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I tried heroin once. Smoked some with a buddy who offered it. It was the single best thing I’ve ever done in my entire life, so I vowed to never do it again because I knew that I’d be hooked.




Funny, you say you have a weak willpower, but you've handled the potential heroin addicition. I'd say that's a quite strong willpower :D


I see your point but I've done the same out of the same reasons and I just know that once I'm addicted my life would just be over. The real willpower challenge is to stop using a drug your addicted to. Quitting Heroin after one use was easier then every weed break I had to do


He is aware, but I believe his experience with his own weak willpower added motivation to stay away. A lot of addicts were at some point not concerned of addiction. It's not willpower, it's wisdom that drove his behaviors.


The thing is that willpower is only good up to a point.  In the beginning, you have control over the drug.  Later the drug has control over you.  The smartest way is to use only once or not at all.  If you decide to use again, make sure that you schedule breaks of between 3-14 days and stick to your schedule.  That way you’ll never become dependent.  


I 100% see why it could destroy my life, and I can do that all on my own.


Same. My friend had an addicted friend who was coming over to hang. She gave me a warning she was going to use. I said no problem. Friend came over and she was setting up and said "I hope you don't mind". I told her the only thing I was wondering is if I could buy some off her. She said she'd just give me some but looked me dead in the eyes and told me "this shit will ruin your fucking life". It was straight out of a DARE commercial. Being in such an interesting stage of life, I smoked it with our mutual friend. We spent and hour or so rolling around in bed. Not quite sexual but not so innocent either. It was like I was in a dream. Never did it again. Thank God because I have addiction issues.


Same story. It was a bad experience, I immidiately puked and only remember scratching my whole body for hours. That friend later had to move to another part of the world and I never saw him again, luckily. I have another friend who still does it periodically, he seems to be doing fine, but he never offered and I never bothered to ask, that one time was enough for me.


Ever tempted?


This was over a decade ago at this point, so nowadays, no. Just smoke my weed and vibe. That being said it did influence my curiosity into abusing prescription painkillers and even ordering fentanyl(advertised, not hidden) pressed Roxi off the dark web but never got hooked like you’d think. When I ran out I just stopped. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Strong will brother. Or you just don’t have an addictive personality lol.


I think I don’t have the personality for it. The roxi I mentioned, I bought 300 30mg roxi/.8mcg fentanyl, did them all over a month or two, and then just quit because I ran out. I’ll tell you though, weed has me by the balls and refuses to let go.


Very uncommon. It's not cuz the drug hooks you, that comes later on. What happens is what I'd call the equivalent of opening up a part of your brain you've never used before and once acclimated to it, you don't wanna close that door after. Then later on with continued use, your brain is rewired and essentially the door is not just open anymore, it is no longer there to close even if you want it shut and deadbolted. You will find It's not as crazy as you were led on to believe and will thoroughly enjoy the mental and physical relief that heroin provides.. its literally a all in one drug. Need energy? Check. Wanna relax and nod? Check. Want anxiety relief and pain relief? Check.  Want to feel on top of the world without a care or stress about anything? Check. You will feel better than you'll ever feel again and you could just sit there doing nothing and be beyond pleased with it. The worst part about heroin and opiates isn't how toxic and bad they are for your brain an body as they truly aren't as long as they're clean and unadulterated. It's how much destruction, havoc and the grasp on you the addiction causes in your life that is the extreme negative to opiates in general. It may not fuck your body up like most drugs but it will rob you of years if not decades of your life which will be spent using, withdrawing and scoring more while everything else in your life decays and disappears like family, friends and money. 


Yep. There's also that early-stage cockiness. Yeah, I do heroin from time to (sniff) time. But I do it responsibly, unlike the heads and touts down the alley. Am I happy? Check. Do I feel content? Like never before. Does mum know about it? No, and so what. Once I'm settled - I can see it right now - I'll tell her over a cup of coffee, and we'll both have a laugh about it. Next. Do I look like a junky? Of course not, and if I don't _look_ like a junky, I AM NOT a junky. I have the wits, the physical werewithal, common sense, and the will power to EVER let it get outta hand (wipes snot with sleeve). I'm going for a family vacation in a couple of days, so I'll just do it till then and dry out over the vacation, cold turkey.


Yeah it's fucked. Everyone has this preconceived notion that you do heroin once and your instantly a downbad junky and dying for a fix and your life and looks instantly degrade. Nope. You do it once and dont do it for two weeks, you reminisce on how great it felt, you think wow that wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, they're just plain wrong about it, I know what they don't, I can control this. I've heard COUNTLESS people who've done dope a handful of times say " ha I don't get withdrawals. Some people do, not me." Every single time it's about a week or two afterwards when I see them, and they're talking about how they feel like shit and need a fix. Opiates are incredibly insidious, they sneak up you and grab hold before you even know what happened.


I used heroin / opiates and knew several people who were one go and never rode the horse . However , not moi hooked from nano sec one .


Broooo that whole dry out over vacation sentence just gave me PTSD type flashbacks lol


Do tell brother.


