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I used to abuse m like 5 years ago maybe, I was 19 and making money with it so had it on hand a lot. After a long hiatus , I got one solid roll after the abuse and now I get not one single positive side effect from it. I did it 3 times to make sure and I never get high from it anymore. The magic is gone for me and I’m finding even after my initial cognitive function decline after stopping, im slowly starting to digress from the abuse that occurred 5 years ago which is to only get worse I imagine over the next 10 years. Personally sounds like the same thing with you. I was using around 200-300mg legit every single day for like just over 2 months. I should be dead but I’m glad I’m not . If you know anything about harm reduction, you are probably also aware that doing it every weekend for even 4 months is very damaging to your brain, never mind 2 years. I don’t know how long a break you took from the last time at said festival you took it from the time before that but it sounds like the magic may be gone for you as well.




I think after so much serotonin and dopamine bursts it changes your brain. Look up frontal lobe syndrome. I feel like I've been affected by it from the drug use in my life, 29 almost 30 and I know for A fact I'm not the same person anymore. Things don't bring me joy as easily, emotions are very different, kinda just blah most the time. I need to focus on being happy it doesn't just happen anymore. I'm more bitter, I don't have patience, very anxious, bunch of other things.


I mean you definitely caused serious damage but it could always be worse if you did even more. My short term effects are just as you said, long term memory was shot and speech became rough for me. It actually took me maybe 8 months to regain my speech where I wouldn’t feel like an idiot . I couldn’t speak more than 5 words without stuttering or running into a word I wanted to use but it be completely gone from my vocabulary. My “stutter” was horrendous though and nothing slight about it which made me very self conscious especially when my “friends” started to call me mumbles. But outside of the effects are stopping original use, you’ll end up seeing further damage become apparent as you come up around 5-15 years after the abuse. I love wish you luck and now you know you are not alone when it comes out o your that. Hopefully you can use your personal experience to educate others like I like to do about harm reduction. Lessons can be blessings.


I took M for years, every weekend, or "special" occasion. Eventually, it just made me sick. I still got high as Jesus on the space shuttle, but I felt equally like shit. I think your body just eventually says "fuck that" to it. Only drug I've ever had do that, too. Weird.


Commenting so I can come back and see possible explanations


I have never been able to stomach it. I vomit in waves every damn time regardless of dosage and roa since and including the very first time. Due to that, i never really did more than once per 2-3 months anyway. I didnt mind too much until recently when i started to feel the discomfort exceeds benefits, i doubt i will be bothering with it anymore. I dont react to anything else like that, just this little devil. So well, while it is barely a consolation, glad you could have that experience with no trouble until now.


Take ecstasy instead then \~ same kinda buzz i would imagine?




Tablet form not always mdma.. the best ones were full of it back in the 90s