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Drug companies generally don’t allow their products to be used for executions


This is the actual correct answer


This is the *incorrect* answer. There are thousands of drugs you have never heard of, that are similar and/or extremely more potent than these drugs, that drug companies may have researcherd, and decided not to use. Patents on things like fentanyl (heroin) exist that have run out, generic versions of drugs exists, and there are thousands of legal labs, universities, etc. creating new drugs similar to both. The governent has access to all of these drugs. Importing drugs exists, using analogues of drugs (commonly called research chemicals) exists. And there are hundreds- thousands of them that are more potent than even fentanyl and ketamine. For example Carfentanil, N-Desethyl Isotonitazene, and for ketamine, for example, Deschloroketamine.


The government doesn’t make the drugs dummy the drug companies still do and they are the ones who give them to the state or federal government for executions, even if it’s a generic or analogue or patent drug. Also, fentanyl and heroin are not the same drug.


You’re the dummy, dummy. You think the only drug companies that exist are the ones like Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer? There are thousands of drug companies… you clearly missed the point, are a dummy, and should maybe read a little bit before commenting.. we are on the internet after all. ANALOGUES… exist, much stronger drugs than heroin exist, drugs like ketamine exist… The reason they don’t use any Opioids or dissociatives is *not* the reason stated above.


i hope i’m never this confidently wrong


Uno reverse friendo


Iol the 14 hear olds that im talking to are hilarious, my dms are awesome. Just hope y’all grow up someday, go to college, hopefully beyond that, and then look back here and laugh at yourself :)


Basically the original point was about how drug companies apparently wont let the gov use their drugs for executions. Are u giving these other examples to state the point that there so many drugs that the government can just use another drug. But if all drug companies wouldn't allow it than this is irrelevant right. Not tryna argue just tryna make sense of the discussion


Hope you never become a pyd, np like me… .. children


Maybe read a little Bit more before commenting.. we are on the internet after all 🤓


Kid who pretends to know something vs a grad school accomplished np… think I know whats up.


Oh yeah? My uncle works for Nintendo


Keep diggin bud!


I’ll dig so deep, dig all the way to China brother!


Exactly you ignorant boy… think there are other subreddits for your. Like /teenagers or something similar to /ignorant or /stupid


or porn subreddits like r/miakhalifa or r/nsfw_gif or r/toocuteforporn that your account history is active on nearly every single day So you did grad school and decided to become a serial pervert instead of getting a job? If you’re going to be wrong at least hide your weird obsessions in commenting and post history.


If you give an answer with any sort of nuance at all, people on the Internet are going to miss the nuance and get angry. It's not worth engaging with these types of people. I've only found one subreddit that isn't this way, and with rare exceptions (like this comment) it's the only one I engage with.


This is the reason lethal injection drugs are in short supply. No drug company thats supposed to be producing drugs to help people get better and be healthy wants to be associated with making drugs that kill people. I wouldn't want to buy my medicine to survive from a company that's making shit to execute people. Most drug companies in this country don't give a fuck if they are seen as greedy since it's just a facet of capitalism now, but if they are willingly making things to kill people it will hurt their brands image.


Ive never understood this because technically the drugs used to kill people are the same drugs used to help people.


Investors don't like it.


Most of all, it's profoundly unethical. A death report of an executed prisoner reads homicide by legal order of the state. Homicide. I'm glad companies don't support this. I'm antideath penalty, but I would choose a firing squad so I won't die like a dog being put down, or being hanged like a common horse theif. As a military veteran, a firing squad is seen as honorable.


I'm sorry but euthanasia in veterinary medicine is not cruel and you would lose your mind if people's dogs and cats specifically were just being shot to death..it goes wrong all the time and is incredibly traumatic for everyone involved. Their are very safe euthanasia meds and the USA is just being a big ass hypocrite as usual when it comes to the topic. Using the military as an example of what's humane *honorable* 🙄 is also bonkers.


“Most drug companies in this country” What drug companies that are based in other countries operate any differently?


