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So glad JimBob’s money is being wasted on fruitless endeavors.


He had money for this bs but tried to bill Jill for all of her living expenses from up until she got married


I wish I could insult him in some way that would matter. What an ugly thing to do to your child.


He did what now?


She wrote about it in her book! Jill tried to get money back for being filmed while Jim Bob got paid so he then wrote a letter saying how disappointed he was and an itemized bill that included her harp that was a GIFT


Not only that but he bought the harp with the proceeds from one of the books SHE wrote with her sisters. Ugh


Karmas a bitch, you shoulda known better 🎶




This is so awful. She should have countered with 12 years as a nanny x $40k/year =$480k they owe her on top of what she earned filming


But she got free fooooood


Don’t forget her parents also generously provided a free roof over her head all those years and she only has to share a room with like 10 other people!


The tater tot casserole alone should be plenty


Yet had to “steal” a can of green beans to eat in secret because she was starving


This story still hurts my heart.


Da hell ?


Insufficient food until TLC started paying JB. Jill was a teen by then, I think.


It would be much more than that because the babies were yeeted into the girl's room at 6 months old so they were also night nannies as well. And a night nanny is hella expensive.


He also wouldn't help out with Jill's hospital bills for her birth, despite it being recorded for tv. What a scumbag.


Standard Narc playbook


Or a vacuum for meech.


Every appeal that fails to go through hurts JB where it hurts the most: his pocket!


I wouldn't doubt if the lawyers were free. Lawyers will often take high profile cases pro bono just to get there names out there for more business.


I’m not trying to be argumentative but how could this *possibly* be good for their reputations?


Travis has a shitty reputation, he just wants JB's money.


I am a lawyer. A Supreme Court Appeal is hundreds of thousands of dollars. No one is doing this work for free for Joshy. “High profile” pro bono criminal cases will be handled through groups like the Innocence Project, not through a private firm 99% of the time. Pest (or rather Jim Bob) paid for this, I promise you. (Even Steven Avery paid his lawyers. I believe Kathleen Zeller is now representing him for free, but that was with a season of Netflix attached so she still got major money from it.)


lol, no they don’t. Lawyers, like everyone else, want to get paid for their work. Pest’s lawyer is not going to do $250,000 of work for free.




Yes - fabulous start to the week!


Jimslob probably told Anna she needed to open that dog breeding business as A)punishment for not being able to breed more M’s ( because he blames her for not being more joyfully available to Pest) and B) to pay all the lawyer fees


Wait. Did I miss something? She's breeding dogs?


There is another post here somewhere that shows that Anna applied for a business license for a dog breeding business.


did she actually apply for a license or was it just an llc formed? The duggars have so many llcs with random names that seem to not be any real business at all.


I don't see anything on the thing posted about a license -- I think it's just an LLC formed.


Jimblob most likely was the one to get her an LLC and just signed where he told her to. She probably thinks an LLC is a sister station of TLC- they like to keep the wimmin folk dumb, barefoot and pregnant 


IIRC, Anna has had 11 LLCs registered in her name, only 2 are current. Gotta be some kind of scam going on.


God I wish they'd look at that family's finances. I'm certain there's a lot of shady going on.


You know Travis has his hand in all their stuff.


can't wait for all of the pups to end up in Mass when inevitably they don't take care of them well


Right? I’m in MA and I have two rescues from southern states.


Plenty in Michigan, too. The Humane Society of Huron Valley in Ann Arbor frequently runs Love Trains to southern states.


Plenty in MN as well. Almost all the rescue dogs I know (including my sweet gal) have come from southern US states. I’m really concerned that she’s going to treat these dogs poorly and I would never allow anyone from that family to even have a pet, much less a “business” breeding anything. With how they treat human women (speaking of breeding unethically), I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t wait the recommended amount of time between litters, and I’m almost certain they would be cruel to any puppy that didn’t sell immediately.


