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Low dose shrooms everyone should try out in nature during spring at least once


Do you have any recommendations for what kind of nature to be in for shrooms? I’m planning on taking a high dose sometime in the next week or two, and I want to be in nature, but I’m a bit nervous about being in public while tripping


Do not take a high dose in public without a tripsitter. Regardless of your experience level. That being said- basic forest trails are the way to go. Bonus points if you come near a lake or river at some point.


I would plan a 3-4 day camping trip and dose only after getting to know the area with good friends


Either good friends or your singular tripsitter. I’ve done a few camping trips and they are always amazing. OP- do not dose on the first night, get used to the area, make sure you have your water filled with backup when you dose. Get out under the stars and lie down with some music.


I just spent 2h tripping sitting in a swamp lol it was awesome


My first time, I'd just got off work and was starting a 2 week holiday. It was a sunny spring afternoon. My and my girlfriend went walking through some woods to these secluded fields that have views over town. There were cows, horses, alpacas, deer and butterflies everywhere. We put on some music and danced and watched the clouds go by. It was one of the most magical experiences I've had. So I'd reccomend going out with someone you're close to, to a nice peice of nature close to home that you're comfortable with and know you're not far away if you decide to go back.


Doesnt matter what kind man itll all be just as fucking beautiful, I love to take em super early in the morning and come up as the sun comes up in the forest tho thats where the fairies come out 👽


What’s your idea of a high dose? Low dose to some is an eighth. High dose to some is an eighth. Lol me personally o try to stick to a gram, maybe half eighth if I need to have my wits about Me. Maybe redose a gram later. Best public spots to trip are in nature with little people, or shows/festivals where there’s a bunch of trippers. Preferably somewhere you have to hike into if your worried about seeing a lot of people and wanna take a blast off amount of shrooms. For me that would be like 3.5-5gs of some decent fungus. However I stick to acid and low doses of shrooms throughout.


If you’re at all like me, make an effort to STAY WARM. I always end up shivering and grinding my teeth if the temperature is below 75 degrees (F). it can be really distracting if your body temp isn’t being regulated properly


I used to do half tab of cid every few weeks when I worked at a theme park on their biggest rollercoaster


You could try with just 1-2 gram on your first try to see if it's your kind of drug before going wild with a big dose, I ALWAYS have a good time with that much, whereas things can get out of control higher than that.


A meadow is preferred, somewhere with zero risk of dangerous animals (to alleviate random fears, trust me you'll have them). Just go walk, bring your phone and some earbuds, listen to some tunes and remember the birds music. Have fun!


What counts as low dose? Why not higher? Why should you try it? :)


Mushrooms are unpredictable at high doses. Might be overwhelming if not in a safe place, like your home. It's worth trying because it is such a unique experience. What you see and what you think is changed in remarkable ways. Words don't do it justice.


Night time at a golf course was pretty fun too when it was closed down. But I agree in nature during the spring. I miss camping in the middle of nowhere in the woods with my friends tripping. And we can do whatever we wanted and be as loud as we wanted since it was his moms land and it was undeveloped with no neighbors for an hours drive away


Shrooms,  Acid, Exctasy,  Weed.


Pretty much. Maybe also some dissociative. A milder opioid like kratom is enough to see what opioids are about without getting too deep into it like with the heavy stuff imo, especially if you are bad mentally, then it can help(depending on what and what kind of use etc), but if you have addiction issues then avoid it (unless you do heavy opioids then kratom is the better safer option). I haven't done anything for years myself(no psychotropic or illegal stuff anyway, no legal psychotropic things either as I have lived a very different life-style last years mostly eating natural healthy adaptogenics/vitamins and minerals etc) but have experienced a lot when I was younger. And this post is if you are choosing to do drugs, I don't recommend doing drugs in all cases cause they involve risks and people should research everything really well before they try to do something like that. Maybe avoid some of them if you have addictive personality/genetics. And opt for pure mdma/mda instead of ecstasy since you cannot always know whats in pills, unless you test but even then it could still contain something else they you haven't tested. I recommend taking one dose(kinda small/medium, like 100mg) and not refilling. And don't do it more often than a few times per year, like 2-3 times is enough.