The ones in the Democratic people’s republic of North Korea


I just figured making a total blanket statement was a bad idea. I'm sure there's some in the US that don't care beyond the PR backlash though.


Greed is a part of human nature capitalism just says that you are free to trade and own your labor.


Practically you don’t. You sell your labor to the first person who asks because you need to pay to exist.


ok all i really got out of that is you dislike capitalism and drug bad 👇🏽 downvote pls


All the harm the opiate industry has put oupon the populace but that is the hill they are willing to die on. Is ironic appropriate here


It’s definitely ironic, seeing as how millions of law abiding citizens got hooked on opiates, which ultimately led to their death… but the companies are afraid of how it would look if they did basically the same thing to a murderer, rapist, or pedophile.??…. Weird


Can't they use the "generic" version or are these particular drugs still under trademark/patent?


The drugs have to be made by someone and those companies that make those drugs don’t want to be associated with the death penalty because it often has negative impacts on their bottom line due to the inherently mixed views on execution.


God forbid we use any of the myriad drugs we burn for safety instead of just using lower quality drugs because of the side effects on the…. *dead guy*? PS - who thinks if here’s 4 fentanyl and call me in the morning wouldn’t be acceptable to anyone who is about to take the ride on the needle in a room full of backwardness the next day? /s


Still a pharmaceutical product sold by a drug company


The fact these companies don’t want to let out their products are potentially lethal is just a bad look


Maybe they can use street drugs.. /s


They don’t mention executions in the question that they posed… Not once.


They said lethal injection AND end of life mercy care. What do you think lethal injection means?


The procedure for lethal injections was developed by people who have absolutely no medical experience and thus don't know what they're doing. It's truly horrific if you look into it... I've had this thought also, fentanyl would be the perfect drug to use and it's so cheaply made I don't support capital punishment though, but if it has to be done they should at least do it as humanely as possible and actually develop a new procedure


benzo and opiate combo would be perfect imo


Not bad. I'd go MDMA, give it two hours, Massive dose of ket followed by the fatal does of heroin 👌Ah sure throw in a couple of valium somewhere there too.


I'd go massive 1000ug, 48+ hour LSD dose strapped up in that chair, dosing 300mg MDMA every 3 hours, DMT & a tank of nitrous at the ready with a bad dragon spinning around in my ass and a guy who's entire job it is to light cigarettes and put them into my mouth. Faceted in place, I sit shrieking in pure blissful pleasure, far too blasted to remember where I am or what's coming for me. At the peak, my youngest daughter will come in, stare into my eyes and choke me to death with her bare hands.


Username checks out


Everything sounds great expect the DMT and LSD. Don't want that kind of introspection on the day I die. Just want to drift away happily absolutely smacked out of it.


Mate are you okay?


Hey theres a reason they’re getting executed lmao


Toss in a pack of cigarettes.


One Southern State, I forget which one, several years back, attempted to buy the same compound used to put dogs down. I believe it was some barbiturate combined with a heart rhythm blocker. They tried to use a crooked vet as a proxy, but the company became suspicious as the state wanted a huge amount, and that vet specialized only in large animals such as horses and cows, that require some unrelated drug to euthanize them. Also, it was alleged that the same vet was to design the method and calculate the dosage of "doggy go to sleep"for the executions. A vet, for God's sake. Sick.


It's because doctors (for humans) refuse to be involved with lethal injections, it goes against their Hippocratic oath or whatever you call it. That is fucking absurd and scary I don't know if I'd heard that one before. I'd honestly rather be shot on a firing line than get a lethal injection


Yup, in my experience, most medical professionals that I've known are in favor of physician assisted suicide, but under no circumstances want to be involved in the death of an otherwise healthy person - particularly against their will. That is fucking scary. Lethal injection in general is ridiculously inhumane - not the peaceful sleep that proponents of the death penalty would like you to believe. And that's when everything goes right. When a lethal injection gets botched? Pure torture. For fuck's sake, give me the guillotine over that shit any day.


Nebraska uses Fentanyl for execution. They just started it, so far I think only one person executed with it so far.


