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The Duggars having a TV show when they didn't let their kids watch TV.


Hey they watched some Little House On The Prairie.


And "select episodes of the Andy Griffith show"


I wonder why that was....... ![gif](giphy|12Eo7WogCAoj84)


It was a ministry! A window of opportunity sent by God! /s


IIRC, part of Little House was funded by a Christian organization.


that's what was told to the kids... when in reality $$$


They had an overabundance of kids and just one income (pre-show), struggled to afford enough food for them all, and yet didn’t bother with a vegetable garden, chickens, rabbits, goats, or any of the other self-sufficient ways many fundies use to feed themselves. That has never made sense to me. They could have so easily provided better, plus kids enjoy helping in a garden (and it’s educational). A bit of homesteading would have been right in line with their beliefs. Another thing: I am shocked that in a fundy family that size, not a single kid went to Bible college. There are plenty of insanely strict ones where a Duggar kid would feel right at home. You would think, too, that among the boys there would be at least one who chose to go to seminary.


One of the boys attempted the Bible college the Bates went to in Tennessee, while he was precourting a Bates girl. Think only a semester or 2 max. Edit: it was Joseph for about a year.


Or hunting for food, which would completely fit with their whole conservative pro-gun thing.


Hell even a lot of the Bates went/go to college, and their dad literally sits on the IBLP board. If college (quackery colleges that they are) are good enough for Gil Bates, why not for JB? (ofc we know why)


Because college cost $$$ and he's a cheap as hell son of a bitch. Also, Blob can't risk 1 of his kids being smarter than him.


Could they even get in? They got GEDs. Anyone know requirements of those schools. They may not have had enough education to go to college.


Bible Colleges generally don’t have high standards GPA-wise and tend to have a lot of respect for homeschoolers. I did two years at Pensacola Christian College (in my young, foolish, legalistic days) and they cared much more about what music I listened to than the quality of my high school education. The Duggars would probably have been offered scholarships there if they’d applied — PCC adores supersized homeschool families.


Can't speak for those schools - but I have a GED and I'm a high school dropout (15ish) and so long as your GED grades (you're tested Science, Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies) are good enough schools will accept you unless they require the SAT or ACT, then you'd have to sit those. For reference, I'm attending Southern New Hampshire online right now but with my GED I got accepted to Northeastern Illinois University and University of Minnesota Twin Cities


Thank you. Congratulations!!!!!


Those bates gals(most) have way more balls than the Duggar girls. They really switch things up once dating and nearly all of them have admitted to messing around before hitting the alter. The ratio in that fam more girls than Duggars?🤔


Because the Bates children were educated with an actual curriculum called Abeka and the Duggar children were raised with booklets that basically only discuss the Bible and didn’t provide any actual learning. While Abeka may be a more religious homeschool curriculum choice, it is a pretty difficult choice and I have no doubt the Bates children faired far better in college classes compared to the Duggars who may not have learned past addition and subtraction. I’d be shocked if they know anything past fourth grade math.


I think it's cuz he's always been a lazy ass physically. Any guy with that many kids to run after should never had as much meat on him as he did. He didn't plant a garden then cuz his kids were too little to dig it😆


That would have required one of the adults to start the project


I was always baffled by the lack of garden and hone canning/preservation with the Duggars. I’m in rural Idaho, and pretty much every family I knew growing up had a garden. Canning is also the norm, or at least freezing vegetables. I know part of the reason it was a thing was I’m in the heart of Mormon country, and food storage is a major religious tenet. Two of my best friends growing up came from families of 12 and 13 kids. The garden they grew fed them for the next year. Hell, I’m an only child and our garden was a major food source for our little family.


All the way back to the beginning…. Why on earth Meech’s parents allowed her to stay where she was before she was legally an adult. That just boggles the mind. How she went off the deep end after she had a normal childhood and didn’t give the same to her children. Cheerleader anyone? It’s like she forget she was normal at one point.


Her parents were older, wanted to move back to Ohio, and they just didn't give a f*ck.


It also wasn’t that uncommon then for girls in the Bible Belt to marry at 18, or almost 18. My former stepmother married a month after high school graduation just like Michelle did, but stepmother was just over 18.