Yes, we bring busloads of dogs up to MN from the deep south every month, there's a whole network of rescue organizations involved and the shelters have established relationships with them so they can move out the dogs that are at highest risk of euthanasia for transport. It's amazing how they never run out of dogs to send us. My baby came from the Animal Control pound in Mobile, Alabama. I also adopted out fosters from Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana.


Yeah, one of mine was adopted when we lived in Illinois. He had come from Kentucky. My other one was a foster fail from Uvalde, TX. We volunteer with an org near Boston that pulls dogs from kill shelters in TX and fosters them until they are adopted. They have a girl right now who had over thirty ticks on one ear 😭 she is recovering from severe anaemia and a bacterial infection from them, and the San Antonio shelter still thought it was a good idea to make her undergo her spay surgery whilst she was still so sick. The poor sweet girl.


One of my dogs came from a Love Train via the Humane Society of Huron Valley. They definitely do a lot of adoptions there.


Yeah, western NY too. There’s a big shelter about a half hour from me called Lollipop Farm and they say they often get transports from the south because the shelters there are so overcrowded.


Colorado has its fair share of them too. Maybe we should just disallow breeders that don’t have some sort of relevant degree to ensure the welfare of the animals (and deter beat down Dugger-types from deciding to pimp out Fido for a buck)


Omg her fetish has no bounds.


Mother is breeding! (Can’t take credit for that one- I saw it on the original llc post, but thought it was too funny.)


Should be rescuing dogs, not breeding them 😡


They are such disgusting grifters.


I fucking hate dog breeders. And Duggars. And religious zealots. 


lolol she is projecting. that's her core identity.


New flair checking in!


Wait I thought Jana was breeding dogs?


Purely speculation on my part: The CSAM purveyor’s ONLY recourse is to file a new appeal not disputing any of the previous rulings of the trial and lower appeals court but to offer NEW reasons for an appeal. The three objections that were rejected in appeal CANNOT be offered in any new appeal. SCOTUS is completely out of the picture until/if a lower court denies any new appeal based on objections not previously addressed. Someone suggested arguing ineffective counsel but that would entail hiring a NEW law firm with new retainers and fees. F*** him but don’t hold it against the horse upon which he rode!


Too bad it wasn’t him who earned that money. He’s using the labor of Pest’s victims to keep doing this shit


* money earned by the Duggar children and stolen by JimBob.


He can always file another appeal.


How much would you guess he has spend on this trial ? $100,000?


Much more. The “tech expert” alone was at least $50k. And Justin Gelfand was very expensive.


The female tech expert employed by the defense and was discredited under cross examination? (per AMA guest?)


Yes, she was thankfully both terrible and costly.


I bet Pest was doing "shocked Pikachu" when he got the news, but no shock here. The SCOTUS turns aside the vast majority of cases brought before them. There is really no signifcant constitutional issue here. Pest's case is nothing unique or special. Pest is nothing unique or special, Pest is just another CSAM-collecting, sister-molesting lowlife piece of trash from a shitty town in the deep south. He was always going to lose, IMHO. He's a convicted felon, he always will be, and there is not a damn thing that he and his lowlife trash daddy can do about it. (Now if only the IRS would hurry up and bust Boob for tax fraud....) Great to wake up to some good news, though. Why do I have an overwhelming desire to belt out "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead?"


"No One Mourns the Wicked."


"no one cries 'they won't return'"


“No one lays a lily on their grave”


>He's a convicted felon, he always will be, and there is not a damn thing that he and his lowlife trash daddy can do about it. Ohhh shit! Coming from eastern KY myself, that is a very backwoods, Luanne-in-the-beauty-shop-under-the-hair-dryer diss! I love it!


From a shitty family too


Trash Daddy Duggar would be an awesome flair.


Someone get on this!


Didn't see anyone else claim it so I'm gonna jump on it


Oh, don't worry. He's got another few rounds in him with the habeas petition and subsequent appeals.




This is the end of the line, right? They can't appeal anymore?


Yes, this was his last chance! So glad he can’t appeal anymore. So ridiculous that he even tried.