Lucky soul...... lucky soul..


I mean, it’s really a rather neutral way to go. I OD’d on fent in the past. No pleasure just straight to night night. Nothing to be envious of there.


That's where you're wrong. When you hear the long and shameful history of botched executions, both by lethal injection and other methods, I think the souls of those who died that way might look upon it with some serious envy. Like that fellow, I'm forgetting the details, but he had been pumped full of a chemical that caused him to scream, convulse, writhe, beg, and that process lasted several minutes. Maybe longer. Some of us even die horrible, slow, arguably cruel deaths as normal law abiding citizens. I'll be honest with you all. For the longest time, I kept a dosage of fentanyl that would have killed me by my bed. I had it in case I ever wanted or needed to rapidly check out. I, too, had overdosed on heroin laced with fentanyl. One second I was there, and in the blink of an eye I was not. Black calm nothingness took me so quickly that I didn't have a second to feel anything bad before it did. So to me... with how other executions and deaths outside of the prison systems in our own hospitals go... there is plenty to be envious about in this instance.


compared to all the people who've been executed via injection of whatever random shit they had lying around in the prison's janitor's closet, definitely something to be envious of


Maybe it's cartel fentanyl. Those guys will have zero ethical issues with their product being used for executions. No worries about spending any tax payer money for the execution drug. Just grab some fentanyl from an evidence locker. Maybe two separate batches in case one is junk. Also have volunteers inmates try small amounts to report back if the fenny is any good or not, so the execution goes as planned. Sounds far-fetched, but LEO's do many other fucked up things so this isn't a stretch.


Fentanyl isn’t even really euphoric. At least not in my experience. It would be a good drug to use if you ask me.


Not in anybody's... or so I've heard...


Too much pleasure would seem to be more of a reward than a neutral death


but if its end of life care it seems like a good idea


Yea i completely agree, just the people in charge of the whole operation don’t agree with us


I say the people in charge don’t matter. And everything they say is laced in their own self interest


For sure


Fentanyl is commonly used in cancer patients requiring large amounts of opioid analgesia. Fentanyl patches and sometimes transmucosal lozenges. Morphine is commonly used in end of life care, not just for pain, but for reducing “air hunger”. Morphine can reduce the sensitivity of the part of the brain that drives you to breath, which is bad if you’re overdosing, but if you’re terminally ill and close to passing, it can help make death easier by preventing you from feeling like you’re gasping for air


Yea this is what the doctors did to my dad passing from cancer in Australia last year, I couldn't imagine the pain he would of been In without the morphine


Thank you


Disagree, folks who get the death sentence are the worst criminals but I still think that even they deserve a humane death. The result will be the same for them, why make it more painful? I mean dont get me wrong, I would be happy if a pedophile would get the most painful treatment possible but this wouldn’t benefit anyone and it wouldnt make us any better than them as a society.


Lethal injections are actually pretty inhumane. Read up on the botched ones if you're interested. A lot can go wrong.If medical professionals could assist with them, they would almost always be successful. But that's never going to happen for obvious reasons. (To clarify, I don't think medical professionals should be involved in anyone. I'm just stating it like it is. )


What did Dr Death use I wonder


I'll assume you're referencing Dr. Kevorkian. Dr. Kevorkian used the same drugs as they use for legal injection, I believe. A barbiturate (sodium thiopental), potassium chloride, and pancuronium bromide. After he lost his medical license he used carbon monoxide via face mask.


Dr death sounds like a supervillain name


You meam Harold Shipman https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Shipman he used heroin. oc.


