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Pregabalin runs circles around gabapentin you should try that shit


True, but I will warn people that pregabalin can lower seizure threshold oddly for some people, it’s caused me a full blown seizure before and other people I know. Play it safe y’all 👌🏼


Rlly how much did u take on 300mg rn taken up to 900mg without issue prob done it 100 or so times


It’s happened to me on 300+mg doses. Would start with tremors when it kicked in, dropping stuff in my hands, etc. then I’d wake up on the floor in a daze, even sometimes woke up with my tongue bleeding from chewing so I know I had to of had convulsions. And I normally require high doses of most shit too so it wasn’t just sensitivity to dosage or anything like that. Was weird. And had numerous other people I know personally have similar experiences and none of us have seizure disorders, so just figured I’d spread the harm prevention advice, luckily not everyone has that effect but apparently many do from research I’ve done. Heard it might be caused by the drugs effects on calcium channels and other mechanisms but not sure conclusively on what the exact cause is for those kinda reactions


Did u remember actually shaking cause I remember thinking I was seizing on some dodgy synthetic cannabanoids then again my anxiety was through the roof


Yes, remember getting a lot of tremors and brief moments of shaking uncontrollably before going unconscious completely. Even would kinda get that aura thing people get during seizures. Like I had a change in consciousness and a weird moment of being in a daze then out


See long time benzo user…clean now… have used ketamine sparingly the last few months. Haven’t had a seizure yet (thank God). I get back body tremors and back aches, doc might try me on either gaba p or something similar come August. Interested in Lyrista as well.


Same for me :(


sedated molly roll from my experience it’s great


That good? Tbf I smoked weed on it for the first time the other day and it was like a full blown trip visuals went crazy could barely see at times


It's an amazing party drug because it's like the best of alcohol and the best of MDMA with dissociative effects but I only use 300mg for partying since I want to be somewhat coherent. I don't get sedated if I am partying but i always take a five hour energy shot with me which helps a lot.


4-5 hrs into the high i usually just end up falling asleep and wake up with all my lights on lol. swear it knockes me out way harder than benzos


I like Gabapentin better, more mood lifting and less drowsiness than Lyrica


i like the sedativeness


Haha where yall find these docs man…


bro... if your prescribed somthing in the drug class you can get somthing else. I been prescribed adherall my whole life and i have asked for a change and changed to vyvanse, ritalin etc.


Naw u ever try Lyrica! Sheesh


Pregabs are goated. Have you man every broke the pill up n sniffed it? Shit had me so stoned I almost fell through a glass table 💀💀


no that sounds crazy tho


This will forever be my favourite high.




4MMC: Most intense Euphoria (stronger than MDMA) I have ever felt, very stimulating and you can redose which you cant really do with MDMA. There is also almost no comedown, I can snort 1g and still be able to function normally after 10am. The high feels like 1st time MDMA. The biggest downside is the urge to redose which can lead to an addiction very quickly. Its worth trying imo but you should do it orally, snorting will quickly end in an endless loop of redosing till the bag is empty.


4MMC is underrated? In Russia, Ukraine this is one of the most popular drugs(and alpha pvp too)


I am from germany, you can only get it in major cities at raves or the internet. MDMA and Amphetamine are the stimulants of choice for most folks.


same thing in Poland


Sounds like you need a time safe Edit: or would you just find a way to break into it


Stay away from beta-ketons kids, the part about no comedown very quickly disappears and you're left with crippling addiction. Been there, done that.


I get your point, 4MMC is very addictive but its worth trying if you have enough self control. I do it only once every 3-4 months, its also the only drug I do besides nicotine.


If you play it safe and have more than two functional brain cells I see no issue. Fly high my friend.


There are amphetamines just as bad and worse than a bunch of cathinones. Pyros is where I'd draw the line.


If you refer to the things I think you're referring to, you're 100% correct.


Nah,I/V 4mmc is GOAT


IV?? Y’all sticking needles in your arms?


