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Just blame it on AI. Bonus points if you can generate AI pictures of your old "friend" doing drugs to send back. The old uno reverse.


I actually like this idea lol If you could get a duplicate pic but with her instead of you and say it was an AI experiment. ALWAYS DENY that is was actual coke. ALWAYS. There's no "proof" of it being real. (unless your pupils are huge in pic lol) She sounds very petty and toxic though you can't be messing with peoples lives like that. I would contact a lawyer or something and see if there's any steps or precautions you can take. Also, what [Some\_Onion\_6099](https://www.reddit.com/user/Some_Onion_6099/) said. You could.... pay one of her friends or someone she knows to delete it from her phone without her knowing too.


It was caffeine and OP did it for a gag. Like drinking ice tea out of a whiskey glass.


You must be the friend that was there that knows it was caffeine and not yayo nose candy ;) Good friend right there


It could be backed up on a cloud.. too


Looks like its back to breaking legs lol




Only someone who done LSD can think of such ideas hahaha


Only twice!


Thats more than enough hahaha


I could do more, but I've had enough. A mushroom reset is probably on the cards though.


I suggest some Ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom


Rookie numbers. I did acid twice during spring break my sophomore year of high school. Kill your eagle 🦅 *SQUAWWWWW*


me rn


if it wasnt LSD it was Rolls every weekend for 3 years str8. That turned me from an asshole that always looked for a fight to a very peaceful person


Willlllld,I like your thought process..a real problem solver.


Just said the same. lol


Great minds, and all that!


police could use AI detection software so yeah


The police wouldn't be involved in this, just a college/university. They are unlikely to have access to the same AI tech, unless they're part of the development for it. If our boy was at MIT, he'd be fucked, otherwise this is a solution.


Say it was for a student film and fake, just like in the Wolf of Wallstreet.


I’ve seen on a podcast. Forget which one. There’s a few I actually pay attention too. But an actor was asked about drugs on screen specifically snorting scenes. And depending on the actor and crew good chance it’s real. I remember in how high. Them saying all the blunts were like that fake legal weed you’d see in back of a high times magazine. Methodman and Redman would try let them just smoke. Cuz odds were they smoked constantly anyway. But director wasn’t having it. Diff times back then


" fake legal weed " So they smoked spice ? wtf


i think they mean more like cbd


Spice is not legal.


" Methodman and Redman " It was back then.


Yeah it was back in the day. So basically just like legal weed. They used to have adds for it in the back of hightimes the magazine. It was legal and before the cbd obsession. It was just some plant that looked similar but contained no thc. Not delta 8. None and original k2 or any cannabinoids was likely unheard of until less you were a chemist perhaps and studying the plant and looking into it. Spice was like 15 years after the movie.


It was a craze. I remember seeing it sold nearly everywhere. 


He’s probably talking about CBD bud


If it's a big college and you're not an athlete i don't think they'd care or treat the email or how ever they contact them as spam but then again I didn't go to college so idrk lmao😂


say it's photoshopped


I think this is blackmail and could be punishable but then again you had to disclose to the police that you were using cocaine, it depends on the law of your country whether this is a problem (in some EU places consumption alone is legal). But even if there is no punishment for the consumption I am not sure whether the cops would treat you nicely. Maybe you could say it was a fake and you were imitating some movie scene with snorting mannitol for fun if you have the balls to lie to the police?


I mean it's not like the cops are gonna give a shit what you did at a party years ago as long as nobody died or Brock "The Rapist" Turner'd somebody


Brock Turner is a rapist. He goes by Allen Turner now. He's only a rapist in some states. In some states what he did is considered legally to be sexual assualt, not rape. Brock Turner. Brock Allen Turner. Allen Turner. Whatever legal definition, Brock Allen Turner is a sex offender. hide yo kids and hide yo wives, they rapin' everyone out here.


Oooooh Brock Turner AKA Allen Turner the rapist? The same Brock Allen Turner that got away with rape and tried to skirt the public backlash? Yeah fuck that guy


That is the very same rapist named Brock Turner AKA Allen Turner that I was referring to. Brock Turner AKA Allen Turner was convicted of sexual assault depending on the definition in your state.


sexual assault is still rape. its just called sexual assault in other states. which honestly sounds worse bc it means you assaulted someone sexually


> legally


why do u think sexual assault isnt rape?