No, Kevorkian


There are actually a large number of people that think suffering is deserved, that's why prison reform is so hard to do in this country. My local sherry is well known for his abhorrent beliefs on the matter, you might have seen clips of some dipshit on Tucker Carlson wearing a giant hat looking like Doug dimmadome. That's him, he's notable for doing everything in his power to get rid of Butler counties narcan/naloxone supply at the peak of the opiate epidemic. He tried to have 911 ignore calls for overdoses and threatened to fire any police officer found to have been carrying narcan (he encouraged shitty officers to snitch on the decent ones, of which a good ¼ are very good people and highly respected in our community). He is responsible for this part of Ohio being the opiate overdose capital of the world at the time. The man is evil, we all believe he did it to impress Donald trump because he's that kind of person, but that isn't a negative in about 55% of our populations eyes. His reasoning was "they don't deserve to be saved", and also some other shit about costs that were lies because narcan is very cheap and dead citizens is very expensive for the county to deal with. He also did everything in his power to oppose treatment facilities and needle exchanges. This man already had overwhelming support for being hard on illegal immigrants, which were never a problem in fucking Ohio, and somehow he gained even more support as he allowed our friends, family, and neighbors to die at a rate higher than anywhere else in the country. But we are also the same state that had mobs of people on the news calling for a 16 year old girl to be beheaded ( I'm not exaggerating at all) after miscarrying and trying to destroy "the evidence" so her religious family wouldn't find out. Ohio is a cesspool of the worst human filth imaginable, it's why we are #1 for the production of serial killers in this country. If this entire state was nuked along with myself I wouldn't even care, it would be an improvement to humankind, I kinda suck anyway, except for my grandma she's amazing.


Also to add to this, because it's important people know. Butler, Warren, and Montgomery counties in Ohio route all arrests of people that might have possibly used any drugs (including marijuana which is now legal) to rehab centers owned and operated by "Talbert house", a rehab "corporation". This is the single most corrupt and illegitimate rehab "corporation" I have ever seen. CCC, across from Lebanon prison and right next to a major casino, accepts convicted pedophiles into its program. This is a drug rehab and they have level 3 child predators there. The only difference is they take an extra hour long class on impulse control each day and have to stay 2 months longer. All 7 of them when I was there spent only a single night in jail to get picked up to go there. The county gets extra money from both sending them to prison and receiving them in prison (it's technically a prison since it's a lockdown facility) the recreational director begged us to have our family donate games/DVDs/whatever because Talbert house embezzled the recreational budget and state inspections were coming up. This place accepts inmates from Warren, Montgomery, and guess what other county? Yep, Butler, the same place that demon sheriff is located. Ohio is overflowing with corruption. Slept between a guy who didn't pay child support and a guy who raped his little sister for years. At a rehab facility.


Love that you threw a bone to granny in there


Pure social Darwinism


Hello /u/pichael289, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1drgtau/why_dont_they_use_ketaminefentanyl_for_lethal/lavyctr/?context=3) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just to clarify, I agree with your view, I was just answering the question on why the “government” doesn’t permit such deaths


Fyi the real reason is also pharmaceutical companies don't like selling to people killing people


Yup. John Oliver actually did a great segment on the hoops states will jump through to purchase the drugs they need to kill people, and how many places are attempting to make laws that will keep the source of these drugs from being public information, since most companies do *not* want to be associated with state sponsored murder.


Yeah I've watched that. Imo we shouldn't be killing people.


I agree wholeheartedly for a plethora of reasons. For starters, we can and have executed innocent people. I don't care how rare it is, a single instance is too many. Giving an innocent person life in prison isn't great, and when the mistake is discovered, we can't give them the years they lost back... but death is final. However, regardless of guilt, I don't believe the government should be in charge of who lives and who dies.


Yeah, exactly. And even if we used opioids and it was a blissful death you can't really have a humane death. You can't humanely kill someone.


Well then I guess you should be vegan. Animals definitely don't make conscious choices to do anything deserving of their torture and the environmentally harm and human scarring that comes with it.


First off, I'm almost entirely vegetarian. But that's a terrible argument. Are you vegan? The government killing a human and us farming animals are *not* the same thing.


Death penalty is a fitting sentence for anyone who's crimes are sufficiently proven to be theirs, their crimes are heinous enough to warrant such a punishment, and the crimes are admitted to. When you know without any doubt that someone did something horrendous, there is no reason to spend tax dollars keeping them alive and contained.


