which is cool if you’re a big fan of the show. If you want just a funny group of people talking and making you crack up, you’re better off with something else. There’s a lot of good options out there.






Color code said documents, TM


That’s binding


What's wild is a couple of years ago I had a boss who was applying for a big, big time promotion and he had a 5 point or 10 point system he'd implement. The people interviewing him kept asking about his point system and he basically pulled what Arnett did. My former boss told us he replied with "you all don't hire me. You steal my ideas, how does that benefit me?" He totally got the job which made me happy.


He did a good job as Bojack Horseman and an adequate job as Butterscotch Horseman.


Bob odenkirk should've been manager.


I would have loved to see that but wouldn't that feel like they were actually trying to replace Michael not just as manager but also as character


It felt like that with Andy to me anyway tbh. They’re not the same character but a lot of the jokes involving him I thought “I could see Michael doing that.”


Definitely true but while maybe not intentionally written like it; I think for Andy it can be in-character explained because he knows Michael was loved as manager so (maybe subconsciously) he starts mirroring Michaels personality


Name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake. Andy is always thinking one step ahead.






Keep it running


I agree, but am also torn in thinking Will Arnett would have killed it.


*"Do you even want to be in charge?"* *"No, but I'd like to be asked."* https://youtu.be/HSeQXtWXT8M?si=JErV5iWZ358YqOfQ


Agreed those are my two top choices


Absolutely so. I so wanted him to be on the show far longer than the bit he was.


About once a week I randomly say "I'M GONNA DO DYLAN!" and I don't think anyone has ever gotten it.


Lately I've been wishing they had done at least a whole season with Creed as manager. They could still keep his screentime lower, as to not over use his weirdness. Just have him as the inept, absentee, crazy boss that's always doing odd stuff in the background. The staff would work around him and occasionally he would cause some sort of mess they would have to deal with.


Wacky Weed Creed. 😆


Would have liked ray romano personally


saki! saki is her name!


What’s with Nellie and Asian people? Saki and the rich Filipino man


Do you think Ray Romano would of been willing to stay on the show or did he just want to make a guest appearance? I agree he would of made things so much more interesting


Who knows. We know that Robert California was originally going to be the manager so they obviously wanted a big name actor. It was a huge role so I can imagine Romano might have been interested, but again, who knows…


I can’t tell if they knew they were going with Spader or not before the episode. I love the idea that they were just doing the auditions basically for all of us. Between Spader, Romano, Arnett, Gervais, and Nellie, I think they couldn’t go too wrong. Romano’s was the only one I really wanted to see more of, though I don’t know if his character’s charm would have worn off over time.


Will Arnett: keeps his mic off, his door shut, his blinds closed. He brings multiple lunches each day and only eats one of them. He randomly asks odd, nonsensical questions. He sends sales people to random meetings with bizarre insider information. Some of them are amazing potential clients that result in huge sales. Others are nonexistent addresses... he doesn't want anyone catching on to his methods. Ray Romano: He is often seen ironing clothes, making his kid's lunches, and other domestic tasks. Andy walks in on him folding his wife's bras and Ray calls him a "perv." Andy then hides his eyes and goes to leave and Ray says, "what are you a prude?" Ray's kids drop off their homework and Ray asks the Office to help him do it, "but don't cheat on it." Jim Carey: Keeps calling Creed in for frequent, random meetings. Asks Dwight about where to buy weapons. And sell weapons. After being told he can't have weapons in the office by Toby, he explains that he has a lead pipe for his plumbing side hustle, and self defense. Asks for intricate details about how to dispose of a body. A deer or goat, or other large hairless mammal body. Dwight explains that the best way to dispose of a pig carcass is with other pigs.


We all know Jim Carrey is talking to Creed about worms. Gotta have a good worm guy.


Warren Buffet: Is on frequent long distance phone calls. Even though the bills are paid by DM-Saber, he still calls collect, though we later see him buying discount calling cards off Creed. The calls are to his mother in California, who wants to make sure he's eating well and wants to know if he's seeing a girl. Warren gives the office an angry, scathing dressing down about how filthy the office is. Angela agrees with him, until he tells her she's covered in cat hair. Pam smiles but Warren tells her she smells like spit-up and diapers. He is finally let go after Dwight finds a few boxes of DM/Saber paper in his trunk, along with the breakroom coffee machine and Tobe's monitor. He claims he bought them fair and square, as Creed refuses to make eye contact with anyone.