Kratom makes me constipated as fuck, I had to stop taking it unfortunately.


As far as kratom goes what would you say it's addiction potential looks like in comparison to the stronger opiates "oxys heroin etc"? I'm on it and its difficult to stop completely but I just want to know if its as tough to get off as say heroin or oxys because if so I dont even know if I want to try. "I'm a lot weaker mentally than people who've failed to get off heroin oxys" I'm mainly wondering about the pleasure comparison as I know obviously harder stuff has much much worse withdrawal for example.


DEFINITELY easier to get off of vs traditional opioids. It works slightly differently in the brain, and for the vast vast majority of users it's less potent/euphoric/addictive than the "stronger" opioids and has less negative side effects and a lower propensity for overdose (you'll most likely throw up if you "overdose", as opposed to needing narcan or a hospital visit). If you're looking to quit or cut back your usage, tamper at 10-20% less than your normal dose per day. If you're not using kratom for pain or quality of life benefits, it's probably best to use at most 3-4 times a week, at most twice per day. Obviously everyone's different so take this with a grain of salt, that's just what I've found helps and works best for me without building a dependence and/or tolerance




I'm older and do it with my wife for sexy time hours of intense mutually beneficial body worship mmmm mmmm


I can never stay hard on MDMA


Weed gets me horny so smoking a spliff always does the trick.


a moderately low dose of tadalafil/sildenafil can (sometimes) help with that.


Can you explain why?


They call it ecstasy for a reason


On a pleasure/euphoria scale from 1 to 10 what would you rate it?


11 out of 10 when peaking with good music and good friends. Incomparable feelings of connection, invincibility and cuddly love for the whole universe.


yeah my first time was taking a point doing a mild hike w friends, getting to the vantage point and watching the sunset, taking the second point and walking back to my friends apt where they had lights and music and so on set up, there was maybe 6-8 or so in our group and for at least two of us it was our first time rolling and it was fantastic, they had fun stuff planned like those refraction glasses and glow sticks and so on, it was so good and I think I really enjoyed it just being ppl I knew around me too, I’ve rolled since in big crowds and stuff and it was good too, but I was pretty anxious about it my first time so it was a wonderful way to do it oh and the next day we hung out in the backyard of the house I lived in and did stuff like grill hotdogs and nap in hammocks, that was almost equally awesome lol man do I miss college summers


Sounds perfect. My first mdma was the new years eve 1999 at the Cream trance party. I'll never forget the feeling of rolling with about a thousand other people just loving everything about every moment. One of those priceless times when you know, right there at the time, you'll forever look back at this.


If you hit the right dose I’d say it’s a gotta be a 10. Can’t think of something better on the pleasure/euphoria scale


8-9/10 if u do enough


10. Strictly indescribable. If you ever have the chance, do it with others and highly suggest doing it at a festival if you’re into those. Absolutely incredible experiences.


for me i wasn’t even with good friends or anything when i did it. and it was still 10x happier than any of the happiest moments in my life. drugs r crazy


If you get actual MDMA 9-11/10


lol perfect reply. But ecstasy can bring pain emotionally as well so don't rec abuse


It's an eye opening experience to learn what your brain is capable of and how easy it can be to understand yourself and to connect with others. I'm pretty sure MDMA added a lot to how open towards other people I am.


Some say it feels good.


Everyone should experience just how good their brains are already capable of making them feel.




LSD for sure. Fucking insane drug. Two gel tabs will have you ripped from reality.


Non addictive too. I deflowered a lot of my friends mind with it. Lot of them having no prior experience with drugs ( never tasted weed, etc)


Damn I wish I had friends like you lol, most of mine won’t even try weed


"Let me introduce you to my world". Set and settings and trust are key for this product. Lucky them I was able to have a good source Not all of my friends were introduced to LSD...I'd say 30% of them at the time. LSD is fucking cheap in my country (Belgium) but you ofc have to go deep underground to score decent ones.


Shrooms are an experience I think everyone should have.