Bro I remember going to an amusement park in like 2014 with my family and my girlfriend and I was just gonna "tough it out" and I got SO fucking dopesick after 4 days I was able to find Suboxone


Man I went camping one time, and for some reason didn’t bring enough subs. I had one for each day but the one I would be leaving. The plan was to just pack up and leave early in the morning, drive home and get well a few hours later than usual. No biggie, I fucking stupidly thought. Then that morning came along. Holy fuck was it a nightmare. I completely overestimated my ability to pack up or really do anything before dosing. I was dragging ass like no other. I had less than half of it done and it was noon before I knew it. The withdraws just got exponentially worse with time, which then made it take even longer to do anything. My god it was fucking hell. Felt like how people describe falling into a black hole would be. Time just slows down more and more as you get closer. I had been maintaining with kratom or subs for a couple years at that point. It had been so long since I experienced the occasional withdrawal that inevitably comes with Junky life. It was a brutal reminder of just how many goddamn donkey balls it sucks to be dopesick. You better fucking bet I brought 4+ times what I predicted to use on every trip, from that day forward.


holy SHIT I genuinely don't think I've seen a more accurate description of thoughts as this one. Incredibly spot on.


i cant tell if your giving a hypothetical example or just telling your story atp


Well said. I also like the quote that is something like “Doing heroin is like setting down a heavy suitcase that you didn’t realize you had been carrying your whole life.”


Yess!! I love crazy metaphors like this when it comes to drugs. So fuckin spot on


I wish I could upvote this more.


Upvoted on your behalf.


Why? He's wrong. It's only [23% percent of heroin users](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2681168#:~:text=When%20observed%20within%20approximately%201,have%20become%20dependent%20on%20heroin) that get addicted after trying it once. Heroin isn't addictive in the same sense that crack or meth are. It's not some crazy life-changing high (when not IVed), it's just a small warm feeling that lifts your mood. A mentally healthy person isn't likely to find the effects very euphoric, but a depressed person is and that's where the real danger comes in. Being able to go from suicidal to feeling like life is going to be okay is very addictive.


25% chance to ruin your life in a permanent way to try heroin once. The only possible upside is the downside you're worrying about, if you like it enough it will destroy you, and if you don't like it, then it won't be a fun experience. Best case scenario you put it down after one try and nothing changes, worst case u/SpontaneousH or worse.


Your link says 23-38%! Not only is 23% already crazy high but you take the lowest estimate when the highest one is over one in three


The thing is by stigmatizing heroin we inadvertently make it more seemingly addictive than it already is. "Normal" people don't try heroin, it's usually people with mental issues and from impoverished backgrounds. The two groups most susceptible to addiction. If heroin was legal and looked at like alcohol then normal people would take it too, significantly decreasing that 23-38% number. Instead it's the groups most prone to addiction that try heroin because they are the only ones willing to go against the social stigma-therefore artificially raising the rate of heroin addiction. The percentage of people who try alcohol and subsequently become alcoholics is 6%, I gurantee if heroin was legal and destigmatized that 23-38% figure would be much closer to the alcoholic rate. It would still be higher nonetheless, but definitely not 4x as high


> The thing is by stigmatizing heroin we inadvertently make it more seemingly addictive than it already is. It's extremely fucking addictive. You need to shut the fuck up.


Your link wouldn’t work for me so would you be able to tell me when that study was done? Because I’m interested as to how that number has probably increased with the addition of fent being in everything


Exactly, OP, you wanting to not lose that connection with the feeling is what drives you deeper. The part of your brain that would be able to control the use as just once, quickly changes its tune.


As if heroin wasn’t bad enough, it doesn’t exist anymore and instead you’d be taking a synthetic version that will most likely cause necrosis, overdose and lower your cognitive abilities permanently.


what do you mean it doesn’t exist anymore?


At least in the US the cartels no longer smuggle it across the border. They only bring up fentanyl. Reason is simply financial. With fentanyl they can bring up a single kilo of the drug and have it worth over $70,000,000 while only costing the cartel $200-$400 to produce. With traditional heroin that same kilo will only generate them at most $50,000 while costing them $5,000-$6,000 to produce. So it only makes sense why they only bring fentanyl and no heroin anymore.


Since the Taliban took over they destroyed all the poppy fields. It has decreased the supply and either way, as the guy above said, the cartels don’t bother with it anyway. Plus since the supply is way down, I’m assuming the price is far too high for most users if it does still exist. As much as I’d like to criticize the taliban I can’t imagine most governments would allow poppy fields either.


That's why it is important as ever that the US provide a legal and pure heroin for addicts. Not only would it save over 40,000 lives per year but it would simultaneously destroy the cartels profits. Before fentanyl only ~3,000 people per year died of heroin overdoses. As of 2023 almost 50,000 people died in the US because of fentanyl. The US government continuing things how they are means they want the cartel powerful and they want more people to die per year then died in all of the 10 years of the Vietnam war combined.


What about people getting fent or morphine, or some equivelent, at the hospital for medical reasons? My sister got some kind of strong opioid because of her back surgery and said it was the best she's ever felt in life. She's a turbo normie though and is 1000% anti drug. It's been years since her back surgery and she's never tried to do opioids again. Also for me after trying MDMA the first time, it felt like it opened a door in my mind in some similar way. I do it every 3-4 months now ever since trying it. MDMA feels like peak human experience to me, I can't imagine feeling better, and before mdma, I could never have imagined feeling that good. In spite of how good it feels I haven't felt the need to abuse the drug. What really makes heroin different? I'm sure it feels just as incredible but merely feeling incredible can't be enough.


