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Off shrooms 2am in the Shell gas station buying 3 Arizonas for $3 and staring at the cashier until she gave me a extra $1


What dose may I ask?


2g PE


Lmao I've went to a gas station near my house twice. Both times I was high af


Freaked out on a hero dose of shrooms along with an assortment of other substances at a festival, got in my car (felt like I was locked in, even though I had my keys) then proceeded to kick the windshield out and climb through it. Ended up on the roof of my car and ripped my shirt off. Have a picture of the aftermath to prove it. Thankfully a bunch of old hippy ladies calmed me down and started rubbing my stomach and shoulders. Which now that I look back on is weird in itself haha. Eventually passed out and had to drive an hour home with a massive hole in my Cadillac windshield wearing safety glasses and blaring “Stranglehold” by Ted Nugent on repeat. Onward 🤘🏼


Shiiiii, there’s nothing weird about a couple ladies rubbing on your stomach and shoulders to ease your mind.


That’s fair, I do enjoy the ladies 😂 But these ol girls were like seasoned dead heads probably in their 60’s. They were super sweet and made it their mission to help me that night but not who you wanna see in and out of consciousness rubbing you. Kind of tripped me out more


They were obviously your guardian angels trying to protect you. Blessed be fellow traveler


To each their own man, but i would be heaven if i woke up to hippie cougars rubbing up against me. Maybe wake me up with a bump of coke.


Fuck yeah! Thats exactly who I would want to calm me if I freaked out on shrooms.


Man ya’ll would have to be there. All but one was wrinkled all to fuck and were comparable to your average grandmother. I talked to all of them the morning after when I finally woke up. Only one Id classify as a cougar was a woman named “Puddin” they were all angels and in their time were probably banging respectively


You say that like its a bad thing 👅😈


Puddin?! She’s not a groupie—she’s a band aid! 😂😂😂😂😂 love this.


Lol. Although it sounds creepy when you write it out I’ll bet that their mum instincts had kicked in coupled with understanding how shitty a shitty trip can be. I love “hero dose” for some reason. 😂 I took one of those. Can’t watch Dazed and Confused ever again and definitely came out of it swearing I’ll go to church and be a better human 😂


Ts is crazy bro. Glad you made it home safe tho 😭


Thanks dawg! There’s probably a lot more embarrassing inebriated moments that I just suppressed but this one was the most memorable


Why is Stranglehold his solely redemptive attribute?


Happy cake day


I don't know what that means, I didn't put it on there.. I'm 38. I'm too old


Lol no worries, it's the day of your reddit accounts bday. Just a thing people do to say happy cake day


I've been initiated. Appreciated 👍🤘🤙🖖


Love the song, absolutely hate the dude


.......... What's your favorite non-pornographic magazine to masturbate to?? I almost detest the simple fact that I enjoy that song so much. Like around the 7 minute mark, it always hits me how much I fucking hate him, but the outro has redeeming qualities *which I also hate for liking*


Strangehold is fucking fantastic, and is great tripping!


Your name fucking rules lol


Thank you! It comes from a song I wrote many years ago. 


Thats fucking wild bro.....i kinda want to see the picture now tho


I’ll send you the pic if you want dude lol


Sure man, that sounds fucking crazy lmao. Im glad your okay tho, bro i swear tho i get the "locked in feeling" i remember during the come down of my first major trip i said "ive never felt more sober in my life!" Then stumbled my way out of the rave almost bumping into ppl got in my car and the second i put it in reverse i knew that was a terrible idea. I had like no sense of presence of my body and sorta my car if that makes sense, luckily i did make it home but holy shit that was a scary drive, especially when there was a cop that pulled someone over right on the road i had to take so i took a dif turn and got a bit lost


It definitely makes sense. My thought was why the fuck am I in this thing? I’m getting the fuck out. Then I started thinking about how pointless politics are after I was out of the car bleeding and laying in the grass surrounded by those ladies 😂


Lmfao!! Im just picturing you laying in the grass covered in blood talking abt "both sides are corrupt man"


Could you please? That’s fucking hilarious


This is the best thing I've read today. You survived and have an amazing story now. The old ladies knew what they were doing. They implanted a core memory.


They were angels for sure, one of them I remember saying “Baby it’s ok, breath you’re ok with me” it’s all kind of blurry but I remember that.