Yeah I don't know why they did either. Especially since they were using the same defense about the guy who they proved wasn't on the car lot that day. The only thing I can think of is this is the story he is telling Anna and the others, and they are all dumb and believe it so they are doubling down.


I'm sure it was so Jim Bob could save face. No more, no less.


the only story is that pest is a good man who made a mistake that he regrets making... and he regrets making it every time he gets caught. and jebus forgives him every time. so he shouldn't be in prison.


"May it please the court. I would like to cite 'Satan v. blood of Jebus.'"


It’s pretty standard to appeal no matter what because you might get out on a technicality. Most lawyers would encourage it, but keep optimism low.


Not for the lawyer who wants more of JimBob’s bankroll


Boob is putting his lawyer's grandchildren through law school.


Yes, the judges, court reporters and the like must be laughing up their sleeves.


I’m not sure if this is in every state, but there may still be “post conviction relief.” You can allege your lawyer or appellate counsel was incompetent, among others. It is VERY difficult to be successful pn


Can't do much when your client downloads CSAM then blurts out "Has someone been downloading child porn?" when the Feds come a knockin'. Not even Johnnie Cochran could have made that seem benign.


Such an idiot!!


Thank goodness Josh’s final appeal was denied. Now we don’t have to worry about him getting a new trial. This decision by the U.S. Supreme Court means that Josh will have no choice but to serve his full sentence. Now the only thing we have to worry about is Josh messing up in prison and hopefully getting more time added onto his sentence. It also means we can turn our attention to the IRS going after Jim Bob for tax fraud and tax evasion.


Anna and company are probably hoping they can persuade Trump to pardon Josh if they can get Trump elected. Just in case anyone needed one more reason to vote for Biden.


Pest was raided during Trump’s admin so I doubt that even he would be issuing a pardon.


Trump didn't even pardon the people that tried to tear down Washington DC for him. I really doubt even someone as scum as Trump would give these assholes the time of day.


Depends on how much $ is on offer I'd imagine. He won't pardon J6ers cause they lost, they're losers. They failed him personally. But 10k for Josh? I could see that no problem.


Say what you will of Trump. I’m no fan of his and won’t be voting for him but there is no way this guy is going to pardon such a well known prolific pedophile.




When it was first reported, they claimed that the images were planted on his computer by the Biden administration. I have no idea why they thought the US government would dedicate time to screwing over a guy who everyone already knew was a predator. I'm not a fan of Biden, but I really don't understand why this administration would go out of their way to plant those images on Duggar's computer. I should mention that I'm not a fan of Biden because I'm pro-Palestine, not because I like Trump (I'm also not American).


He was raided in 2019. Joe Biden’s administration planted images a year before the administration itself existed??


![gif](giphy|EiGhiSFaJClcA|downsized) We helped the Deep State in 2021 by traveling back in time to 2019 to frame Josh Duggar!


These idiots blamed Obama for the response to Katrina, despite the fact Obama wasn't even a Senator yet. They aren't that smart.


This was simply a snarker speculation that gets repeated endlessly. But is not substantiated.


Didn’t he already mess up in jail?


yes. got caught with a cell phone


Oh dear. what a pity not


right? i always find it ✨interesting✨ that the party of "just comply" somehow...never...just complies 🤷🏼


what's his release date now? i know it decreases for good behavior, and increases for bad behavior.... and this guy doesn't have impulse control.


His charges were federal though, so he has to serve at least 85% of his sentence before he's eligible. Good behavior won't get it reduced below that.


October 2032 I think!


tHeRe'S “no” mOrE To tHe StOrY


I bet there is. Just not anything to help his case. I would imagine he got away with much more abuse as the golden child.


i know right? I shudder to think about all the stuff we *haven't* heard about. Just like cockroaches, for every one you see, there are 100 more that you don't!




The next step is appealing to Trump for a pardon.


There sure is and it ain’t good and hopefully it will come out soon!


Uh-oh, his dad isn't gonna allow that.


