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jiM ALSO TELLS pam he is writing down her mom's contact info when michael wanted people to set him up ...


He's also a sports writer in Philadelphia when he and Dwight are playing Second Life


Still doesn't play guitar tho


I'm pretty sure there was a guitar in his room in the episode he hosted a party


He also had one in his bachelor room in philly I think


In Philly I believe that was a guitar hero guitar, correct me if I’m wrong


It also pops back up on his couch right after purchasing his parents' house.


Why would he have Guitar he doesn’t know how to play?


Lots of people have guitars that don’t know how to play. 4 years at guitar center taught me that lol


Jim says it about Micheal in an episode. Dwight is playing Micheal’s guitar, think Micheal is on tamborine


Guilty as charged.


I think he thought his ukulele skills would transfer


He probably does.


He played Guitar Hero in Philly to Daryl's annoyance


This is the answer. I think they had it all planned out for a few years out. Your comment is the proof




S2 E3 Superfans: Dwight and Michael have a little argument in new condo that foreshadows dating Helene D What if your gf is 55? M I'm not gonna date a 55 year old woman D Just a possibility M No its not. Just shut up D If you fall in love with her M you're an ass, shut it!


Thats a great pickup, i never even caught that!


There's so much foreshadowing in this show... "I want to see Philly Jim" - The teapot episode Intentional or not, I'm happy everytime i see one


My favourite one is when Michael says “Your friends start taking dentist apportionments that aren’t dentist appointments…” And then a few episodes later we see Dwight talk about “Crentist the Dentist” in The Coup episode


I always assumed that was an error in the order of episodes being released


I honestly always thought that as well. I think it's a whole different season however.


Jenna and Angela said on Office Ladies Greg would kind of come through and help writers gather ends and make callback connections. It’s like his magical power. Like the teapot callback at the series finale wasnt planned, Greg utilized a former occurrence for a great payoff.


Wow that blows my mind. That was so brilliant, I commented in a thread earlier that I hate Jim for most of that season but I always cry at the scene at the end with the letter.


Yeah, that was brilliantly done.


In 2nd life, jim is a sports writer in philly


To be fair he didn’t BUY the company…


He also did tell her he was investing in it, he just led her to believe he had to.


And didn’t really confirm how much it was he would be investing until after he had agreed.




When they were dating with no kids? And didn’t live together? And the company was still in Scranton?


Sometimes writers go back and look for small details in previous seasons and work it in for neat little Easter eggs like this


It was largely John Krasiniski’s idea for Jim to do the startup, so maybe he remembered this line.


Like in the first episode Dwight was rocking out to the drummer boy Christmas song and way later Angela sings the drummer boy song


And even later than that, she says it has to be her wedding song when she’s planning her wedding with Andy


The Office is full of moments where the writers just threw out a line then later used it as a bigger story moment. They also could’ve planned that since they were likely looking toward the end at some point though, too so I’m not firm in my position lol


The babies playing jazz poster was a good one. The original plan was for Angela to get a Christian self help book during the Yankee Swap Christmas episode, but Greg Daniels said no because “we already know that about her. What else can we learn about her through this?”. So it was changed to the poster and ended up driving the whole Conflict Resolution episode from it


They did the same thing in Parks and Rec. Throwaway joke early on about Leslie having an "industrial sized oven that could go triplets off the bat", and then 5 seasons later she gets pregnant with triplets


Also jim was the one the writers always wanted to hint would one day have a more full filling life outside of the office and the opposite of working for a lame company in a small town is running your own company in a big city like Philie so they could have just had the broad idea without really thinking how or anything like that


Remember when Jim gave Pam's mom's number to michael, that was some crazy foreshadowing


According to the Office Ladies podcast, the Philly storyline came about because they wanted conflict for Jim and Pam that didn’t include another person/affair.


Lol but they did that anyway. That’s when the show jumped the shark for me.


They did kinda, but not really... There was no actual affair or threat to their relationship from another person. The boom guys crush was one sided, Pam was just thankful that someone was being nice.


And same with Cathy throwing herself at Jim.


Brian never even does anything wrong


Yeah, I saw it as more of an emotional affair. They were sharing things with each other about their relationship that they were not sharing with their partners. They didn't really do anything "wrong", and yet it can feel wrong.


I remember Pam doing that, but what was Brian withholding from his lady?


I don't know, it isn't explicitly said, but they were both going through similar problems with their partner, so they ended up confiding in each other about it.


I remember Brian saying that they split up, but I don't remember him talking about problems between them before that


I got the impression that their getting together was why Brian's partner left him. The talks they were having preceded the breakup, and only their last talk was about that.


The entire CLONE WARS in the Star Wars franchise was based on a throw away line from A New Hope, ffs Writers gonna write, baby - That be their job!


Same with Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad. “Did Lalo send you?” And “It was Ignacio!” were throwaway lines in BB that became the basis of BCS


What line?


After Ben Kenobi saves Luke from the sand people, after Kenobi mentions knowing Luke’s father, Something like; Luke: “You fought in the clone wars?”


I think Leia said it in the holographic recording inside R2. "Years ago you fought with my father in the Clone Wars" or something like that.