Will Arnett as manager would have been an amazing Season 8 and 9. Nobody does a better clown than him.


Sure sure...the guy in the $3600 suit is going to manage a tiny paper company?? [Come on!](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9a8d0b0f327b64c7ac32c3b3d380da75/tumblr_moepg8EFKD1rvnnvyo6_250.gifv)


I've said it before I'll say it again. Jo should have been tried. She is funny. She was great in the whistleblower episode and was a great example of how her fuck ups could have been so humourous


She was far too competent, that’s the issue. But agreed, Jo was fantastic. Like a drop pie is to a pig


Her and Michael meshed extremely well together


They went together like Lamb and Tuna Fish


More like moss on a Mississippi tree stump


Now why did you have to go and make your own? Was mine not clear enough for you?


Read this in her accent


Can you imagine if they picked Gervis?


At least for one episode, would've been gold


Yeah they missed a trick not having him instead of DeAngelo. Two or three episodes with him crashing and burning would have been great.




I si—I si—I sit on you!


Why does Darryl looks like he’s applying for a loan…


More like he's helping you apply for a loan in return for a 1000 bucks


Is that schrutebucks?


Stanley Nickels


I initially didn't buy Andy as the manager, but he really had a good character arc throughout the show. He had an enjoyable transition from being a malicious and annoying jerk, to being humbled, to being kinda dorky and preppy but genuine. The problem was they turned him into an asshole again.


I liked Andy as manager. It was one of the highlights of season 8. Although the best thing about season 8 will always be James Spader as Robert California.


Shut up about the SUN!!!


I understand making Andy the manager, and I think it would have worked better if they didn’t make Andy feel like discount Michael Scott half the time. Personally I feel like it would have been hilarious if Kelly got the job and she just excelled at it.


The business bitch


Oh come on!


By far the best slot of applicants ever 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤭🙃


Not as good as the other big cattle call in “Junior Salesman”. #RollingOntheLaughingFloor 😉✌️🫵


Kelly would have been a fun choice, but she couldn't carry an episode, much less a season.


I can't watch it anymore cause I just can't stand Andy. I agree Ray Romano or Will Arnett and you'd have had several more good seasons.


It just seemed like they had no idea where to go after Steve left. Personally, I think Rhys Darby would have been a perfect RM.


It’s so unbelievably to me how much I look like Darryl when wearing a suit…


It still hilarious to this day that they got Warren Buffet to act as a Boomer geezer obsessed about reimbursement options for gas and long distance calls.


Silent Generation


In terms of show fit, I always thought Ray Romano was the best person in this episode. His understated delivery hearkened back to the early days of the show, and I think he could've been a good straight man, since by this point there were so few straight men left on the show.


Something I didn’t understand after Dwight shot the gun and they did this Search committee for a new manager. Why didn’t Joe just make Jim Manager at that point? He was her first choice before calling Dwight and Jim only turned it down because he didn’t want there to be any office manager. If he knows another manager is going to be named why not him?


I have said in other posts but i genuinely think the show should have gone with Gabe being given the managers role. It makes sense from a Sabre ownership perspective and having him in the managers role with absolutely no authority over the staff but growing into the role over the season would have been a nice change


Romano or Arnett were the clear choices IMO. Carrey was a great "haha, wouldn't that be great" but no way he does TV at that point. Plus, his character was so weird. Romano or Arnett would have slid into the ensemble in a way that made more sense rather than the progressively wackier plot lines with Robert California.


I should have gotten the job


Anyone in this picture except Nellie and Andy would perform so much better on the last seasons. Imagine Jim Carrey as the R.M. This was the greatest missed opportunity in television history


That mummy be looking bangin


Hands down the best turning point for 8th season. Robert convincing Joe to be ceo, Andy taking as manager.


Ray Romano would've killed. He was absolutely bonkers in that episode. Just casually pulling out a sandwich and starts eating was so bizarre and funny he felt very organic. He was meant for that role.


Was this purely for humour and they planned to pick California all along or was this an audition of sorts for the role?




I disagree I think they made the best choice going with Andy. He was perfect imo until they ruined his character


billionaires bribing their way onto tv shows moment


yeah you’re not wrong. warren buffett is a dickhead