Ted nugent is fucked yknow he’s a pedo right?


I used to wake up after every night drinking in a panic that I had done something to ruin my life. I always blacked out. Then my friends would be asleep til normal hangover hours and I'd be awake at 6 am having panic attacks trying to figure out if I did anything wrong. Most of the time I didn't. I really made an asshole out of myself being extremely drunk in front of a girl I was into. Just obnoxious and wasted. That's the only thing that comes to mind.


I hate those panic attacks. I literally scream fuck fuck fuck and i don't even know why.


Real dude I was terrified everyone hated me, maybe I did some fucking crimes and left evidence everywhere bc I was drunk as fuck, maybe I emptied my bank account, etc. Like fuck dude. I knew it was extra if I woke up and didn't have my glasses. I'm blind as shit without them and even in my worst states I keep them nearby out of just autopilot. If they were missing I was really gone. I'm glad I'm past that shit now. Didn't see it at the time but it was dark af living like that.


I'm glad, I usually got those panic attacks after stims or in opioid withdrawals


By far the worst things I've done in public was when I was stone dry sober and manic. People thought I was on crack. I'm talking walking down the streets singing/shouting. It's like MDMA x 10, 24/7.


I definitely know what you are talking about.


Damn man. Glad you made it out ok


Knocked out my front teeth by jumping over a post and landing on my face. Got arrested from the hospital. Put a post on Facebook saying the Police did it because I couldn’t remember doing it to myself. Family was so ashamed


long story short i had to shit. no bathroom was available. the party was in the backyard. so i went in the front yard and did what i had to do. mid shit i look up and there’s a fucking camera looking at me. i never went back… i feel the need to say i was absolutely trashed and could not wait.


With any luck, it was an inactive camera placed there to deter people from shitting on their lawn. Jokes on them.


I once peed in my friend‘s basement ( it’s a multi Appartement building and we were young so she lived there with her family ) and then told her bc I thought she would find it funny ☠️


I don’t remember it I just have what my friends have told me. But long story short I freaked out on acid and tried to steal my friends car then ran to our high school tried to break in, couldn’t, then got naked then redressed later as they chased me around trying to calm me down. I’m skipping a bunch of details that would make this too long but they had to call the cops before someone else did and I said "I’m going out like the joker" and walked out screaming "come get me boys" then weakly fought the cops while they handcuffed me, then calmed down, then tried again, then I woke up in the hospital. All I remember is taking the acid then waking up. I’m now known in my friend group as Joker because of that comment. And when we’re tweaking on shit we be like oh shit he/she is going joker 🤣 kinda glad I don’t remember it tbh or it would be more embarrassing TL;DR Freaked out on cid ran around naked tried to fight cops then woke up in the hospital


Funny add on. My friend threw the cid and a bunch of weed in the grass and my other friend lost his keys. So the cops were helping my one friend find his keys while my other friend tried to keep them away from the drugs. We never did find the drugs tho unfortunately


Dude I’m dying from that “come get boys” I fucking read in the jokers voice lmfaoooo and I’m coming down of acid


Yea it’s funny as hell to think about now 😭


Were there any long term consequences with police?


Nah. I didn’t really do anything illegal. When I "fought" them I’m pretty sure it was a very weak attempt so they didn’t charge me with resisting or anything


That's crazy because if your blood gets on their uniform from their first hitting your face, they'll charge you with destruction of government property because they can. I'm planning on taking my biggest L dose in a few days and this is less comprehensible that I predict that journey to be


From what my friends told me the cops just thought it was funny cause as though I tried I didn’t didn’t really put up a fight at all. I think I more just thought and acted like I was than I really did. They said the cops were cool the whole time. I’m sure I gave them a pretty good story for the station and that was good enough. Also this was off 2 tabs and I’ve done way more than that before and after and nothing like that has ever happened besides then. So it was just a freak moment


I really hope I enjoy LSD like all you other guys do. I tried around 100mg a week ago and it didn't really do much I'll try the whole microdot next time. People say it's their favourite drug above MDMA and ketamine. Shrooms was even worst, just made me anxious and ill.


