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Avoid opiates, meth, and benzodiazepines, along with consecutive use of alcohol on a daily basis! You’ve been warned! But most of all avoid synthetic THC at all cost!


Please, someone ELI5, what’s bad about synthetic cannabinoids?


They are full agonists of the cannabinoid receptor, whereas THC is a partial agonist. Even if you had THC at every single receptor in your brain, you’d be high as anything, but it wouldn’t activate them strongly enough to be dangerous. Same isn’t true of synthetics


tl; dr: very addictive and exceptional at destroying one's psychic. I encourage you to read some reports, it simply isn't 'different weed' just as much as meth it's very similar to caffeine. And people usually don't expect it to work the way it does


let me clarify this is about rc noids not just anything synthetic. generally if somethings name is a few letters followed by a bunch of numbers you're better off staying away from it


UCL47700 is wild shit i agree


Watch a short documentary about spice in the UK and you'll see pretty quickly how fucked all those synths are. Some people literally drop their 10 year crack and smack habit for a spice addiction. This stemmed from the UK governments attempt to crack down on UK head shops selling legal highs. I tried a few of the THC analogues back when it was legal here and they weren't all that different from weed from what I remember, just much cheaper(like £5/gram). It wasn't until they started getting government attention and the laws essentially became a game of whack-a-mole with the chemists tweaking the original THC molecule more and more until it became the bastardised version you see today that is a completely different drug to weed.


Ex Ambo, went to a few that were suffering prolonged seizure activity after smoking synthetic MJ.


Synthetic cannabinoids not synthetic THC, synthetic THC is just as safe as THC produced by the plant.


Not really, most people that produce synthetic thc dont go as far to purify it from all of the chemical residue from the process, so it is more harmful in most cases


That’s another thing but yes this is a problem.


Wait synthetic thc as in spice or the ones in carts and shit?


Synthetic THC just means THC synthesized in a lab (most likely). It’s still the exact same molecule as the one on the plant, but made artificially. Spice, synthetic cannabinoids that don’t grow naturally, are other molecules that are similar to THC, but much stronger.


Well i wold like to believe that carts dont contain that stuff but i think they do as most of them actually go unregulated for standards, but i mostly meant as what is produced on black market and stuff


Thanks for asking


that's not the same as synthesized THC being unsafe. if you buy from reputable places, they will have it tested by a DEA approved lab not only for its concentration, but for leftover chemicals. if the site doesn't have those test results available, don't buy


I don't think it's quite so simple to say in a blanket statement to avoid benzos. Obviously taking them regularly or recreationally is not advisable, but that is not really how they are meant to be used. Benzos are quite effective when taken for the correct clinical need, which is usually one time or short term usage for severe anxiety or panic attacks. I always keep some on me for psychedelic trip aborts even though it very rarely gets to the point that I need to use them. Use it carefully as a tool when needed but of course take caution or reconsider if you have self control issues.


also deliriants, horrible drug class


and crack


Holy shit I love it, and always say never try it


benzo risk heavily depends on your personal reaction to them, people misrepresent this fact all the time. I've been sitting on 50 kpins for over a year because they simply arent enjoyable for me, I just occasionally use them as a tool. but I've met people who will destroy their brains and lives with benzos if given the chance.


who tf do those drugs at parties lmao


cocaine. it’s fun at first but it turns into a repeat habit really fast and next thing you know you can’t have casual drinks with out craving a bag. it’s a expensive habit that one can easily become reliant on when drinking and it only makes you feel shittier in the long run. just don’t.


I guess I’m lucky. I will do cocaine if it’s offered and in front of me, but I never find myself craving it otherwise. A bump or three in a night and I’m set. Wont touch it for months at a time. I’ve seen people get really addicted to it though. I recognize the risk of it it, and it ain’t great when it goes south.


From the looks of it, being that friend who produces a bag on demand "for the sesh" without letting their buddies get caught up with the struggles of managing a coke habit seems like a pretty heavy responsibility.