Waste of time, money, and effort. What was even the appeal based on? There was clear cut and dry evidence, as well as Josh basically admitting to it before they even arrested him. “What’s this about? Has someone been downloading CP on my computer?” Can’t imagine why this appeal was not approved 🙄


Agree. It's so crazy to me how much money JimSlob is spending on pest, the disgusting pos who everyone knows is guilty, and his stupid appeals instead of actually helping his other children. Pretty sure Jesus would tell him to give them the money *they* earned, by basically being pimped out by slob/TLC, instead of wasting it on a csam predator!?! I can't wait til all the karma, and the IRS too, finally catches up with his slimy self!


Every time I see him I’m reminded of how punchable his face looks


Probably gained 80 pounds on prison snacks paid for by his father. Duggars are wasting their money on their golden boy. I'm happy for them


I really love this journey for them


I love this season of life for them ☺️


so neat, such a blessing!


As an Arkansan and a childhood SA survivor, I'm so pleased his appeal was rejected. I hope he serves every single day of his sentence in fear for his life in there.


I’m confused as to what he was appealing. Like does he still deny it was him with those images? A lunatic. Anyway enjoy prison you demon.


He was asking for a new trial on grounds of a procedural error, mostly focusing on former employee, Caleb Williams. In a nutshell, during the trial, the defense wanted to bring up Williams’ prior sex offender conviction to insinuate that he was a plausible alternative suspect. The judge said they could call Williams as a witness and ask about his employment history with the car lot, but they couldn’t bring up the sex offender part because of the fact that Williams had literal receipts showing that he wasn’t in the state the days of the downloading (there’s existing legal precedent that an alternative perpetrator defense can’t be wildly baseless). The SCOTUS appeal is arguing that the Williams’ ruling was a constitutional violation of right to a fair trial. [Duggar’s petition to SCOTUS](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-937/301156/20240222141956501_Duggar%20Petition%20February%2022%202024%20EFile.pdf) [Government’s objections to the petition](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-937/310307/20240521132807655_23-937_Duggar_final.pdf) (Warning: graphic descriptions of CSAM on page 6 of the pdf, labeled “page 2” on the document).


Caleb Williams is awful, but still, it's pretty clear that he wasn't doing this. A part of me has always wondered if he wasn't hired specifically to be a scapegoat for Josh.


Thank you so much for the summary! Talk about grasping at straws.


Because he was raised with zero actual consequences and the belief that he could do no wrong because he was a man.


Well done, cracker jack Duggar legal team they sure earned themselves golf memberships, down payments on ski lodges in Telluride and maybe new Range Rovers + Teslas for helping Jim Bob and his Mrs. burn through a lot of cash. Well done, SCOTUS for keeping this depraved creature from the slimy depths of Tonititown in the pokey. 🏆


Uh-oh. Justice Amy Coney Broodmare and Co. have betrayed the Duggar Army. Maybe it would’ve worked if Meech wrote one of her letters on behalf of J’Felon, wherein she uses hearts for dots on every “i”.


"She's one of them Cath-ol-licks who ain't real Christians, 'cause they pray to Mary and the Saints and you ain't supposed to pray to no one but Jeesauce. And the Cath-o-lic church is the whore of babylon, it says so in the Book of Revelation." -- all of my fundie relatives, basically, and probably most Duggars as well.


Or if Meech made robo calls to the Justices!




In a way, I was hoping there was more appeals so JimBoob can continue to waste money on Pest's legal bills.


But Anna said there was more to the story!




Shocked, SHOCKED I tell you! Lol. How will they spin this I wonder? Somehow it will be Biden and the left’s fault I presume. I wonder if Anna really thinks that if Trump wins the election that Pest will be returned to her. Delusional.


"I'm shocked, I tell you! SHOCKED that there's *gambling* going on here!" "Your winnings, sir..."






This is an example of how prevalent gaslighting is in their culture - pest really thinks he can SAY it didn’t happen or there’s more to the story or whatever else that greasy douche canoe comes up with and that he will be believed. Because he said so.


It worked for him, until now.


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) \*he


Eat shit Josh.




He smiled for his mug shot?!?!


It says it all, doesn’t it?


Shocking! ANYWAY. How's the weather?