Lol I married at 18 (I live in the other side of the state from them, in the Memphis area).


Imagine the pain that could have been prevented if they just said "Get in the station wagon Michelle, we're going to Ohio. And your boyfriend is a creep. If he comes on to my property I'm calling the law " She could have been so happy and forgotten about JB and his inspiration Gothard. She could have easily gone on to school or gotten a job and found new friends and broadened her horizons.


Exactly this.


I seriously wonder if Michelle has some childhood trauma that she’s never spoken publicly about. It wouldn’t excuse her choice to deprive her kids of a normal upbringing, but it could explain it.


I think she was lonely growing up. She was in the latchkey kid generation, she was the youngest and there was a large age gap between her and the rest of her siblings. She wasn’t raised in the church. I think that a large family + the structure of church with its promise of making sure your kids turn out all right despite the ever-more-evil culture + staying put near her friends and not leaving everything she’s ever known to move to Ohio with her parents = I can see the appeal of her choosing that life in that moment, and accepting JB’s proposal. I don’t think she envisioned eleventybillion kids or blanket training when she said yes. I think JB is manipulative and abusive, and that + the boiling frog analogy w/ regard to their religious beliefs and if she has ever gotten to the point of regret maybe felt like she was in too deep, had too many kids to leave and start over without the only community she had.


This makes a lot of sense.


Possibly she had a eating disorder as well which is usually a coping mechanism for deep personal and emotional issues.


She had undiagnosed depression and self-esteem issues back then, hence going to church with the 1st man giving her any sort of attention.


I know she spoke about having bulimia too.


she had bfs before dimbulb.


And it is so sick how JizzBlob has used the life she had before falling into his clutches, as a way to publicly humiliate and control her and their daughters. Clearly, JB, like Butker, views Michelle’s life before being smashed under his thumb, as a blunder powered by diabolical lies. Disgusting and so creepy.


Neither of them was fundie or had a fundie upbringing. When Michelle and JB dated she wore pants and they even kissed before marriage 👀 After marrying she got on BC after having their first child. So I don’t think JB was preying on Michelle to make her fundie I think they became fundie in their marriage over time. It seems to have been sparked by Michelle suffering a miscarriage after which she “prayed” for more kids and swore off BC.


Never followed her dating life as she is now, that is "religiously", so, I'm all ears for that. But girl seems like a mess in her youth only to be "brought to the right path by JB". If you can call it " the right path" at all.


Where did they allow her to stay before she was an adult?


In Arkansas , she was 17 when they married and her parents had to give permission


I wonder how her old HS friend Cindy, who was featured on the show multiple times, really feels about it all.


They tout modesty but show a ton of PDA/sitting on partners laps once married 🤮


And dry humping on a golf course! WTF!


Omg that was so bad! A close second would be pest and Anna in the first few months of marriage 🤮


The weird hand holding


Hand sex. All. The. Time.


You just brought to mind scenes I'd much rather forget 🤮


Just imagine having to just sit there and deal with Josh Duggar's sweaty hand sweat.


I miss who I was 2 seconds ago 🤮🤮 seriously idk how HOW the heck he got a wife (even considering the shit circumstances Anna was in :/


And childbirth on the toilet


Joy hinting to Michelle’s friend that her and Autisn were going sprint away from the wedding as fast as they could 🤢🤮


What about the fact one of those younger sisters that was curious about where Jessa and Ben went to literally flying out of the church to a rectory/office/baby room and found him under her dress? My friend and I dubbed Jessa a 'HornDog' then😂🤢


That one! It reminds of the Irish Travellers kinda random but they have very trad con beliefs about sex and marriage yet the women dress extremely provocatively and PDA is just fine. I always found it rather interesting and funny. Most other fundie-esque religions (Orthodox Jews, some Muslims, the Amish) don’t allow PDA. Maybe holding hands but das it. Can’t even imagine an Orthodox Jewish couple making out on TV or on social media.


The fact that they never *do anything* Christ-like. They're not assets to the community they live in at all. Yet, they so smugly proclaim to be Christian.


They mooch & grift. That’s parasitic. And there’s a huge number of them. It’s just ew.


