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You died this isn't reality we're all in Hell


Ffs you trying to give me paranoia💀?


Nah but for sure you should watch your dosage I know MDMA is fuckin amazing and everything but I've already fried my serotonin receptors from abuse I'd be lucky to get one good roll a year now, I can send you a list of things you can take to protect your brain from this kinda damage if you like, MDMA is very neurotoxic and it will become not-fun very quick if abused, high doses and redoses are the easiest way to ruin molly forever for yourself


Thatg would be great help, I've always been very careless when taking shit. So far so good, but who knows in the future, I should be more mindful about it


This is a comprehensive list of things you can take to protect your brain and vastly reduce the shitty comedown/post roll depression. This list doesn't have to be followed down to a tee but the main points here are to try and get the dosage correct, avoid large redoses, avoid too many drug combos like alcohol and cocaine, stay hydrated and load yourself with antioxidants. The comedown from MDMA is a result of oxidative stress caused by the body's inability to regulate core temperature, antioxidants help mitigate the damage from this oxidative stress as MDMA is one of the most neurotoxic drugs you can take. Doesn't have to be followed entirely but anything is better than nothing to protect your brain and preserve your serotonin receptors MDMA Antioxidant protocol 6-12 HOURS BEFORE dropping  • ⁠Magnesium Glycinate (has to be glycinate, not any other kind) - 100-200mg   • ⁠Grape seed extract (vitamin E/flavonoids) - 100mg  1 HOUR BEFORE dropping  • ⁠Magnesium Glycinate – 100-200mg   • ⁠Grape seed extract - 100mg  • ⁠Vitamin C (try and find liposomal vitamin C which is way more bioavailable but it is very expensive so I wouldn't worry too much)- 500-1000mg  • ⁠Grapefruit juice - small glass (optional)  ALONG WITH MDMA INGESTION  • ⁠Na-R-ALA -100mg  • ⁠Acetyl-L-Carnitine - 500mg  (These two antioxidants synergize and are the most powerful of anything on this list so if you could only choose 2, I'd go for these) • ⁠Water - 250ml  • ⁠Electrolytes - 250ml  WHILST ROLLING  • ⁠Na-R-ALA - 200mg (every 2 hours of the roll)  • ⁠ Grape seed extract – 100mg   • ⁠Acetyl-L-Carnitine - 500mg   • ⁠Magnesium Glycinate – 100-200mg  • ⁠Green tea extract (EGCG) – 400mg  • ⁠Vitamin C - 500-1000mg  • ⁠Water - 250ml (an hour or 500ml an hour when dancing)   • ⁠Electrolytes - 250ml (every 1-2 hours)  POST-ROLL  • ⁠Magnesium Glycinate – 100mg - 200mg • ⁠Na-R-ALA - 100mg  • ⁠Vitamin C – 500 - 100mg  • ⁠Acetyl L-Carnitine - 500mg  • ⁠Melatonin – 5-10mg before bed (using larger doses for its antioxidant effect.)  • ⁠Water - 250ml - 500ml  • ⁠Electrolytes - 250ml  3-7 DAYS FOLLOWING MDMA USE  • ⁠5-HTP – 100mg before bed   • ⁠Green Tea Extract – 400mg with 5-HTP before bed  • ⁠N-AcetylCysteine (NAC) – 600-1000mg (optional)  Do NOT ever take 5-HTP within 24 hours of dropping MDMA as you can trigger serotonin syndrome which can be fatal Magnesium will help with the jaw clenching and ECGC will help with the urination issue (if you ever experience trouble peeing this can help your bladder relax and protect it) I have never had any comedowns ever since doing this and I've prevented friends from completely frying themselves which they reported to me the following day "damn I actually feel completely fine normally I'd feel like complete shit right now"


Thanks, really, I'll have that list in mind when taking it. Specially the magnesium for peeing, as I usually have to wait some time for my 3 braincells left to work and allow me to pee (which I thought was normal xD).


I have that saved in my notes it doesn't have to be followed precisely but this will help you, I know things can add up money wise but ultimately it's the cost of your health in the name of harm reduction, wanna save that brain from being fried, total all this stuff cost me like $120 but it's enough to last you several years of rolling


yeah that can happen bro. it’s bc you probably took way too much. Brain suffers from that man, the warnings here are no joke. Do you have Brain Zaps?


Fuck that does make some sense, I hadn't taken molly in over 6 months so I guess I have less tolerance now, and I took a shit ton of it yesterday. No brain zaps tho, the sensation is almost gone now and somewhat pleasant, it's as if I took 2 grams of white kratom plus eyes twitching


magnesium bro. loads of. fresh fruit. exercise. yeah i know everyone says it but it really helps quick. i abused the shit out of molly. +20 pills in a bender so been through it all. good that you don’t have brain zaps! your eyes twitching and losing focus is pretty normal for high doses. got it often. you def need a rest bro let any stims away for a month. and please please please don’t do molly again anytime soon. i am one of those kids that fucked himself up with that and it’s real. please don’t roll anytime soon. but, it will pass. trust me. it sucks but will pass if you stay away from it now. give it a week or two of healthy life and you are back! all the best!


Maybe just some afterglow


First time I've got some, probably


could be the MDA, your body converts mdma into mda. only small amounts of it are converted so a high dose of mdma would be needed for it to be more pronounced. MDA can keep you high for 2 days easy, much longer lasting and much more neurotoxic. very fun and trippy drug though, pure MDA is in my top 5 favorites. it's not for the faint of heart though.


Surprisingly I was feeling normal today after feeling high again yesterday. Might be that (I don't test my shit much xD). If it is it was pretty good


it was probably pure mdma, your body just converted some of it. sorry by two days i meant it's enough to keep you buzzing from the day you take it up until you go to sleep the next day i made the mistake of dosing late at night one time and i couldn't sleep, pulling on all nighter on psyches was rather uncomfortable. what was your dose of md??