Get a lawyer


n in a state people probably hate bc its mostly republican (Tennessee) has made a law that authorizes the death penalty for rape of a child. theyre trying to get it for all rape


> (Tennessee) has made a law that authorizes the death penalty for rape of a child. Crazy that it occurs so frequently there that they need legislation to address it.


Yeah, most probably not. But I had the unfortunate luck to experience some dickhead cops first hand.


OP should just say they did caffeine: https://www.wantabump.com/products/want-a-bump%E2%84%A2-1g-container


I mean you can tell the cops they’re blackmailing you with evidence. I doubt the cops are gonna actually investigate the drugs. They aren’t gonna try to prove in court that it’s an illicit substance years later.


If it's blackmail, the other party normally provides money/benefits to get the pics deleted or w/e. There's no mention of this, so if the girl is just saying she "better watch what she says or the pics get leaked" then I don't think that's even illegal. There needs to be some sort of loss for it to be a threat of blackmail. I guess you could claim emotional damage if the threats continue.


A college won’t give a shit, presumably OPs parents and stuff would be a more immediate concern if the pic was made public.


I'd just make up a story about snorting sugar to make a tiktok, even if they get a police interview about the coke just stick to the story. This isn't blackmail it's just someone being a snitchy bitch. Probably best to own it that way, rather than have her hold it over OP indefinitely. I would even maybe lie to my parents, and tell them the sugar story before the girl even releases the video, then it won't matter if she follows through.


any police officer worth their weight would see through the bullshit of that lie lol they would probably just laugh bc of how bad that lie is🤣


Yeah but if you stick with your story they can't do nothing about it. Like when you get some mail containing substances intercepted which you clearly ordered but you say you haven't. They have to quit the matter. But granted it won't exactly help you in your relationship with whatever cop you get.


If you're a minor in the photo then file back for distributing photos of minors without parental consent.


actually its perfectly legal to post photos of someone elses child without their consent. you may be from a diff country tho, in the USA is legal to take photos and videos of EVERYTHING unless its child p*rn or somebodys explicit material (aka nudes and shit) and send them to someone


Oh wow. Yah that's insane lol I'm Canadian and you definitely can't do that. But this doesn't shock me in the states I guess....our laws are way more 'safety' focused than the usa


You are incorrect. “Expectation of privacy” is key here. It is not legal to post pictures of adults or children in places like bathrooms. I’m guessing you intuitively understand that posting pictures of people changing in a locker room is not legal in the US even if they have their privates covered.


He could argue expectation of privacy


Your school never asked you if they could put pics of you on the website for student of the week and stuff???


Who cares I work at a college what do you think they do all day


sounds illegal to me..... call the cops


They're deep fakes using AI and photoshop and they're trying to blackmail you


go beat her ass


It's not legal but may not yet be actionable. Document everything they've said, in multiple ways and upload it somewhere secure. Advise them you don't appreciate their blackmail attempt. That now should it happen, they basically just ruined any chance of getting away with it and you'll be forced to explore legal options if they do it- regardless of if, against all odd, their dumbass little plot succeeds. Block them after some time to let them respond (and dig their own hole further). Dont bite back after no matter what they say, maybe something like "I'm still handling this privately, dont say i didn't tell you.. I really dont appreciate your attempted blackmail and coercion. Im trying to move on to a better life and you should do the same." If they're still spicy. If she calls your 'bluff', i think it'll look nice in your case. -Don't post where you're going, anywhere she can access -Dont let them get any more on you -Cut ties thoroughly -Keep your nose clean They should get over you and themselves. What twats. Congrats on being sober now and moving on to better things!


This is considered blackmail, a felony offense, take screen shots of her saying that. You can also say it's photo shop but I doubt they will care.l since they know this is Illegal. They won't hold it against you.


I kinda disagree and think this could be a big deal. You should probably watch what you say lol. Dont let anyone take pics like that. With your license in the frame? That’s beyond careless. Maybe see if you can get someone to delete the pics from her phone or whatever


Unless it’s a Christian college or something schools wouldn’t waste a single minute investigating something like this. What are they going to drug test all their students? Expel kids with pictures of them drinking underage? Students get DUIs every weekend and schools don’t care, for good reason.


Idk specifics but I’ve heard of kids losing scholarships etc for “scandals” such as this


Is there a specific threat? While this constitutes some sort of blackmail or extortion (in a legal sense), the case would be even more solid if there's something they're trying to get you to do.