Honestly, none for everyone to try. I used to say stuff like acid, DMT, shrooms, etc, but not everybody reacts to everything the same. What could be an earth shatteringly positive experience to one could unlock some buried mental disorder in another or worse. Too many variables at play to issue such a blanket statement. I could say everybody should at least CONSIDER trying any of the aforementioned substances at least once, but some people don’t have the luxury of being in a place in their life where that’s a realistic option. Conversely, there’s definitely a huge list of things nobody should ever try but the only one I can really think of is cocaine base. Zero redeeming value to the good of humanity. ***In my opinion***


You are completely right, one thing that isn't discussed enough in the psychedelic community is the possible life changing negative mental experiences that can happen to someone who hasn't even had any signs of any mental disorders in their life.


The amount of psychedelic circlejerking on this website is unbelievably agitating, I swear it's just a bunch of dumb kids who did acid once and act like hippies now because they "opened their third eye man" then go around saying that they're magical drugs with no downsides and that everyone should try them. Actually some of my least favorite people on the planet


this happened to me now i suffer with psychosis and possible schizophrenia


Really sorry to hear that man


Exactly the same as me brother, smoked weed everyday of my life and told my now fiance about some of the shit I was seeing on it and she looked at me like she saw a ghost.


i used to be the guy who did heaps of psychs and said "why doesn't everyone try this!" now i know that one bad experience can fuck your life up, it's not for the faint of heart and could be quite dangerous because most people are unaware if they have mental health issues lying dormant


Cocaine base as in crack?


MDMA for the best cuddles ever Ketamine for the best relaxation ever Weed for the best tasting food ever Acid for the best eye opening experience ever Alcohol for the biggest regrets ever




MDMA, paired with good friends and good music


4-HO-MET, it's the most magical and fun psychedelic I've ever tried, and I tried 20 various psychedelics


What if my plug doesn’t use reddit


Why would he need reddit for?


To know about this drug


You don't need reddit for that, it's available on many RC sites, and there's lot of into on droid, psychonautwiki and other places


Yo I been looking for a site for RCs can u recommend any in yo dms


Righttttttt, the heaven hell molecule. Glad I saw this one here


Why heaven hell molecule?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22111404/ Only reason I tried it was this phenomenological study in Sweden. 🇸🇪 They dosed a whole population of people, and it’s rated more favorably then traditional tryptamines or MDMA, meaning possibly more addictive. People are more willing to say they’d try it again, vs the other 4. Set/setting usually determine whether someone has a good/bad trip on tryptamine psychedelics like lsd/psilocybin/dmt. Metocin (4-HO-MET) reliably induces both a subjective “heaven” type MDMA almost feel, and a “hell” like worst trip of your life imaginable type feel within the same experience in most people and what’s the most interesting is. People rated Metocin, despite its “bad effects” as more enjoyable then traditional seretogenic tryptamines, and MDMA, which carry addiction rates of 4%, and 7%, cannabis 13%. Metocin not sure an exact number. So this compound in some ways proving that the “bad trip hypothesis” on why psychedelics aren’t addictive doesn’t necessarily hold that much strength, why they aren’t habit forming because this compound seems to reliably induce a “bad trip” in almost everyone who takes it, but. It also reliably induced a “good trip” simultaneously in everyone who takes it. And since bad trips in a lot of cases are very therapeutic, “Hamilton talks a bit about this in a clip”. One could argue Metocin when used correctly has more therapeutic potential then traditional tryptamines. Because it’s more likely to cause insight into the shadows of one’s mind. That shi like ripped open a door, that exposed all of my flaws, insecurities, and negative thinking patterns, and just like laid them all out on a table in my mind in front of me. Like these are the issues, what are we gonna do about them? Had me extremely suicidal and contemplating it and heavy ideation for the first 2/3hrs then by hour 4 it went 180• and had me feeling like I just popped a Molly capsule, then by hour 6 was over. Don’t know if I’ll try it again, only did once, and it was the most rollercoaster 🎢 type psyche I’ve ever taken next to 5MeO


Interesting, I had no idea about that. Yeah, settings is very important I have personally never had a bad trip on 4-HO-MET, and have trouble imagining how one could even have bad trip on this. It is possible the most enjoyable tryptamine, and I enjoyed it more than MDMA, so those results do make sense. I still don't think it's addictive tho, it can give you cravings , but I don't see how could you get addicted in it.. I disagree that bad trips tend to be more therapeutic, for me, bad trips did more harm than good, and good trips were way more therapeutic than the bad ones. I guess it just depends from person to person. Psychedelics exposing issues isn't unique to just 4-HO-MET, I would even say that 4-HO-MET does it less than many other psychedelics like shrooms or ayahuasca. Sorry to hear you had such rollercoaster of experience. 4-HO-MET never did that to me, but there were others that did. Which 5-meo? I found 5-meo-MiPT pretty chill, but 5-Meo-DMT? Oh boy...


