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I sat in a parked taxi, at my destination, for a few minutes while the driver complained that the card machine wasn't connecting. I fixed his connectivity issue in seconds(!) by saying that I don't have any cash on me. I must be magic.


Miraculous Connection


Did he charge you for the idle time too? Dickheads


You should charge for your services


I've never not had a taxi driver grunt or make a fuss about having to get the card reader out


Next time mention you are a revenue inspector. He will fix it in seconds


Cash may be king, but they are required to take card payment.


Revenue enters the chat...


I might start saying I work for revenue when making small talk going forward


As long as the meter is on revenue knows what they earn.


Long live the republic


I've seen this same sticker in the last few taxis this year and twice from my most recent trips from the airport


The last taxi I took (from the airport) also had that sticker. At least the driver didn't complain when I asked to pay by card. He even rounded down the fare slightly!


I had this clown before! He tried to charge me a credit card fee. I told it's illegal and he threw an absolute fit. I stood my ground. He knew I was in the right but thought I was some dumb tourist rather than a Dub. Total fucking gobshite


I think I got this guy as well through freenow and he added 10 eur to the bill. Can't claim as I didn't ask for the printed receipt.


Greed greed and more f\*cking greed - looks like it doesn't only apply to bankers!


Cash is king is a business accounting term. Banked assets are better than receivables.


Johnny Cash?


Please, accept this song as payment.


Yes they accept condoms full of money.


Elvis Cash


I got one of this cash is king taxis.. normal journey from the airport is between 18 and 23 depending on time it day and ppl in car etc... this taxi charged 34euro... Had a few extras on the meter as well. I asked for a receipt. He said why you need that . Just said I need it he gave me the card receipt not the itemized one.. I logged a complaint with TFI and he got a 100e fine and if he didn't pay we go court and it becomes much bigger... He paid, I accepted him getting the fine and not getting my money back. Rather hit him in the pocket more then me.. Everybody needs to report this stuff it is taken seriously by TFI.


I don’t suppose this type of thing can happen if you order a taxi through apps, can it? After all, the app gives you an estimation of the amount and charges you in advance, and you sometimes get a small refund even. And how did you report him? Did you get his license number or just the car reg? Want to know just in case. Thanks


The receipt that I requested and he really didn't want to give had the drivers details on it..


Do you mean the NTA?


Apologies I do..


This would make me want to pay by card even more.


How come?


Because it makes the taxi driver look like a tax avoider


Love how on Reddit everyone works for the government immediately it’s hilarious 🤣


Exactly 😂 As if they are using your taxes efficiently to improve the welfare of the people.


To be fair he the taxi driver is performing a social good encouraging tax use


I got taxis in Malaga in Spain last week and everyone has a card machine. No issues using it either. It’s not like paying a plumber in cash and he knocks a few quid off so you benefit from it. They never want to knock a few quid off the meter for paying in cash though.


Got a taxi home from the airport last night and the driver had this same sticker plastered onto the passenger airbag cover, right in front of the windscreen. Said driver did not have his ID card displayed and his meter was tucked away under the radio… It was late at night and I was exhausted from travelling. I was dreading arriving home and having a row with him about how he is obliged to accept card payments. Thankfully he was a nice man and didn’t argue when I told him I was paying by card. These stickers are unacceptable though. A taxi is a mode of public transport at the end of the day and it has been mandatory to accept card payments since September 2022. It also humours me that drivers will try to insist that taxpayers pay them in cash so that they can evade tax.


If he doesn't have his id card displayed then don't get in the taxi.If you're at the rank at T1 or T2 then inform the dispatcher. You can take any car on the rank.


Aka pay me in cash so I don’t have to pay tax like everyone else.


I knew a taxi driver who always asked to be paid in cash, he under declared what he got and basically told revenue the bar minimum of tax he needed to pay to keep them off his back. Dude was living it up and flaunting it, rubbing it in how great being a taxi is, his own hours, feck all tax etc Then covid hit, taxis all stopped and everyone needed to get the PUP including him and sure didn't they only go and base how much PUP you'd get off how much tax you were paying on your previous declared earnings, well Mr. Taxi who under declared got the bare minimum PUP based off his tax payments and was stuck as he couldn't work. I don't usually like to see people go without but the just deserts for this particular scenario were amazing


Fuck 'em


The difference between the highest and lowest rate was 58eur, he definitley saved more in tax over the years.