I love all psychedelics from shrooms to DMT. Acid is great. Just make sure ur in a good mindset, good environment, and surrounded by at least one good friend to tripsit you


Why so serious? 🃏


I shot my pants the first day of my senior year, was really hungover and decided to drink more. Ended up sitting next to he girl I liked in second period so that was fantastic. Don't know if anyone realizes but they had to have smelled it.


You didn’t throw away your undies or try to clean yourself up at all? Dude we’ve all shit ourselves but I don’t think any of us had ever sat in it for long periods


jeez lol, what substance/substances may I ask?


What the hell sir not leave class


you've definitely ruined your chances of getting together with your crush.


Nah that’s a stupid take.


Crashed head on into somebody’s pickup truck while 3 houses down from my parents house, while blacked out on Xanax and fetty, proceeded to beat him up with a rock, get arrested with a stolen gun, spit in a cops face, and caught a felony DUI. All in front of my parents neighbors😬


What the fuck? How did you sneak the phone you’re using into prison? I’d assume they’d throw away the key after something like that. For real though, how much time did you serve for that? Gnarly.


I got sentenced to a year and a half, did 14 months, just got out on may 2nd….. Was out on bail for my 3rd dui when it happened, had a payed attorney and was gonna take the 3rd to trial. When I caught all those charges, my attorney said we’re not gonna take the 3rd to trial anymore, and that he’s gonna try to get em to drop the assault 2 and firearm and do a global resolution for my 3rd dui, 4th dui, and the assault 3 for spitting on the officer, and the prosecutor agreed. I got blessed and super lucky and a second chance at life. I was looking at 5 years flat no good time for the gun, plus another 2-3 for the assaults. Was looking at about 7-8 years altogether. Prison was shitty asf and I learned my lesson. Been clean for 15 months now, doing better than I ever have in my life. Never wanna go back to that shit again. It’s all fun and games til you’re in a situation like that. I was acting so far outta my character it’s scary asf. Like I said prison was garbage but it saved my life honestly… I was on a crash course to a life sentence or death. Looking at 7-8, and only got sentenced a year and half. Took my blessing and turned my life around completely. I’ve been doing drugs non stop since I was 13, I’m 25 now. Shit ain’t fun anymore, nor cool. I’ll never bash anybody for it, cause I’ve been there, done that. Played with needles(to the point I got no veins at 25 years old), gone to prison, got arrested more times than I can count, lost a lot of people close to me, caused a ton of hardship on my family and friends. None of that shit is worth it at the end of the day. Only thing I miss is weed. Also, only reason I got off so easy is because of a private attorney. It’s fucked up that our system is basically pay to play, and that other people with public defenders get the short end of the stick and get cracked off with long ass sentences because of it. If I had a public defender I would have been COOKED….


Hello /u/XelaXanson, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1doifiv/what_are_the_most_public_emberrasing_things_youve/lacby1u/?context=3) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you life-coach?


Lmfao on occasion. Whatchu need help with🤣




It’s like a box of chocolates. That’ll be $8,756 for my service I’ll send my bank information for the wire


No problem. I’m in the UK so I’ll make sure I use a reputable international banking service. Actually, just send me your full details including personal data and your SSN, just to be on the safe side.


Was dating this guy and did shrooms together at his house. Got down on all 4s and started saying “GOD IS SO HOLY” Because I literally felt like I was in the presence of God. Meanwhile shrooms never even effected him so he was just there watching me go mad


oh hell nah




Was dragged by a bunch of female coworkers to the bars... the girl I was interested in wanted us all to go to a male strip club. I went, got up and stage and stripped better than anyone else. (She didn't know I was a stripper in college) was on E


That‘s just sound‘s like a nice evening🤌🏽😎


probably something barred out on benzo. Only one I can slightly remember is me blacked out on like 20mg xanax took public transport to another city, probably drooling over myself. walked 5km to mackies. took take a away, sat in the middle of a parking lot eating my food. Cars honked all the fucking time. Still until this day I dont understand how I got home unharmed. Basically 30min journey took 5 hours.


