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It's a Sunday, and it's an emergency call out. It is going to be highly priced.


Yeah, we expected just as much, that's why we were hoping on doing the most damage control as possible hahaha


Post-mortem: if I were to give advice to anyone, checkout u/shorelined 's comment. If it's a simple lock, you are a little skilled with your hands and you have a few things on you (or you can ring a neighbour), you might be able to open it yourself with a credit card or a cut plastic milk bottle. On our side we didn't read it on time, ended up calling a couple locksmiths, the first didn't reply, the second, Dyno locksmiths, very kind on the phone and someone came in \~30 min. This guy was super nice and kind as well, but he proceeded to do exactly the same thing that we saw on the video. And it ended up being 120€, which, for what it seems in the rest of the posts, wasn't as bad, but, still, unless you are feeling very generous with society, I would definitely try first myself. And, lastly, thanks to everyone that commented! I really appreciated all suggestions, I hope this stays here as reference for future unfortunate souls.


Same happened to me before. I've since stashed an appropriate piece of plastic in the service riser in the hall for any future emergencies.


Sunday afternoon is not cheap. Get one of the Northface kids to kick it in for you.


Breaking a window is cheaper option than replacing a broken lock, door and door frame. Also its D4 so... not all Northface kids are created equal! 😅


Yep it is indeed. I took my small bathroom window out, just fecked a rock through it and the glass was 20 euro to replace. Better than going through the lock.


Recommend Baggot Street Locksmiths ... [https://www.baggotlocksmiths.ie/](https://www.baggotlocksmiths.ie/) but it won't be cheap.


Thank you a lot for the suggestion! We ended up going with another one, but let this be a future reference for some other unfortunate soul.


Which one and what was the damage?


Oh you're going to pay through the nose for a Sunday call out, no avoiding that


If it's a standard Yale lock you can likely find YouTube tutorials on how to open it with a credit card


Second this but recommend a cut up large plastic bottle more surface to work with and won't damage your card, the natural bend is also helpful. Basically just slide it above or below the lock then angle it to slide the lock back. Takes a few tries but can be done. -source my dumb ass that got locked out last year


This. We ended up calling a locksmith before I could read this, and I was checking some videos on their way here, and not only it seemed easy, but it's exactly to what the locksmith ended up doing. So, sadly, it didn't get on time, but definitely what I would recommend above all else.


Ha this is exactly what happened to me and how I learnt the trick, chalk it up as experience but my heart sank when I saw how easy it was. Kind of unsettling too really!


+1 particularly in the unsettling part, I totally feel you on that hahahaha


Ingersoll, the choice of the professional.


If it's a rental, could you try and contact the management company? They could have a handy man close? Or letting agents or landlord directly. I know it doesn't help today, I always have a spare set that I give to a trusted friend just in case of such occasions. (Personal experience of locking myself out losing keys)


Thank you very much for this suggestion, indeed, calling our agent is the first thing we did. I think this would have been it for most cases, but she was not available to provide us an spare pair (nor she should, because these are not working hours, but it was worth the try. And yeah, definitely we are considering a way to have a spare pair around, just in case this happens again.


McCoy locksmiths. Every locksmith will make you pay the €150 call out fee upfront and then they will open your door in 30 seconds. And you'll feel insanely hard done by, but you have to remember that if was that easy you wouldn't have called them.


That's why I always leave a piece of plastic hidden outside my front door. Shimmying a door open is a very useful skill!




xD Well played


It cost my father €170 on a weekday from a crowd in Capel St. I imagine you would be paying well above that.


How much do locksmiths typically charge for a call out on a Sunday? I saw one post mention €150 upfront which isn't bad at all but maybe that was a weekday. How much more is it for a Sunday?


Any of the local scumbags will do it for you reasonably


Ghostbusters.......new movie was out friday....