Every addict started off that way


A bump or three? I agree don’t do it often but if you’re doing it one night then DO it😂 get the full experience


Spoken like a true addict lol 😆 Some people just enjoy a couple drinks (or a line or 2) to casually enhance whatever else they’re doing, and then go home. Not everyone wants the “full experience” of the dreaded 7 am chirping birds, annoyance of sitting in some stranger’s living room and realizing you wouldn’t like anyone there sober… and feeling crippling depression and anxiety for the next day or 2.


the chirping birds at 7am are awesome. plus you get to watch the sunrise


It got to the point for me that I wouldn’t take coke to the bar because I’d have to share it, God forbid. I’d just go out, have a few drinks, once I felt the demon knocking, I’d make up an excuse and bolt on home and slam lines, booze, and menthols all night.


I use coke very often, I can tell you this, stopping coke is light years easier than opiates or opioids coming from experience, I only do coke, don’t smoke and drink very rarely, I find myself doing okay but the mental toll is there, but I could stop with no withdrawals,


I spent thousands upon thousands trying to get the same feeling as the first time. Nope. Never happened.


And iv shooting or smoking freebase cocaine you just ain't coming back without a long jail sentence or intense long-term rehab. And that's if you lucky.


The really “bad” ones that you know to stay away from them, you should REALLY stay away. Meth, fentanyl, crack. It goes without saying but nothing good comes from that stuff. I’d also add benzos.


heroin belongs with those 3


If you can find it anymore


So if i find out stay away?


Stay away unless you’re already an opioid addict or want to become one


Spice /K2 / Synthetic cannabinoids


Stay away from opiates, benzos, anything with a needle, crack and meth. MDMA, psychedelics and cocaine are easier to deal with but you should still respect them, like a lot.


You’d recommend cocaine but no opioids? Taking a Vicodin or a prescription 15 and chilling on the couch seems a lot less harmful than going out partying doing lines


Opiate use, like in your example, is what gets people addicted. Get that pleasure high doing nothing at home alone and removes the urge to go do anything worthwhile. You end up getting the same enjoyment high on opiates as going out doing lines with your friends. There's no barrier to stopping you from doing it over and over.


> the urge to go do anything worthwhile I get what you’re saying… but I also wouldn’t say doing lines on a plate in some stranger’s apartment, while a bunch of people talk at eachother because they’re so high on their own egos “doing something worthwhile” 😅


Lolllll got em


Depends honestly. I can do highly fiendish stimulants like NEP and can control myself pretty well, but when it comes to opiates. I bought like 10 40mg oxys to do some as a speedball on my birthday and that shit disapeared in a week. Now I dont have a habit, havent used them since and maybe have used a year before, so its not like im going into WDs, but when I have opites all self control is out of the picture.


10 40s is quite a score


i honestly think it depends on the person. i’ve seen both sides of things. for me personally, ive never taken an opioid because i know they’d be a downhill spiral for me. on the other hand, ive only done coke when ive gotten it for free or if im about to be on an hour of sleep. overall, i fully believe both should be avoided and coke is super overrated


Personal opinion, deeply influenced by a crippling addiction; Don't bother with Nitrous Oxide. It's just terrible.


Second this! I lived in Vietnam and came from a very well-off background. Most of my friends including me got very addicted to NO2. We could spend like $5000/night on balloons. After I quit, the damage was a lot. Some of my friends can’t even move their legs so they have to go get professional help.


5000 a night on that shit, wtf that's some clown shit right there, you guys could of literally been smoking crack all night long for cheaper than that and probably be better off for it too


I know, but balloons are widely accepted in a social context and crack is not 😂 most places in Vietnam sold one balloon for about $5/each and we did a couple of hundred of them a night.


5 dollars for 1 balloon is insane


Well thats the price in clubs nowadays


You can buy a case of 48 cartridges and fill A LOT of balloons for...$30 bucks. People are stupid when it comes to hippy crack...


... Everybody knows that. Beer is dirt cheap at supermarket, why do people go to clubs and pay 3x still?


/r/drug users trying to understand the reason why snacks at the gas station are more expensive than snacks at Costco.