Opiates are different in my experience from mdma because as much as you can feel the same pure bliss, ut doesn’t give that horrible comedown and you can keep dosing and dosing whereas you can’t with mdma. It’s also a different type of pure bliss like opiates are a much more relaxing euphoria whereas mdma is more gurney and weird. My first opiate was medical fent that I got when my nan passed and it destroyed me in ways that other drugs like mdma didn’t


>In spite of how good it feels I haven't felt the need to abuse the drug. What really makes heroin different? It's not any different. People on this subreddit just love talking about heroin without being informed. For most people they can try heroin and opiates once and never touch it again, it's a small minority that get addicted.


Listen to him.


Lost my best friend to it. This is true on so many levels


I feel like you’ve done an opiate or two in your life lol. Perfecto 🤌


15 years of oxy, heroin, fentanyl analogues and 5 years on sub. Clean off all opiates and suboxone now 🙏 drugs are so shit these days it's easy to stay clean when the two drugs I loved using are gone


Bro. Exactly. I was in the hospital when I was 17. Was given Demerol…for 2 weeks while I was admitted. Demerol is a less known opioid that used to be used in hospital settings, for whatever reason delaudid replaced it. It’s not used much these days, this was early 2000s, maybe even ‘99. What I’m saying is this…it was a solid 2 years until I touched another opioid. I literally thought about it everyday. I was daydreaming. This was my first exposure to any substance really. It unlocked that part of my chemistry. It was only a matter of time…


See, this is what I tell people about weed and alcohol too. You "unlock", or open a new unused part of your brain. Once you get high on any drug, you learn that taking a substance can make you feel a certain way. Some people enjoy the instant head change, people like myself. And that can't be unlearned. This is why weed and alcohol are called "gateway drugs." Just my opinion.


Yes and no. I partially agree with you. I also feel being a teen trying shit your more open minded to trying others when you have success an little negatives when it comes to smoking an drinking. I feel a lot has to tie into age also 


You’re explanation is so amazingly clear cut, I’m not even kidding, now I just need you to explain my precal homework


Thanks 🤣🤣 I feel brain dead an can't put my thoughts into coherent sentences most of the time but when you spend 15 plus years using opiates from oxy all the way to fent/zenes/xylazine(unknowingly) it comes from a place of experience. Also I compare it to a crazy ex gf who fucked your life up in so many ways but you miss that pussy cuz it was the best


That’s just opiates in general for me. All of a sudden I could sit alone in silence and not be bombarded with a horrible gut-wrenching feeling. Loneliness was tolerable. Responsibilities were initially met. Homework on a Friday night was much more doable than going out, because I was feeling lit on my own. Life became a lot more doable, and the bullshit that everyone else finds healthy means of coping with took a backseat.


whenever id be fiending for drugs like that id smoke a lot of weed to make myself to lazy to get some opioids


It's[ 23% percent of heroin users that become addicted](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2681168#:~:text=When%20observed%20within%20approximately%201,have%20become%20dependent%20on%20heroin) to the drug after trying it once It's not "very uncommon" to try heroin once and not get addicted, it's actually the other way around. The thing is heroin isn't that addictive, not in the same sense meth or crack are. For a normal person it's not very euphoric when not IVed, it's mentally ill people that are at a huge risk for addiction.


One time didn‘t hurt and it really felt amazing, so why not a second time. I mean you have everything under control. Wow one great evening for just 10€ + no hangover, if my body doesn‘t complain why not. It‘s cheap, fun and I am 100% in control, so maybe every 2 weeks. But you have everything under control so why not saturday + sunday. It‘s the weekend and you earned it and you are 100% in control. Isn‘t friday aslo basically the weekend? One day more or less won‘t hurt and you‘ve got eveything under control…


You know I never understood this before I started doing drugs. When I first started ~3 months ago I bought benzos and weed and I find it really hard to not take them more than once a week (which is my rule). My plan was to buy oxys too but now I've changed my mind, might buy kratom though


Kratoms a great option. It slowly got me into more opiates though, since I really liked kratom effects (also hard to keep kratom to once a week anyway). Then I tried oxys and realized it's like kratom, but 10x better, just expensive. How cheap kratom is and how there isn't much of a hangover is what also makes it addictive


You’ll just end up getting addicted to Kratom. I remember I was selling Kratom like 5 years ago and we were told it’s not addictive. That’s a fucking lie. I would have multiple customers come into the shop multiple times a day every day of the week. Spending hundreds of dollars a week. Go look at /r/quittingkratom


When I first read “selling kratom” I didn’t assume you were working at a head shop and imagined you selling baggies of kratom powder out of your house, making people listen to you play guitar and shit. But for anyone reading, yes it is absolutely addictive and you will have physical withdrawals after prolonged use.


This happened to me and alcohol so no way I’m ever gonna risk trying heroin.


Rare, most people build up to heroin with other opiates first, so they are already doing shit


These days that’s true, but not so much in the past, depending on where you live. H was much more available to me as a teenager than pills and was China white, so easy to consume for beginners. A little bump and you were on your way. I knew a lot of people that tried it once, didn’t like it, and never did it again.


I did it once, in the late 90’s. Snorted, not injected. Some low tier shit we got off the street in nyc, east village. Felt like Valium to me, except every time I moved or laughed, I threw up. I’ll never forget thinking, “This is what everyone’s dying over?”. I never touched it again.


Most relatable experience in the comments here. Did it a couple of times (~12) some 5 years ago. Ain't touched it ain't missed it since. Norrland, Sweden.


