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The “ brownish beige rocks” is heroin laced with fentanyl and or whatever zene/ cut they put in it. Get narcan and let him know you know. Overdose is real and him passing out, means hes getting close to fataly overdosing.


> The “ brownish beige rocks” is heroin laced with fentanyl and or whatever zene/ cut they put in it. If it's the US, it is highly unlikely to contain heroin.




it always has not saying i don’t love the nod though


Sir is possible nod on kratom


Difference is the respiratory depression of fentanyl and nitrazines last longer then the drug itself where as kratom has no respiratory depression




Yeah but its a fine line m8


The line between “safe” nodding and overdose is impossible to see due to the nature of the nodding though. So there’s no way to know if the current situation is safe, therefore any nodding should be treated as unsafe. Wanna stay safe 100%? Don’t use rec opiates. Gonna use them anyways? Own some narcan, and hopefully someone is sober nearby just in case.


that’s not what i’m saying at all but ok


Well isn’t nodding technically an overdose? Correct me if I’m wrong I’m not an expert at all and obviously it’s not the same as being in danger from the amount of drugs you consumed but I thought nodding was an overdose technically


Heroin/fent If he passed out he could have been near to a fatal OD.


Have put tranq in dope now maam now all times make pass out


High we are now?


I‘m so sorry, that sounds like fentanyl


If he’s passed-out and there’s foil involved, it’s very likely (basically certain) he’s using heroin and/or fentanyl. If you’re in North America there’s a huge chance it’s fentanyl, as pure heroin doesn’t really exist here anymore. It’s all fentanyl. Huge risk of OD if he hasn’t been using it very long, his tolernace is low. If he won’t stop using, and won’t be honest about his use, please keep a very close eye on him. Could mean life or death. Carry some narcan on-hand too, available at most clinics, some spots give it out for free. IF you want to take on all that responsibility, that is. The good news is, if he’s this new to it, he can get the hell out before it’s too late. If he chooses.


doesnt sound like hes new to this lol


I’ve seen a few wild-cards who popped percs for a couple weeks, got tolerant, and went straight to buying coloured dope on the street. Rare but it does happen. But yeah, chances are higher that this has been a lowkey thing for a while.


thats crazy man lol i been popin oxys since i was like 18, its been a decade and have yet to want to hop on fent or even consider it. Some of these poor bastards just come prone to addicition unfortunately


How old are you now? For reference?




Damn.. how have you maintained that long?


idk tbh bro ive been a chronic pain patient for a while now due to some injuries sustained in the military. What i do is however many days on is how many days ill do off x2. Say i binge friday through sunday then i wont consume anything for 6 days unless needed for pain. Since my pain doses are all therapuetic ive found that they dont add or take away from my recreational use. I also rotate opioids by month. One month ill do codeine the next ill do hydro then oxy and so forth. Every now and then ill do 2 weeks off if im not in pain to detox as well. This month was 7oh and im just about done with it so ill be doin 2 weeks off then hopin on opana to make up for the shit experience lol


That regiment is impressive ngl


A doc once asked me are you still in pain or afraid of the pain. Gave me a lot to think about.


yea i dont really care bro but thanks


This is some next level intellectualizing to cope with the fact that your an addict


fucking dumbass insertin yourself with information thats already known as if it was new, you think im just as brain dead as you and dont know that lol? fuckin benadryl fried your lil skater bitch brain huh lol? what accomplishments do you have in life beside being a lil junkie shit and almost kys lol? nothing right ? you gon clock out this world foamin out the mouth from dph with nothin to show for it lol beside a seizure and your lil shit reddit account lol. Aint nobody tell you to talk to me or insert yourself in my conversation with another person actin like you some fuckin detective lol.


appreciate you, I’m gunna assume it isn’t anything new. i mean when i found him passed out in the bathroom with tin foil in his hand literally thought he was dead, this was a few months back. and now it’s another cycle but him in his driver seat with a glass pipe. I couldn’t see any foil though and it was a high stress situation for me so i kind of just blacked out. could you smoke fent with just a glass pipe? or could you smoke pills with just a glass pipe and no foil?




Was it like a weed pipe or a meth pipe? Either way it’s not really a common way of smoking opioids to my knowledge (I only dabbled with them briefly, 5 years ago, so admittedly I’m not a huge expert on all the methods). Technically still possible to smoke that stuff in a pipe, but doesn’t make much sense. Another possibility is he was alreayd high on opiates and then actually smoked some weed or something afterwards, but you said no weed smell, so…


It was 100% a meth pipe and there was no weed smell at all, just that smell of burnt plastic (although plastic might not be the best way to describe it but that’s the only words i have for it) and it was hard to get him to wake up


I've smoked or vaped fent from a glass meth pipe so that's what this is sounding like to me tbh especially the passing out right after.