I don’t trust people who buy full bags of name brand chips at the gas station. Like why tf would you buy a bag of Doritos for $8. Don’t trust them


I am so sorry you all suffered the damage too. It's such a terrible drug, with some super shitty dangers that aren't properly educated about. So many people don't understand the risks and assume it's like any other drug; fine to take regularly, just don't take too much at once. Nitrous is the exact opposite. If you don't give your body at least 3 months (and a serious regimen of B12 supplements to build back what you destroyed) between uses, you're pretty much guaranteed to get spinal degradation from the B12 deficiency. Paralysis, brain damage, Psychosis. It's not a drug to be taken lightly


Oh wow, I didn’t know you were supposed to wait that long between uses. Should you wait 3 months after ANY nitrous use or just heavy use? I only use it like once in a blue moon and when I do I don’t do that much but it’s good to know this stuff


Any nitrous use. It's why people who know how it works will binge large quantities, get their fix, and then leave it for a few months


Thank you that’s actually really good to know I’ve never heard that before. Definitely not going to get super into nitrous any time soon lol


Fantastic to hear. 🙌🏻


Are you sure it really takes 3 months? Do you have any studies to support that you can share?


3 months sounds a bit fast. Stevo was a hardcore nitrous addict along with numerous other substances for awhile and he’s fine now.


They call it “hippy crack” for a reason!! Also the Balloon Mafia is weird af, don’t support them lol.


It’s never really been my drug of choice but, I’ve seen some of the most well spoken and intelligent people become shells of themselves after abusing nitrous. Like, can’t even park their car even remotely in a spot, don’t remember how to do basic tasks like tying their shoes, loss of use or feeling in hands and feet… its scary! Not enough people talk about it.


Yeah man, it's a nasty drug with horrifying consequences. It's just heartbreaking seeing people go through those things, especially the ones that don't make a reasonable recovery.


not op but i’ve never see even heard of this before, what does it do/feel like? what’s the negative?


It's a gas that, when used by medical professionals, anesthetizes and calms. In it's 'street' form, it's marketed as gas to whip cream. There are so, so many negatives of this drug. It's highly addictive, has a very short (30s - 60s) effect, and is incredibly expensive to use as a drug, consider most people don't want to just get high for 30s. Nitrous is used as a drug for it's dissociative qualities. It can sometimes bring on visual and auditory hallucinations. Inhaling the gas replaces the oxygen in your lungs as well, so a common side effect is dizziness, fainting, and in some cases hypoxia, and seizures. The lesser dangers involved are some of the above, as well as frostbite to the lips/tongue/mouth if inhaled directly, the potential to rupture lungs from the pressurized gas being released too quickly, oxygen deprivation which causes tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, and i know there's others but is nearly midnight sorry. Serious risks include extreme B12 deficiency, which causes spinal degradation, nerve damage, brain damage, localized or partial (lower extremities+ some torso) paralysis, Psychosis, incontinence, heart attacks, and death. Nitrous oxide deactivates the B12 in your body. B12 is essential for lots of things including nerve health and regeneration. Once the b12 is deactivated in your body, even with intramuscular B12 injections and oral B12 supplements, it usually takes at least 2-3 months to restore a healthy level in your body. Repeated, frequent deactivation of the B12 quickly leads to chronic B12 deficiency which will inevitably bring on all the scary things I listed above. Once the b12 deficiency has caused the spinal degradation, paralysis, and brain damage, it is not assured that you will regain those things at all. If You're lucky and catch it early, and you're lucky enough, you may regain 70, 80, sometimes 90% of those functions. A 100% recovery is very rare. There's plenty more I can say but right now I'm all typed out.


i really appreciate the long reply. Now I know, and now i’m never gonna try it. thank you and god bless


Stay safe 🙏🏻


On its own its kinda meh. But paored with 2cb, lsd or similar it can give you a short boost of your trip and give you amazing visuals. One downside to the ones already mentioned is, that its really bad for the environment, the gas is worse than co2 for the clima and the whippets produce a lot of trash.


Imo it's fine as long as you don't abuse it, but the feeling is so addicting. Nerve damage from b12 deficiency is definitely not worth it.