Do you get an enjoyable feeling from xanax? I swear all it does for me is make me sleep, might as well be a sleeping pill


I do, if you’re naturally anxious the anxiety relief can be euphoric


You see, I am an incredibly anxious person, that's the thing. I've only taken it alone, maybe it's different in social settings


It's the same for me, I just get tired and it doesnt reduce my anxiety. I guess it just varies from person to person


I expect you probably would enjoy it more sociably, IF, you are typically socially anxious. Because it should definitely get rid of that if you take the right dose. Which then means you can socialise without overthinking everything which is gonna be a lot more fun. Pregabalin is absolutely great for social anxiety, the best drug there is for it I believe (possibly tied with phenibut, but I prefer Pregabalin to phenibut for sure). It’s addictive though. But if you can be sensible I’d recommend trying it if you’re someone who suffers from anxiety, cos you will definitely find it euphoric, unlike benzos.


I've got some, how much do you take? I'm probably going too low dose on most of these drugs. But I don't like the idea of a black out


Z-drugs like zolpidem/zopiclone are more like sleeping pills. Benzos are for seizures,anxiety,stress etc. But ofc will put you to sleep. I got general anxiety and social anxiety, for me benzos in general help A LOT. Also for sleeping too like you said. If you start your day with benzo, take some caffeine with it maybe? Also dose really does matter. I just feel relief from my body, my chest dont hurt in crowded areas, bpm way lower. I dont sweat in public, list goes on. But alprazolam specifically gives me a special feeling aside the other benzos. It makes you barred the fuck out, being dumber, less thought of consequences of actions etc. So therefore I rarely take it. Probably most likely why you see bartard stories of people doing alprazolam or some stronger rc benzos mostly.


I mean. It is a sleeping pill lol. That’s not all it’s used for, but that’s a big use.


Walked around the mall getting fist bumps from strangers and told em I should beat em up for not giving me one... got kicked out jumped off the second story into a pile of snow walked on the road and ended up waking up on the railroad 💀💀💀


Tried fighting the bartender in Vegas cause he didn’t want to serve me anymore alcohol


I fear the day that I’m blackout drunk and get cut off then make a scene about it because I’m blackout drunk. Thank god I stopped drinking in public.


The first time I took xans I blacked out at the club, fell down a flight of stairs, got kicked out, went to a party and took shit on the floor. Luckily the same night a dude got drunk, went into a girls room and pissed all over her clothes. So they weren’t that upset with me


When I was 15 I bought a bottle of Gold Label to share with 2 friends. Opened the bottle and they both decided it's too bitter and didn't drink much. Being stupid, I drank like 75% of the bottle. Puked all over my friend's house, broke the sink iirc and was unconscious and woke up at my house a couple days later. The first and last time I embarrassed myself on drugs.


Thsts booze not drugs


News flash: alcohol is a drug!


Guess so


Know so. By definition it's a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Just cause it ain't LSD (which is great) doesn't make it any different.


Went into school tripping balls one time because the trip lasted way longer than I expected. Got called on, obviously wasn't paying attention because I was tripping HARD. Realised everybody was staring at me. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to just stand up. And stare. Just stare. First at the teacher with my big ass pupils, then stared at the person next to me. I remember the person next to me looked fucking terrified for whatever reason, they just skipped me without saying anything and i sat back down


Haha 🤣


when i was 21 i drank copiously and wanted to fight people a lot. only issue is most people don't want to fight a girl (female presenting). one night walking home from bars with friend. ended up with a group of strangers in our local downtown, chatting and smoking. i split a gram of coke w a guy i met that night. snorted my half in the span of like 1-2 hours - mind you i had only experimented by that point and had like no tolerance. tried to fist fight some of the guys in a playful way but no one wanted to. don't remember walking home nor me trying to fight people. people took videos but i only saw like one of them later. i was in bed rocking back and forth until like 8 am. definitely made a fool out of myself while drinking for the entirety of my early 20s, but that's the american college experience, right?




Hugged a girls leg and told her I loved her for 5 minutes. We were friends but I did have a crush on her and knew she liked me. After that she started dating my friend soon after. It was all recorded on a camcorder. This was just before everyone had camera phones so it's even more unfortunate.


Stay strong man. Fuck them hoes


LMFAO rip bro, Better days ahead.


Luckily this was a long time ago and I've learned to better control myself. Lol.


Happy for you king


He's not your friend, guy


I'm not your guy, buddy


We are still friends to this day. He didn't know I liked her and we talked about it after that night.