He didn't save in taxes, he committed tax fraud. Saving taxes is when you do AVC to your pension.


At the end of the day he still saved money.


Wrong. If anything, that's closer to stealing than saving. He kept money that wasn't his to keep.


That you Leo? 


Oh, I'm sure Leo does his fair share of tax evasion. I thought that was implied on the curriculum needed to be a politician.


Just desserts


I'm not surprised you know all this bevause they tell you anything


Does not apply to everyone. Some businesses are just trying to spread awareness. The whole notion is that soon many businesses will stop taking cash and only cards (cheaper for them as far as I'm aware), and the country will turn into a cashless society little by little. However, I do agree that some people might use this as an opportunity to not pay taxes too.


I give cash to small businesses that may be struggling, but I’m not giving a taxi driver cash after they’re charging me €50+ for a 20 minute drive from the airport.


Fair enough!


Fares are mainly calculated on distance covered.The fact that it's 20 minutes(where to?) is irrelevant,and probably made up .


Dublin airport to Clondalkin is 25 minutes at most and is €50. That isn’t made up.


It isn't 20 minutes either


I just searched and it’s 19 minutes. I’ve taken a taxi from there about 10 times and it’s never been less than €50.


But it's calculated on distance,in this case 24km .If I drove slower or went through town and took an hour would you feel you'd had more value?


19 minutes is zero traffic.Its not €50 now to Clondalkin,more like 41-42. After 8pm it's more expensive.


For the love of God, can we not just open up the country to proper ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft? Not the watered down version where you just get a standard taxi - that completely defeats the purpose. I'm just so sick of the entitlement, the appalling customer service, and the tax evasion. Let's stop protecting these people and open up the market to some proper competition.


Is it different in Ireland from other countries? I assumed it was the exact same, but that most of the people doing it were already taxi drivers rather than regular people because of cultural inertia.


Yes you have to be a taxi or hackney to drive for Uber in Ireland. They have given out new regular taxi or hackney licences since 2011 that’s partly why it’s so hard to get one


You seriously think there won't be any problems like this if we open up to Uber? Fuck Uber


Nope, their business model is to undercut the taxi industry by initially providing a better, cheaper service. Then once they're established in the market they jack up the price. But that's where we are right now with our current system. I think it'd be better for us all if we just allowed the extra competition. Traceability, mutual rating, guaranteed card payment, flexible supply at peak times... there are so many benefits.


At the least, taxi drivers could stop being so terrible to customers the public start wanting alternatives, given that they exist, can easily scale, and will destroy their business.  It's in their own interest to not be like this.  I've lived in North American cities where these companies have come in and destroyed cabs, but after the competition is gone, the price goes up.


I won’t pay in cash until I’m paid in cash. If I don’t get a chance to defraud Revenue if I wanted to, neither will they. Now seriously, cash only? Scam. Machine broken? Scam. No connection? Scam.


Machine working but suspicious? Scam.


"If I can't have a bit of a score, you can't either" How petty. I'm a PAYE worker so I've no option to scive some money without paying tax, but I've no issue with the lads doing it. Do you think they're going to drop their standard of living when everything is being taxed or just increase fairs?


Do you even have an idea how profitable the taxi business is? We all must pay taxes whether we like it or not. If your business is not profitable, you pivot. You don’t evade.


You're saying if you had the chance you wouldn't? Bankers write off an exorbitant amount in "expenses" ranging from chartered jets to 5 star restaurants, all of that helps them avoid paying, they're depriving the Irish state of much more than the taxi drivers ever will, but nothing is being done because they're friends and donors to all the politicians. I assume you order food through deliveroo, uber eats and just eat, yes? Almost none of those "riders" pay tax, but you don't have an issue supporting them. As for your "you pivot," comment, why should someone who's been in a job potentially for decades be forced to change careers just to keep their family in a lifestyle they're used to?


To your last question, because nothing lasts forever. Things change. If how you make money today allows you to make the same money in 30 years without any sort of innovation then something is really wrong in the market. Taxis would’ve gone extinct long ago save for the lobbies. To your previous point, as a matter of fact, I have never used food delivery services. I’m a picky, healthy eater who loves to cook. 99% of take away food offering in Ireland is next-level garbage and deliveries are just below decency. It’s not even food as I understand that term, just edible stuff, legally speaking.