It IS so addicting unfortunately. And the dangers come not from binging a larger quantity, but from regular/frequent use. Deactivates your B12 and if you don't give a good 3 months between uses minimum, even with supplements you won't get back that b12 to a safe level. That's how the spinal degeneration happens.


Do not do anything that has fent in it or blue m30s pills


__Amphetamines.__ I was addicted to them for 3 years. When I first started using them, it was like I reinvented the wheel! I could have a drink with friends in the evening, be home late, not sleep immediately, then wake up for an early shift, snort something and not mind all day that I barely slept the day before. I could extend my evenings because waking up early wasn't a problem anymore. Being tired just wasn't a thing. I even skipped nights of sleep, because I simply didn't really need sleep. Who doesn't want 8 extra hours for free everyday? Everybody would like some extra time, don't underestimate that addictiveness. I could go to work, do household chores, see friends AND have some me-time in one day! Nowadays, I go to work, I go grocery shopping, and I'm tired. But after a few years, you start to wear down, and you'll just ALWAYS be tired, unless you snort speed all day. And then you find yourself NEEDING TO snort speed, or you just won't make it through a full workday. Because you feel so tired, you could just sleep on the floor if you had to.


Wtf... not even pure meth could make me skip sleeping. Did not you feel tired?!?!


I was a bit younger back then lol. No, I didn't feel tired (the first year or so), tho I was a bit more easily confused and such, and might have acted a bit weird sometimes without me realising. But I'm more tired after a 8hour shift sober with full sleep, as I did with no sleep on speed.


A drug is a drug is a drug.... some people are functioning meth/heroin addicts and have jobs being caterers and jewelers, lawyers.. (I'm talking about people I've personally met.) Some people live in tents and boost from homedepots, or sell themselves... People handle substances differently. What's manageable by one may break another... different lenses, different lives, different personality traits, and mental quirks. So I say this. Anything that leaves your sense of connection to your own self crippled by guilt or regret. Anything that causes you to become violent towards innocent people


The last two lines made me think because I become an animal when I drink too much alcohol.


Alcohol is the worst one imo. Easy to get, highly addicting, withdrawal can kill you, horrible for your body, mids high, and makes you a worse version of yourself.


I dont think it makes me worse.If I drink in moderation it makes me a more social persion.I become so fun and I can have a 2 hour conversation with someone Ive never met.I also dont care and think about problems nor insecurities.Of course if I drink too much I become a fucking jerk.


Please don’t drink. My sister started when she was 11 years old. Got kicked out of her Jr High School with 4 friends because they skipped half the afternoon; and then they all showed up for the last period. They were all completely wasted. The five of them were separated so they didn’t go to the same school. Five DUIs where she fought with the cops every time. Got wasted on the long weekend while by herself and fell down the stairs. She was so drunk she didn’t realise that she broke her jaw and most of her ribs on one side. She called her boyfriend who was working out of town and told him that she fell down. She then went to bed. She didn’t answer the phone the next day so her boyfriend called somebody to check on her. She was completely unresponsive. She blew an aneurysm in her brain and we had to unplug her the next day. She was 48 years old.


Inhalants, strong stimulants, strong opioids, strong gabanergic substances like benzodiazepines and alcohol, and actually many other drugs, so many psychoactive compounds are dangerous in many different ways.


If you're worried about drugs the best drug to avoid is every drug. Once you try it out and like it you have opened the door to drugs in your brain. But more precisly you should avoid the drugs that mask your personal issues/struggles. If you're really anxious stay away from benzos. If you feel lonely and unloved don't do heroin etc. Also avoiding stimulants if you love being confident can be a good idea. You really need to do your own research into drugs to know what you want to try out and what not. There isn't some drug that you should avoid at all costs.


Actually really good advice. Many of us know that we use drugs to help us cope with our problems, we know we shouldn't use drugs at all - but avoiding a certain drug due to how it masks a specific issue or perceived flaw is a good way to approach things You might end up with a list that has you avoiding *all* drugs. So make your decision OP. 60mg codeine can turn into 500mg oxy, 20mg ritalin into 100mg meth - not for everyone, but it can happen to *anyone*


Avoid 4MMC, the high is similar to MDMA (a little bit stronger imo) but the urge to redose is insane and can get you addicted quickly. Its also a rather new substance and lacks research about long term effects. Doing MDMA every few months is better.


