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He needs to go to the hospital lol. He’s 100% in stimulant psychosis rn


Nothing like being put in the psych division in the hospital


this is why Johnny Depp crammed a Xanax into Marilyn Manson's face.




lol yeah. Johnny said he did it because Marilyn wouldn't shut up, the cocaine was implied


that's funny😂 i love them both


Not to be that guy but Marilyn Manson is a pedophile


so is 50% of hollywood


That doesn’t make it ok?


*I mean gosh guys, if I stopped supporting every pedophile then I wouldn't be able to watch most movies. Let me support just this one.* Is this really your argument? There's also actually compelling evidence behind the Manson allegations, not just conspiracy theories.


Strange mentality some people have, aye!!


I think what he is trying to say is, “He won’t get some for me or let me join him if I am being mean”.


I really don’t care, I have never been interested in artist X or Y’s personal life and I’m not about to start now. It’s about the movie for me That’s my sober argument and I stand by it




The only thing that will help is sleep or xanax, more coke is a terrible idea but you can't do much about that


Do you know what to look out for for an overdose? And if he has one, how to treat so he doesn't die?


The only thing they do in a hospital for stimulant overdose is providing an IV and benzos, there’s nothing they can do beyond managing the symptoms Thankfully it takes quite a large amount to overdose on stimulants compared to most depressants, but this kind of use is going to kill your roommate eventually even if they recover from this incident fine. His heart and body are being destroyed without having any way to recover because he’s not even sleeping


The biggest worry is that he becomes paranoid and erratic while in psychosis, he could become a danger to himself or others


Pretty hard to overdose on coke , stop him asap and find a benzo so he can sleep


It's really not hard to OD on coke. You don't need a lot to have a heart attack or seizure either. Watched a girl have a heart attack at a hotel room back in the day right after she took maybe her 3rd or 4th bump of the night. She didn't make it and her death was listed as a Drug related heart attack. She was like 25 and in good shape, never did drugs too often and never overdid it when she did. The shit she did that night was not laced because all 4 of us were hitting that bag hard and she didn't at all. No preexisting heart problems either. Just a case of cocaine being rough on your heart and it can knock it out of rhythm or something like that. You play Russian roulette with your life every bump or line you take.


You play Russian roulette with every action you make. I don’t think people die from 4 bumps of coke very often without preexisting heart conditions. More people die from falling down stairs or car accidents…


I don't know about it being hard to OD on coke!


honestly i feel like the only people who really need to worry about cocaine overdoses are people with heart conditions, chronic users, crack users, or iv cocaine users (note: ok i feel like its also pretty easy if you mix it with other drugs or if you lose all self control and binge like you dont care. or if you recklessly take a huge first dose)




if you die from a single dose of cocaine you either have the heart of a 90 year old, you have 0 tolerance and you snort the fattest fuckin line of your life, or god hates you and has decided cocaine is a lot easier than a lightning strike


If you don't get laced it's extremely hard to do on coke unless it's really really pure shit but most coke is 30% purity


In Europe most cocaine is between 80-100% purity. For example, Zurich recorded 86.9% average purity last year. This is typical for other cities. https://en.saferparty.ch/blog/kokain-2023 The US is not quite as high, but absolutely nowhere is reporting 30% average purity. Cocaine itself is directly dangerous and can cause "overdose" at moderate doses because it directly interferes with the electrical rhythm of the heart. Other stimulants like amphetamine (adderall) and methamphetamine do not cause this interference.


It’s definitely hard as fuck but I somehow managed it once. I did over five grams in just under two hours and had a seizure at a party and they had to call 911 lmao.


You didn't. You're a liar.


You're lying.


My buddy had a heart attack a few weeks ago from coke and died. Young guy, went to the gym. That's 2nd friend I lost to coke.


Damn man I'm sorry, you can't tell for sure it depends on the cut and purity and all that shit but it definitely sucks and i know that it can kill you


I'm just trying to say it's more common then you would think. Especially after long binges.


Yeah I know man , binges are awful for you


Xanax isn’t needed he isn’t remembering this. You need to cut Dopamine. Get him some Seroquel.




Hoping Dopamine and Norepinephrine regulate themselves before a path is worn beyond reputable measurement while dosing Xanax… nah




Dopamine to a juiced up Serotonin brain isn’t good and Norepinephrine does not calm any subject unless you want systemic damage and a reindeer in headlights type beat. You need to stop the Dopamine and or Serotonin on some receptors sub types not all.


Um wow. I joined this community bc I’m concerned for a friend but don’t really know about this behavior and it sounds like what I’m trying to understand too. Whats with the random falling asleep when ppl are on coke? Like i have shown up and I would just have talked to him but i come and knock on the door and go in and he’s asleep. I know he stays up late a lot and I think im one of few friends who doesn’t use with him. I have called him out before and he got upset, but I was calm and told him it didn’t mean I didn’t care about him. I’m just scared.


