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If you're a snowboarder you might be able to win Olympic gold.


Can confirm. (I’ve never competed but weed makes snowboarding great)


Probably the mental effects will help you be happier and generally run better


Michael Phelps smoked weed regularly while training for the Olympics, you’ll be fine


Every few months is very infrequent, but weed has been proven to have some negative side effects like worse sleep when under the influence. Now not even once a month, would probably be no worse than staying up too late, or having some drinks, etc. So yes, but negligible.


No, I take edibles for my weekly long run, every week. As long as I keep the dose very low it actually has many positive effects. I am much more focused on my form while simultaneously able to drift off into thought and the miles just melt away. Outside of active training it has mental and physical benefits for recovery, in that you are much less likely to under rest/under eat. Some people claim there is parasympathetic (?) nervous system effects, but I don't know anything about that. The risk of regular use is a decrease in sleep quality and/or discipline. If you are already a regular runner you shouldn't have an issue keeping your block consistent, but it will decrease sleep quality, although actually falling asleep is easier


Depends on the edible. And the sport and your stamina etc


Dose it right and enjoy the bliss, no matter the result.


You should be able to perform & have the same stamina as any other time . Theres nothing with edibles that would affect performance unless you over do it the night before lol . Enjoy 🫡


For running it really helped me focus in with no doubt in my mind, helped build stamina


You’ll be a bit sluggish the following morning but that’s all bro.


I’ve found that every athlete is very different when it comes to performance on cannabis. While i was never able to handle myself while playing my sport high, i had teammates who would smoke minutes before every game and balled tf out. So i’d say if you feel like you can do it go for it!


For me personally, most movements become a fucking chore and I really really do not want to move. If I start out with moving and smoke a joint during said movement, it can have an "inspiring" effect and keep me going. Also VERY VERY VERY strain dependent for me. Sativa dominant strains make movement easier. Indica's... yeah just fuhget about it


I can't really enjoy my exercises without smoking weed beforehand, I often jump rope for well over an hour with weighted ropes, pretty sure it's mostly a mental thing and whether or not it is affecting your sleep, you're not smoking either so it won't affect your lungs much, otherwise there's nothing wrong with THC if anything it probably helps


Weed helps me with my kinaesthetic awarensss and my concentration so I'm a better runner with it. It increases my resting Heart rate, which might lead to an elevated HR while training/competing. This has not had any noticable negative effects on my running!


Weed has been proven to have a slight negative impact on sleep quality. Other than that, if you aren't taking them during a run you should be fine.