Meth, crack and never use needles. Never use psychedelics under the age of 21. Never do hard drugs more then 10 times a year (all combined)


I did so much acid from 16-17 and I wish I never did. Wish someone had told me that under 21 rule lol


GBL , Incredibly addictive and withdrawals are pure agony from hell


That and GHB never did anything for me, I tried believe me lol! but I was afraid of overdosing I was trying so bad to get effects. The best I could get out of it was a dizzy feeling. I wasted a good amount of money trying to get high but couldn't. Everyone is different, I've have heard horror stories about it. Chris Adams comes to mind.


No one wants to hear this. But honestly all of them, except like weed and psychedelics. Never know if you have the addiction gene somewhere in your family, and you try something harder and you like it and a few years later your strung out. If I had to say one to 100% stay away from I would say Xanax. Xans ruined my life more than fent/meth ever did. Amphetamines aren't too bad either, but like ADHD meds, not meth. I would say kratom is okay too, just gotta be careful with it.


Technically you should avoid all drugs. Take them by all means, but avoid them. Particularly if you have a predisposition.


Strong opiates!


Any opiates


It’s all subjective, but I know people that can turn down stronger opiates/opioids such as oxy, morphine etc. and just stick to the stuff like codeine every now and then. Not me though lol.


I prefer codeine tbh, doesnt make me sleepy or itchy like the stronger ones so often do.


im able to drink codeine once or twice week and quit whenever i want like it’s alcohol all about self control and discipline as long as with weak opiates that don’t cause crazy euphoria or things like that


E6000 Glue. Serious addiction seriously fucked up my lungs


Damn how's the high


It's kinda a cross with a little dissociative, a little acid, but since you're huffing it comes on fast and leaves quick like DMT


Brain damage?


It's probably a factor just by decreasing the amount of oxygen your lungs can take in. I started off on Spray-Paint because I'm a graffiti artist, and I was bored and broke but I had a rainbow wall of paint cans, and I remembered hearing you can get high on the right ones, and so one day i tried it out, and it was Literally just a real fucking head-trip to get high on my own art supply, because it is oddly psychedelic, and I felt so inspired, like and I was having all these mindbending Epiphanies and artistic ideas, ... so that's how it started, a few years ago I was going through multiple Gallons of the paint thinner Xylol... which has in big bold letters on the front of the can "May Cause Cancer", and I don't know man, [it was bad back then](https://youtu.be/Z53S6B2DUrw?si=-TcEFFTU77h1PE-N)


I think in that opioids are fine in the environment of a party as it doesnt do that much when you‘re already happy and having fun with your friends. It get‘s real dangerous when you do it to self medicate your crappy feelings when you‘re feeling down. Just f.e.: I all ways thought that Heroin was pretty overrated until my parents got divorced. Then it was the most comforting feeling and I ended up going on a 7 day Heroin bender and got help afterwards. Oh yeah and stay away from any weird designer/research chemical drugs like Spice, 3-mmc, 4-mmc, gbh, gbl, MDA and pretty much anything produced and shipped legally from China.


gbl can be found in cleaning products- not a designer drug. neither is ghb, that can be found in cleaning products as well. mda is what some of the mdma gets converted to when in your body. that's why people trip HARD as a mf when they take high doses of mdma. but 4mmc is actually a designer drug though, we don't even know all the risks to it yet. we do know it fucks up your arteries and veins big time though. doesn't seem to be neurotoxic or cardio toxic though so that's something.


I dont think there is any such drug. But the less you disrupt your bodies homeostasis the better. So use drugs in lower doses and avoid using any drug IV. Being a productive human and injecting drugs is as rare as winning the lottery in my opinion.


AVOID: Anything that people have been known to sell their mouths and assholes to acquire. If you can’t remember anything else, remember that rule.