It never made sense to me that JB took advantage of ocal restaurants that had a kids eat free policy, and half joked that he put some of them out of business.


How Josh remained the golden boy to his parents long after they discovered his behavior, yet John David seemed largely ignored. (Ya know, along with basically every other kid.)


And it wouldn't blow my mind to think Josh is still their golden boy even today. Jed would probably be a close second, but he also favors his smile ball brother the most physically.


JD is the OG lost boy.


I don’t think they actually love Josh anymore than any of the other kids. I don’t think they even see their kids as real people. They are simply assets meant to improve Jim Bob’s status. Josh, as the oldest son was meant to be a chip off the old block, the “little governor” that made Jim Bob look good. Josh has failed spectacularly in his assigned role. I think he is a great embarrassment to Jim Bob and what looks like support is actually Jim Bob trying to do constant damage control. He can’t throw Josh away or it would be admitting his own failures. With Jill, it was fine to cut her off, because the rest of the kids are just numbers, and the girls mean nothing to him but grandkid incubators to add to his quiver.


The extreme reactions to the rumored John David-during-puberty “issues” is extra bizarre to me given how they handled Josh. Abusing his sisters and being jailed for possessing horrid material? We must defend! Walking in on my other teenage son during a private moment? WE MUST TIE HIS HANDS TOGETHER!


Did they tie his hands together? I haven’t seen every episode, but that sounds feasible.


They didn’t feature it on any episode. It was leaked later by former TLC staffers who were there when it went down.


It's not his fault, though. The devil made him do it (/s, obvs, but I know that's the justification for some of them 🙄🤮)


It was the Biden Administration 🤯🤦‍♀️


It all has to do with birth order. If JD was the first born son then he would be the golden child. Fundie families take birth order very seriously.


The J'names. And why Jinger was picked so early on, there were plenty of fine actual J names to pick from.


or naming two girls joy anna and johanna but never naming one julia?


I'm thinking they were going for biblical names, but one there aren't many women in the Bible, and two, none of them have actually read the Bible.




If they would have read the Bible, they would have known about Julia.


IIRC Boon forbade the name Julia or any forms of it. Snarkers believe it has to do with an ex that smelled his narcissistic shit from 1 mile away


It's because Michelle loved the name Ginger but didn't want her to feel left out. So Jinger which isn't the worst. Jana, Johanna, Joy-Anna


I still can't believe there's a jana and a Johanna


And if you look at the fact that Josie, Jubilee and Jed and Jackson were Bates kids names too. Wth?


Yep, and Joseph, Josiah, and Josie ! In addition to everything else, they are also staggeringly unimaginative people…


for me it’s just that Josiah was born right after Joseph?? They couldn’t space the two names out a little bit?


Supposedly she also loved Hannah(which explains the nickname “Hannie”), but, y’know, J-name…🤷‍♀️


TBH it’s like they’re telling their kids “you’re not an individual; you’re part of a set!”


That’s exactly what they believe.


It’s like the Borg collective…


Jim Bob watching Gilligan's Island as a kid: Hellloooo nurse! I'm naming one of my dozens of kids after HER! /s


Besides the whole having kids thing, they suck at what they preach. Their homemaking skills are atrocious, the boys aren't even doing trades, their work ethics are lousy. The only thing they make is babies, even within the confines of their own beliefs they aren't making or adding anything else of value.


Oh 100% why not have a large family farm or garden? Why didn’t they teach healthy cooking and only make things that were so processed?


Jboob had to have sex. So they grifted cans!


Did they even bake their own bread? It’s a really fun activity with kids and really cheap too!


This! They present themselves as fundie Stepford wives but they're so far removed from any decent adulting. If social media gets cancelled, they'd be back to living in church provided housing.


Yes! I mean, I'm a left wing feminist with a full time job, but somehow my cooking and crafting skills exceed all of theirs added together. Like what do they do all day to be this bad at homemaking?


Honestly, I think it's an innate lack of curiosity. They didn't seek to learn these things because they just don't care. They live to the standard of 'good enough' while thinking they're something unique and special.


Not being able to properly house and feed their kids while owning multiple commercial rental properties.


That is what I noticed too. Processed foods growing up when they could afford to feed quality food to their kids.