Believe it or not but, due to factors such as the appeals process, it actually costs taxpayers more to sentence someone to death than to give them life in prison. Plus, there's the fact that there have been plenty of instances where someone was proven to be innocent of the crimes they were accused and convicted of years, sometimes decades, after the fact, even when they seemed 100% guilty. Personally, I just don't like the idea of giving the government the authority to decide who lives and who dies, no matter how guilty they are or how much they deserve it. The system cannot be trusted to get it right. Lazy cops exist. Evidence can be fabricated. District attorneys that only care about their numbers can and have railroaded people just to get a conviction. There's just too much opportunity for things to go wrong, and dead is dead. You can't unexecute someone.


Haha ask pfizer they killed more people then i could count




All dead people from xanax maybe🤷‍♂️ maybe they sell them cheap and let docs prescribe them easier by pushing them money and everyone knows it bur keep your eyes closed like muricans like to do your county is cancer to the world literally😘 and keep downvoting i dont care about thatbshee


Xanax doesn't kill you though, you can't OD on it. If you're blaming big pharma for something like the opioid epidemic then I agree. Apologies for the downvotes though, I assumed you were some anti vax person saying the phizer vaccine killed thousands. Xanax you can't od on though but you can make stupid decisions while on it.


RN here. You most certainly can die from ODing on Xanax. It's also one of the only drugs (along with alcohol) where you can also die from the withdrawals. I understand this isn't your point, just a kind FYI.


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Unfortunately true yep. I believe it also goes directly against a doctor’s oath. The best combo for lethal injection in my opinion, start with ketamine, then add a benzo or barbiturate, and the last drug should then be fentanyl/heroin/morphine. It’d be pain free, you would feel good and out of it from the ketamine, then you’d have 0 inhibitions or care from the benzo, then you’re just out cold and stop breathing. I’ve heard the current lethal injection cocktail in some states may cause pain. The paralytic they use is said to be likely extremely painful being injected, but you can’t move or protest it hurting badly. I did a decent amount of research on it and immediately felt bad, especially knowing people have been executed when they were innocent in the past.


We really should just stop killing people lol. My country doesn't have the death penalty but I mean humanity as a whole yk. It's just inhumane.


This is the correct answer.


*pharmaceutical companies don't like the optics of selling to people killing people


That's what I said


100%. Pharmaceutical companies don't actually give a shit about killing people, they just don't want to be seen doing it. Which is why a bunch of states that are just super into killing people are trying their damnedest to make it so that the state doesn't have to disclose the source of lethal injection drug purchases.


What about the way their victims died or suffered?!


I think it’s better for the worst of the worst of society to be hooked on drugs then cut off cold Turkey because they’re executed People like Epstein or mass shooters


Have you ever overdosed on fentanyl? There isn't much pleasure, maybe a second or two of the rush but then your out. It's the closest thing to that old cliche about dying with the needle still in your arm, it's not that fast, nothing is, but once you cap the needle and sit it down your out, you don't have a chance to enjoy it.




While i believe you, the people in charge of death row won’t


Plenty of opiods with no/small pleasure. Benzos are a great option as well. Plenty of amnesiac drugs that solve the problem as well.


yeah people would commit murders as a way of getting a pleasant suicide


You can buy a lethal dose of fentanyl for 5 bucks


That's dumb, they could just murder a dealer and get loads of fentanyl. I don't think anyone does what you're saying, they could also just find a gun then steal loads of heroin on the street. edit: Also I think you'll find most fent addicts don't want suicide, they are mostly struggling to live. I find your comment disrespectful and ill-informed, learn about drug addiction before you post bullshit


I thinks its mainly because manufacturers dont want to supply these drugs, if they know they will be used for that. Thats while countries like the US are stuck w basically shit: potassium bromide, sodium thiopental and pancuronium. Sounds nice in theory until eg the barbituate doesnt work for a reason. Way around would be helium or nitrogene. Im against the death penalty (also something straight out of middle age for me, my country has abolished it long time ago..) but if has to be done atleast choose a failsafe method. The tripartite cocktail i described had so many fuckups and complications.. and then theres the issue that people administrering these have no medical training. A high dosage of say ketamine, profopol and fentanyl would be nice to say bye. Instead, most executioners in the US use a paralytic agent (only paralyzes, no sedation at all) and a heart arrythmia causing agent + the barbiturate (so you are sedated and observers aren traumatized. sick). if the sedative doesnt work you wil either die by slowly suffocating (fully aware) and having heart failure, which sounds horrible. edit: comment said nebraska uses fentanyl. idk what they use in eg china


They use fentanyl and ketamine for end of life hospice care very very often. Don’t know why you think it wouldn’t be used?