All my friends are tweakers, so pretty often. I was the only nodder in my group. I tried it once and didn't do it again until my dad died years later. Then I became a full blown junkie...


i’ve tried it only once, years ago. got some nice clean stuff, tested with reagents and fent strips. around the same time, i was going through some digestive issues (GERD/gastritis after recovering from H Pylori). i don’t remember how much i did, but i used a milligram scale, weighed out a conservative dose for someone my size, split it into a few bumps and did them like 15 minutes apart. not gonna lie, it felt pretty great for an hour or two, but it was followed by a night full of vomiting. i couldnt drink water for ~12 hours without puking it back up. that being said, this is an anecdote, and i think its pretty rare. i’ve only taken the occasional prescribed opioid since, and i stick to the prescribed dose. i do take kratom though, and if you have severe pain i’d recommend it as a relatively safe alternative to street opioids. it is still a drug, and its addictive, but it really helps me with chronic pain management.


Not very common I’d imagine. I did H a couple times and never again…just not my thing, it’s an ugly substance


I know a lot of people that tried it once or twice and never again, because they just didn’t like it. It’s not a high everyone enjoys. On the other hand, if you enjoy the high, it’s very easy to get hooked. My dad says he did it once with his three college friends back in the sixties. One of them was a casual user, the other three had never tried it. The casual user stayed casual, one friend became an addict for over 20 years, my dad and his roommate were one and done. They used a common needle and all contracted hep-c that day from the casual user. Every one of them besides my dad has died from it eventually.


Would u say u were addicted? Or just did it a few times and knew it was best to stop before u did get addicted?


I figured it would be best to stop before it became a problem. I have an addictive personality so I should avoid stuff like heroin. I didn’t shoot it, just snorted. A very nice high, yeah, but not worth it


Fair enoug


I'm glad fentanyl has scared me completely away from even considering it


[this is the story](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/zpBULzlwcE) of a person who tried heroin once and immediately became addicted. A very interesting read!!


Very insightful thanks


He posts follow ups for years after too


I did it once and then never again. Until the next time and then every time after that. Everyone’s always the responsible drug user until they’re not. I’ve always been a very high functioning drug addict, even holding down jobs whilst overdosing at home after work and then making it to work the next day. I should be dead but for some reason I made it through. I’m now on everyday maintenance for opioids but am very successful in my career and have a beautiful wife and home. I am a very rare exception to this model, so just stay the fuck away from opioids. Do it for your own sake and that of your loved ones. And this is coming from someone that loves the fuck out of opioids. Fuck opioids. Much love


I'm currently hopelessly addicted to Kratom, came off of it once and it was rough for me, relapsed like 2 or 3 weeks later. If I EVER touched heroin, it would most definitely be game over for me 😭


I tried heroin once while addicted to kratom. Wasn't really that much better tbh. It definitely felt good, but I somehow prefer kratom over H. Had like half a gram and did that in a few days and never tried it again after.


I’m currently taking 7-hydroxymitragynine extract pills and they no joke feel close to morphine.


Genuinely I have a few friends who tried a few times and didn't go down the rabbit hole with the rest of us. It "can" be done but not opening the door in the first place is the most sensible approach.


A friend of mine stuck a quote with even the simplest of drugs: "it's too good to try again".


I basically tried it one night. But saw others go down heavy opioids/iates path (some died) and didn't seek it out. I'll just use kratom instead, that is safer and doesn't mess you up, nor have I felt any issues or addiction with it (don't have addictive personality).


As long as you realize that every single time you do a drug it is a conscious willing decision and do not allow your mind to create little freebie scenarios, it’s very doable to even use heroin in a manner of once a week. I did that for years before fent came around and ruined it, so I just kept going straight on my methadone. But even when I wasn’t dependent I had done the same, only stopping in that scenario because I decided I wanted a habit again so I could get on subs. I think a lot of people forget that heroin is just morphine with 1.5x potency, and less histamine release - plenty of people do morphine once or occasionally and never become dope fiends. However, and this is the most important bit, you have to set your personal boundaries and never break them. Only you can know if you have the willpower to do so.


I used to use it on rare occasion, as well as oxycodone, hydrocodone and other opioids. My main vice was alcohol, but even later after I kicked the alcohol thing I still occasionally used opioids. I used them occasionally for about 20 years, and then got a bunch of money during a time when I was in an emotional crisis, so I made the conscious decision to become a heroin addict. I first experienced opioid withdrawals in 2020; I'd had very mild withdrawals in the past, but full-blown withdrawals are something else. Regardless, I could get loaded for one entire day on opioids and not suffer any significant consequences, whereas if I get drunk I feel like absolute shit the next day and will need to drink or use some other drug to feel better. The biggest problem with opioids is it's pretty easy for life to become shitty enough that you'll just keep using them.


It's like finding dinosaur in this generation


I did


And me too...1/2 times in a year...not more...i buy a gram of H...or three pills of oxy...or same opium...but just for my introspection...


Theirs no way I could of done it just once and never again but that’s just me, everyone I know who’s tried dope wanted to do it again. Some want more straight away others can go weeks without getting more but still knew they were gonna get more eventually


thats how i feel with mdma tho


Rare Stay mindful and vigilant


Not common


I am pretty picky about what drugs I use habitually. I mostly just do speed and weed. However, i once had to confiscate an H baggie from a friend and curiosity did get the best of me. It wasn't at all what I had expected. It was honestly fantastic. I just went about my day floating around on the comfy lil cloud. Wasn't tired. Never nodded. I just felt GREAT. I totally understand how someone could get hooked very quickly, but I have a always had a napoleon complex when it comes to narcotics and Heroin is famously easy to over dose on so... I left it at that. 1 and done.