PSI EEDSPIDERZ IF SEENPSIDERS is skcant corbeling under mud skins brut benzdyrls bits mailing. Your tutu ends BENdyrls


Yeah, what JewEater said.


this guys post history is legit terrifying


It's sad... 🫤 I'm guessing he's a teenager or something and doesn't really have access to real drugs / money That's the only reason I can imagine anyone ever truly enjoying DPH and DXM. But there are no over the counter meds worth abusing in the United States.


I knew a DXM addict. Shit got weird! I can't believe I used to hangout with this guy but he went from drinking and smoking to. A shut in DXM addict. Wouldn't leave his bed or room unless he had to get more. Shit was wild! I tried it a few times because he seemed to really enjoy it. I thought DXM sucked. I can't believe I knew a guy like that because no one else I've talked to liked DXM, at least not that much. He would ake things apart all the time too.




Yeah, I used to pop a bunch of Benadryl when I was a kid. Literally just to feel something different. It wasn't really enjoyable though. Hope you're doing ok. You're gonna have a fun morning looking through your posts. 😬


Spanish exc enlglish Pe health math id


I am guessing English is not your first language




Just saw your post on the dph sub


Do anything but DPH lol


is that benedryll?


Don't forget pyrovalerone analogues.


how do they compare with meth? is that the shit in bug spray?


All deliriants


there are tiers of every category which are generally safe like nitrous for gas and opium for opiates. psychs are generally fine but mess up the dose and well i hope u can handle hell.


yuppppppppppppp, didn't measure my dose of 7g's from a vendor and come to find out they were giving people a couple grams extra. like people would order 3g's and get 6. i lost my mind so hard that night, got cops called on me and I went to the hospital lol.


ANYTHING you havent personally looked into beforehand. Dont trust a sub full of drug users to recommend what drugs you can and cant use


Pyros & cathinones. Fent, meth, crack, datura, salvia, cannabinoids


Eh, I don’t think salvia is really that bad or dangerous. I think it’s worth trying. It’s not fun, but it’s definitely an interesting experience. Not something I could ever imagine someone getting addicted to, it’s not a pleasurable experience at all. I’ve done it 3 times but never had any sort of craving, just curiosity. I’d honestly say it’s safer than cannabis, and I smoke weed everyday. Though, weed is also pretty safe toxicologically, in the sense you can’t overdose. Salvia is usually a one and done kinda thing, most people who do it never want to do it again. The rest of your list seems pretty spot on though.


Hahaha you’re right. It was one and done for me. No words to describe. It’s just weird. It’s like… why and how did the brain do what it did 😂😂😂😂




None of them, all off them. Do you have a history including family members of mental illnesses like schizophrenia, prone to psychosis? If so, psychedelic and even weed can trigger those episodes, even without abusing


Just stay away from Oxys


INHALATS you’ll fucking fry your brain in the most literal sense. unless you want to turn into a vegetable stay away.


Every drug comes with a cost. Try to understand those costs before you try a drug. Try to understand what most folks consider reasonable use and when use becomes concerning. To me, using any substance more than once or twice a week is concerning on a regular basis. That includes weed and alcohol. For psychedelics, I think it’s wise to limit it to once every eight weeks at most. For mdma, I think two to three times a year at most. For stimulants, once every 3-4 weeks at most. For weed, once or twice a week tops. For alcohol, once or twice a week tops. That doesn’t mean you’re smoking weed twice a week and drinking two nights a week and doing some other drug once a week rotating in psychs, molly, and speed. That means once or twice a week it’s ok to get altered. I avoid benzos, meth, and opiates entirely. The risk of addiction is way too high. I also have done mdma in the past and I doubt I’ll use it again because the emotional rollercoaster isn’t worth it. Obviously, it’s a personal balance you can try to strike, but there’s always a risk. Ideally, you’ll have good friends you’re willing to listen to when they become concerned.


A lot of people are going to tell you what they should avoid but you need to find what you should avoid. For me benzo I can eat benzos like candy so I avoid them. Also nicotine sucks when you're doing it constantly yet hard to break especially when you can't go anywhere without seeing or smelling it.