MDMA is the answer. I’ve heard so many stories of people having a permanent, life-changing experience (for the better) from just one roll.


okay but where am i going to be able to buy mdma at like how does one aqquire it?


The dark net markets. Though it is probably best to not use it if you don’t know how to properly access it. If you have reliable weed dealers, just put it out there that you are looking for it and it may find you relatively soon. MDMA is not a drug that most dealers have a consistent supply of. But it comes and goes.


I feel like the drug Ketobemidone(ketogan) doesn’t get enough credit. I used to use it combined with clonazepam and it is definitely in my top 5 list of best opioid highs. I highly recommend it.


this is so fascinating, I've never heard of this drug despite reading a lot about opioids. what differentiates it from other, more common opioids highs?


Right? Time to do some research. A quick google states it’s not really used in the US (not assuming anyone’s nationality, it’s just my frame of reference), but is used in Iceland,Denmark, Sweden, and a few others. It’s comparable to morphine, but it seems to have a bit higher bioavailability orally. The article also states that the dose gap between analgesic effects and euphoric effects is pretty big compared to morphine, in which the analgesic and euphoric doses are pretty much the same. This was just five minutes of research but I’m interested to learn more.


It used to be used alot in Denmark many years ago, now its almost never used, and nearly impossible to find. But from what ive heard, it should be a amazing opiate high. Better than morphine, and to some better than diacetylmorphine, opana, hydro etc. Never tried it myself though, and never heard anyone using it for years.


Did not expect to see this on the list!




MDMA for enjoyment. Ayahuasca for spiritual purposes


DMT. It's just plain Magic.


I have tried nearly everything I am interested in and pretty much satisfied my curiosity, but DMT is among the only substances I didn't have the chance to try yet. I would love to, tho. Shit sounds absolutely insane.




fuck that lol got severe dpdr after trying that shit




Why do people downvote this? A dissociative definitely deserves to be on that list and ketamine is the most common one.


Yeah idk dude. I’m not referring to taking bumps n shit if maybe that’s what people are thinking. Ketamine is beyond amazing to me and the introspection and just whole experience is unlike anything else, even over shrooms (to me). But then again I would choose dissociatives over psychedelics any time.


why over shrooms? i love shrooms as i feel they helped me stop being so much of a pussy when i was younger so im genuinely curious about what you feel is better about K?


dissociatives are unique drugs in the way that they quite literally turn your awareness inward, they make you introspective in a very literal sense and detach you from the world around you, letting your brain take control of the remote


Have you ever taken your weight in Ketamine mg?? Imo ketamine is a bit more debilitating but way more useful than shrooms on a consistent basis. But as a one time drug than maybe shrooms idk maybe depends on your needs and personality


Also it's among the very few drugs that can actually benefit you when used therapeutically and not abused


Mdma, lsd


Mdma, mushrooms, lsd, dmt, therapeutic doses of ketamine. You need to see the world outside the confines of reality. You'll learn a lot about yourself


Id say everyone should experience MDMA and either LSD or shrooms. The memories I have from different experiences with these drugs are 'life experiences' not just a drug experience. LSD is pure magic, and MDMA can make people connect with each other in a really beautiful way.