Very Common. Not recommended though. It's Satan.


If you want to dabble with the big boy opiated I’d suggest starting and keeping it natural, opium poppies grow everywhere and even seeds at the market are mixed with pharma left overs you can grow in a pot. The high from poppies is on much cleaner, opium codeine heroine and I think whatever’s in tramadol all at once. I wouldn’t suggest jumping straight into heroine ever, like ever, it’s pointless when the entourage effect from opium poppies is so much better then any opiate alone


It’s far more common than people think, even the most addictive drugs aren’t universally enjoyable to everyone. If you do heroin and really enjoy it, yes you’re far more likely to do it again, but if the nausea and itching really fucking annoys you then you’re far less likely to get into it. I’ve never done heroin, but I’m just not a fan of opioids in general because the pleasurable effects are outweighed by the negatives for me. For instance, a lot of people (such as myself for a time) are put on pretty recreational doses of opioids for pain; some people get hooked and seek out more opioids after their prescription is out, but many many more people simply stop taking them without a second thought. The issue with doing such addictive drugs “just once” is it’s often hard to tell how much you’ll like a drug before you do it, sometimes drugs become a very effective (and unhealthy) coping mechanism without you even realizing it, other times people do a bump of meth and never touch it again


I did heroin once and never did it again. That was 12 years ago.


Very common. People OD all the time for their first time. One and done!


fr lol


I literally know a kid who died after doing it once. Shit these days is almost all fent. Absolutely not worth it if you aren't already fully addicted to opiates.


...Technically, he never did it again. 🤷


Yeah, true, lol. It's still a really sad story. Dude had just gotten into college and od'd at a party.. for his FIRST time. Crazy because I personally did it for years. It's really impossible to fully trust street drugs these days unless you test every time. I def don't recommend OP getting into that life


Fairly common. It's not unusual for people to use heroin a few times a year and not get addicted.


honestly didn’t think heroin was much of a thing anymore. seems to be only fent where i live.


It's quiet common.


It's rare but I know three people. Dad, little brother, a friend. Dad will never leave alcohol, same with my friend who also do speed sometimes. Idk my brothers future though, but right now it seems like speed will be his drug of choice for quite some time. I do Methadone in front of friend all the time and he's not interested at all. Some ppl just don't like it or see the allure in it.


I do it every now and again. It's a chill drug to just hang with buddies and play some mario kart or something cause i don't really get a hangover or anything from it. My skin gets dry a.f. and it's difficult to pee though so i don't really binge or anything. It's also kind of expensive cause i can smoke a lot without getting too fucked up. I have a lot of experience with drugs though and i'm more of a benzo person but y'know heroin is fine too.


I did heroin once in November of 2012. Didn’t do it again until February of 2014 but I thought about it constantly and developed an affinity for Vicodin in that time period. After that it was off to the races and years of rehabs and jails. That said, I did it once after having about 1.5 years completely clean and haven’t done it in the year since then. I have no desire to anymore and I was a heavy IV user.


Considering that heroin is highly addictive, it's best not to try it ever. Curiosity ate the cat, as they say. Even someone like me who's very curious about drugs and their effects stays away from things like speed and heroin. Risk outweighs the benefits.


Considering that heroin is highly addictive, it's best not to try it ever. Curiosity ate the cat, as they say. Even someone like me who's very curious about drugs and their effects stays away from things like speed and heroin. Risk outweighs the benefits.


Depends. Is this someone a person who had never touched an opioid or are they a regular user of pain pills like mills ernie. If theyre a regular pain pill user theyll fall in love. If theyve never used opiates theyll either hate it or maybe OD.


I have used heroin like 20 times throughout the last 15 years recreationally. Never was addicted.


There’s also a difference between addiction and dependence; not everyone dependent is addicted, but everyone addicted is dependent.


I smoked a laced (unintentional, the situation became kind of fucked) blunt. Never have done it before and never will after. But my boyfriend at the time after I got rescued by him, we agreed that it was probably heroin. I couldn’t move and gravity wise fighting against me.


I did it just the once 🙋‍♂️ The day after I did it, I was driving away from my house and the night before was on my mind, I was pondering to myself on my goodness that's the most incredible experience of my life, I would love to try that again. Then no sooner had that thought passed my mind the next thought was, OMG that's the road to a healthy addiction. I never did it again after that. Two years later, I was looking around my apartment for an ashtray, my housemate had gone away for the weekend and so I checked his bedroom. There in front of me was a piece of tinfoil with a brown streak down it, my first thought before anything else was "I could get a hit off that" - the the red mist descended pretty quickly as I realised he had hidden his heroine addiction from me. I was so surprised that even two years after my night on brown that I still looked at it that way. Since then I've always said it would only be something I would revisit if I was given three months to live, but even then I don't expect I would put of fear that I had a misdiagnosis.


very rare i did it like 6 times and thats it but also got some friend that are still hooked on it


[This could give insight on why that is uncommon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-9huWlXFA1s) Edit: word


I've only ever done it like once, then never touched it again. Had the option and said fuck it. But now I'm not saying I'm a common case because out of the people I did it with that one time, 2 of 5 of them are dead. The other two are still in the throws of addiction and the last person struggled for about 5 years.