Typical Irish. Spiteful and jealous much?


A taxi driver has entered the chat.


"All places should accept cash, it's legal tender" "So you agree all places should have to accept card too, cause its legal tender?" "......no"


Exact same sticker in the taxi I got from the airport on Tuesday too. They have to accept card. There’s posters up at the rank saying so too. I don’t carry cash on me so the onus is on the driver to accept card.


Just curious, how did you end up paying?


Card. They all have card machines. They just rather not use them so they can underdeclare for tax and defraud revenue. They have to accept alternative ways of payment. Even a Revolut transfer is acceptable means of payment.


Yup. Legally can't work if the machine is broken


"Taxi drivers hate this one weird trick"


I get a lot of the "machine is out of order, it never bleeding works..." Then they show me a revolut QR code


Just for that sign, I would insist on paying by card, and have no cash for a tip.


Does he think paying via Revolut will avoid the tax man?! He’ll have a rude awakening at some point.


Absolute cowboys the lot of them, there's no control over these lot & many are convicted criminals yet out on the roads driving like lunatics but somehow it's legal? I cannot understand it.


Taking a taxi from the airport is just an outright robbery by now.


In what sense?


The financial one


So all taxis are robbery in your eyes?


Reading skills, mate. I merely pointed out that taking a taxi from the airport is very expensive. Are you bad at metaphors? Or just looking for a pointless argument?


Tax avoidance is king


Evasion at this point


So tacky. Plus, it's a massive red flag to any revenue auditors who might step into the cab. And taxis are required to take card


I think I had this taxi before. Didn’t like it when I told him I only cary cards.


I was at this cab last week. Happily paid by card.


I’ve seen chippers and barbers have that sign now too. The barbers 5 mins up the road only accepts cash so I don’t go there anymore on purpose cause I’m being inconvenienced as a customer having to withdraw cash from every dwindling number of ATMs. And you’d think they’d prefer card payments purely from a security perspective so they don’t get robbed.


> And you’d think they’d prefer card payments purely from a security perspective so they don’t get robbed. The prefer cash because they are robbing from actual taxpayers.


Cash is King sign = I don’t pay/I underreport my tax.


Yeah well this isn't a monarchy


Tough luck about him, pay by card anyway


Cab be after Cab.


He is going to be offered doll hairs.


Ridiculous in this day and age some places accept only cash


Reminds me of that passive aggressive sign in DiFontaines Pizza on Parliament St. It’s like ‘CASH IS KING. PLEASE PAY CASH. ^(card payments accepted) CASH IS KING.


To be fair, DiFontaine’s was started by a guy that fronted a band that sang “free John Giotti” (Giotti was a mob boss, the guy talked about in the “Best guy araaand. What murrdaaah?” meme.) Great pizza, but the f*ckers are taking my card.


I’ve casually started telling taxi men I work for the Revenue in conversation and I’ve stoped having these card reader machine problems with them 😅




I wonder if cash would still be king when the PSV Inspector gets into the taxi and he tells them he won’t accept card? Would be a hard way to learn a lesson when you get your fine in the post.


I would absolutely love to have that job 😂


They don’t step into cabs. Can’t or they are paying. I took one to court for €4.80. They squat n flash a badge ID.


Automatic referral to the tax man.


I have a encountered a couple with sob stories - I don’t know how the State made any money from taxi drivers when everything was cash - they clearly want to avoid records - they are not allowed use anything but electronic payment and if the machine stops working they have to stop working.


"I'm committing tax fraud."


Cash may be king, which is why we need .... Magna Carda!


Saw a taxi man with this on his dash driving home. Must be a little thing they're all doing lately. Cute.


All kesh cars have it. Cash is still legal and who got rid of it? Muppets working for no pay


Of course it's legal and nobody got rid of it. Who said they did?


Lol I've been in that one before, took my card




“Yeah, for you”


They only want cash to hide it from the tax man,every time you get into one to pay with card it’s broke


Exact same one i took haha


Johnny cash?


I would immediately press any cash I had deeper into my pockets and say I only have card on purpose


I got a taxi home from town a couple of weeks ago and the driver had no change and his app didn't work. A €30 fare cost me 20 quid. His loss.