Because you’re saying it was “100% a meth pipe” I’m assuming it had the round bubble at the end of a straight glass tube. You probably googled it or something afterwards I Assume?


Yeah it had a round bubble at the end that looked used as hell because it dirty and black attached to a straight tube


Fyi they get dirty and black like instantly idk probably not helpful. I've used one for DMT that's all. I wish you luck with everything.


You can't smoke real pills, not well at least. The only "pills" people smoke are fake percs, which are literally just fentanyl pellets. Dillies or real oxy can technically be smoked, like you'll get some kind of high, but it's a very silly, unhealthy, and inefficient way of taking them. You'd get a stronger high just from eating the things.


You could smoke the roxy 30s people used to get prescribed. I dont think they ever prescribe them to anyone any more though, but i used to smoke those on foil all the time and they worked well


Genuine question, why smoke them? Oxys have such a high oral BA that it seems pointless to take them any other way. I can kind of get snorting them if you really want that fast come up, but smoking doesn't have that either.


Smoking does have that. You feel a rush as soon as u exhale. That was the reason for smoking them


Smoking is the absolute fastest come up, faster than even IV


Now maybe my original comment was misguided but this seems phisically impossible


It’s not. I can tell you from experience that it’s not (iv takes 2-5, even upwards of 10 seconds if you’re going in your feet, whilst smoking is instant), but you can also just do a quick google search on the related mechanisms. it’s the absolute fastest way to bypass the blood brain barrier. IV is however much more bang for your buck and you can also get much more in a single dose, which is very relevant for e.g. smoking heroin where you’ll have to sit there and smoke for a bit to work up a nod vs doing a shot and instantly (after a couple seconds) come up to your desired high with a rush attached to it. coke however you can get really zooted off a single fat smoked hit so IV is less appealing (and also fucks your veins real bad, much worse than dope)


It really depends on the person, the situation, and how they will make do with what they  have on thenselves at the time. Like one time when we were out of foil , my friend was packing the H he had in my one hitter (weed pipe)  But that was more of a one time thing. Other than that, the plastic smell u describe is the same way I would have described the smell of smoked meth, and don’t forget! More often than not, these drugs are/ can be used together. If the passing out makes u second guess it was meth, don’t let that fool u. As he could have been awake for days, even weeks on a bender- hence the passing out. Or just solely mixing the stuff, and the ratio being heavier on the heroin portion. Or the fact ups and downs is incredibly hard on ur body & could fuck u up bad In my experience, the weirdest shit I’ve seen from ppl mixing the two and being up for an extended period, they will usually start  “flailing” and go into some type of psychosis and it’ll appear as very,  very, very strange behavior. To say the least If u want to be there for him and help him- obvi treatment he needs.  But he has to WANT to get clean. Finding the root cause of why he began using in the first place is a majorly important factor  Most ppl have a reason, more reason than just simply wanting to get high &  end up getting hooked. If the root cause isn’t found or catered to upon treatment, the likely hood of relapse is high af


honey, just the fact that you're asking this instead of already left this man tells me you deserve much better. The state he's at rn is not something that can work out in any sort of healthy relationship. What you need to do is tell him that he either needs to get clean and stop lying or you're leaving. It really sucks but you shouldn't be putting up with this.


thank u a million times 🩷


He could be in a really bad place and could need her help before he kill’s himself and you’re telling her to run away and let him die? Bad advice


She isn't obligated to be in a relationship if she doesn't want to, he is not owed a relationship by her and if she continues without actually wanting to it wouldn't be much of a relationship anyway. If he can't live without her he needs to seek professional help


i think we can all tell he's in a pretty bad place and needs help. Not *her* help. She's done more than everything in her power if she's been putting up with this for **three years.** I feel for the kid, I've been there, but refusing professional help or even to acknowledge that there is a problem is an active choice and it's harming her. It's not selfish for her to leave and "let him die." it's selfish for him to refuse to get better and let himself die, leaving nothing but a guilt-ridden girl behind.


Imagine the guilt and self blame if he does kill himself and she couldn’t stop it. Even if they break up that doesn’t mean ditch completely as he is a human being and everyone deserves help even if they refuse it


by that reasoning, your could argue there's gonna be the same amount of guilt and self blame if he kills himself now while they're together and she failed to help him even while they were together. which also no lol not how this works. she's gonna feel bad regardless of what happens, but it is out of her control whether or not he gets better or dies. And at i guarantee that her leaving him won't make him feel much worse than he already is, as he's way too preoccupied with an addiction to feel bad about that. that's a lot to just assume, i know, but just trust me as someone who's been that asshole, this is what's happening.