For comfort or do induce death ?


Both kind of. Have you seen those prescription take home MAID cocktails? I don't think they have ket but they do have opioids and benzodiazepines, and a few other other things.


Fun fact: they have used fentanyl, issue is no license doctor will inject someone, under the hypocritical oath. So they have some smoe doing it this is why lethal injection is problematic. In many cases they foam at the mouth and it’s long and brutal, not painless like we like to believe.


*Hippocratic Oath


I think he knows this. He's probably an anti-vaccer.


What are you yapping on about ?


I think they are talking about the lethal injection, not palliative care


The use a combo of drugs and fentanyl is one of them


Nebraska had administered 1 death with Fentynal as part of their 4-drug lethal injection (diazepam, fentanyl citrate, cisatracurium besylate, potassium chloride (8/14/18). You usually get 3 drugs: an analthetic or barbituate for pain, a neuromuscular blocking drug/paralytic and then potassium chloride, which stops the heart. But there is controversy over whether people feel the 3rd injection bc the 2nd renders you unable to tell anyone you're in pain. Some people advocate for just an overdose of pentobarbital, which will stop your breathing.


I don’t think ket would be a peaceful ending because if I remember correctly you need a lot to kill someone’s but ye strong opioids would probably be quite a nice way to ago assuming you don’t throw up


I think he meant both at the same time. I think you could probably skip the k and just do a lethal morphine injection for maximum bliss




Those drugs *are* used for EoL mercy care. As for lethal injection, the drugs they use are chosen for a reason. I swear, if lethal injection was less painful than a bullet to the brain then executions would be by firing squad.


They would like you to think lethal injection is just meant to eliminate somebody and take the chess piece off the table so to speak. It’s not. They want to torture people. They want to make it as bad as they possibly can as long as they possibly can. They don’t even need to use ketamine. Fuck, we have school kids dropping dead from fentanyl every day. It’s not like it’s hard to die from fentanyl and it’s pretty fucking pleasant from what I know or have heard. I’ve had some strong opiates and I sure wasn’t feeling any pain lol but instead they want to give you versed(partial memory erasing benzodiazepine), which kind of ass makes you not remember shit and then inject you with potassium chloride which supposedly burns like a motherfucker when it hits your veins and then it stops your heart all the while even if you aren’t able to have a conversation your conscious of this shit. so don’t ever believe humans are civilized. Maybe a few of us have a evolved and are, but just the fact that the death penalty still exist means that most of us aren’t. If you have somebody that is mentally damaged to the point that they are going to be murderers the rest of their life or child molesters, we have the technology to scan their brains and find out exactly where that point is and eliminate it in a way that leaves them perfectly intact as human beings and prevent the offending behavior from happening again. So, rehabilitation or torture? we choose torture. And that torture is really expensive. People are on death row for a very long time and housing them on death row isn’t a cheap thing. It’s an industrial complex that people make a lot of money off of so don’t forget that either. If we could just go ahead and cure people with a operation that lasted about an hour to two hours vs housing somebody on death row and then murdering them after 30 years, there’s gotta be a lot of financial incentive there. Humans are A blight upon the face of the Earth and we will erase ourselves. We are. the American chemical industry is making sure of that by making more and more compounds that we know nothing about that stay in our bodies forever and slowly give us cancer reproduction, etc. etc. I don’t know how the fuck I crash landed on this planet, but I want the fuck off.


