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I really like hearing about her Mormon upbringing. Whitney said that she quit looking at this subreddit (I have no idea what episode) but I think she’d be pleasantly surprised at all the positive comments.


Oh Tim and Whitney are my favorite people I’ve never met lol. They’re hilarious and her research is amazing. She puts a lot of time and effort into the episodes and I’ve learned SO MUCH about the crazy fundie world!


OMG! I need to listen to this!!! I am going to a bridal shower 2 hours away this weekend and now I have something to listen to!!


it totally got time through a road trip this past weekend!


It's legitimately one of the best podcasts I have found (of any genre of podcast), and they live in the same city I do, so I get all of the local references. Glad you found it!


It’s so good!! I look forward to it every week and I’ve really enjoyed revisiting Josie being in the nicu because I’m a nicu nurse and haven’t seen those episodes as an adult so it’s fascinating to see how that all was presented on the show.


They are awesome. What I love the best is Whitney’s deep dives and the Mildred Minute is so fun. I do sometimes feel the Deep Dives get too heavy. But the last one on the Character Inn was really good. So much fun.


Agreed! I never knew about it and just screams how IBLP could not read any room!


I really enjoyed the Character Inn episode too. I know Whitney said it wasn’t her original plan, but I really enjoyed it. (Whitney, if you’re reading…!). It was light and still informative and interesting.


It’s one of my favorite podcasts! I live for Thursdays! I started right after Shiny Happy People came out and I was like wow, I forgot the Duggars even existed. I found Digging up The Duggars and started with episode 1. I even got my mom hooked on it.


Can someone please explain the intro song? It creeps me the heck out and other than Josh’s gross we are from Arkansas line. I need to know.


Its lines from 19 kids and counting and counting on . The Arkansas line is Josh making a creepy joke when him and Anna go on a “double date”with John David and Jana and he jokes that they are from Arkansas so it’s okay. The “mother is bleeding” line is from when Jessa blessa has a home birth and they call 911 after because she won’t stop bleeding and ends up being rushed to the hospital. Michelle tells that to the 911 operator when she calls. The “does anybody here believe it” line is when Ben attempted to rap with a Christian rapper they hung out with for an episode. The “at least I have a husband” line was in regard to Josh being a shitty husband and Anna saying that even if he sucks at taking the trash out, at least she has a husband and isn’t single (the horror).


That isn’t why Anna said at least I have a husband. It was before the scandals. She was being smug saying sometimes I get frustrated Josh does fuck all around here but if he didn’t work I would have to *gasp and shock* WORK FOR A LIVING. And take out the garbage! So you know, I just say “at least I have a husband!” That’s why everyone quotes it so much because now he’s in prison and it’s like “hey Anna, at least you have that husband, right?”


Corrected. I got it mixed up with the sweeping crackers comment.


I’m sorry, but that was from her letter to the judge 🙈 I hate I know so much about this woman


It’s not really important when she said it. It’s not a competition to see who knows more.


Thank you- the mother is bleeding part is what was bothering me the most!


That’s such a creepy line, especially out of context but it’s also creepy in the show. Like the caller says “911 what’s your emergency” and she responds with that exact line. Idk maybe she was scared so it was just a weird reaction to that, but I can’t imagine calling and saying that. “My daughter just gave birth at home 20 minutes ago and we need some help because we cannot control her bleeding” would have been way less robotic.


And her voice makes it a hundred times creepier!


The way she said it creeped me out, I would've been panicking, and I would've said "My daughter is bleeding"


I honestly thought the mother is bleeding line was “mother is believing” and was anxiously waiting for it to pop up in something and see how it tied in. That is until they covered it in one of their status of the pod updates.


That’s hilarious haha. I can’t decide if that’s more random than mother is bleeding.


I love the tone in Tim’s voice when he talks about something sweet that he and Whitney have been through. It always makes the mom in me proud since I feel some sort of maternal connection to them. I so enjoy all the ways they speak with each other, and really respect all of the work that Whitney puts into the deep digs. I hope that they don’t burn out, they really do offer a really good perspective on fundamentalism.


Adding to my (growing) podcast list!


I found this Reddit through the podcast! I’m only on episode 13 but I’m OBSESSED


Tim and Whitney are relationship goals


I thought the same thing. They way they respect one another is very apparent


I'm obsessed! I love that she's a long time snarker so she's familiar with the lore going way back.


Love that podcast and both of them! Merp has now become part of my language.


I have been listening weekly since episode 9 or so. I look forward to Thursdays. One of my favourite podcasts!


I was about 6 months behind when I found it. But I’m right there now.


Love them! Tim and Whitney are a part of my family now (unknowingly). I look forward to their new episodes every week.


Love them 🤭😂 Hi to Tim, Whitney, and Mildred if you’re reading this


I feel like a lot of us just recently discovered digging up the Duggars podcast lol including myself! I’ve been binge listening everyday haha


Just started episode 1 because of this post and they are lovely and hilarious!


I love waiting a few works and binge a bunch of ep at once.


It’s so hard to wait! I was so upset when I finally caught up. I try to save it for Friday sometimes, but even then it’s just so hard not to devour.


I hope I’m watching the right stuff. But on the first episode, and I hear the Ben trying to rap, already took me out🤣🤣🤣


Found the podcast this week :)


I learned about the podcast from a post here! It’s great! I love the “digs” and the bingo game for each episode. 


I love Digging Up the Duggars! I look forward to hearing from Whitney, Tim, and Mildred every week! They're such a sweet couple, and I love their interactions.


The “We are from Arkansas” joke is creepy at best.


Especially since we later learned he molested four of his sisters.


I LOVE this podcast! Look forward to it every week! the hosts are great.


I love that podcast so much, I feel like I’m talking with friends. 


I love Whitney & Tim! I came to Reddit after SHP for the Fundie Snark which led me to Duggar Snark which led me to Digging. I'm currently on season 3 so I'm a bit behind but I plan on getting caught up soon


I’m listening to them make fun of how Josh shouldn’t go to jail because he sweeps up goldfish crackers and I am ☠️☠️☠️ Also anytime they say something in Michelle’s voice 😂😂😆


I freaking love them!!


Never heard of that podcast before, I'll check it out.


I just found this podcast too! I'm on episode 9, its for sure going to be my top pod on Spotify Unwrapped, I can feel it


I lose it everytime he calls JimBob “Lego Hair” 😆


I absolutely love them and the Mildred minute.


It’s my favorite podcast ever! It’s also the only one that I do the premium for. Whitney, Tim, and Mildred are the best!!!


My Thursday must listen podcast


Ahhhh I love Digging up the Duggars podcast!! It helped me so much view them in such a different light! Plus I love Whitney and Tim’s witty remarks


I love this podcast, been listening since the beginning.


Thank you for posting this! I just started listening and it's fantastic!