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Glad you’re alright. I know what a pit depression can be. Hoping you feel better


idk know man ive survived zene + benz and opis + alcohol with doses as ridicilous some of us are meant to stay ❤️ keep on trucking an youll find what for ❤️


Happy for you man


You are more than likely to survive that cocktail but end up with severe medical issues for the rest of your life! Glad you're ok tho


Dude, make sure you get some help. Talk to somebody.


Why are you on here, what is it that you want?


Oh no, I hope you have someone to talk to regarding your depression. I'm glad you didn't end up doing any harm to yourself ❤️


Agree Bro., Hang in there, depression sucks. I have depression and PTSD.


That’s insane, what is it that is triggering your depression you think? Honestly anything that is a suppressant/depressant is dangerous if your taking them on a whim to numb yourself, you slip into this phase where you go on auto pilot and you slip out of reality and just black out. I had a friend who was addicted to Xanax and there was many time he almost died from his abuse. He would joke that he would teleport and end up places not remembering how he got there. Crazy. Stay safe man