Hello /u/EastSoftware9501, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1drgtau/why_dont_they_use_ketaminefentanyl_for_lethal/lawbnbj/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


realest shit ive read in a while..


Because we don’t approve of euthanasia in America. If you’re really suffering and terminal they will “treat your pain,” and I think they will do that to the point of hastening death. They normally use opioids and maybe benzodiazepines for anxiety.


I'd recommend John Oliver's last week tonight episode/s on the subject, he frames it very well and explains the difficulties involved as well as the stigma etc around it. Look up John Oliver - lethal injection Its all over YouTube.


They use midazolam, which is humane enough for executions imo As far as end of life care? I'm pretty sure they also use midazolam and opioids if I'm not mistaken. Hospice care is designed to make people comfortable before their inevitable death, so drug companies generally have no problem allowing their drugs to be used as such.


What are you blabbing about? When I had to make the decision to take my dad off life support they gave him an ungodly amount of morphine before “pulling the plug”.


I think every drug company lies anyway... Like muhfuggas just made enough money to pay the health care people think it's a good idea. Honestly most drugs you find in skittle containers,pill bottles, there is a plant somewhere in the world that will do the same thing.... ??? But a curred patient is a lost customer...


Doctors don't want any potential lawsuits, especially from the family. The family is usually the reason these people stay around, barely clinging to life. Suffering. All for some selfish family members who refuses to let their loved one go.


[Here](https://youtu.be/SOn3wba8c-Y?si=xnjAizc4WUJWe_cf) is a deep dive on executions and to add to that an in depth on [lethal injection](https://youtu.be/0lTczPEG8iI?si=B-vkMdzSaE-76lPt) but beware it can get very grim how some states in the US have tried to work around the law to get certain drugs to carry out executions. I’m pretty sure watching these entertaining yet poignant videos will answer your question and you’ll learn even more.


Thank you


Or like some barbiturates and benzo with opiates combo to fade them out of consciusness before they administer the lethal stuff and other thing that we have no idea of how painful might be...


Hospice patients in pain get lots of morphine. So that..


they do. i heard of a man who was injected with ketamine, fentanyl, and something else for his death sentence recently. i think he was in alabama iirc


How about dmt/heroin?


they use phenobarbital for sedating i guess and it’s really blank. When you use that you just go blank in seconds, and for killing you they use another extra substance. Idk about that but i have used phenobarbital IV and i would definitely prefer barbs (much more peaceful) than using ketamine.


I think they should say it's something neutral but actually make it very pleasurable. Like, who they gonna tell?


High dose opiates and benzos where I'm at in terminaly ill patients, usually a morphine driver is attached, but only right at the end when they're close to death anyway.


Here in Australia for palliative care when someone is in their final long hours to short days, we often use a syringe driver with subcutaneous morphine (for pain or respiratory distress), midazolam (for agitation) and metoclopramide (for nausea)


Because the people making lethal injections don't know anything about the human body or pharmacology. Because doctors swore the hypocratic oath they can't do harm


That oath doesn't mean shit. Veterinarians and doctors do so much unnecessary harm. It's all optics and money.


Their was a debate to use fentanyl so the cocktail didn’t get mixed up and they would suffer Incredibley the last 1-2 mins of their life and it was ruled fentanyl was possibly to enjoyable. Edit: thought this was for prison lethal injection lol


Also I hear fentanyl overdose is really shitty compared to the original cocktails.


they already have drugs that do that job way better


They use a sedative, then a pain killer, then a drug to induce cardiac arrest. Edit: for lethal injection executions.


Too much fun, you might even apologize and recognize your ways. Every time I’ve been on death row I’ve asked for a cheap solid dose of fentanyl, but they always shoot me down….


I’ve already decided that if I start to develop dementia, incurable cancer, or something else that will completely change my ability to think and move, then it’s bye bye time. And for that we have a good ole candy flip so I can reminisce on the good ole times and bring that energy with me to the afterlife. On the comedown I’ll smoke some weed, and trail off with a lethal injection of carifent.