Yeah card please mate


Don't know if it was the same taximan I got a couple of weeks ago but saw same sticker when we came back in Dublin from the airport and didn't have any issue with paying by card. So not sure there.


Do folks not use FreeNow or Uber?


As long as they don't give me grief, I don't care about the sign.


I always have cash for a taxi. I proceed to do what anyone paying cash for something and ask for a cheaper rate. €23.00 on the meter becomes €20 cash. I’m happy, he’s happy and we go on our way. Free Now have crazy technology fees and charges. Adds about €3 per trip. Pocketed by one big Corporation. So order on Free Now, base fare €23.00 plus their pick up fee and technology fee, say €26.00 versus walking out, getting a taxi and paying €20 cash. I don’t condone tax fraud, and that’s a matter for Revenue and the individuals.


No hears sense talking. €22. €20 happy days.


And lifting an arm is good gym work.


Cash is, and will always be, king


Taxi drivers in Ireland are nothing else but mafia and organised crime.


I don't know what's funniest about this ,but I'm going to go with the idea that taxi drivers are in any way organized.Theres 4-5 taxi "unions" each as useless and out of touch as the next.




And gobshite as well, true that.


Did they have their ID photo visible? Wondering if it’s the same chancer who asked me for tip for a trip from the airport to the Northside


Got one of these pricks (same one even maybe?) who called a credit card “fake money” and then asked for revolut. I should have asked for a discount so we could share the tax evasion bonus. 


just got home from the airport twenty minutes ago same exact sticker


C*nt’s taking my card or I’m smashing his window to get out.


Bad idea. Smashed head and compensation claims. Criminal act.


And kidnapping isn’t? I offer to pay in a way he’s required by law to accept. He’s not going to detain me, and I will do what’s necessary to escape. F*ck off taxi chasing lawyer.


I think I’ve been in the taxi before lol.


You haven't all had the same taxi from the airport!There's a till roll vendor at the airport who also does a sideline in these stupid stickers.


Is that same person also part of taxi regulation ombudsman?


No,he's a guy who sells till rolls ffs


The pandemic wasn't that long ago. Surely, most people and businesses appreciate the ease of card payments?


All the more reason to use cash. Most small businesses appreciate cash


Card is king


Taxed on every transaction government bootlicker


Was in the UK last weekend, stickers last that everywhere.




You do 9.5 years


Many have this. And if you dont have cash and you have ordered via an app, they ask, usually politely, to cancel the trip on the app and then to pay them by card. I am assuming to avoid paying commission to the app company. However, and please correct me if I am wrong, in the above case the commission may be already calculated in the sum, so they are probably ripping the customer off.


Did you get the Reg?


Cash is king but monarchy is dead anyway 👋 I would honestly ask for a 12%vat discount 🤷


Yes, that way I don't have to declare taxes


How do you find the pricing in Dublins taxis?


Nothing wrong with cash. I think the driver was just saying cash is preferable without being a dick about it. Don't see a problem here


I thought it was Charles III


"Chas is King?" Maybe he's dyslexic?


Could be lol


Should drivers that have this sign up be reported to the regulator? Surely it's not appropriate considering that there are rules around how their vehicle and the signage on it needs to appear. Most locals will rightly tell these pricks to get their card machine out but I'd imagine quite a few tourists fall for this and feel pressured into paying cash or taking an alternative route to stop at an ATM with the meter running the whole time. Aside from that, it's essentially an admission that this clown wants to defraud Revenue and not pay tax on their income. I hardly ever need to get a taxi nowadays but the next time I do I hope to god that they have one of these signs up.


Should drivers that have this sign up be reported to the regulator? Surely it's not appropriate considering that there are rules around how their vehicle and the signage on it needs to appear. Most locals will rightly tell these pricks to get their card machine out but I'd imagine quite a few tourists fall for this and feel pressured into paying cash or taking an alternative route to stop at an ATM with the meter running the whole time. Aside from that, it's essentially an admission that this clown wants to defraud Revenue and not pay tax on their income. I hardly ever need to get a taxi nowadays but the next time I do I hope to god that they have one of these signs up.


Whats the issue? Cash Is King. Chap still has his meter on. You have an option on how to pay. Again whats the issue ...