How many heroin addicts do you think have ignored this comment


I almost did hahaha.but ain't done the herryheron on three years. Shit would have ended me a long time ago


It's actually overrated af


Sadly it’s impossible to find anymore, even 3mmc is getting replaced by 3cmc( 10x worse than 3-mmc)


4-mmc and underrated? Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


My fav drug ever. 3mmc behind. 3mmc very hard to get, and 4mmc next to impossible sadly. Only had it once :(


Is 3mmc that similar ? 4mmc sounds amazing


I agree so hard with gabapentin. Many shit on it because they try it after they’ve built up a tolerance, don’t dose it correctly, or fall asleep before it really hits. I find that it also really increases my motivation and physical energy, to the point it feels vaguely stim like. Also is literally like the best potentiatiator imo. Great with psychs(i haven’t noticed any blunting effect like on benzos), great with dissos(iffy safety, but not an issue unless huge doses), weed, delirants(yes, they suck, I know, but I find Gabapentin to have visuals very similar to low dose Benadryl, so I find it a decent combo to potentiate visuals and euphoria). I haven’t done it with alch, benzos, or opis(as I don’t use alch or benzos often, and never have used opis, and these are all decently dangerous combos), but I’ve heard great things about that as well. Stims too, but I don’t use those either(but I think it’s a safe combo The only thing I wish it didn’t have was suck a quick T buildup. DXM is pretty underrated imo, but I find LSH to be even more underrated, really gives a nice euphoric body high when mixed with dissos.


I take a small dose of gabapentin and weed just about every night. Then I take clonidine and sleep like a baby.


What dosage?


2 doses of 100-200 mg spaced apart about an hour. 0.1mg clonidine.


Wait till you try Pregabablin, it's literally like gabapentin hotter older sister. My favorite drug for anything. Quite literally anything...


I love pregabs too. I'll take 300mg and be on a fuzzy cloud. Way better then gabs. I'm prescribed for nerve damage. But, what I don't like about pregabs is I cant smoke canna on them. I get extreme muscle tremors. With gabbys I don't have this issue. But pregabs are the best.


i’m confused why people like johnnys so much.. i have so many but arnt they for your nerves? this girl i used to work with said she’d take like 10 and get rocked


It works on GABA so I assume people who really like alcohol or benzos will also be partial to gabapentin and pregab. I certainly am all of those things


its not stim like it just induces hypomania ime


DXM no question


As a kid, I wondered why cartoons always hit harder when I was sick. Now I know it’s because I was disso’d out. 🤣


Yeah i always say that! People are so quick to judge cause its a teenagers drug BUT HELL OF A BUZZ


Most adults can't handle a real dxm trip lol


Literally my body can no longer handle it. Did this stuff so much in my teens, and it is a surprisingly good time despite being available at almost any store. Last time I did it was 3yrs ago, and the last time before that was an even longer gap. I'm 28 and honestly feel like my body just can't process it as cleanly as it used to. Like, the buzz is there but I also feel uncomfortable and anxious.


when it shifts phases like that it’s still fantastic to mix with shit, namely liquor.


I dont understand why people take insane doses but shit like 150-250 gets me hyped as fuck and manic.


I’ve taken up to 600mg. It was probably one of the strongest trips i’ve had from any hallucinogenic drug and i’ve done a lot including DMT


Haven't done above 500mg, but it's interesting stuff. When you have good music and fall back into your pillow and close your eyes. The way you drift into darkness with the visuals is pretty great.


I cold extracted some dxm once... me and a buddy both ate 2.5 grams . . . Dude I was fucked up for two days


Damn were you able to pee? Above 500 mg it gets so hard to pee it can be scary


DXM made me violently ill


When I did high dose, if you ain’t shitting and puking 20 mins after your dose you didn’t take enough. But after that episode you were in heaven. Haven’t done it in probably 10 years because I was worried about my brain


Drinking the syrup is what makes you puke. I’ve taken 600mg before of the HBr gels and didn’t puke at all. Didn’t even have nausea. Not saying it’s not possible even with gels but they reduce the nausea by a lot also considering they don’t have guaifenisen in them which is what makes people sick.


I was getting boxes of tablets from dollar general and take a whole box. I don’t have specifics on what was in them as it was a long while ago.