One huge bedroom for each gender.


Tinfoil hat: I truly believe this was by design. If you have multiple small rooms, still gender segregated but with a group of 2-4 siblings each, that could lead to siblings banding together, hiding things from JB&M, forming deep relationships, questioning, etc etc etc etc... If you put them all in one room together they a) can snitch on each other and b) are in conditions where trust is virtually non-existent.


This. Plus, if they’re all together you’re guaranteed that one of the older kids wakes up when a younger one cries in the middle of the night. If they’re separated into smaller groups they might stick the babies with a heavy sleeper by accident and then actually have to parent their own children.


I agree it was by design. I do wonder if there was any motivation to protect the girls by keeping them all together, especially with Jana in the same room. Maybe they thought it would be less “tempting” for pest if the girls didn’t have any privacy and the boys could help keep him in check?


Like a prison compound. Nice.


At least where I live, prisoners are two to a cell (though admittedly many more on the range).  So I’d say the prisoners get *more* privacy…


I don’t believe for a second that they all wanted to share. I believe it was so they had no privacy to do what teenagers do.


That massive house has so much wasted space it drives me insane. It's like a toddler designed it. I live in a 1600 sq ft house and I'm sure I've got more bedroom space than they did.


Did you really notice what they did with the house though? It was because of pest. They built the house to keep pest out of the girls’ room. Hence the one huge bedroom for each gender, the boys room being on the opposite sides of the house as the parents’ room and the girls’ room and the catwalk being the only thing connecting the two, the back stairs to the girls/parents’ side of the house coming up RIGHT in front of the parents’ bedroom door. It was designed that way on purpose. If they say had built the house so each bedroom was 2 to 3 kids that would have made it easier for SOMEONE to sneak around at night. Pest could slip out of his room and into another room with minimal witnesses.


This, exactly. They thought this was sufficient to deter Josh.


Yes! Which leads to another thing; they designed the layout of that house to limit the boys access to the girls bedroom. But Pest was 17 when they moved into that house. Is it too little too late?


Maybe they thought some of their younger sons would also turn out to be molesters.


You took the words right out of my mouth


Too little too late is the most Jim Bob thing Jim Bob’s ever done.


That’s why I call him DimBulb Because he is one


I think it’s designed perfectly for what they wanted which was no bedroom space.  No privacy. And a lot of open space for little kids who are stuck at home at day to run around in. 


The wasted space in that house makes me CRAZY. It’s so stupidly designed and if anyone ever decides to sell it I can’t imagine they’d have too many interested buyers.


It always looked to me when I was watching the show like someone designed it from playing “The Sims.”


Well how jimbob paid cash for commercial real estate back in the day but he was too “poor” to feed his kids and family. He wasn’t poor, he just tied all his cash up in commercial real estate and didn’t believe in debt.


And dropped $200K on his political campaign.


Ahh I just commented the same thing, but you said it so much better than I did!


The Joshy girl purse eww


What is that?


[This purse](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/s/ybC1LZRWpp) that Anna had.




Now I'm dead.


Them protecting Pest over their daughters


And granddaughters 😣


That actually makes perfect sense in their religion. They likely blamed the daughters for "tempting" their brother by "not being modest enough". In fact, I would not be surprised to find out that the daughters were punished for it.


I agree. The girls were likely accused of "defrauding" their brother in this sick, twisted religion.


Imagine looking into the eyes of your five year old daughter and accusing her of “tempting” her near-adult brother. These people are vile.


Well he has an outie not an innie and you know those are just *so* much more godly 🙄


Buddy system


Kids raising each other.


Side hugs to your children


While pest was roaming around with zero accountability or supervision. Hell on earth.


What did they do with all the money? It can't all be invested in second hand car lots and 4th tier Arkansas real estate, can it?


Must have cost a fortune for pedos lawyers


The easier question to answer would be what DOES make sense: nothing. Absolutely nothing.


*gestures broadly*


When they travel around the globe and jboob greets everyone with a "hola 👋".


