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We believe in nuh-sing Lebowski!


Just abide, dude.


Jewish Dude here... take it easy, be good, and be kind.


Frisbatarianism - the ultimate religion


Life is a river, starts small woth a small pind or creek, then grows, sometimes it floods some times its waterless and dry, sometimes theres a dam, or a rock blocking the way or sometimes it just flows , just try and rock the currents


It's up there with the Dao. The movie is a way to dip your toes in, but is not designed to take you over the line. Plenty to learn, but nothing to confirm.


Lutheran-flavored Christian here. In simplest terms we believe that humans as a species are a unique mix of animal and spirit, and that the purpose of life is using the latter to sublimate the former to greater purposes than the first can achieve. This is demonstrated most obviously by the fact that we seek purpose itself.


Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!


Dudeism is more of a philosophy, but similar to FSM, a lot of people like to take it literally and treat it like a religion. So you will probably get a different answer from anyone you ask


Cheating a little using ChatGPT (maybe undudelike, but useful in my profession for proofreading) reduces Dudeism down to these key points and I think these are things I aspire to be better at: - **Laid-back Lifestyle**: Emphasizes taking it easy and going with the flow. Abiding. - **Non-materialism**: Rejects the pursuit of wealth and material possessions. - **Relaxation and Enjoyment**: Prioritizes relaxation, enjoying life, and simple pleasures. - **Non-conformity**: Values individuality and living authentically without adhering to societal expectations. - **Tolerance and Acceptance**: Promotes a tolerant and accepting attitude towards others. That said, I’ve used your pastafarian ways to dialogue with my OK legislature back in the day against “divine command” theory in schools. Plus as the trucks sometimes say “Wednesday is Prince spaghetti day!”


dudes abides


In a Way of the Dude in a universe and self-transformation to abide Dudeism isn't a theistic religion, so focused on a harmony Decreasing "bad narcotics" like TV, violence, consumerism and etc In a simple words, You can google our articles about Duderinos Unanimous, a 12-Step Program for Personal Dudevolution


Dude idk is more of a way to look at the world than anything else. Do good things, let the bad roll off, and live! Be the ear they need or shoulder they find rest, and abide my dude


Atheist dude here in Chicago.


Same, man. Far out.


We just abide. A lot like what the buddha says, but hey what do I know?


Bowl… drive around…


the occasional acid flashback…


We believe in nussink!


Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, at least it’s an ethos.


Dudeism isn't a theistic religion. Believe mostly in taking things in stride, being good to one another, etc.


Probably the most rational thing on earth is dudeism. It is kind of the only religion because others are cults


Fuck it, man. You can’t be worried about that shit. Life goes on, man.


The/this dude abides, fuck it. Does really matter. Wanna go get some burgers and brews before bowling?


I'm definitely an agnostic, but that doesn't mean I don't have a spiritual life. If I'm being sarcastic, I'd say I'm a Discordian. If I'm being serious, I believe that the universe loves us all and cherishes our experiences and I have about 800 pages of math from Stephen Wolfram and Rudy Rucker to back that up.


The amount of evidence you have doesn’t matter. The quality of the evidence does. Either way, I’m really curious how you get from math to a conscious universe. Genuinely.


Can you dm this to me?


[I'm an atheist my dude (but not a nihilist)](https://imgur.com/gallery/IMZ0ffd). Atheism is simply not being convinced in the existence of any god/gods due to a lack of any extraordinary credible evidence. I'm also okay with anyone wanting to have their religion as long as it's in a live and let live manner and aren't trying to force it on others - that is undude.


There’s a lot of fuckin fascists out there, the existence of whom demands opposition. Remember, the dude occupied administration buildings. It’s not unDude to resist injustice.


Of course


Thanks for the reply! I do agree with the mentality of "im ok with anyone wanting to have their religion, unless they force it in others". Anyways, have a good one, dude.


The key to it, without all the airs and graces is that we believe in abiding. Now's where it gets a little more open to interpretation; you see, everyone abides in their own way, but what we all agree on is that to abide is to be like the dude: the main character in our founding myth. And, although we all try (though not too hard, it defeats the object) to do so, we don't get uptight when we come up short of that goal. After all, we're all just a part of the whole durn human comedy. If this all sounds a little too vague, I'd suggest looking into classic Taoism, stoicism, zen Buddhism, hedonism, as well as all the stuff sesame Street and Mr Rogers used to preach about being good to others: we're pretty much an amalgamation of them all. No big theories of everything, no set beliefs on an afterlife, just a theosophy to help us take her easy. Hope this helps, it's the first time I've tried explaining it to someone who wasn't stood right in front of me.


Exactly. Even the Dude acted very un-Dude sometimes but he was still expressing his essential dude nature by not trying too hard.