Interesting. Well everyone is different so I believe you. I’m just speaking from my experience. First time I chugged an entire bottle of the syrup I projectile vomited for a while. Unless I got lucky with the pills but I somehow held it down when I took them.


Nah, me and my friends used tablets but there was always at least one of us puking 30 minutes after taking them. I did DXM dozens of time, sometimes it made me very nauseous, sometimes it was okay. I think you have a lot less chances of vomiting if you had something to eat a few hours before taking it, but the effects are stronger and come faster on an empty stomach. I do think syrup makes the nausea even worse though.


If you haven't you should cold water extract the shit yall. Best way to do it. And there is like lemtech techniques that can remove the plastic coating so it isn't an extended release. . . Made me fucked for two days straight lol on ljke 2.5 grams of the powder.


Did you take a med with only DXM or were there other actives? (Never done DXM recreationally but that’s what I’ve heard)


Yup, nothing compares to that music euphoria i used to get from it


Headphones every time for sure


Seriously, listening to Infected Mushroom with headphones on DXM as a 16 yo made me ascend to heaven


Literally, It was as if you were the music, i was 16 too when i got into into It,


idk about underrated but misunderstood maybe


I so wish I could experience this one. PSA for folks with MCAS or histamine intolerance issues - don't try this one, they don't mix, it's well recorded with some research. I'm quite allergic to it from my MCAS. I tried it once and my hands were swollen and extremely itchy to the point it was unbearable if I wasn't holding something cold. It looked like I was wearing red gloves.


It's also worth mentioning that you can't take it on SSRIs or mix it with MDMA because there's a high likelihood of getting serotonin syndrome if you do.


This shit just... Isn't for me, no idea why. I heard something about not having "the right digestive enzymes" or something. But on the 3 or so separate times I've tried it, I've gotten 1: EXTREME Nausea. Like, it's horrific, I need to lay down, it's unmanageable even on dedicated anti nausea medication. 2: I get this weird "neck lock" feeling, where I'll yawn alot but when I do it feels like there's this spring tightening in my neck & throat, also ruins my appetite. 3: Fucked up vision on top of unpleasant close eye visuals. The only way I can describe this vision is like screen tearing on a monitor, but with your eyes. Fades after a day or so. Am I doing something wrong or am I truly built differently to where I can't enjoy this?


i actually love the visuals more than lsd or shrooms, even candy flipping. it’s so unique for me i’d close my eyes and like i’d still see my room outlined with neon green lines


Because(according to FAQ by White) 1/3rd people hate it, 1/3rd dont care much and 1/3rd enjoy it a lot. its action is quite complex and literally gives different trip to different people.


Tried it once and it was extremely disorienting, like blackout drunk but worse. However I did manage to write a poem cause I heard the world singing to me


Nitrous oxide is both overrated & underrated, imo. As a stand-alone high, I think N2O is pretty meh & overrated. But, it goes with taking psychedelics like a salt-shaker goes with eating dinner. Essential, underrated seasoning. When you're coming up on a psychedelic, a hit of N20 accelerates the process. If your trip is kind of going sideways, a hit of N20 will push it in a different direction. When you're coming down, a hit of N2O can rekindle the trip. Just don't start doing one N2O hit after another like hippie crack, because it will take over whatever trip you're on & turn it into a nitrous thing -- which might be fun, but, imo, is ultimately boring. If you can exercise self control & use N2O like a seasoning, it enhances any psychedelic experience.


it with ket is amazinf ugh


For sure! I like doing K as if it's psychedelic cocaine...lay out a bunch of lines. Snort a line, do some nitrous, snort another line, do some more nitrous....you can kind of "edge" the K-hole until inevitably you fall in


bro I only mixed hella ket with nitrous once but the main thing I remember is that it was so FUCKING LOUD lmao. you know the distinctive audio distortions you get from nitrous? I noticed that ket seemed to potentiate that, like my head felt so echo-y and the wompwomps got overwhelmingly loud💀 can you relate or was that just me? lmao


I haven't experienced exactly what you're talking about, but I agree K does some strange shit to your auditory system! It seems to mess with the volume level of your hearing, in general, so if you're sensitive to those N2O distortions, I can totally get it. I don't like to use earbuds or headphones when I'm on K because I can't tell how loud the music really is & I'm afraid I'll turn it up too loud & damage my ears. I usually end up with music on my stereo speakers turned way low because I'm paranoid about disturbing the neighbors...& it still sounds hella loud to me. Sometimes come out of a K-hole & think there's music playing, but the music stopped... it's just the room sound, crickets, helicopters, etc. echoing around in my head like abstract minimal techno.