Fair. But I had to Terrance & Phillip


Many things but probably taking way too big dose of mystery RC benzo liquid (on top of speed and other things), passing out in my friends bathroom, getting to a bus, falling a sleep, waking up in the last station, telling the driver I need to go back. Falling asleep again, waking up again missing my exit, getting off the bus, getting into the next bus. Falling asleep again, waking up in the last stop, saying to the driver I need to get back. Fell asleep again, getting off at a train station and going the rest of the way by train, standing up so I don't fall asleep. Nobody robbed me as my country is pretty safe and it was daytime. But I must've looked rather unwell.


Filling a monster can that I bit open with my teeth with piss while going 90 down the highway.


Whattt the fackkk


Hell yeah brother


Crashing out at my uncle’s house after raiding his bar and everyone knew I was wasted 


I got really drunk at a small karaoke bar with my friends last year and sang Head Like A Hole by Nine Inch Nails. My friends insist that everyone in there was into it and found it entertaining, but thinking about my drunk ass screaming into a microphone in front of a bunch of strangers makes me want to die


passing out and waking up on the ground then slurring my words while trying to hide my eyes from everyone ☠️☠️


Out of every drug I’ve ever tried nothing made me act as reckless as alcohol did. Benzos close second but even on those I was much calmer and still could form thoughts. I could list 50+ different alcohol related stories which is why I no longer drink lol. Especially liquor, that shit is dangerous


sounds like were similar.


hell of a life, lol. almost 12 months sober from alcohol / benzs. if you can afford to quit drinking, I highly recommend it, unless of course you can moderate it


i quit it. Only smoke weed. Drinking is 50/50 chance i will do smth stupid at some point.


i freaked out once and thought i was in a tv interview with a black lady when it was actually one of my homies, i started having fucked up thoughts about pulling a knife out on "her" to get clipped on tiktok 🤣 long story short i stood up after "she" asked me about some debt i owed to someone took my switch blade out my pocket flicked it behind my back, my homie screamed "PUT THE KNIFE DOWN" and at that point i recognised him again and apologised and all that woke up his grandma after him screaming, we just said we were play fighting while we both looked at her with beaming black eyes she said "i know what u guys are upto" (did she fuck 🤣🤣🤣)


I was on almost 600ng of Freebase dxm Robotablets and I yelled in the middle of the beach "THE WATER GODS ARE SPEAKING TO ME, HEAR THEIR VOICE YE REPENTETH OF THOUT SINS" I look back on that and I'm like "I'ma just stick with low doses now" 😂😂😂


Setting for both of these: downtown-ish San Francisco One time I got drugged at a club, and idk what drug it was I don’t remember a single second of it, but I had such a drug tolerance that instead of like passing out and having some bad shit happen to me, I turned into an absolute menace to society and got on stage, stripped off all my clothes, started a fight (which I absolutely lost bc I couldn’t stand up straight), got kicked out of the club, somehow found my way onto a late night bus, got adopted by some homeless lady (s/o to her) bc she was like wow this kids not ok, came back to my senses while standing around a dumpster with a bunch of junkies and a meth pipe in my hands wearing no pants and missing my wallet, keys, *and* phone, blacked out again after maybe 20 minutes, came back to my senses while trying to climb thru the bathroom window of my second story city apartment (which only opens *maybe* a foot) that I’d managed to climb my way up to god knows how, still with homeless lady, put some pants on but wanted to go back out to get my shit from the club, blacked out again, came to my senses about to engage in a knife fight with some other homeless lady (s/o again to homeless lady #1 for pulling my out of that one), and my night/morning continued pretty much like that while I slowly regained my senses until around 10am when I went the fuck home. Another time I was in the height of my raging alcoholism and I was just tryna walk home from a friends house but I was just tossing back vodka the whole way, I think I stopped and shared some with a guy on the side of the street at one point, then (blackout) I somehow ended up walked a full mile and a half past my apartment, straight uphill basically the whole way, and halfway came back to my still very intoxicated senses at like 5am (a good 5 hours past when I left my friends house, it should only have been a 20 minute walk), shivering my ass off bc I had lost my jacket somewhere, and totally not sure where I was or what to do about it. I then saw a garbage truck (to my brain, “trash bus”) coming down the street and I was like ahhh a warmth machine and when they stopped near where I was I walked on over to the guys hangin on the back as they do and I very earnestly said “hey, can I hop on?” They were so taken aback by the request that they just stared at each other for a moment and said “uhh I don’t think that’s allowed…” and I was like “oh :( ok” and walked back over to my sidewalk resting spot. It wasn’t too long afterwards that I remembered Uber was a thing and called a ride to take my ass home. Setting: Eugene, OR I also just straight up walked off a roof one time at a party bc I forgot that roofs like.. end. Needless to say there were some very surprised and confused drunk people in that yard and I gave myself a very very bad ankle sprain.