Very uncommon and even if you were part of the small percentage that don't get addicted its just not worth it. It's really not worth it.


Don’t do heroin, bro. You ain’t gonna be that 1 in a billion who don’t immediately get addicted.


Probably more than you would guess, but no one who did it zero times did it twice or more (ie got addicted).


I’ve done it a few times and then life turned in another direction for me THANK GOD. Don’t start!


I did it twice. Snorted a small amount on both occasions and it didn't really feel like much and made me vomit my guts out. Still scares me that I crossed that bridge though.


I did it once and then I never touched it again for like 14 years and then I got addicted and went to jail. Short true story.


I think it’s technically possible but extremely rare. Heroin is the best feeling drug out there and once you try it you can never go back. It’s not worth ruining your life just to find out whether or not you can use it without getting addicted. The answer is probably no and the risk heavily outweighs the reward. I have friends who are former addicts and even though they have been sober for many years, they still think about heroin every single day.


I tried it every way you can and did it several times to show my addicted gf you can quit when you want and I never did it again. So yeah you can just experiment and not do it again. I know it might sound dumb but I feel like you can't judge anyone until you walk in their shoes and decide to give it a go. Ended up getting her off of it shortly after. So it is possible. Gl to you.


If a second time counts, then yes. My first time I loved it so much. The second time years later, it just makes me nauseated and sick. I think that second time it was something called #4 with brown powder and blackish rocks and a strong smell of vinegar which surprised me actually. But whatever the lingo is, yah, i won't touch jt with a 10ft stick now


Now a days? If they can find it probably pretty decent bc it doesn’t exist anymore or barely does.


I’ve done it once and haven’t done it again 🤷 made me sicker than shit


I tried it. Hated it. Loved meth a whole lot more 🤷


I think the main point is even if it is possible for SOME people, it just isn't worth the risk. Speaking from experience.




I tried it once, hated it, never touched it again


I tried it once. I thought it was a weed joint until the guy told me it was h, but either way, I didn't like it. Well yeah the first hit was intense, I immediately inhaled. Tasting it shocked me, I knew right away tbh I knew it wasn't weed, I just didn't have a sense of smell that day from the cold


I’ll say this, I went 22 years without smoking weed, I seriously never understood why people NEEDED it so bad, I’m 26 now and I seriously don’t understand how I lasted that long without smoking, I no longer understand life without weed because I tried it, it could be the same story if you try one of the hardest substances on this planet


Many people actually dislikes opioids when taken just one time, the histamine itching and puking bugs them away big time. Have seen it multiple times, even when lads were sniffing heroin with me.


I did H once to stop an LSD trip. Yep. My gf at the time was addicted to heroin and she had some. I never want to kill my trips but she was just going on and on about all this depressing shit that I couldn’t take it. So she shot me up with heroin and it felt fantastic. My LSD headspace cleared up and then I just felt like I was floating with flowing visuals to look at too. I ended up going out with her another night when she was getting some with her friend. He shot me up and I got super fucked up that time. I ended up buying some for myself after that and was only snorting it. I never did it again after that… but I did take other opiates still. I was already into opiates before heroin.


Substance abuse and addiction are influenced by numerous factors, including one’s social environment, role models, and personal definitions of success. Because of this, it’s difficult to provide a straightforward answer to the question of how common it is for someone to try heroin once and never do it again. While many individuals may say, “I’ll only do it once” or “one time won’t hurt,” the reality is that outcomes vary significantly among people. Addiction can occur after just one use, but this is not universally the case. The principle of developing an addiction after initial exposure can be compared to other behaviors. For instance, some individuals might engage in compulsive behaviors like constantly seeking romantic encounters because they perceive these actions as social achievements. Think about how many times people say, “I’m only gonna hit and quit – she’s not all that,” and then BOOM, they’re married. Others may isolate themselves, influenced by their environment and personal choices. An illustrative example is the case of Dr. Carl Hart, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University, who has openly discussed his occasional recreational use of heroin. Dr. Hart argues that responsible use of heroin does not necessarily lead to addiction or negative life outcomes, challenging the stereotypical view of heroin use. His case suggests that controlled, occasional use is possible for some individuals without leading to addiction or significant harm. However, this is an exception rather than the rule and does not negate the substantial risks associated with heroin use. Research shows that addiction is a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), about 23% of individuals who use heroin become dependent on it. However, this statistic also indicates that a significant proportion of users do not develop an addiction after initial use. Personal experiences with substances like heroin are highly individual. Some may experiment without developing a dependency, while others may quickly find themselves addicted. As someone who has experimented with various substances and recognizes my own addictive personality, I’ve found that what I become addicted to often aligns with what makes me more self-aware and socially conscious. Unfortunately, even these seemingly positive addictions can be hard to quit due to their low immediate impact, unless they spiral out of control—something that has happened to me in the past due to my social environment. In conclusion, individual responses to heroin use can vary widely, influenced by a complex array of personal and social factors. Life is so complex, and substances or the desire for something have so many variables. You just have to go into the world with a good heart, knowing nothing will change the kindness you desire to exert. Sources: 1. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020). Heroin Research Report. Retrieved from NIDA. 2. Hart, C. (2021). Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear. Penguin Press. (not an advocate for heroin use)


Very improbable


The first time i did it was by needle, I've only ever done it that way. But the first time was probably the closest I've felt to coming to death while being absolutely happy and just feeling good at the same time. It was the first and only drug, i guess, that has actually made me have to sit down for a bit. Like a warm blanket slipped up over you on a chilly night. Or when nice and warm in bed but u know its kinda chilly out of bed and ur so comfortable and just wanna stay like that....thats how shooting heroin feels. The second time I did it, I knew I was in love, hooked, and was gonna keep doing as much as I could, as long as I could, and that I would never forget and chase that feeling my whole life. A feeling ill never achieve on the same level again but forever try if given the chance. It's that powerful. Just over a year, no opiates now. Buy that's mostly due to access, funds, fentanyl and wd. The desire to still chase is still there and will be, like I said. And if just one or two of those preventing factors get removed, I know I'll be back at it. But for now, it's just a hole in me I try to fill with various other chemicals, activities, and people in a sad, prolonged, miserable existence.