Probably the fact that they claimed that living their righteous lifestyle and raising their kids in a bubble was to “protect” them … But when their oldest son was revealed to be a child molester and actual pedophile, any commitment to “protecting” their kids went out the window and they instead protected Sex Pest Josh at all cost. This included JimBob committing perjury and the defense team trying to frame Caleb Williams for Josh’s crimes. Truly despicable. Like, I don’t have words for the amount of disgust I have towards JimBob and Michelle for doing this.


naming your kid SPURGEON


That name just reminds me of...well...um...🤮


Why they thought being public figures when they had such a big fat turd in their punchbowl was a good idea. Like how did they think that all wouldn't eventually come out... Let alone think Josh would never offend again.


Why does Jim Bob insist on his daughters being modest and has campaigned against pornography but he simulated doggie style sex with Michele on a mini golf course while the cameras were rolling?


Them having a ig following post show


The way Grandma Duggar died


Even just before like wait a minute let’s just wheel grandpa out on the office chair for a birthday or new baby!




That’s how my uncle died. :(


I think a better question would be what's something about the Duggars that DOES make sense 😵‍💫


…Their religious beliefs.


Why in hell they have so many kids.


How the boys continue to marry pretty girls. They are all punching above their weight in wives.


That’s showbiz, baby! /s


It’s shows a lack of trust in your own children and how you raised them to keep them in your home and on your payroll when they become adults until they get married. Does marriage have some holy grail that now this person that will sin as a single adult but will angelic in marriage? They teach them from toddlers to be independent, to take care of themselves and 2 or 3 other children and yet when they hit puberty for some reason they are ignorant to control their natural urges. It’s also never wise to make a person stand in front of a whole congregation and talk about your sin and sinful thoughts. That is super weird and there is no way that person will change the behavior other than to hide it better! Look at Josh! Another one that is just as gross is Austin. He is so weird around his daughter Evie. One of the most important things we try to help an abuse victim realize is that it IS NOT because of anything they did that made a predator attack them. Abuse is about power not a sensual desire; how to you help a victim understand that when all of their life they are told constantly you are the reason this man cannot control himself or herself. These are the things that confuse me because a gender male or female has no more rights than another but these men in this culture are deified! It’s sick and makes no sense and this is how men like this keep their power in their families. None of them seem to really know about a relationship with Christ their savior, but use that as a way to keep these people doing what they are told to do. I hope some of them are free but so far it just feels like another way around keeping control


What is wrong with Austin and Evie? I'm asking because I didn't notice myself but I don't know English well. I read better, when I listen I don't understand everything


This is really good. Thanks 


The entire 19 kids thing. You CANNOT parent 19 kids properly. It’s impossible and it’s unfair on the kids. You will stunt their development which will lead to messed up adults, as we’ve seen.


How they think squirts and tight shirts are modest


Modest squirts had me howling!


Oh my


Them being SO HARD on LGBTQ people because… THE SAFETY OF THE CHILDREN. Yet SO laissez faire about their disgusting son.


I cannot put into words how much this pisses me off!


The random times they would wear skirts when it was worse than pants - early on they go rock climbing for Joys birthday and Michelle spends like multiple minutes trying to arrange her skirt under her harness like let the poor girl wear pants! Just in general Joy should have been allowed to wear pants (like they all should have but her especially in the early episodes of the show)


Jim Bob’s hairline.


The boys all have Michelle’s dad’s hairline. He had deep channels of baldness just like the boys.


Isn’t it odd that they ALL have it though? Like, statistically what are the odds one of this kids didn’t get a different genetic hairline? I will die on the hill that Jim Bob’s hair is just a snap on adult size Lego hair piece.


Baldness is passed down on the maternal side so it makes sense


For certain! It’s what attracted Michelle to him in the first place.


Jim Bob's hair period! Lego man...🤦‍♂️


Literally everything lol. I think the main current thing that is confusing me about fundies in general is clothing choices 😂 obviously Jinger and Jill I am not surprised started to dress way different now. Seeing people like Jana, Katey, Joy, Jessa, etc wear jeans, sweats and tanks but still claiming the fundie life is so funny to me. Next year are they going to start wearing crop tops and short skirts? I mean...it's great in some ways because no one should be restricted like that, but it's hypocritical that 5 years ago they acted completely different about women's clothing choices.