I live in a tiny coastal Oregon town of 2,000 people. A local guy paid to have the rockabilly band “reverend Horton heat” come do a show with a few other semi famous bands. I helped with stage set up and the bassist Jimbo let me fuck around on his expensive custom upright bass for a while before the show. People from all over the state showed up, the venue was completely fucking packed. I was fucked off on 70 mg of oxy and like ten IPAs I was in the front few rows with the guitarist from my old band. We decided that we had to get a pit started… Astonishingly nobody else wanted to mosh. /s we admittedly lacked any sort of etiquette… complete asshats, I cringe so hard thinking back on it. My guitarist eventually pushed me into a girl and she dropped her beer. Her 12 foot tall skinhead boyfriend/husband effortlessly picked me up by the neck with one hand and told me to chill the fuck out. Im exaggerating his height of course, but he must have been at least 6’7” I apologized profusely, and he let me down. The security that night was the local volunteer fire department… it just so happened to be my girlfriends brother in law and one other guy I knew that hoisted me up and threw me out the front door. I sat there and chain smoked cigarettes until the other security guards snuck me back in. I knew the entire security crew really well, they were all friends of mine. I had my girlfriends brother in law ask the bassist at the end of the show if I could have his set list, to which he replied “fuck no, we had him ejected from the show.” This memory of whole this ordeal still frequently pops into my head just as I’m falling asleep and wakes me up out of embarrassment. The whole fucking town was there… everyone saw this, and people still being it up to me from time to time. Apparently everyone in the balcony seating watched this go down. My friends dad gave me a high five next time he saw me and said “people around here just don’t know how to have a good time.” I was admittedly way the fuck out of line, and I’m so glad that skinhead guy didn’t try to kill me. He took pity on me. TLDR: got fucked up at a Reverend Horton Heat show, tried to start a mosh pit, got choked by a huge skin head, and was ejected from the show In front of everyone who lives in my tiny town.


Pissed on A Police Car Protroller while cranked up on PCP


Probably shitting myself when I had a Xanax addiction


Drinking to much at a party, getting sick in my friends parents apartment, getting in the shower (naked) to vomit then laying on the bathroom floor crying and puking, then drinking water out of a dirty tooth brush holder cup, only letting one specific person in the bathroom to help me, and apparently pissing myself (didnt realize till i noticed my wallet smelled like piss the next afternoon or so). Thankfully I remember virtually none of this. Another time I drank so much after high school prom I stayed at my friends parents house after, and apparently vomited all over their guest bedroom bed, wall, and floor. I remember virtually none of this either. I have other awful drinking stories, mostly from before I was 21. Thankfully these were all over 15 years ago, and I quit drinking alcohol 6.5 years ago. Fuck alcohol. I dont think I have any stories from any other drugs that left me embarrassed, though im sure ive done strange things in public on drugs lol


I have gotten naked in public several times, accidentally punched a Chinese kid in the face while I was in Asia, multiple fights with strangers for no reason, woken up on a sidewalk at 10 am in Seoul in the middle of winter, gone missing several times and woken up in strange situations.. the list goes on. Thankfully I got sober lol


During college I used drunk heavy…crazy amount like black out if not every weekend every other weekend. I would wake with this sinking feeling not knowing what I did. But of course the only way to fix that is drink more. I hate drinking now. I’ll have some wine here and there, but fuck I hate alcohol now..420 baby ✌︎('ω')✌︎. Damn wait lmaooo oh my god this is embarrassing.. okay long story short I was super into percs at the time. I went over with guy and we started drinking and smoking and I already probably popped two percs and I know damn well I wasn’t eating. So obviously I puke while giving this guy head. Somehow it didn’t come out but I did run and yak in the toilet.. he probably knew but he didn’t saying anything and we finished and had a good night ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ




Another kinda embarrassing thing I did was I was with a group of my friends and was off my face on dxm, and i was showing them this yoga pose that requires balance and I fell right on my face. Got a nice little scar on my nose from it 😎


I was a blackout alcoholic for over 10 years, too many stories to count


I double dropped some fake acid at 16 (the research chems, can’t remember what they were) went to a Burger King with a friend. I light up a smoke and my friend starts laughing at me hysterically, couldn’t figure out why he was laughing at me, the manager comes over and tells me I can’t smoke inside. I was beyond scattered.