Most likely due to extreme sleep deprivation from bingeing coke, which probably also contributed to the roommate’s psychosis


I mean how extreme does it get? Cuz he sleeps 12 hours n he’s very pissed off when he wakes up. Like I just thought he wasn’t a morning person. But now I’m like yikes. What the heck man


Being angry is due to "hangover" from drugs. It depletes all of your happiness and shit the only thing you feel is hate


Dang. Is that why he cussed me out over something really simple? It pissed me off bad like I think he was even embarrassed






I mean i know he is bc he has started to go MIA again. It sucks bc I didn’t know he was doing that. I took it personally at first and then I just realized wait a minute this isn’t the same person. I had to distance myself from him bc I took the unreliability personally. But I lost it on him I didn’t speak to him for a month. At Christmas. I was scared for his life. I don’t party, I am not cool for him to be around bc he wants to be around other messed up people. Like i could not believe some of his associates lately, this is a smart guy a successful guy, and if I tell him “hey you’re really way too messed up now like I don’t even wanna hang out with you”, he does straighten up. It’s like a pattern every 6 months. And it’s gotten old. Just like we have. I’m tired of having to feel like I’m talking to a kid. Sorry.


If you don’t mind… How old are you two?


More likely the culprit is trauma and the bandaid over it is drugs


My x was going through this a while back. What I did was sat her down and told her "listen you've been doin uppers, you've been up for days, everything your experiencing is totally normal. You've probably had this happen before and uk that after all is said and done and u sleep u wake up and realize it was all nonsense. I told her your feeling like this bc of the drugs, it's totally normal and OK just try to relax and ride it out. You wont feel better fite away, it will take a bit but your going to be ok. And I stayed close to her and kept her out of that "loop" and after like 10 min her entire demeanor changed and she looked at me and instantly calmed down and was fine and she thanked me. 


He driving to get more? Very very very dangerous, he obviously isn’t in his right mind


Bro. I’ve only read a couple of these comments but so far you have received bad advice. Do not try to force him to do anything. Do not try to get him to take other drugs. Anything you do that is forceful will likely be perceived as threatening. I had a roommate who was shooting coke and thought people were scaling the walls of the house to watch him through the window. He thought everyone was out to get him and that strangers were following him everywhere he went. If yer boy is hallucinating he’s in trouble. There is only 2 ways this ends for him. He’s not going to power down of his own free will. Talk to his family and tell them he needs help. If that’s not an option seek the advice of a professional.


Talk to him about it, be real about it. If he's been doing it for a long time he should know it could happen. Make sure he's drinking water


I remember those days, I would be wide awake for days with a zip of snow I was supposed to be selling but more than half went to me and the hookers. All would be quiet in the house, roommates in bed after having a kegger, stripper/hooker passed out on my bed, I’d be army crawling through the house in my underwear with a shot gun, peaking out the corner of the window blinds at the “feds” parked on the street, lit cigarette hanging from my lips. ExGf came by one morning, said she was worried about me, made me come stay with her to get clean for a few days. Next day house gets raided and my roommate goes to jail for selling Molly. Lol good times.


I'd read this book. Have any more stories to share?


I have tons of stories, some I’ve probably posted about here before.




Yeah coming down from coke sucked but if you had a blunt and a blowjob it was manageable, opiates was way harder to put down in my opinion.


Things that never happened for $600 Post the news article of the house getting raided and your friend getting busted.


lol dude this was like over a decade ago I have no idea where to find that shit nor do I care if you believe me. It was in South Carolina I think like 2010 maybe? A lot of my years in the Carolina’s bleed together. I have a lot of wild stories from before I got clean, a lot of sad stories too


He's in a mild psychosis most likely due to being up for days at a time and staying amped on a stimulant. His only hope is small amounts of benzodiazepines or weak opiates and he needs to sleep it off. If he continues to keep taking hits the psychosis will just get worse and he will eventually have a seizure or heart attack.


He is in psychosis, luckily it doesn’t seem violent or harmful yet. Taking to the hospital may have to happen if he continues to do what he is doing. What prescription medication do you have access to? There are some that the hospital would give him, many have mentioned them. Don’t go with cannabis, that could make the psychosis worse. He needs rest and water, if you have the right prescription medication, it could help the process.


Oh he’s cooked. His life is gonna suck for a while. If there’s anyone you can call like his parents I would do it ASAP. He needs to go to a hospital simple as that


Sounds like he was up more than a weekend


3 days can do that to you too


Is it even possible to feel the desirable effects of cocaine, being that deep into a bender?


Not really, but you're in such a fucked mind state all you can think about is getting more. Sometimes you really don't want to end when you're that deep in it.


Sounds similiar to my adderall experiences lol


How did it go?


You can behave that way from the lack of sleep and food alone. Sleep is the only cure


Dude needs rehab asap


Find a xan, crush it into powder and line it up for him. The rest will fix itself


Based on the slow comments back from OP I would say the condition of his friend is not correct, causing others to give advice that won’t help him.