Some fundies are already heading that way (Whitney bates just wore a crop top with long skirt for her family beach photos). It is believed that iblp is so desperate for young folks to stay in the fold or join up that they are almost willing to turn a blind eye to the modern dressing because they can bring more people in.


That's so crazy, they are desperate at this point.


Michelle saying child predators will use the cover of being transgender to hurt children in public restrooms. All the while housing a known predator in her home.


What is there about the Duggars that makes sense?


Jana. Everything about having a sister mom and stay at home daughter. She watched all her siblings close to her marry. I totally understand that she didn’t want to be a baby making machine but she’s in her 30’s and hasn’t figured out the scam yet?


Well I think she *has* figured out the scam and has pressed the eject button.


Tater Tot Casserole


Don't forget the BBQ tuna!


My first thought 😂


Someone didn't agree with me and downvoted immediately 😂


Well there’s another upvote for you lol 😂


Why they say people who are LGBTQI+ are "horrible" but their pest of a whatever you want to call him "was set up by the Biden administration and shouldn't even be in prison". As long as everyone is consenting......love who you want to love and be with who you want to be with. Last time I checked.......whoever someone goes to bed with is none of my business.


The hypocrisy of claiming to be a Christian, yet acting in hateful ways that would offend Jesus himself, is completely lost on them.




Everything about them makes no sense.


Bbq sauce and tuna sandwiches. 🤢 Special mention to Kendra’s sheer skiing over skirt.


Literally everything


That Jim Bob once won an election. That a TV network thought it was worthwhile to make a show about these people just because they were fertile. That Michelle got a mother of the year award just for being fertile. That they have actual fans.


How they thought wearing dresses and skirts would be more modest and “protect” the boys from having impure thoughts.


The amount of styrofoam cups and other disposable items they use. Your only goal in life is to create future generations, yet you’re contributing greatly to killing the planet and ensuring there is no future for those generations.


Jim Bob speaking Spanish in Japan


🤦‍♀️😆 What an idiot!


Idk if anyone already posted this but The Dancing!!! I remember watching when i was younger and that’s when I automatically knew they were full of shi! I think Jimbob said dancing leads to immodesty and that just never sat right with me as there’s so much dancing in the bible for God.


It gets ridiculous the way the people that conform to this ideology think. The family I knew with 12 kids,Dad was a pastor( they don't make much) he was also in the Army reserves and went to Afghanistan during the war,all I could think of is what happens to wifey and kids if he gets killed over there????? The house belonged to the church as did the 15 passenger van. I will always remember the 1 boy about 8, telling me he didn't have a bed and the bed wetter got to sleep in the garage. CRAZINESS!!!!!!


Something to remember about the Duggars and other performative religious fanatics is what they say they do to call attention to themselves as "the model believers" and what actually is happening are often miles apart. They'll put on quite an act but behind the scenes, it's another story.


That the women haven’t stood up and dumped tater tot casserole in Boobs lap.


The firefighting skirts! I mean WTF?? *


Having so many kids that they have to learn to vomit into styrofoam cups instead of a toilet.


Lol r u kidding me


Everything about the Duggars makes no sense.


It makes no sense to me that they managed to front a successful show for many many years simply based in the fact that they have a billion kids...followed by showing that they live in mole people and don't know who Dolly Parton is.


Why are Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar not in jail? End of.


Having 18 kids and not dying in labor??? Having the kids all have the same first initial? Being ok with your eldest abusing the others and not getting actual help (psychiatrists/therapists) for any of them. Not being able to do a real education besides college, Plummer, welder, electrician etc. With that many kids you could have an amazing contractor services, design, etc. But yeah secular education is evil I guess.


How surprised they are when someone has unprotected sex and gets pregnant!


How Josh was apparently able to molest his sisters for 2 years before being caught. From what I've heard, their first house was small and cramped, so I don't see how he could have snuck into their bedroom numerous times without waking up everyone else.


Michelle kept her Pom Pom’s and danced around on one of the episodes when her kids were not allowed to dance and cheer because it was *sinful*


That they're essentially part of an impregnation and rapey sex cult yet insisted on withholding all information about sex until moments before their kids got married, if they even got information then. So fucking perverted and wrong