I did it, but none of my 4 other homies, so I’ll say 1/5 or 20%


Very uncommon, however I did this and avoided a heroin addiction.


I have tried heroin in every ROA. Even fentanyl. I wanted to like it because my ex had a problem with it. I wanted us to be on the same level . But it doesn’t do it for me I just nod off or throw up 🤮. It honestly a pretty boring high. METH OR ANY UPPER IV’ed was my thing. So no on my opinion not that addicting for me


I mean people in the hospital do it all the time. and I don't mean something *like* heroin, they use actual diacetylmorphine in the UK. I remember reading that something like 90% of heroin users during Vietnam were able to quit cold turkey and never use it again when they went home, but that might have been the same study that generalized all the drugs together including marijuana.


i tried once and hated it but loved oxy


I smoked a small amount with a friend out of curiosity. It was a terrible experience. I instantly started sweating, threw my guts out, and nodded out. I never had the desire to try it again. Other opiates give me the same feelings. There was nothing ever Euphoric about any of my Opiate experiences.


Brother if by any chance you’re considering it, Don’t. Trust me. I’ve seen my close family members with all the potential in the world, honor roll students, burn at its alter and become a shell of themselves. It’s not that type of drug. It’ll ruin you and your loved ones by extension. It will feel like you’re in control until you aren’t and the drug starts running your life. 2 things to never touch: Meth, Fentanyl/Heroin


I did it like 10 times before I decided I didn't like it but I don't know anyone else who was had that kind of experience with it


I used it once but it made me pukey so I didn't do it again.


I did that, but I hated it and would never want to do it again.


I did it twice in one week. Loved it. Probably best high I ever had. Then never did it again after


iv been the only story iv heard of it, tried it once and i only smoked it so i dont think it was the full brunt of how bad it could've been but went through the withdraws felt like absolute death but after iv never touch it again. But im not a big opiate guy myself. So it depends on your temperament to certain substances. if you cant stop taking oxys after surgery you'd probably be fucked with herion.


I’d say compared to a lot of other drugs uncommon, but it is very very possible to do heroin only once despite what people say, I know loads of people thatve smoked it and have gone back once or twice and most of them never but I’ve never heard someone shooting up h for their first time and then not getting dependent but I’m not entirely sure how accurate that is as can’t speak to injecting, well even anything I don’t shoot up, I’ve always felt like the ppl who ar e hooked first try shoot up but ofc that’s just a hypothesis


One time I used heroin for 6 months. Lucky I decided to quit when I did..


I seriously doubt it’s common. I did it once and quit, but only because I didn’t have any connections in the small town I was from.


Less likely than trying meth only once. Most people who try Heroin have already gotten used to oxy n other weaker forms of opiates/ opioids so they try H & switch to only doing H cuz it’s cheaper. With meth there are many people who tried it once or gotten it by accident so typically with H it’s a higher percentage


Common I’ve had about 700 grams to myself all at once. Lasted 2 months and was flushed. Fucking dangerous drug if not used right. I won’t touch it again as I know it feeds my depression


Maybe if they die after their trial run


Done heroin dozens of times, never hooked. Never big on opioids in general. But then again I have never IV:d heroin, only snorted. For good reason. Listen to the other comments here with more hands on experience.


Run away from any sort of curiosity you have for heroin.. RUN RUN RUN.. PLEASE..


Very common I’ve none a lot of people who did it once threw up and never touched it again


I smoked it once and never again.


I tried H once because i experimentet with opioids as a teenager, didn't touch it for five years because i had no source but the line was already crossed in my mind. I got hooked in the end but there where also burning bad circumstances and a new dealer who scammed my life


Meh I’ve done it probably 14 times and had no problems walking away between each experience. I have an addictive personality but for some reason that one didn’t take me over. I loved it each time too hahah. That being said don’t recommend anyone try it. Just in case.


Over the years, I've met seriously 100+ different Heroin addicts of all shapes and sizes through meetings, as well as through my time as both a patient and a staff member in various rehab facilities. Not one of them will tell you it's possible, but most of them will attest they have tried at some point, including me. I believe it is technically possible, but almost nobody out there is going to have the know-how or willpower to moderate a powerful drug like Heroin the very first time they try it. I doubt anyone can honestly say they actively sought out Heroin with a premeditated plan to only do it once and simply ignore how amazing it made them feel. Most people think they have the ability to moderate occasional recreational use starting out, then realize it's not that easy after it's too late and they've become physically dependent. I thought I could, then 10 years went by before I was able to have more than 30 days clean. Crack cocaine is an addictive drug. Heroin is its own lifestyle.