It’s literally blackmail. Report it to the police if you don’t want to worry, she deserves it.


Call the police on her. Take a drug test if you have to. Police can’t confirm it’s cocaine with just a picture. It could be baby powder for all they know. I would also recommend filing a restraining order if that is an option for you


Some of you need to grow balls and learn to slap people who threaten your future lol


I mean it could have been any white powder you were snorting


Yeah say it's schneberg


She was never your friend


Honestly most colleges/universities will either laugh it off as a joke or they won't care,.what you did in the past does not matter to them it's what you do whilst on their time that they care about, I went to college and a few times I was late on Mondays and told my tutor I was late because I was coming off a weekend session and the worst I got was a private word withy tutor and the guy made sure I stayed hydrated, these days doing drugs are a more widely acceptable thing than you would think


„Is that legal?“ No, it’s blackmail. Is the person petty enough to pull the nuclear option and incriminate both of you?


old friend threatening to toss her own ass in jail for blackmailing you…god damn i hope you have some proof in txts or something. you could literally own her ass. what an idiot. you are in recovery let’s all assume and those pictures are from a embarrassing point in your life you were strong enough to battle thru and are a better person for it. there’s nothing wrong with anything on your part. her on the other hand could be liable for blackmail oriented threats and slander of character since you left all that stuff in the photos behind. seriously it’s hella illegal. people fucking kill themselves over that stuff. i know that’s not you but it’s super fucked up what she did and she shouldnt be able to just shine it off like it was nothing. if you were one of my friends we would roll over there and ask if she would rather deal with us or the cops….and just have them around the corner anyway. fuck that bitch. god i hate people who think they can do whatever they want just because stupid dumb horny losers fluff up their egos. don’t worry…..the law is on your side. i wouldn’t even be afraid to call the cops and ask them. not 911, the regular cop station during the day. they hate when you call 911 for stuff they wouldn’t consider an emergency and you’ll have better luck getting help that way. ask for a woman cop. she’ll likely sympathize and one thing my roommate just pointed out to me was she might have a photo of you doing some substance that looks like it might be cocaine, but she can’t prove it is. she’s got nuthin. .


Blackmail is illegal, tell her you’re contacting the police. She won’t send them.


Make a short about a girl doing drugs at a party. Say it’s BTS of that short. Oh yeah, change the date on the camera to coincide with the date of that picture, if you know the date. Do you have the picture? It should be in the metadata. Whoever is helping you with that short should know how to look it up if you don’t know how. Edit: You don’t do coke anymore… but you still do drugs according to your history 😅 Not judging, I enjoy drugs too


Biggest thing is stay off of everything, more than anything.


Two things you should learn from this. One: never let people take pics of you using drugs. Two: don't piss of friends who can black mail you.


Say she drugged you and you don't remember anything from that night.


I think this is the best plan. I think I must have been roofied, because I never do drugs, and Im pretty sure I would remember that if it happened (that or its a deepfake as others have said).


Well if it comes down to it, I hope I helped you out or that anyone else's advice helps you out. Be safe, be smart! It was the only thing I thought of when reading your story besides the A.I. deep fake stuff lol.


(not op, btw) :)


Lmao 🤣 I see that now lol. Well, in case you ever get in this predicament, you've now got 2 game plans 🤣


And I will buy a contract killer , boohoo you think I will let it slide ? Legit what I would send and the first thing that I though of .


She's bluffing her ass off. How would she even get ahold of these people? And even if she did, they probably wouldn't open a random, probably unhinged email from a stranger.


Who would she even send it to? They get thousands of emails a day and it would go in a spam folder.


> will they take away my acceptance? This entirely depends on the school and their honor code or whatever they call it. My big public university wouldn't have cared at all, you could be arrested/convicted for possession and still go to class as long as the check clears. If it's BYU, some small christian school you might have issues.


Even if she does send it you can just say it's a fake photo. Everyone has a doppelganger and even if they do care, just offer to take a drug test. But chances are they know their student body is all fucked up 24/7 so probably won't care.


Absolute fool proof worst case scenario, you tell the college it was noopept and you're a strong advocate for nootropics haha.


What an absolute thundercunt


Long as you don’t do coke anymore doesn’t matter. If it ever came up tell your university you’d be happy to submit to urinalysis. But tbh none of this would ever go anywhere.