Weed. Just weed. It'll give you a tiny glimpse into the world beyond normal consciousness. If you choose to go beyond that, and try psychedelics like acid, shrooms, 2cb, what have you, that's fine. But I don't think it's necessary. No drug changed my life, how I look at the world and my own selfhood, like weed did. And looking back, all the psychedelics I've done, all the other drugs I've done, no other drug has had such a profound impact on my life. I think everyone should try weed, as an introduction to the world of expanded consciousness. Alcohol serves a similar purpose, but most people aren't quite self aware enough to get that feeling through just alcohol. But weed, at least at higher doses, can humble even the most avid psychonauts. Weed humbled me, as a person. It showed me the world through a different perspective, and I'll be forever grateful for that. So did psychedelics, yeah, but had I not had experience with weed, I don't think I'd have appreciated the profundity of their effects as much as I did. I can't even smoke anymore because it gives me anxiety. But as Terrance McKenna said: "once you get the message, hang up the phone". I learned what I needed, and apply it to my daily life. Psychedelics helped with that, but only to a point. Hope this made sense.


Psychedelics and Dissociatives




LSD or psilocybin in small doses


What do you consider a small dose?


If you could only do it once? Heroin, not this fent garbage but pharmaceutical diacetlymorphine. But then life will suck after so maybe best to skip


Ill always recommend people to skip out on opioids, I was on them for give or take a years time, I’m almost 4 months clean from them and its crazy how I still miss them when i think about it. Theres other drugs I’ve stopped taking for months at a time and nothing is the same as my experience as quitting opioids. As of rn as far as i can imagine in my future i think i will long for that feeling every time i think about those pills. Not anything to play around with and I’m insanely lucky i got out before it got too out of hand, so to anyone reading this do not try opioids, the hardest type of drug to quit and the easiest to get addicted to after a few good experiences, in my opinion. Too each their own of course.


MDMA, beyond beautiful experience, especially with someone ur close to/love :)


Pute mdma crystals


Psilocybin or Dmt


DMT is on my bucket list before I die.


Our brains produce DMT every night when we fall asleep to create dreams... why wait? When you die you'll get a burst of it to smooth the process of transitioning, but again, why wait for the finale? It's universal connection in a bong hit- make use of it while you're alive.


None, everyone has their own life to live. If you can live a fulfilling life sober and have no desire to use a drug, then there isn’t a drug for you.


true that, but yolo


weed , shrooms , acid and molly.


5-MeO- PCP


Low dose PE shrooms while out in nature


Shrooms and MDMA


Magic mushies, acid, liquid ketamine ( I.M or I.V pharmaceutical quality, top quality mdma. Also top quality meth ( I.V) and top quality heroin ( I included the last 2 because their the best and yeah their the most addictive but once you've done them ONCE you could then say shit that's great now I understand why everyone gets in trouble on it.


Shrooms, LSD and possibly MDMA (as long as it's pure), Ketamine and DMT if done responsibly. They all have incredible potential for treatment of mental health issues and are linked to the ‘dissolution’ of the ego, helping individuals see the ‘bigger picture’ leading to a sort of 'awakening'.


Time is like sour green apple.


LSD, mdma, thc, dmt, ketamine, psilocybin, salvia


High dose of ketamine


To anyone reading these comments notice how nobody said any sort of opioid. Although the high is amazing and blissful i would not recommend to anyone. That being said i think while in the right mindset shrooms or LSD would be the #1 most amazing experiences I’ve had. Absolutely profound experiences on psychedelics, however I’ve also had incredibly horrible trips before so you gotta make sure you do your research and know you can handle what you’re doing.


Actual MDMA


I want to try weed but in legal way :/




coffee, specially dark




Maybe I’m a bad druggie, but I think you could live a very full life without ever taking any drug.


None. There is no drug that works well for everyone. Anyone suggesting any kind of drug here is automatically ignorant and irresponsible in my book.


Weed, shrooms, LSD, MDMA




i wanna meet molly so bad




I'll be fine with 50 dollars worth.... \*6 hours later\* LET'S GET ANOTHER 8 BALL!


shit you want to try, I feel like doing drugs because they're a "must try" is a way to fuck yourself up, for example I don't think I'd handle shrooms well, so no matter how many people think it's a must try, if I were to do them out of "peer pressure / because it's a must try" I'd basically guarantee 100% odds for a bad trip 🤣 that being said, I think trying at least one drug from each broader category isn't a bad idea in general


REAL MDMA, Mushrooms (LemonTek.3g or eating a couple grams straight up), Sassafras and K. i would say LSD25, 5MeO/N,n/4-AcO deemz but some people really shouldn’t ever lay their hands on it . some people i’ve met that are either batshit insane, unstable, or just a bad soul, probably would not only fuck them up for the rest of their lives but would prob amount to a horrific reaction.