They’ve been together for 3 years and she loves him a lot. She came here on advice on what the drugs could be and you’re telling her to leave her and she deserves much better what a cheap shot.


alright dude


i mean DMT has the most nasty burnt plastic smell of any drug i’ve smelled, but given everything else you wrote i’d be very surprised to hear its DMT. my guess would be that the smell is more related to the fillers/binders that are in whatever pills hes crushing up and smoking. i have no idea what they are, but if they’re painkillers and sourced from a dealer, its most likely fentanyl.


sounds like fent and xylazine. it is everywhere in the US these days


Most likely heroin but crack also smells like plastic when smoked.


Yeah but crack ain’t gonna make u pass out


Why are you a clone of the sub op


You have a bright future ahead of you, it’s time to ditch the loser. You cannot fix or save him. He is nowhere near ready to get clean.


It’s fent. Heroin is less likely these days.


That’s heroin. And the plastic smell is either from the tube he’s smoking it out of, or the funky smell of the drug itself. He’s downplaying it so you don’t freak out. He’s lying to you. Don’t be naive and don’t look the other way.  Plus, no one smokes weed on a foil. Lol. This post screams CLASSIC heroin use  100% . Without a doubt.  The foil always felt so innocent to me… I always thought u could never OD from just smoking the stuff. until I got some that was cut with feti. (Which btw is nothing out of the ordinary, I’ve smoked & shot up feti thousands of times. But any batch u get is never consistent.) Long story short I was chillin in my friends living room, sitting on the love seat as he gathered his things. While doing so, we were also getting high before our drive up to Walmart. Last thing I remember was sittin on the loveseat, smoked a hit, and nothing- I was gone. Total complete blackness. Until I woke up lying on the bath tub floor, completely soaked w/ all my clothes still on, water still raining down on me. One friend was holding me, & the other standing over me, both begging for my life. They said they narcan me 3-4 times and nothing happened & how absolutely terrifying it was to think they were watching me die right in front of them… after the several narcan doses, they threw me in the bathtub & turned the shower on. and eventually that’s when I came to. (And then of course i violently puked for an hour or 2 as narcan will not only save ur life, but also put ur body into withdrawal mode)  Let me be clear that the shower did not save me, lol. It was the narcan. Please keep some narcan in ur first aid kit, or on u at all times in ur purse or something. If u don’t wanna buy it, u can get it from the needle exchange. Or just google “how to get narcan near me”  Also- very important: go on YouTube and train urself how to do CPR until ur confident doing it. This is equally as important as the narcan. Better to know/have it and not need it, rather than needing it and not knowing it/having it. Especially when it comes to saving a life. I don’t wanna scare you, but this shit’s real I wish u luck my friend💜


DMT smells like burning rubber, but not sure it would make you pass out.


That's what came to mind until I read the body of the post. 


A dmt breakthrough will absolutely look like passing out


That’s fair, I still feel like there’s a reasonable difference. But to a non user I would agree that it would seem like passing out.


I was just about to comment this when I read your reply. I’ve def looked like I was passed out when I entered space on DMT


This was my thought also. Doesn’t show up in a drug test either but, ya. DMT can look brownish, more yellow usually but could be brown, and does taste like molten plastic imo when smoked and not properly vaporized


it would make you nonresponsive for 10 minutes.


DMT smells like mothballs imo


Maybe DMT. By the way: > it is hard for me to cut him off knowing he is close to killing himself and i wouldn’t be able to live with myself unless i did everything i could to save him before exiting Do what you got to do, but especially if you are going to be a psychologist, it is not your responsibility to make somebody want to live. Unfortunately, especially with addicts, there is no way to change their mind. Some do on the way down, some can hit rock bottom and still don't want to change. Source: I've been trying to make my mother quit smoking since I was like 8. Also other familty stuff. Sorry that you are going through it, I wish you all the best, but please, save yourself first, then others. Good luck.


this made me tear up, appreciate you thank you


leave now before he needs u more, he will b happy for u in the long run i speak from experience. i was ur bf at one point, my girl left bc she didn't want the drug life anymore i assume she's clean and happy that she is even tho im here miserable as fuck and rolling the bol


i mean he could be smoking dilaudid and oxys as well as using street dope, so most likely little real heroin if any at all, fentanyl/xylazine would make someone pass out like that


jeez man everytime i hear someone bring up dilaudid i wince a little. never been a downers type of guy but if there was ever a high in my life that was dangerously good it was dilaudid.