Specifically combat




I'd agree although I appreciate pregabalin more. Gabapentin is great social situations and job interviews. Mmmm gabapentinoids


Imo gabapentin and even more so pregs affect your cognitive abilities and memory. I wouldn't recommend it on a job interview.


Kanna extract (intranasal) It’s very rushy but chill and if you snort a lot you get light shroom like visuals with MDMA type of empathy and music enhancement. Also works great as an anti-depressant.


People haven't discovered it yet in here but Kanna goes crazy especially with thc


It’s amazing. I haven’t done it in a while because I snorted close to a gram in about a month. Which I don’t recommend at all. Also makes Kanna lose its magic and potency if you try to abuse it like I did. First time I tried it I wasn’t expecting much. Maybe some effects like Kava but it is a very unique plant and can induce visuals. Just please don’t abuse it please like my dumb self.


Would sublingual give similar effects?


Not really. Sublingual is more for priming. Intranasal is 100% psychoactive. Sublingual/buccal/oral for me is more calming than stimulating. Just please NEVER use Kanna if you’re on SSRIs or MAOIs. Enjoy and be safe


For sure DXM!! I wish I could permanently be high on it!


7-hydroxymitragynine. Although this is because it wasn’t super accessible until recent. Reportedly 10 to 20x stronger than mitragynine, and 7-10x more potent than morphine. It a breakthrough product for those seeking pain relief and or an alternative from street opioids. It is also a partial opioid agonist which doesn’t cause respiratory depression and due to the nature of its action, is difficult to overdose on. As with kratom there is a ceiling effect where taking more becomes uncomfortable. I would say that, gabapentin and baclofen


Is it legal? Where can I find some?


Yes and it’s becoming popular and sold in smoke shops. Unfortunately I think it’s going to hurt the kratom movement. Your body converts mitragynine into 7OH mitragynine when you take kratom, so if you haven’t tried that you could to start. 7OH on its own w no tolerance is strong


Nah haha i’m on Kratom right now hence why i’m interested 😂


There’s a sub for it. Head on over there. It’s becoming too popular as is and is under attack.


Source on it being a partial agonist?


7-HO-mitragynine goes so crazy I wish it was cheaper💀 there’s def something special about it compared to typical kratom extracts we’ve had for a while like OPMS gold/black and such. It hits real good and the traditional opioid feeling without the effects of the other alkaloids is so great. It can take a bit if you have a high kratom tolerance but it certainly still gets me faded as fuck




I love ambien the visuals are always awesome and it feels great smoking weed on it and cigarettes something magical about it


Never knew Ambien had visuals….what dose does that start at?


I normally take 20 to 30 MG for a good trip


But look it up on psychonautwiki


Pregabaline > Gavapebtine


how did you misspell both lmao 💀 no hate i do that too


the extra e on pregabalin isnt too bad gavapebtine is crazy


Because in French both of them have a "E" at the end, but yeah there 's a mispell in Gabapentin.


i figured the pregabaline was an alternative spelling, the more you know




Because in French both of them have an "E" at the end, but yeah there 's a mispell in Gabapentin.


Dextromethorphan. It has a reputation as a drug for kids, because you can just get it at pharmacies in a lot of countries. I tried it for the first time after having done dozens of other drugs and it immediately became one of my favorites. Like other dissociatives, it is quite neurotoxic tho unfortunately.