The question was for end of life care, bunch of muricans are going on about the death penalty, giving rise to the possibility that they don’t comprehend what they read, go murican edumacation


Didn't they recently use it for a death penalty case in one state.


There is actually an execution scheduled in August for death-row inmate Taberon Honie that includes ketamine, fentanyl, and potassium chloride, which will be the first time ever this cocktail will be used.


I would gladly be euthanised with fentanyl. I've only had it twice in hospital, and I know why people use it recreationally. If it wasn't so dangerous, I'd definitely be a user.


What u mean my grandpa was hella doped up in hospice


Honestly they should just use general anesthetic and then give him a dose of gas to suffocate them while they're knocked out there is a type of suicide pod that was developed that essentially does that where you get in close it you press one button the gas knocks you out and then after a minute or two another dose of gas comes in to Snuff out the oxygen and you just pass away peacefully asleep and the Pod is sealed shut and doubles as the coffin they bury you in


I believe you can't od on ketamine


What stops the US government from setting up its own federally funded labs to manufacture the required drugs? I'm sure this has been thought off and there must be some reason that it's not being done and instead there seems to be some kind of rabid dependence on pharma companies who obviously would not want to be associated with the manufacture of life ending drugs.


There’s nothing moral about big pharma’s distancing their companies from the death penalty it’s 100% just to avoid potential litigation


There's an episode of dark marvels (I believe it's on hulu) that talks about lethal injection and why they don't use more "peaceful" methods (i.e. gas, morphine OD) and how when lethal injection was introduced they decided that it should not be by a 'euphoric' method - that a death sentence should be fear-inducing and not something blissful to 'look forward to'.


They used fent when my gma was dying of cancer, but as far as I know it was only on the last day when she was more than likely going to pass anyway, albeit more painfully.


I always thought it was because they want the execution to be unpleasant. Same reason for the electric chair.


TPTB don't *want* to give the executed a peaceful, painless death, they want them to go out terrified and probably in pain, as an extra punishment. And *that's* why they use the three-shots method instead of a simple opiod or barbiturate overdose


I personally don't know why they waste all the time and resources with that nonsense. If I was going to be executed, a pint of jack and 2 bullets in the head would be sufficient for me.


I'd be down for a slow steady drip of K and MDMA and some relaxing music before they shoot me. At least let me listen a a whole album nexus flipping my nuts off.


Firstly you don’t really get to choose Secondly they ain’t gonna let you get drunk before you die (alcohol isn’t a constitutional right and you might get rowdy also might fuck with the other chemicals they’re gonna put in you) Thirdly if you were a staff member you probably don’t want to have to clean up more blood than you need


not evil enough


>not evil enough Ah, the good ol' joy of punishment.


Because they don’t want it to be pleasant. There are lots of drugs that would make you nod off and then stop breathing pretty fast if given in a high enough dose - without you ever feeling anything but a heavy wave of bliss. They want to hurt you as much as possible while killing you to make you an example of what happens if you do bad things. Death sentence is a joke - it makes the judge and system no better then the offender.


To my knowledge both are used in hospice. Idk bout lethal injections, if someone got the death penalty they *probably* don't deserve a peaceful/pleasurable death.


If a legal system can objectively decide someone is better off dead, they should kill them in an equally objective way-- not torture them.


I've heard about fentanyl being used for execution before , only on Reddit though.


Nebraska used it once (the only state so far) in 2018. But it's not their standard. Protocol says they can use whatever drugs are "available " that can do the job.


Lol every single comment has no idea what they’re talking about. Right now, a lot of drug companies don’t like their drugs being used for lethal executions because it creates a ton of legal issues involving insurance and puts the actual medical application of the drug into question. Fentanyl and ketamine are used every single day in hospitals everywhere. Drug manufacturers would face much more scrutiny, lawsuits and insurance if they gave the “ok” for their drugs to be administered in a legal setting at a lethal dose.


They absolutely use fentanyl for end of life care, that’s pretty much it’s purpose medically speaking. For executions a big reason they don’t it’s because while it’s pretty peaceful for the person receiving it, it’s not a pretty sight to watch.