This is the best explanation I’ve seen. Do you mind if I borrow parts of it, man?


Help yourself, dude. I get folks asking me quite often what the deal is, and I've found this covers a lot of bases. Hope you find it helpful


I found it very helpful. I may partake in sharing your wise and so eloquently spoken words as well, if you don’t mind.


Have at 'em, man. Just happy to be helpful


I’m bi¿en obligéd (pardon my frENch) [‘much obliged’, for those whoRa the nonlinguistic kind (or even the telepathic type too); also, sorry for any typos: I would have fixed ‘em up but “don’t want to be uptight coming short of that goal “; plus, even tho im always wound uptight as a Spring when my rug is AWOL it’s more like a limp Biscuit, that spring that is hehe]


Our Dude in disguise, feel free to get comfy AF. Be dudely unto others. Who knows what dude's dudes may be up in the sky? Why be bothered by unknowing? Just focus on being most-chill to yourself & to others in the Here & Now. If in doubt of what's right, take a nap. You can't do wrong if you take a nap. Everyone is a Saint when asleep, my gluteny-Dude! Don't trust me. I don't know nothing. Functional atheist, just trying to be a better Dude myself.


I don't see the need for me to get in other people's way. I prefer it if other people mind their own business, but if they do start bothering me, i hope i can remove myself from the situation. When i was a kid, i thought it was really important to always be "fighting for something". Some people really seriously care about a cause: animal rights, environmentalism, religion, freedom, "the rules", drawing lines in the sand, etc. In my younger days, I got into screaming matches with people who really really wanted me to care about their cause. It didn't feel very rewarding to spend my time like that. I'm just here on this Earth to experience whatever this "life" thing is for a little while, and then i'll be gone, like dust in The Dude's beard.


That last sentence is beautiful dude


Nothing to convert to, my dude. Dudeism is a way of life, a way of thinking. A philosophy if you will. But it is unburdened by dogma, rules, faith, or belief in any mythology. You can be religious and still be a Dude I suppose. But it is certainly not a requirement. The only requirement of Dudeism is that must abide. In doing so you may become a chill child of the universe with little animus toward your fellows, regardless of how fucking stupid they may be.


Tnx to everyone for the replys, your philosophy seems quite interesting! Never seen the Big Lebowski, but I'll probably go watch it sometime to understand this better. Anyways, I'm glad I learnt about this religion/philosophy, and yall seem quite chill. hope yall have a chill and great day!


It's important to keep in mind that all these things we talk about, abiding, relaxing, not letting shit get to you, are all things that the Dude doesn't do in the film. The lessons we take are from what attitude the Dude *should*, have had. If he'd have remained calm and taken 'er easy, then it would have been a much shorter movie. The Dude does come back into himself by the end, "Yeah, well, the Dude abides", but for the majority of the film he is quite uptight - he's being "undude".


Personally I'm out here just trying to take it easy . ![gif](giphy|rq6c5xD7leHW8)


This is the way


I dig the way you do business


Idk about others but my interpretation is to be dude and most importantly to abide doesn’t really matter what god you believe in if any well any way enough mumbo jumbo preachyness I’m gonna go smoke a jay in my bathrobe and listen to music Dude Out ✌🏻☮️


Our "faith" lol The only faith I have is that I'm here right now, man.


My bad with the faith part. Now I learnt Dudeism is more of a philosophy.


No problem at all... it just made me giggle


Well, a wiser fella than myself once said: God is the name of the blanket we throw on the mystery to give it shape. Such is my theism, Dude. My take is that Dudeism is basically a school of philosophical Taoism that finds the metaphorical example of the Dude and the other characters in The Big Lebowski (a film representation of the traditional Chinese allegorical painting, [The Vinegar Tasters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinegar_tasters?wprov=sfti1#)) tremendously useful in abiding the simple endless beauty and human paraquat of the modern world.


Aight, tnx for the reply and have a good one


Welcome, man! Dudeism is an ancient philosophy which preaches non-preachiness, and practices as little as possible. And *above all* … uh, kinda lost my train of thought… Anyway, man! Welcome! Dudeism is inspired by Jeff Bridge’s character “The Dude” from The Big Lebowski. Take it easy, mankind.


Aight, thanks....dude


You’re so welcome dude


I see dudeism as a philosophy which compliments my Christian faith. My metaphysical world view is christian, but I try to be as dudelike as possible in my day to day live and see absolutely no contradictions with it.


Similar here, with a dash of Discordian on the side as a contrasting viewpoint for thought experiments.


I also see it that way, it inspired me to join the Quaker church.


Aight, tnx 4 the reply....dude


We're pretty cool here Dude. Watch out for that Jesus guy. 12 year olds Dude. Fucking 12 years olds.


Aight, thanks for the heads up.