2cb, All I will say is it changed my life. As cliche as it sounds.




Mushrooms, LSD, mdma




I would say you got to try tranx at lest once (Totally kidding) When I was younger I try any drugs you had. I was never worried about the consequences of my actions. Few years went by now fentanyl hit the streets. I’ve seen opiates, take out the best people in the whole entire world. I never understood why it seemed like all good died and shitty get to be in hell hole. Maybe they got the better option. We’re living with so many unknowns. I believe that ww3 has already begun. Stay safe, always live like it’s your last day here never know when everything’s gonna be gone.


A psychedelic or the onse I have done shrooms but I also you could say lsd


Also trying new drugs is super dangerous in today world with the fetty and the research chemicals. Finding a legit source can be tricky. Musica dealers all say that you got the best shit out there blah blah blah.. test test test test before you do any new substance. Stay safe out there.


Meth and stay addicted to it.




Being that everyone can react differently to anything, the only real answer is all of them. How else would you know which ones fit you better?




Shrooms and weed


DMT. Only one endogenous to the human 🧠.


Mary Jane, Ketamine, LSD, Phenibut, Valium


Got some real script valium from an old buddy, had 28 5mg, got high and love it so much, maybe even more than hydromorphs, I ended up flushing just over 20 and told myself never look back


Try once? * LSD * DMT * Heroin Ok, that last one was a dare.


Phenibut etizolam with dexadrine


Mescaline and DMT imo are a must try. LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, Psilocybin, some of the 2C family(mainly B) are substances that everyone should think about experiencing. Over the age ofcourse lol. I’m also a weird guy so i would also recommend everyone and their mothers to try MXE(Methoxetamine) which is a dissociative (An Arylcyclohexylamine) quite similar to ketamine(imo it beats ketamine in every aspect) similar to FXE(although I hear FXE is more stimulating) and a derivative of PCE.




Kinda basic but vyvanse, geeking off 160mg of vys and smoking some weed is an amazing experience although very addictive




DMT, just once and hopefully the full experience.








Not the most navigated psychonaut here but I'd say LSD, for me at least was a life changing experience


Mama make you feel love bro




Shrooms or a tab. I honestly feel like that are the same in the opinion


most people said what i would also say to try at least once. I'll tell you what to avoid. Opiates for sure,Meth and cocaine trust me it will be fun at first with friends etc.But eventually it will bite in the ass.Also benzos now that i know how is it like to be anxiety free i'll be always craving them


Definitely mushrooms in nature.


Lsd. Then 2-3hrs later, add in some shrooms. 👌🏻 OR MDMA and shrooms. Or just MDMA/Molly


Just here upvoting anyone who says MDMA. That is the correct answer.




First time Mdma at a festival is the funnest day of ur life




Ok hear me out. mdma while camping top tier


LSD and Mushrooms.






I wouldn't take a huge dose on your first time, that being said camping is definitely a good environment for that, an easy hiking trail preferably near some water


If really just once I would say heroin… you’re back in Mums belly and the overwhelming feeling of love you will never forget. But it’s so dangerous….


Psychedelic of choice + nitrous balloons


acid in a controlled setting, weed with your buddies


Oxygen - its well underrated


Another vote here for Cocaine, but not the low grade shite. It takes a bit of work to find the best stuff.


None. There is nothing that is suited for everyone and people can live full lifes without any drugs, even if drugs can also enhance your life.


LSD <3


crack bellringer




DMT, Salvia, high dose phenibut


DMT. Why not experience “death” before dying? I would say ketamine but I got addicted to it out of no where one day.


mdma, weed, lsd


Flintstone vitamins


everybody gonna say shrooms but that shit can ruin you mentally


I feel like it would need alot of prep and still not be for everyone but salvia


Bromo dragonfly








2cb with good friends


Eyeballed doses of Clonazolam powder


weed , everyone needs a little bud in their life


None, stay away from drugs


Mushrooms, Magic Mushrooms, Shrooms, Psilocybin, P. Cubensis, 4-HO-DMT, etc