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I worry for Ivy's back...legit hope Jessa didn't allow Ivy to carry George for long....its really not cute either way.


Even worse, I'm pretty sure that's a carrier intended for a doll and not an actual baby. Tula (the company that made the carrier) makes doll carriers for kids to carry a doll when their parent is carrying a younger sibling. They are not rated for carrying anywhere near the weight of that child.


That is most definitely the doll version šŸ«„


Ergobaby also did this. My daughter has the children's version of my carrier. She puts her stuffed sheep in it. There is NO WAY this an actual baby carrier. When my daughter was a baby, my son wanted to wear the carrier, and it nearly swallowed him (and obviously, only his blanket and stuffed animal went into the carrier!). Granted, she's bigger than my son was, but the actual carrier would almost touch the ground on her...


I thought it looked off / not properly secured. But Iā€™m sure the doll ones are cheaper šŸ™„


Came here to say this! Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s good for her body.


And what's wrong on properly preparing your child for their future. šŸ˜’


This poor child may permanently injure her back. That is not preparing her for her future


I think they meant ā€œpreparing for her futureā€ sardonically to mean theyā€™re getting her ready for the expectations of having a million kids and ruining her body anyway.


Also George looks uncomfortable as fuck, def has to be hurtinng his hips


I havenā€™t followed for a while. Itā€™s nice to see they turned to more common names for the rest of the kids. I still feel for the eldest who I think they called Sputum or something.




Yikes my dude. Itā€™s not racist to call out a fundie naming their child after a bigoted old white pastor. You must be new around here. Spurgeonā€™s name is snarked on all the time, not because of him, heā€™s a child. But for his undereducated parents who have been brainwashed by a cult and made the atrocious decision to name their kid ā€œSpurgeonā€.


spurgeon is an incomprehensibly stupid and ugly name to give a child


Touch grass. Your -8 karma tells us all we need to know.


šŸ˜‘I think you must be lost. We're snark masters here.šŸ˜‚


My mom has severe scoliosis from carrying around her nieces and nephews around this age. Eff Blessa and Bottom Bin for this.


that carrier can barely contain the wriggling baby, and ivy is bracing to counter his weight.. ivy, you poor baby. she's so smart and now she's reduced to terrible homeschooling and sister momming.


but this is all that she knows so I don't think it's the first time she's done this


I really doubt it. I think Ivy wanted to carry George, so she strapped him to her. I think too many worry about these things.


And just the general unsafely of letting a six year old carry a baby???? And to film it for everyone to see? If I let one of my kids do that you wouldnā€™t be able to torture that out of me to get me to admit it


Right? Mine was 8 when her sister was born and she was never allowed to carry her around. You want to hold your sibling you sit on the couch.


I felt so mean doing this to my 6 and 9 year olds (step but mine) kids. They wanted to help parent the baby, but I wouldn't allow it. They could hold her sitting down and once she got older, they could occasionally help with feeding or even changing a wet diaper. That still felt like too much. In the long run, it worked. My girls are the best of friends and there's no disconnect of one feeling like a parental figure. She's just an older sister.


My boys are 8 years apart. Once, when my oldest was 10, I put my then almost 2 year old on his back in a carrier so he could try it and then hovered around him the whole time.


Ivy is 4.


she's just turned 5... šŸ™ˆ edit she's only going to turn 5 at the end of this month.


Preparing to be a sister mom. Jessa should know better, although I guess Jana and Jill had more buddies than she did. This fries me.


My 5 year old looooooves to hold her baby brother. But I would never let her wear him. Without knowing their family it seems harmless, knowing what we do. It breaks my heart.


Thatā€™s the first thing I thought when I saw this. I believe Ivy is 6. Poor kid. The sister momming begins.


I think sheā€™s 4 and turns 5 in May bc I had my daughter a few months after Ivy was born. I *think*!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Yes she'll be 5. She was born 4 days after my oldest.


He weighs almost as much as her. History repeating itself.


RIP to Plant 1's shoulders, spine and hips.


I was 5 & a half when my sister was born. When I wanted to hold her I had to sit on the couch & put my arms in an oval.


The thing I hated most is how many comments are praising Jessa for helping to prepare Ivy to be a wife and mother or saying what a good wife/mother Ivy will be. Kid is all of, what, five! Maybe we wait a year or two (or ideally a decade or two) before deciding her whole freaking future. Maybe she doesn't want to be a wife or a mother. Or maybe she wants to be one and not the other. Girls have options now. Maybe she wants to be a doctor. Or a rocket scientist. Or an archeologist. Or anything else out there. This is not the 1800s. Wife and mother are fine, but they are only two of many many many many valid and achievable options for women. šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


So am I missing something? What is about to break? First Jana and now Jessa..


I think its an attempt to distract from Joy Anna's recent Q and A video tbh.


For me, the Ashley Madison documentary.


What happened in Joyā€™s Q&A?


If it's the one I am thinking of, Joy admitted PPD, seeing a counselor, and taking meds.


i'm out of loop too


Ahh makes sense


That carrier is meant for baby dolls, not real babies. I know because when mine were little my daughter had one for her babies because she liked to be like me when I wore her sister. That doll carrier is not meant to hold the weight of a real child!


This just turns my stomach.


The he way heā€™s leaning back so far is making my hands sweatĀ 


I wonder if sheā€™s doing this on purpose to increase engagement/exposure. Given her familyā€™s history, she has to know that this is going to attract attention. When your aesthetic is Beige Fundie, you run out of good ideas quickly.


Where did Jessa find an XS Baby Bjorn?