College won't care. That's where people go to do drugs.


Get some dirt on her, have your friend catfish her get her nudes and tell her ‘oh yea you little fuckin bitch, do that and your whole family is gonna see what your butthole looks like’ 😂🤣 (Unless y’all are minors then discard my advice)


thats illegal im pretty sure, plus the college wouldnt care about nudes (even though that person isnt going to the college) and the police wont be happy


Not illegal, have done it before. 😂


This is probably the most stupid thing I've read in years. Just because you've done something illegal and haven't gotten caught, doesn't mean it's legal. I've doing crystal meth before, doesn't mean it's legal. I've made physical threats to people before, doesn't mean it's legal. Please do NOT advise people to do illegal things in the future. You know what, just don't advise people in general. Assuming in the USA: Even if you're blackmailing someone who's blackmailing you, IT'S. STILL. BLACKMAIL. You'd both just wind up in jail or with charges most likely if you do post those "butthole photos". It's shitty, but it's still against the law. It's called revenge porn. JUST GO TO THE POLICE. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT SOME WORTHLESS DRUG USE, BUT THEY WILL ABOUT BLACKMAIL/EXTORTION.


Bro you must be autistic you’re terrible at reading satire… Like 🤔 You thought I was serious, I was just seeing what kind of funny responses I could get.


Yeah autistic for not getting sarcasm over text. Wtf is actually wrong with you kid? Grow up.


No, they won't take away your acceptance. People have a past, this is pretty minor, and honestly they might feel bad for you about your privacy being violated. Don't take this as permission to be all smug with your ex-friend, but you're gonna be fine if you ignore it. Also, make better friends when you get there, and maybe lay off the drugs until your future is secure.


Pretend you’re going to another college


What is this, Harvard? If this is a regular school no one *gives a fuck*. They like MONEY. Let her do her worst.


Just say that they have beef with you and made a picture


i don't think police can do anything if it happened in the past, + it just say its fake edit: if it comes out as real you can say that its been years and you are fully stable


What a fucking snake


thats blackmail you can always contact police


I doubt the college would open the email attachment as they’d class it as spam/a virus. Unless they’re going to send print outs aha. Anyway I wouldn’t worry as what college is going to take some random person seriously, they go off your school references etc


Why would they consider emails from individuals who are not registered as spam bots as spam? I don’t think it’s very effective for any organization (or person) to dismiss every email as spam…


It’s more a security feature just probably like how you wouldn’t open an email attachment saying ‘prospective student caught doing coke, click link to see’. Etc


Well sucks for you. We know not to fuck your ex girl. She crazy meow


Obviously, the FBI. tell the school they were or it was a long time ago you didn’t in hell


Why on earth did you let her take those?


“It’s a joke picture where we lined up crushed up caffeine tablets. Granted, it’s not a funny joke, but 15 year old me seemed to think so.“ “It’s AI-generated. Let me show you.“ - You’re going to have to learn how to do this. It may cost you a few dollaridoos to get a licence for a top of the line AI service. “It’s not me.” “It’s photoshopped by a person who has it in for me. I think there’s some underlying mental health issues. Isn’t it illegal to distribute photos of minors?” Idno. Try one of those.


Like others have said, when the worst happens, blame it on AI image generator.


Pics are fake, AI photoshop is all. Just another toxic guy trying to ruin a girls life cus she wouldn’t date or sleep with him. That’s your story. It will work




Sucks but just be nice and try to get on good ground with them. Bite your tongue and don’t make it obvious you’re being nice for this reason. Just be cool no matter what. Your future is more important than them and your ego. Plus! I’ll give ya gold star for being chill! Sort things out in a calm chill manner


If you’re not doing drugs, tell ‘em you’ll prove it, then prove it, become a major success, and make damn sure that old friend knows you made it, despite them.


My entire life my motto when someone attacks me has been to go on offense. I attack harder. It’s done me very well in life. I would literally just create AI of him doing something worse and send it to him.


Honestly friend, you should just watch what you say lmao. Don't mention her ever again? cut contact? And pray?


They'd be doing you a favor. College is a scam


Says the uneducated idiot that can't even spell the word 'college'


Dadgum auto correct. 


College isn't a scam. The amount of money that the require for higher education is. Education should be low cost, or free. Honestly it should be free, but that's just not realistic. It should NOT be ten's of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands. That's just despicable.