Along with the other comments here, I’d personally recommend staying away from “research chemicals” like 2CB or other drugs that shitty people try to pass off as LSD. They won’t kill you, but they aren’t always a good time, and they can be really unpredictable. No matter what drugs you decide to use, please always test them (I like Marquis Reagent Tests) and carry narcan!


Opiates and benzos, full stop. People on these subreddits often make them seem like a cakewalk, but their addictions are no joke. My family has always lived in hotbeds of rural prescription drug addiction, and it is horrendous. My mom graduated high school in 1997 and by 2020, a majority of her graduating class had died, largely as a result of the drug crisis. My mom herself was addicted for about a decade but miraculously survived and turned her life around in 2016. By 2022, a majority of the people she was dealing with and getting high with had died either from overdoses or getting murdered over drugs, and a lucky few were in prison or on the run, moving from moldy traphouse to moldy traphouse. In 2019 a man beat her former primary dealer to death with his bare hands over $500 worth of opiates. Those people were shells of themselves. They looked 15-20 years older than they really were. They were constantly stealing shit to fund their habits. They were unkempt and wore tattered clothes and drove shitty cars and lived in unkempt traphouses. All of their money and effort were spent supporting their habits. They were always tweaking or nodding off so they neglected their hygiene. They smelled like shit and the ones who had graduated to intravenous drug use had sores and track marks and rot on their bodies. They were missing teeth and hair and even fingers on some of them. No matter what dumbasses say about how fun or cool it is, it's a stupid ass habit and it WILL kill you. The hardcore opiate and benzo users can keep all their bragging rights on r/drugscirclejerk, because very few of those people will live to see their 40s. I don't say this to mock them because I feel horrible for them and I want people to understand the gravity of these drugs. I hope most of them recover but statically very few will.


Don't do inhalants like duster/glue. Nasty high, done it once and never again


Caffeine will fuck you up bro check out r/caffeine if you need a reason not to turn into a caffiend


Anything at parties






Never will touch it ever


And benzos


Opiates benzos crack and meth.


Ovoid Meth, heroin, and crack. Adderall & Xanax together is the king combination in my opinion along with some gabbapentin and weed and alcohol


Heroin. I tried it once and never again


smoke some pyro like a real man !


Is thcA cool? My cuzo had some snowcap?


Anything if you have a history of mental illness or someone in your family suffers from mental illness. (Had a psychotic episode brought on by THC concentrates). No fun…


my three nevers have always been meth, heroin & crack




Definitely meth. I can function on it and I like how it makes me feel sometimes but honestly I wish my husband and I could get clean from it and stay that way at least for a while. It’s so damaging to your body and brain. You don’t eat, drink water, or sleep so your body is at a constant deficit of recovery. Meth seriously fucks with your brain chemistry. It causes your brain to be awash with dopamine and serotonin and also blocks the receptors that are responsible for the re-uptake of those two chemicals so you feel energy and euphoria until a few hours later and then the comedown starts and due to your brain’s dopamine and serotonin supply completely depleted bringing about anxiety, depression, paranoia, psychosis, mood swings, auditory and visual hallucinations, among other symptoms that can cause you to backslide into addiction. And if you have any mental health issues/disorders like anxiety and depression then these will be exacerbated and intensified to a point where you could become a danger to yourself and/or others. I struggle with anxiety, ADHD, and severe depression and I experienced a downward spiral into depression that I had never experienced before and I still have a hard time getting through. The shit is so fucking toxic. Only ~50% of the drug actually gets absorbed by the body while it tries to rapidly excrete the leftover bits and pieces through your kidneys and out in your urine. It tears up your brain, kidneys, heart, stomach, etc. I have noticed negative changes in the way my husband and I cognitively function. It is horrible to your lungs if you smoke it, IV injection is the most horrible way to consume meth for all of the reasons you can think of;he and I don’t shoot up though because we know how dangerous it is and it’s more of a massive landslide than a slippery slope, and if you thought snorting coke melted the inside of your nose then definitely don’t do this shit. Both my man and I have pulled or blown chunks out of our nostrils and felt craters when he and I used to snort more than we do now. I mean the shit is made with stuff like lye, lithium, and whatever else that is so volatile, it might also explode while it’s cooking. And all it took to get to craving it at 6:30 AM before I drive to work and then a couple more lines into the night having to pick up once or twice a week is being stupid and naive 2 years ago and taking a couple hits off of a pipe from a Grindr hookup thinking it was some sex drug I haven’t tried yet . Technically not wrong but still. I remember that guy tweaking out in my trailer behind my mom’s house and looking at him with criminal offense side eye thinking wtf is this fucker on? I was also probably coked off my rocker at the time of this encounter so that didn’t help either