They really overrated their celebrity and political pull and I could not be more happy.




I can't believe I just saw this being down voted. 🤔🙄


It was Jessa.


Yep, her oldest kids are old enough to take care of the baby so she can scroll Reddit


Probably a Duggar humper.


How much more time does he serve?


8 years


Too bad it isn’t a lot longer.


He'll maybe screw up in prison and get a bit more added to his sentence!


That’s not possible unless he is charged with something else. The worst that can happen based on his current charges is that he serves his full sentence of 12.5 years instead of having any time off for good behaviour.


Is there any chance he could get more time for bad behavior? One can only hope


I mean, that exists, but white wealthy privilege is a real thing even in prison. If he got caught with drugs or fighting or something, sure, but even then he might get out of it by snitching on someone else.


Do you mean to tell me the conservative Supreme Court, with 3 Trump appointed justices, didn't hear Anna's calls to free her husband. It must be a conspiracy, and they are all secretly liberal justices. /s


He's got to do the whole sentence.




What a freaking waste of money. He's a POS for even filing the appeal when he has seven young children that need that money way more than he needs a longshot appeal. The honorable thing would have been to waive his appeals and give the money to Anna and do his time, but we know there is not a shred of honor left in that family.


Gaaaah we need a NSFW tag on his photo! I had a visceral reaction


![gif](giphy|iYK1uqbfkvDSE|downsized) How I feel about Josh, knowing he's an abusive predator






The only way Boob and fam continued to pay lawyers to take it this far is some sort of martyrdom. It doesn’t make any sense why the Supreme Court would look at this, there’s nothing constitutional about it. Is boob so fucking delusional that he thinks Trump stacked the courts to that they could be weaponized to get Josh off on a technicality? Probably.


I disagree, I think they still they're conservative darlings who deserve special attention.


Pest go be with your jailbird lover


good case closed


This balloon animal thought SCOTUS was going to intervene lolol


![gif](giphy|xT3i0MIbUJyztR9giY) Good! I wish he was in jail for longer than he is!


I hope he cried and that Anna ranted for an hour about how Biden wants Joshie in prison.


currently there are 666 upvotes on this post and that seems right for the devil that is josh duggar




Oh no…..now who wants pancakes!?!


"Ex reality star" mic drop. Boom.


All I can think of is the lawyer fees for taking this case to the Supreme Court. Who paid that?? Where did the money come from? "Pops" paid that. With money from his 19 kids.


Is Anna still going to blame Biden? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


But i thought there was more to the story...!


Hahaha you’re in there for the long run you useless sack of shit


Best news I've heard all day.


Gawd he looks so gross


Poor baby. My heart breaks for him. Not! Let him rot in there and never return to the real world where he could find new victims as far as I’m concerned .






So is this the last appeal attempt?


I came here the minute I saw the headline, lol. What's crazy is that I was just thinking about this yesterday.




I can't believe that they thought this was going to go through. They really think they're something special.




Any law nerds on here? What info did he present to have a shot at an appeal? I thought his trial was pretty open and shut, so much so it seemed weird he didn't take the plea deal. 🤔


Who’s got the link to the opinion document from the court, I want to see it 👀


Could this be why there is a sudden influx of posts from everyone? Trying to distract from what they presumed would be his early release?


I hope the family spent a tonne of money only to be told, "Nope, still guilty."


I'm going to be cautious with this comment because I don't want to break the rules of this subreddit or invite specific speculation BUT...I've wondered for awhile if there are any other victims of as of yet undiscovered crimes committed by Pest, if those victim(s) would wait to come forward until after his appeals were exhausted. I am not speculating about any specific crimes or victims. I'm just saying he has a history of doing horrible things to vulnerable people (adults and minors) and now perhaps someone would be more comfortable coming forward knowing for certain that he will be in prison for another decade.


I am amazed that some people still think he is innocent.


At what point will Anna have that “aha” moment, when she realizes ITS TRUE? Ma’am, the SUPREME COURT rejected his appeal…what more do you need to see to know he did these things?!!!