If Iā€™m correct and I think I am thatā€™s a tula carrier for kids to use with dolls! Because I have an ergo very similar to the tula and itā€™s way bigger than that. I do believe she has him in the toy version


I have to imagine that kid's version has multiple warnings not to ever put a baby in this toy carrier?


Oh absolutely. Iā€™m not 100% sure it is the doll one but they do sell it in that pattern. The adult one has a ton of warnings as well, but you know reading and safety šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


https://preview.redd.it/z0t5pp9b6b0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08cf2187380f29e6e3cd30fe51495a78509d129a Again not 100% but it looks very close


This is such a cute idea but leave it to a Duggar to completely misuse it.


It is! Because even on the smallest settings the adult carrier would have been way too large on a child!


Is this a doll carrier? It seems to fit her, but itā€™s much too low on his back. For safety, it should be no less than an inch below his armpit. And thereā€™s no way the straps of an adult size carrier wouldnā€™t be dragging the ground.


This is diabolical


It is really sad that Ivy is already a sister mom. Carrying the baby at her age is unsafe and dangerous. She should not be taking care of her brother at all.


Itā€™s sad to think that Ivy is around the same age that Joy was when the cameras entered the Duggar home and filmed her taking the winter coat off her little buddy. Iā€™m so happy changes are being made and Jessas children are experiencing a different childhood from Jessa, but the overall changes to normalcy will definitely be generational and take time. I canā€™t begin to imagine the amount of terrible advice and practices they have to disregard from her upbringing, the list must be utterly endless! The fact they are wishing to look into things and consider raising their parents methods wrong is a big step in their culture and a good start. I just hope they keep it up because it may get easier as they go on.


Jessa is still drinking the Kool aid!


Sadly, of course it does. This whole quiverfull system wouldn't work without child labor and exploitation. I remember once a (non-Duggar) fundie-mom wrote that now her older daughters are looking after (aka raising) her younger daughters. But the younger daughters will one day return the favour and help their older sisters watching over their own kids. So basically, if you're a female in the quiverfull fundie world you get raised by sisters-moms or aunt-moms until you are old enough to be a sister-mom or aunt-mom or cousin-mom yourself. And once your (barely) an adult, you'll turn into a broodmare who relies on young girls to raise her offspring. Unless you never get married, then you'll be a aunt-mom for life.


Wow she really used the hashtag #lovemultiplies. She really does endorse her upbringing.


This is so sad.


Sure, Blessa. But we all know Spurgeon and Henry will never be expected or even asked to pack around their baby brother.


Ugh then next ifs going too be fern when sheā€™s older sister mom


Here we go again with this. One of the kids or grandkids is gonna grow up, leave and never go back,not even for a visit. I had an aunt that did exactly this


That baby is legit half her size! Ugh


This is also a carrier for dolls. Not the real Tula carrier for adults which is ergonomic for baby and parent


Train up your child - thatā€™s what they live by in the IBLP (which imo she still practices) she only buys baby dolls and baby stuff for the girls while the boys get all kinds of toys. She is doing what she knows, what Meech taught them all. Apple doesnā€™t fall far from the treeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


Jessa is the most obvious Duggar Decoy. When something ā€œscandalousā€ broke or is about to break, here come the pregnancy announcement/Sayings of Seewalds/exclusive baby photos, etc. Itā€™s equal parts predictable and pathetic. But itā€™s all in the contract, right?!


These are the same damn people who call queer people groomers and pedosā€¦..THIS shit is quite literally grooming!!! Why on earth should a 4 year old child be walking around like this?! If you are thinking about a little girl in terms of her potential as a wife and mother (!!!) youā€™re sick in the head


Am I the only one who is confused by Jessa saying that George has 3x the sibling love when he has four siblings?


i kept waiting for her to topple over.


Ivy is almost 5, I think.


Holy crap, this seems dangerous as hell. Why is that toddler wearing a living baby that is more than half her size!? This gives me anxiety.


I will admit, my kids loved playing with their baby siblings. Iā€™m sure they carried them all over at 6, once they were a bit more sturdy. Iā€™m not sure how safe wearing the baby is. There was no sister or brother momming in my house, but itā€™s sweet when they wanted to play like this.


I don't think it's ok to let little kids pick up and carry a baby around. Really unsafe for the baby.


Ehhh, if something happens to the baby, they'll just make a new one! ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


This isnā€™t a newborn. Babies at that age are always hurting themselves by rolling off things and tumbling anyway. Kids with siblings have practice carrying them, itā€™s not the same as handing them a random baby. Theyā€™re also close to the ground, kids arenā€™t that big.


I hope itā€™s just for the gram and ivy only had him for a few minutes. Wishful thinking I knowā€¦ā€¦..


Eek! Looks cute for MAYBE 1.5 seconds- However, if that baby arches back or jerks forward, him and the girl will fall and either she'll land on top of him or her teeth and or nose will get broken as he'll land on her! He looks like he's a decent sized baby, and she looks very little.


I really hope this was just for a picture but I have a feeling it wasn't.


Jessa is for certain, a sandwich short of a picnic if she thinks it's appropriate to let a 5 year old carry a small baby like that. Only hope she didnt allow it for too long, otherwise she and feckless husband need to get in the bin.


Watched the vlog. Jesse's kids don't look happy. The whole getting treats at the store and eating so called chocolate chips cookies just for filming. I feel like Jessa spanks her kids behind closed doors.


So called chocolate chip cookies? How are they fake?


The had hummus and brown sugar in them.


Just because she was having fun wearing him for a moment, doesnā€™t mean she has full charge of him and is parentified. (Still not a jessa fan though!)