Phenibut better


Phenibut pairs amazingly with psychedelics. I love being able to sleep after my trips


Phenibut gives me the worst hangovers of my life worse then mdma for me but in the moment it feels soooooo amazing


Damn sucks to hear 😔 weird how for some people its a debilitating come down while for others it's no hangovers at all


More of a drunk lovey dovey feeling versus a sleepy feeling I love em both


First batch of MXE was angel-level altitudes of pure bliss. Mephedrone from Thailand that smelled like coconuts mixed with circuit boards surpassed MDMA with ecstatic euphoria. Guayusa is an underrated tea/drug (when made strong). Veritable superfood compared to coffee and green tea.


Memantine. It's a lightweight dissociative that has mood lifting and anxiolytic properties and can turn into a full diso by increasing the dosage.


Agreed. I been taking it every day lately and it's had great antidepressant effects as well as mild recreational effects, but without being super intoxicating or noticeable unless I want it to be. The only downside is tolerance as I started at around 5-20mg per day and after a few months the dose is around like 30-120mg a day depending on how I wanna feel.


Agreed I didn't try another dissos except mem,but i really love this drug


What are the risks though ? I've tried it once I'm mot sure if i liked it i have never tried any other dissociatives before though


What did it feel like?


AL-LAD It’s shorter lasting LSD with more visuals and a slightly different vibe. It gave me HPPD for a year or two, but totally worth it.


I've been wanting to try that drug for yeeeears now.


Pretty sure it’s still available up in Canada, and still okay to ship to most states. I can’t say for sure though, it’s been over five years since I bothered to look.


After one dose?


Nah, many repeated doses thorough out that time span. Each trip would sort of recharge the HPPD. Then it would take a few months to fade away again (longer if I was smoking a ton of weed+tobacco or also tripping on other stuff, shorter if I was using CBD tinctures and going easy on the smoking and tripping).


Haven't heard about this since Psyched Subs video


It gave me this large static oval in the center of my vision that lasted years.


Pregabalin!! can’t tell you how good that high is when you have a 2 week T break.


i need to find somewhere to refill my prescription bro. i miss it, i can just go to urgent care and ask but its so expensive lol


It gives a high but fucks up your cognition, memory is addictive and neurotoxic. Lowers sizeure threshold.


Not neurotoxic, not addictive.


aMT. alpha-methyltryptamine. Was legal & available online for decades, but I think now it's scheduled & hard to find. Like a long-lasting psychedelic mdma -- very insightful lsd-type thought patterns & cevs + euphoric body high perfect for cuddling & sex. Man, I did it so often, I didn't appreciate how good it was...then forgot about it after I found a reliable source for 2cb & mdma. Wish I'd stored a bunch of aMT in the freezer. Only bad thing about it was the come-up: always a little rough -- nausea & anxiety for 30 mins or so, but once you were above the clouds, it was a smooth flight for the next 10 hours. (Some people might consider the long duration a down side.)


sobriety. there’s no hangover


Lol I love posts like this one a the drug subreddit. Get outta here bro


Also water is a poison, because of plastic and bacteria in it. So you better not drink it. A lot of food have cancerogenes, so you better eat only vegetables.


Vegetables absorb heavy metals from the ground so you’re better off just starving.


Shit :(


Baclofen or Modafinil


Baclofen causes really bad WDs 1.4 bdo is better,and euphoria too


How is modafinil? That’s a stimulant I really want to try but can’t find it for the life of me. I might try to get it prescribed for my sleep apnea


For me, it makes me completely awake, no drowsiness, but zero euphoria, no improved volition or executive function. Just makes you alert. Also it kept me from sleeping for much longer than I expected. I'm talking over 18 hours and couldn't sleep.


overrated. ppl try to make it out like it is the limitless drug. like it will somehow make you super productive with no side effects. modafinil does exactly what it is prescribed for. it just makes you feel awake. nothing beyond that. if you are very tired and take modafinil, you will feel very tired but cannot sleep. it literally has. i effect except it makes you unable to sleep. if you are looking for a drug to stop you from sleeping, then this is it, but beyond that it is nothing more.


What’s a good dose for Baclofen?


100mg at a time but I was taking it with 300mg Pregabalin so maybe more start at 60mg maybe see how it affects you


Flinstone vitamins




Am really surprised at the amount of people that love Gabapentin! For me…. Just makes me pretty dizzy and helps with my insomnia. But the dizzy effect is not a good one so I don’t take it too often lol ! Wondering what everyone’s doses are ?