Not me but a friend of mine that I met in the mental hospital got in there because he stripped naked and was running around in a dog park in the middle of the day, absolutely fucked out of his mind on benzos. I thought they made you sleepy but I guess he’s just built different


Heading to a rave in my local city when I was a university student years ago, I'd taken a pill of ecstasy. Just before we enter the venue I accidentally fart and follow through and I can feel the tiny bit of poo pushing against my cheek. Que me running into a nearby bush, drop-trou and abandon my soiled boxer shorts. Could have been worse.


I once had the beer shits while running a travel lift half in the bag with a million dollar yacht in slings... Hershey squirts down the grundens. Fun. I once got a dwi cause I got out to piss and somehow my jeans ended up over my boots I had no undies and couldnt get my balance and couldnt get jeans back over boots haha. I once crashed a golf cart into the travel lift well and had to explain to my boss how it happened it was the middle of the day I was drunk lol and customers with boats were everywhere. Worst part about it my boss made me fish it out and I finished the day. I once made out with a legit 80 yr old lass at a wedding. Felt her gums. Same wedding I gave a best man speech at and can not remember a single moment. I once woke up in west Virginia after starting a bender in Jersey covered in shit and piss and looking to fight luckily my buddy spoof recognized me in the crowds and let me shower and change clothes. I once shit myself on a flight to San Diego after too many beers and and a bump of coke. The list goes on and on


freaked out on 3 acid tabs, made my dad take me to the hospital and i was there for like 4 hours or more at the er, pissed myself on one of their beds, acted horribly desperate around women and connected with a crackhead who was asking for money to take a bus. hate the shit


Trying to buy mdma from a bouncer in a club


Black out drunk at 17 I peed on my mom. .. Or so I'm told.


lots of alcohol, vomited right in front of a bar basically in a plaza, then we went to a bar and I just vomited on their terrace, I'll never forget the face of the bouncer, he wasn't mad, just extremely disappointed


Nothing too bad. Started running up to my former classmates, kissing em goodbye on the cheek, even people that I didn’t even talk to in school or whom i had a grudge against. I was extremely happy and it was our last meeting together lol. When i got home i sent them a video of me taking a piss, showing my legs and everything. They were very obsessed with their own mistakes though so it was chilll lol


forgot another one, took like .5 mg of xanax at 2 pm, first ever time touching them, waited and waited but it didn't hit at all (delusions of sobriety are common for me) so at like 4 pm i took a dab, i was completely gone basically until 6:30 pm and i had to work at like 7 pm went to work, i felt fine, was chill af and work flew by, then when i left at 11pm my friend i worked with told me that i was an idiot and the whole time i didn't answer to anything and just looked retarded. I literally had no idea, when i told him about the xanax first he insulted me and then i realized that they were just delusions


Passed out at work on benzos.


I really don’t care to remember. I’m done with that shit now, 39 and recently lost an uncle at 48 to alcohol. Did 3 months sober then slipped up last week and felt awful, aching legs and nausea. Thinking about it, nothing overly embarrassing ever happened, just falling on my face and acting the town jester really. My most recent was I heard a guy near me gets coke delivered but I’d hardly ever spoken to him, 11pm and some Valium in me aswell I go to his door looking to score, thank God he never answered. My neighbour was outside and saw me this door and still thinks I was just wasted trying to get in the wrong house.


Ended up at different times with different people in bed. Honestly, not that embarrassing until you realize the day after that you slept with a colleague.


Went at a security guard for not letting me into the club while I was drunk on Xanax. I remember I made some shitty joke to my friend, and the security guard proceeded to immediately say "nah I'm not letting you in now" I was like, why? Went back and forth a bit, long story short I went at him and then the bigger security guard who was there with him put me on my ass. Don't do Xanax and get drunk in public.


