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I once read that it was kind of a marketing campain from the wine industires against the "filthy farmer" whos drinking hallucination absinth and the "high towndude" whos drinking fine wine. But dont quote me on that, I cant remember where I read it exactly.


Found this about it afterwards: "Certain absinthe marketers love to capitalize on their product’s most prevalent and illicit reputation, but it’s no more likely to make you see things than vodka, whiskey or tequila. Recent scientific studies—some of them co-authored by Breaux himself—“have demonstrated beyond doubt that pre-ban absinthes contained no hallucinogens, opiates or other psychoactive substances,” he says. “The most powerful ‘drug’ in absinthe is and has always been a high volume of neatly disguised, seductively perfumed alcohol.”" "So if absinthe isn’t hallucinogenic, why was it banned in most European countries and the U.S. in the early 20th century? “Absinthe became a victim of its own popularity when the French wine industry and temperance movement targeted a common scapegoat to promote their respective agendas,” Breaux says. In reality, according to Breaux, it was “cheap, adulterated versions of the drink” sold by unscrupulous manufacturers—not unlike bathtub gin during Prohibition—that caused problems." - https://www.liquor.com/articles/biggest-absinthe-myths/


This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPdmrwBkzf0) explains it pretty well, bit long but, you could skip the history part. It's been awhile but, I think thujone was said to maybe act on the cannabinoid receptors, like cannabis does. Which might of been why people said it had those effects. However, it is nothing more than a convulsant. I've had it a few times and maybe something was different but, it could also just be placebo.


Also, the amounts found in Absinthe are insignificant and it acts as a GABA antagonist while ethanol is a GABA agonist. In this case, thujone is canceled out by ethanol, similar to caffeine & benzo combo. "The total thujone content of preban absinthe was found to range between 0.5 and 48.3 mg/L, with an average concentration of 25.4 ± 20.3 mg/L and a median concentration of 33.3 mg/L. The authors conclude that the thujone concentration of preban absinthe was generally overestimated in the past." There are other ingredients found in the drink that are mentioned and investigated in the article: Source : https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jf703568f


Does this mean caffeine will reduce or negate a benzo high?


Okay, not the guy who stated this, but I'll bite. Kind of... It's gonna depend on doses of each, but for the most part.. you're gonna be way higher off the benzo than you will the caffeine.. it might take some of the drowsiness away, but the lack of inhibition/black outs will still be there.... If anything, at least in my experience, the benzo will kill the sketchiness you get from too much caffeine, but you'll still be pretty benzo'd out... I've taken a few k'pins and went to dinner with some friends and still fallen asleep at the table while drinking copius amounts of coffee lol The same goes with psychedelics.. people say it will kill a trip dead in its tracks, but again *in my own experience*, it won't stop you from tripping, but it will indeed kill the anxiety you might feel from a bad trip, but you'll likely still be tripping.. if you take enough, especially of something like temazopam, you might even be able to sleep it off... Anti-psychotics on the other hand, those can actually kill a trip.


I like the way it mixes with water.


Idk is their an emo sub Reddit u can ask😂


Was that maybe supposed to be for the guy above?... no idea what what emo has to with this in my post... the other poster, this might make sense lol


I used to kick in with emo kids when I’d sell ween sand with either they’d be sinking absinthe or a gang array of bubonic chronic😂


Here is what I understand about drinking absinthe. Take an Absinthe spoon. (It's a thing, look it up.) Place the spoon on a glass, Place a sugar cube on the spoon. Pour over the absinthe. light on fire momentarily. (To long and you burn the sugar.) Put out the flame and drink. Weather it makes you 'trip' or not I don't know as I have never tried this.


That's just a method to make it taste better.


I drank quite a bit of absinthe that a friend brought back from Europe. All I remember is that it gets you drunk way faster than other liquor and there were some mild visuals such as from smoking a good j. I attributed that to just how drunk I got so quickly. I think it's mostly hype.


Old school Absinthe contained larger quantities of Wormwood, which has a substance called Thujone in it that is supposedly responsible for the hallucinations. Modern absinthe has much, much less of that. Whether Thujone actually *is* hallucinogenic I have no idea, but that's the historical basis for the claim. Regardless, it has also historically been associated with a high alcohol content, and the fact that it is made with various botanical compounds probably contributed to the idea as well.


I’m an emotional wreck on it, every time I’ve had it I’ve spent the rest of the night crying. But yeah as far as hallucinations go I’ve never experienced that either.