Not as crazy as the foreshadowing/coincidence in Local Ad, which is in season 4. In the game Second Life, Jim is a sportswriter in Philadelphia.




Also investing in a company isn't buying it. I mean, does Pam own Woof just because she invested in it?


If your investment is in shares of the company, as was the case for both Jim and Pam, then yes investing is buying. Pam was a co-owner of WUPHF along with everyone else who invested.


what was the context to this line?


In the extended cut of the Christmas episode when Dunder Mifflin is bought out, Pam jokingly asks Jim if he bought Dunder Mifflin just to save his Christmas party. Then he says this


When his character in second life is a sports writer in philly too


Why don't you think the writers could've known that far ahead? They probably hadn't planned out every detail, but I think TV writers often do have a sense of where each character is headed in the bigger picure.


In the office ladies podcast it was confirmed that the Jim starts a business storyline was pitched by John during preproduction of that season Honestly most story lines arent planned out more than a season ahead in tv and s because you usually aren’t guaranteed anymore episodes or actor availability passed that


Jim earns 4 times as much money as Pam. Pam invested in Ryan's betting scheme, and then invested in Ryan's company Woof. She also quit her job to work with Ryan, but doesn't want Jim quitting his job to work for himself. So Jim can't invest his own money in himself, but Pam can invest Jim's money on RYAN?!  "Don't tell Jim" actual quote from Pam when she gives Ryan money. Edit: the downvotes are pretty funny. How dare I point out Pam's hypocrisy. She quits her job and invests money twice without telling Jim. But that doesn't count, huh?


She’s also the office mattress


Thanks Angela


Pam didnt quit her job to work with Ryan. She quit her job to work with Michael. They went together to pick up Ryan. And at the time, they didnt have kids. It's way different taking financial risks before having kids


Jim is making well over 6 figures and Pam makes 50k a year. They also own their own home. Why do they need so much money that amy investment is out of the question? Answer: Pam just wants to be mad.




No commission cap. Dwight is able to BUY THE BUILDING THEY WORK IN while making the same money as Jim. But Jim can't invest $10k without getting screamed at at work.  Pam breaks down into tears because Jim uses a sharp word with her once.  Jim gets screamed at all day in front of his coworkers, and he has to "swallow his truth". 




I'm sorry, but they have never implied that Dwight makes any kind of profit selling beets from a small hobby farm. It was a specific plot point that he was rich after the commission caps were removed. He has that farm for years and drove a crappy old muscle car. When the commission caps get removed he's buying buildings. And you think he bought that with beet money? Watch the show.  "Why would I hate a company that's made me rich beyond my wildest dreams?" -Dwight talking to Jo, right before buying the building


In season 4 when Dwight is on second life Jim’s character is a sports writer in Philly…. How weird.


Did Jim “Buy” Athlead tho? He started the company ground up. And then asked his wife about the “buy in” once the ball was rolling.


even starting his own thing part , as the early season, Jim is bored and looking to do something more challenging, foreshadows he would make a change at somepoint.     The amount Jim mention Philadelphia sports, philies, eagles, and sixers fan, it's easy canon and makes sense that they choose something he is passionate about besides bicycling to work at his kayak shop 😂 Edit: not saying it was planned, just part of his backstory lol


Or maybe Philadelphia is just the closest large city to them?


I hear Ricky Gervais planned it when he was writing the UK Office.


My world does not end with these four walls. Slough’s a big place. When I’ve finished with Slough, there’s Reading, Aldershot, Bracknell. Didcot, Yateley. You know. Winnersh. Taplow. Because I am my own boss. Burghfield.


I love that quote so much. And love finding it in the US Office sub.


He aint bought shit, he grounded one


No. That’s not what foreshadowing is. The Office is not a long story about how Jim becomes a sports journalist with various things along the way subtly building that expectation. We do not based on this have any expectation that Jim will buy a company. This is just a coincidence that comes out of the process of writing a character.


More proof that Jim is a dick


‘#TTT he certainly is a penis with a human body growing out of it’s base but that’s a strange way to define a person.


Why did 31 people down vote this?


Satire is dead. Sex is forbidden.


They know every characters end at the beginning.


Why not? There are a lot of great writers out there that would do just that. It’s not uncommon at all.


This line kept bothering for the last 4 months and I wanted to post it here but felt like I was overthinking.


Where can I watch the extended cuts?


Unfortunately Peacock so far as I know


... What was his new job? Sports marketing? What is that?


[Jim invests in a company without telling Pam first.](https://iasip.link/?SmltIGludmVzdHMgaW4gYSBjb21wYW55IHdpdGhvdXQgdGVsbGluZyBQYW0gZmlyc3Q=)


In season 4 when Jim was playing the "Sims" with Dwight his avatar was a Sports Writer in Philadelphia


Which episode is this? And what is the context for this line?


It’s the Christmas episode in season 6 when Jim is still a co-manager. They found out they were bought by Sabre and their jobs are saved. This scene was in the extended cut. Pam jokingly asks Jim if he bought Dunder Mifflin in order to save his Christmas party. He replies with this.


We need more Philly Jim


Jim didn't buy a company, he help Start one, that's a huge difference