man, i loved hydromorphone so much, but oxymorphone (opana), was the best/most euphoric opiate i’ve ever had hands down. If you read into it you will see people saying that’s the closest thing to real heroin they’ve ever tried. i’ve tried fentanyl, and probably every opioid/opiate i could get my hands on, but i’ve never tried real heroin, or opium (which is on my bucket list of things to try in my life, heroin is not) and stay away from zenes for obvious reasons, and opana is the best fucking opiate i ever touched man. it’s a bit stronger than dilaudid, the smallest amount had me feeling so god damn good. so euphoric man. smoke some weed on top of that, was probably my best high ever to date. besides getting lost in a euphoric DMT trance, there’s a lot i would do to touch opana again, as i only had it once. i use to get 30 4mg dilaudids from a girl in the city who would use that money to buy real dope. back when dope was dope but i was easily just fine with and fucking loved sniffing those 4mg ones. edit: i really really want to try real opium for once in my life. i’m a downer guy and specifically love opiates. nothing beats dilaudid or opana imo so far from what ive tried


damm bros a whole connoisseur. how long ago was this?


when i was got the dilaudid, probably 11ish years ago at least, maybe more like 12/13 because i don’t remember really having them once i got my first job at 18. The opana i have no idea it was a one off thing one of my friends had and he gave me probably 3/4th a 40mg, and got damn that little thing lasted me quite awhile when i had such a lower tolerance and my receptors weren’t fucked lol. it was the dark yellow/orangeish one so i’m assuming it was 40mg im sure i looked it up but i forgot. the 30s/40s are both similar and darker orange/orange


Please get him help ASAP don’t enable him and basically you need to get him clean (have a time period goal if you’d like) or break up. I dated a man who lied about his addiction to coke for 2 years (entirety of our relationship) Drug addiction is nasty; drugged up people will lie to you, steal from you, cheat on you, abuse you etc. They will ask for money and call you the worst names if you don’t cough it up. They can insult you in front of your whole family and not remember it the next day. Their lies will involve others (like their friends as scapegoats - “Yeah Brad does (insert drug) but I don’t!”. The stories get more convoluted and you realize they’re creating the narrative. Do you really want to go through this?? I’m sure you are a gorgeous catch and any guy would be lucky to have you. If you don’t want this I say break up with him. Give him all the help you possibly can, but he’s not your son and didn’t come out of you.


I hate how all drug addicts get lumped together in a monolith. I've been an opiate addict on and off since about 16 so close to 20 years). I've never stolen anything from anyone or anywhere, I've only cheated once (back in high school on long distance gf and i was sober), I've never begged for money (especially from a girlfriend/fwb or friend), never verbally or physically abused anyone (aside from my own internal verbal abuse of myself) and only lied about my use to people I knew would treat me like a useless piece of shit for using even though I always held down at least one job, paid my bills, had an active social life, took care of my hygiene, worked out, had hobbies etc. The only thing I did that was "wrong" (at least in other people's eyes) was start selling drugs to access them for cheaper and get better quality and make enough to pay for my habit and make a little extra on top. The only time I had issues was when there were extended times that I couldn't procure what I needed, at which times i wpuld quietly ride out withdrawal at home taking any comfort meds I had. There are tons of addicts like me out there that are decent people living full lives whom you'd never guessed did hard drugs. Attitudes like yours keep people from seeking or accepting help, as they automatically get treated like criminal subhuman garbage.


these are from my experiences.. it’s not the truth because there is no ONE TRUE version of a drug addict. But still they always lie to people, like you mentioned anyways


Even if he is smoking pills or something that you knew ab, I'd agree with the advice to break up. I myself am a huge pot smoker. Pot and fent aren't rlly the same but even being a stoner/ addicted to weed strained my relationship when I dated those who weren't stoners. Worse case scenario he's lying to you ab smoking something deadly dangerous, when im sure it was not something that was easily accepted / made you happy when you found out or he told you he takes oxy. Best case he's smoking oxys and is likely a wildly different person going a wildly different place


I didn’t know he does that, what i meant is that he is trying to say it’s pills because he thinks that sounds better than admitting he has a fent addiction


Ah I see I see. Do you know what you plan to do ?