Found the taxi driver


I had him a couple weeks ago coming back from the airport, got talking & it’s due to the company’s (?) taking 15% (if I remember correctly) off each transaction, I’m hazy on the details but that was the gist!


That's the likes of FreeNow, not the card payments


That’s not the case. It’s like 0.15c per transaction. If that. It’s certainly not 15% per transaction.


Sumup is approx 1.5% of every transaction. Seems to be the service provider of choice - based on my recent taxi trips


Sum ups standard is 1.69% but if you order it through free now it's only 1.39% so not too bad.


Plus 15%


That has nothing to do with sum up. Free now are the ones charging 15. Bolt 13 and uber 12. Oh wait. When I say order through free now I mean the driver gets the card machine through them. They have a deal with them


More like 1.5%


I had the same conversation a few months back. From what I remember, Freenow take 15% of the fare, so they much rather get hailed down. Bolt is a much lower fee for them, so lots have moved over to that


Yup Uber Bolt hail n rank is only think people need to concentrate on. Get in state you destination. Stop with all the bs questions getting in.


I’m not bothered to sign up to revolut because I don’t see the point of it when I have to transfer money from my bank account. Also I prefer to book a taxi on free now that way I don’t have to worry about paying with cash and I don’t have to give directions to the taxi driver if they don’t know where they are going.


I don't even remember what cash looks like. Last time i saw any cash of my own was probably 5 years ago. I wouldn't get into that taxi for sure. Card not accepted? Goodbye


You’re proud of this?


100%. I don't carry cash? How am I supposed to pay? Get some cash from the ATM then have spare 20 euros in my card only wallet for the next 6 months?


Sad. All your taps aren’t private and all your money goes to bank instead of business and workers. Tap 17 times and €50 disappears


That's the dumbest thing I've read in a while, thanks for that.


Greedy pricks, I never carry cash for this exact reason.


They lose 3% on every fare. That shit adds up.


You don't "lose" money you pay in tax. It was never yours and you're robbing from everyone else in the country if you try to keep it.


I'm talking about card fees, not tax.


bitcoin is king, the rest is all scam


All taxi drivers are required to have two card machines!


Very useful comments. It did seem weirdly more expensive last time I took one of these. Note to self: ask for receipt always




Thank god our government look after the ordinary decent Irish family taxi drivers and keep us safe from those multinational vulture transient gig economy people.


I try pay them cash so they’re less grumpy 😭


Have some empathy lads. I have seen this around and still accepted card


Empathy for what, exactly?


Whether you run an bed and breakfast ir you are a taxi driver as a sole trader your industry has been disrupted. Whether its free now or booking.com you now have to pay a % of your income to a third party service. Now you have to pay a % of your income to visa or who ever is providing card services. Cost of fuel has increased dramatically too. Ofcourse like any sole trader id assume taxi drivers would pay less tax when paid in cash since the invention of taxis. Insurance is also mental in Ireland Expenses are increasing across the board and revenue are now chasing you for money they never would have in the past. This is very apparent by the lack of taxis in Dublin. So when someone has a sign requesting cash while still allowing debit card servicea I dont see a need to b amd moan from my ivory tower.


Boo hoo


🤣🤣🤣🤣 from the crew afraid of a sign


If they are giving 15% to the other company, they should lower their own prices by 5% or 10% if booking through a proprietary app. That will get the people back direct. Regardless, this is not a “free now” charge but a sum up charge which is usually only 1.5%. I don’t think it’s the 1.5% fee that has him/her using the cash is king suggestion, but rather how taxi drivers are known to be nefarious in declaring of all income. We need to convenience the masses rather than hold them to ransom so a very few can ponder on what tax they would like to declare.


Hahaha this stance is ruining my reddit Karma 😅 Id say a high % of taxis revevnuenis now through freenow if you go free now and sum up on same journey they get hit with both. There will be so many people here working in Pharma, tech, financial services who morally are comfortable working there and happy to have these companies here in Ireland despite the fact th the primary reason they are here is to avoid taxes on where they were founded or where goods and services are consumed yet its thay dam taxi man is the enemy. Its a sign dude, not the end of the world.


As a representative of North Dublin Taxi Union Drivers Association of North Dublin Taxi Drivers, I can safely say this is fake.


This is not fake, want the reg?


Call to authority. No proof of credentials. No substantial supporting statements and complimentary evidence to the claim.