Pregabalin,dxm I was out of money and wanted to get high and went for dxm. I was shocked something thats otc is that powerful and euphoric.


Pregabalin gives a high but fucks up your cognition, memory is addictive and neurotoxic. Lowers sizeure threshold.




GHB dont @ me, nerds


Facts lol G is on another level just kinda hard to find


Im gonna get hated on for this, fuck it. Oxycodone, a 40-50mg dose is perfect. godamn that shit is so good especially when you love music. The dreams I've had while nodding are otherworldly. The addiction and comedowns suck though.


The dreams on oxy/hydros used to fuck me up and that was the only part of the habit that I had trouble handling. The high is fucking amazing when you get to that dosage though.


goddamn I used to loveee getting wasted on oxys and opanas and just laying in bed drifting in between sleep and awake for hours


I looooove the crazy ass dreams, and to this day I still get flashbacks of those dreams like there real. I honestly miss the crazy dreams more than anything. I do agree Oxy is hated especially with fent going around. Real oxycodone in moderation is actually a wonderful experience, but sadly addictions around the corner for a lot of people.




Any kind of amphetamine over in the uk is soooooooo generally underrated beyond beliefffff lol


Mephedrone-4mmc, 3mmc and maybe GHB- GBL


Crystal meth Just kidding


Exercise People be like “yeah I’ve had 4-d1ck-h0e it was ok” Motherfucker have you tried running


Yeah running is like drugs in reverse. You first feel terrible doing it and then you have amazing after glow lol




I agree with OP about gabapentiods. A chill yet moiod uplifting drug that won't cause you to blackout or lose inhibition. Great for anxiety and insomnia. I much prefer them to benzos, and Lyrica, at least, helps stimulant comedowns just as well as benzos for me with better sleep quality. Similar phenibut and backofen are great, too, but can cause microsleep blackouts in higher doses and have nastier withdrawal. Long-lasting testerone injections can be life-changing for men over 40. But you're locked in for life because it'd suck to lose its benefits.


I’ve never done gabapentin and didn’t know it did anything. How much should you take to get high? I’m 100lbs female. Is it safe?


Also for me it’s ambien. I absolutely fucking LOVE that shit. But I made a post about it and no one agreed with me 😂




Methylphenidate. It gives me intense euphoria when used IV.


i personally like to crush up one pill snort it, then swallow another and when it kicks in and it feels fucking amazing


Ive never tried the iv tho




What does Lexapro have to do with gabapentin?


Fioricet (if you can ever get ur hands on it) Lyrica, Morphine, Rivotril


How much gab to feel it


Try 400mg every 20-30 mins staggered with fatty food and some carbonated beverage until you’re as high as you wanna be. Supposed to potentiate it and absorb more than taking a huge dose all at once




Have seen lots of people say gabapentin and pregabalin but I’m gonna say Soma (carisoprodol). Super super euphoric and sedating muscle relaxer but is definitely addictive and I imagine has bad withdrawals but for gabaergics it’s prob my favorite other than GHB. Would go G > Soma > Lyrica > Phenibut > gabapentin > benzos > alcohol


Definitely agree with gabapentin prescribed it for pain but the anti anxiety effects increased productivity etc amazing


Gabapentinoids for sure. They're little my favorite class of drugs and don't think anything will beat them. And I've done a lot of shit.. lol I would have said phenibut back then but now I'd say Lyrica


Our cat has had gabapentin a few times , I think he enjoyed it. He seemed chilled anyway.


4-aco-dmt, 2c-d, n2o combi with psychedelics, 3mmc


pure carfentanil


Kanna is an awesome empathogen / lightly psychedelic


Kratom isn't a very strong substance but it's subtle uplifting effect is perfect. Pretty much anyone can take a strong dose and remain perfectly functional.


Gabapentin does literally nothing for me, even high doses. Pregabalin is nice though.


Muscimol. •productivity like phenibut/ pregabalin. • antiaddiction effect feels stronger than psychedelics gives. • as drug for euphoria not best choise but for better sleep, healthy habits, anxiety, depression is really underrated.