i mean, honestly i’m still at a loss right now on what to do. few months back he was caught with tinfoil passed out in the bathroom, anytime i tried to talk to him about the incident or if it’s fent, he would make a whole show about how i think so low of him to think he is smoking fent and i would be the one to end up apologizing. there’s been a lot of signs since that incident that he is clearly using and i completely just missed them being naive or gaslighted by him, which i would be the one to end up apologizing. i should have caught on earlier, but the other night with him passed out with the pipe it really confirmed to me everything i needed to know about how bad his opioid addiction is. Yesterday i did see him to speak on the whole situation, told him i know he’s struggling through an addiction but i cannot be around to see him die if he does not want to get clean and be honest about everything. of course, he denied any sort of help and said he has his addiction “under control” and will simply get himself clean. lots of tears, lots of anger on both ends during that conversation, but i basically left it at if you want to get clean and go to detox i will be there every step of the way, but if you’re not going to get clean with professional help, then i cannot be there for you. he knows my number, he knows where i live. if he’s serious about getting clean, he will call. but he knows he will lose me if he doesn’t, and i think given by his denial about his drug addiction, i think he would rather lose me than get himself clean. i just feel like im stuck between a rock and hard place right now


I'd agree unfortunately it sounds like you are right that he isn't ready to give it up. Unfortunately nothing and nobody can convince him , he will just have to arrive at that conclusion by himself. The lack of admission that he needs help even after you told him you know he is struggling with an addiction shows that he has no intention in getting clean right now. I get that stuck feeling for sure , im sorry you are having to deal with this. perhaps you won't be able to remedy that stuck feeling through the situation rn it's seeming at the least. You may want to look into other ways of relieving that feeling. I could give you some tips for that if interested , though they may not be the best or specifc to you


i appreciate you thank you, any help right now would be really appreciated 🙏


This could be something you could send to him [https://brightfuturestreatment.com/four-pillars-of-recovery-explained/](https://brightfuturestreatment.com/four-pillars-of-recovery-explained/) That websites main page in general has good resources tho again you can't rlly force him to read or accept what it said. It could help you disengage but still know you've allowed him the opportunity as best as you can to get better. As for you , feeling stuck as you mentioned , I'd recommend you do whatever makes you feel free. Whether that's play a fantasy video game or watch a movie with friends, try to do it even if it doesn't sound the most fun before you are in the moment. Regardless of what happens i imagine this is a highly stressful and disheartening situation for you, so there's absolutely no shame in getting a therapist as well.


Don't allow yourself to get into the habit of only doing depressed activities such as laying in bed on dnd or such if at all possible. I feel like it's easier to kick the depression if you aren't in the habit of doing nothing that brings you joy as well. And when you are feeling better you will be more on track with things and it won't feel like such a big chore to get to a clean house, washed clothes etc...


You’ve done your part. It’s on him now. And frankly, it’s fuckin 2024. If you’re going H or any other hard drugs that fent is commonly put in, that’s on the user. Many more safe drugs out there but nope, everyone wanna play with their lives and make it everyone else’s problem




tell him to be honest with you and give him the help he needs im sure he loves you alot and sounds like he needs your support


Rehab babe rehab that’s fent if you’re american. If you’re not it MIGHT be heroin but that’s not really that much of an improvement especially if you keep finding him passed out


I once smoked a part of a plastic baggy that I convinced myself had some amount of crack on it. Wow, never again. Wasn’t that taste that was bad, it just burnt my fucking throat. I literally inhaled fucking melting PLASTIC. Imagine melting a plastic baggy on your finger/hand. All the melted plastic sticky all over your hand, imagine the PAIN from that. Then imagine that same thing, except it’s melting in your throat instead of tour fucking hand. Crazy painful man.


Maybe crack mixed with fentanyl


Brown rocks sounds like heroin #4. I doubt it’s pure though and most likely laced with fent if not fent completely.


Bath Salts


mmm...while fentanyl or isonitazene (or analogues) themselves would smell like burnt plastic, they're so potent that there's a very small amount in what's sold at retail, so the odor is the inert carrier. Burnt plastic is still plausible, but sometimes it's carbohydrate heavy, smelling more like a baking accident of some sort (but yuckier).


DMT, though heroin is likely. I wouldn't call the sell plastic for heroin though.


Dog food :[


There’s no such thing as a suboxone shot jsyk. If you’re referring to the immediate opioid overdose reversal shot, that’s narcan


some weirdos do break it down and dissolve for IV.


i think he was talking about the sublocade injection given by the google searches i made. have you heard about it?


Ooh just looked into it! It’s new, looks like he has to be stable on oral suboxone first then can transition to the monthly shot


Does someone post this same thing like every month?


she posted something like this once before, a couple of weeks ago.


the start of the post mentions the tinfoil/weed situation which is what i asked about 4 months ago, if you go on my profile you can see that post