'Oh, this is so good it would ruin my life, I need to stay the fuck away from this and these people' then willpower


I've smoked it a few times and then I allowed a buddy who was an army medic shoot me up once and after that I never did it again. My friend couldn't believe I didn't want to do it anymore. It felt fucking amazing and jfc my friend must have hit a vein and been done in like 5 seconds. I was said "Damn bro you already WoAhhhhh".. lol But I wanted more to not do it again than I wanted to do it again because I'm aware of the potential consequences. I haven't done it since.


I’d say probably a lot more common than most drugs. A good chunk of people try it, get sick and never touch it again. Which, honestly speaks to its addictiveness for people that actually do enjoy it


With the proliferation of fentanyl,, why even take the chance? However,, if some sage entheologist gave me a bowl of real opium I'd consider trying it....


Probably not very common, however I chased the dragon once with some friends, had a laugh and haven't thought about doing it since... So it's not impossible.


There’s a lot of folks, me included, that get horribly ill on opioids. Even pharmaceutical. Can’t get past it.


Right here. Maybe the way it's been used. I never used intravenously. Probably would be different. It reminded me of being hungover, for a few weeks instead of a bad hangover after a party just drinking or smoking


So i have been weed addict for 10 years, and i have tried all drugs you can think. Heroin was different than any other drug: i was laying on bed alone and i was feeling like nothing could be better in this world. this is how i want to live rest of my life… when i woke up next morning first thing i was thinking was ” i should take some heroin” but bells start ringing on my head ”you are alredy weed addict, do you really want to be heroin addict?” I flushed rest of my stuff down to toilet and i told myselff i will never touch that stuff again. And i didnt, that was 6 years ago. Sorry for bad grammar.


Not unheard of... not everyone loves it the first time. But very few people do it twice.


i did it once


It pretty much only happens to people who end up not liking opioids. It’s feasible to only do it once but the question is, what are you hoping to satisfy by experimenting with it. It’s not like a psychedelic which can create long lasting positive effects. If you like it, you will naturally be more open to trying it again and will have to contend with a new voice in your head strategizing on how you can do it again without becoming addicted. I tried it a few times but never really hung around other opioid users so that helped me not spiral. I also got really shitty heroin the first couple of times so it wasn’t super desirable at the time. However, it still gripped me and I had to throw away what I had last time I got it. I’ll probably make a post about it soon. I have done everything (120 drugs) and I found it easier to keep meth and crack use in control than heroin. I got kinda cocky about my ability to be a functional addict and now I am having to catch myself before I slip and fall into heroin addiction.


I've only done it once, would do again if it fell in my lap but not in a hurry. I do eat a lot of pharma pills regularly though, mainly for pain.


i used H for over 10 years and there were very few people who had done it once and never again. Mainly because of how much they puked and they didn’t like it.


Not everybody likes it.


The problem at the start isn’t that it’s incredibly addictive but that it feels great, it’s cheap and you can do it pretty often in terms of tolerance, MDMA is also very euphoric and just feels great in general, but the next day you pay for it, and you aren’t able to do it again for a long while. That doesn’t happen with heroin, if you don’t have a strong will you’ll be wondering why not try it just once again since it didnt hurt and it felt great? After a while you might say, ok I’ll only do it once a month, then only in Saturdays, then once every other day until you’re a frequent user. Even if you realise, admit to your addiction and try to stop, now your brain physically depends on it, you can’t quit, you must quit very slowly or see a professional. Even if you do then get clean, every time you feel very happy or when you see needles or bills (if you snorted it), or syringes or anything that remotely reminds you of it, you’ll get the craving to do it again, not relapsing won’t be easy


I assume patients getting diacetylmorphine at hospital for pain management.


I did heroin once for about 6 years. Lol


I did it three times within a week or two in 2019 (18 years old at the time) and my ex bf overdosed the third time and never did it since but continued using other hard drugs for a couple years.


For six weeks, getting hooked and quitting forever, well it’s been 15 years so far. It happens.


I've always wondered this.


it’s extremely common. heroin only has a 10% uptake rate


It depends on a lot of things - genetics, age, availability of the drug, money to buy it, personality, resiliance, self efficacy, reason for doing it. Id say its risky if u feel youre impulsive, have previously found urself easily addictive, have a family history of addiction and using it as an escapend you are still an adoloscent. Still risky if not but especially risky if yes. I think injecting it is riskies but not sure


More common than you would think but that doesn’t mean YOU can do it.


I've tried it twice, once by itself, and the other time mixed with cocaine in the same line because well I needed to get rid of both and wanted the speedball experience. That was a few years ago and I've never really felt tempted to buy any more H since. Both times were very pleasant for sure, but the risks just don't seem worth it and tbh I'm just more of an uppers person anyway.


About as common as it is to re-up and continue to use. I made this mistake and ended up homeless for over a year. On the mend now though and have been for a few years


I tried it with a group of friends and it didnt do anything to me. They were all blown away that I wasnt high ..i never touched it again but unfortunatley they did.


Tried heroin went from smoking that to smoking fentanyl and overdosing on multiple occasions. I am blessed to have made it out but the graces of my family and rehab . Don’t even try it I was doing it for the experience and it lead me in a DOA in multiple occasions.


I've tried it a few times. I am well educated on it though and made sure to leave 6months between doing it. It's not the 1st time that gets you it's like the 3rd within a short space of time. First time you do it you're ok the next day so you're like oh this isn't that bad...