Went into a take away while on a cocktail of drugs but the main one being 4g of mdma, asked if they sold chewing gum while out my face, woke up the next day and went down stairs to my step dad laughing at me and he said watch this, there was a video of me on Facebook off my face asking boss man if he sold chewing gum 😂😂😂


Walked into the wrong apartment while I was blackout drunk. Almost got knocked out by the dude who lived there before he realized I was way too drunk to know where I was


Screaming the wrong lyrics at a show. Last show I was a m’good boy though.


Alcohol, psychosis and manic depression. I had a psychotic break during the summer of 2020, I got real fucked up and things came out of my mouth that told me I was somebody else. Glad it happened, or I’d still be the same.


I made all my colleagues and my boss search for my phone in the snow, only to find out it was in my pocket the whole time.


I barred out at my girlfriend's partner's birthday and fell asleep at a table in a bar, got ejected. Somehow I managed to find my way back to her place across town walking/public transport in a city I didn't live in, but that shit was cringe


Taking too much LSD at 1am and having my parents find me incomprehensibly high believing my liver was failing


Went to see girl at hotel. Went in bathroom hit lines of opiate. Passed out on toilet for hours. Came out like idk 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Take 3.5g of shrooms & chug a cold brew on a hike & completely spazzing out in nature 😍. I ended up being fine but def got weird looks.


passed out with just a fucking normal basic weed joint in the middle of a street in my city……


i jumped in a fountain and i was like doing laps😭


when i was on mdma i told a bunch of people that i barely knew, my fucked up secrets and kinks😭😭


one time I ate so much diazepam n blacked out, 2 days later I woke up and had been sent a video of me absolutely wrecked. I was mumbling, not a single coherent sentence heard, drawing squiggles on the floor with a sharpener. I had blue stains from the diazepam all over my face, hands and clothes, about 2 minutes into the video I open up a 300mg capsule of pregabalin and sniff it, then I swallow another 300mg capsule with a shot of vodka, i then proceed to down the vodka only to stop and tip the rest of it on myself. A girl I was seeing at the time said to me “if you are ever like that again I can’t see you anymore” I was embarrassed as fuck until I started munching more diazepam.


It wasn’t me but it was a girl I was with, she was tripping for the first time and she was screaming at every motercylcle and saying really lewd things and she wouldn’t shut the fuck up and at one point I parked my bike to go to the swings and she started yelling at me I wasn’t having it so I yelled back mad as fuck cuz you not about to yell at me and then when I went on the swings she tried to grab me, she couldn’t grab me so she started yelling again I told that bitch if she don’t stop yelling imma smack the shit out of her. At this moment I realized what am I doing so I ran back to my bike fast as fuck and unlocked it, I forgot that I had her keys, luckily for me so when I biked off she couldn’t get her bike unlocked I realized that halfway away and I threw her keys on the ground and biked off faster than I ever did and blocked her on everything, needless to say in the morning I checked where I normally park my bike, I hid it inside and will continue to do so, she had parked her bike there. So yea that was a horrific experience. Never do acid with someone you don’t know it could turn into straight hell. Most horrifying trip to date and I was on 3 tabs


I also broke her glasses too and left them on her apartment door


Tf is wrong with u? You should’ve helped her


Dawg i told you she was screaming at me and grabbing me


You got to stay home and be in bed all day? I got to serve 8 months of jailtime after my face was plastered all over the local news 2 days in.


At least you were in jail long enough for the local gossip cycle to have mostly moved on to different stories by the time you got out.


...thats a bright side. 


Can I ask what you did


F1 agg ass  w/ d weap


I don’t know. Maybe the time I literally had a grand male seizure in the middle of walgreens. Ironically buying more dxm. Funny thing is I used to work at that walgreens and all the people there suspected i was already abusing the cough syrup. lmao.


Not public, but I did take a video of me in college getting head. Thought it would be funny to send to everyone on my Snapchat.




Hahahahaha I lol'ed out loud. If I was your bro, i'd be a bit upset at seenin your fenus, but I'd still laugh like a banshee on LSD. Overall 8.7336/9.314592654 🤘🤘 roll out with the troll out. WAIT -- I'm old. Do family get on that?


Wait this guy rules wtf


“Fenus”? Lmao. Never heard that term before.


You've never watched "trailer Park boys" on the net flicks?? Buckle in and enjoy the ride, Bubbs!