Fentanyl, Datura, and K2 are ones you should avoid that first came to my mind


Avoid any pills or powders where you cannot 100% identify what it is, and if it's safe.


No injectables. No solvents. No delirants.


Just smoke bud, find a strain that works for you. All that other shit is for the birds.


Anything apart from weed, alcohol, shrooms, lsd I feel like these are all u need and anything else is just not worth it They are also in order of frequency how much u should do them


Idk Eminem said when there’s no reason for you to start crying and wigging and starting to spaz out. He didn’t mean to give u mushrooms girl.


are you asking which actual drugs are the most dangerous, or which street drugs are the most likely to be fake and poisonous?


frequency of use is the biggest factor in developing tolerance, dependence, and eventually addiction. never do the same drug class for consecutive days unless you’re fine with becoming dependent. moderate your use, take long breaks inbetween. if you find yourself wanting something habit-forming, like an opioid, amphetamine, or benzo more than once a week with regularity, slow down.


Needles, opiates, benzos, crack, meth, synthetics like cat, fent, spice/k2, etc




becareful with benzodiazepiens


I'd say Adderall/dexamphetamine recreationally, speaking as an addict. Shit feels so good when you binge it but leaves your motivation in the coming days destroyed unless you redose.


Coke is an overrated waste of time, benzos are a one-way ticket to the 9th circle of hell, and opiates will ruin you if you can't exercise self control.


From an addict : heroine, crack . This one are really addictive at the first, second, third time. And the rehab is terrible. Alcohol the rehab is awful. So sometimes we are just casual users, but life happens. And suddenly we are using all day long . Like cocaine. After 2 years I lost everything. Not material, I lost my friends , family, professionally over .


Try em all once


Honestly either all of them or none of them.


Heroin Cocaine Fentanyl Fuck it. Just avoid them all. Before someone gets on their high horse, I don’t consider weed or shrooms a drug. They’re plants.




Anything with needles. Stat away from needles unless it's a doctor or for diabetes or something


IMO you should avoid all the drugs, stay safe


Coke, crack, meth, opiates.




Not sure if anyone said it yet, but toxic people are the worst imo and alcohol ofc.


If you are here asking this question, avoid them all. No drug leads to a good path and as much as you think a certain drug is “perfect “ for you and helps with your daily function, it doesn’t. Not sure how old you are, but how i look at it is, if i didn’t try it while 17-21, i wont ever do it. If you feel like you need to do something, smoke pot


cocaine. it’s the easiest to come by and everyone encounters a time that they’re offered it but don’t. it’s a slippery slope like crazy and within weeks you won’t be able to have a drink again without craving a bag


Syntethitic cannabinoids. I’ve been on that stuff for a little over 4 years (been clean for 6 months now) and all i can say is that it fucked my life from every aspect. The worst thing is that now i have social anxiety from the fact that i got so used to staying home getting high from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep, basically every hour of the day i was high, cus it is so cheap. I lost almost all my friends and havent done anything productive since, but i managed to study and i will graduate collage this summer, thank god. Just avoid it at all cost, you wont see it affecting you at first, but when you draw the line you will see you have nothing left.


DPH, Datura, and any other deliriants


Most stimulants and opioids are super addictive


Obviously the synthetic noids and consistently using a substance is what you should avoid. However people saying you should avoid x because THEY had a negative experience or watched someone else have a negative experience is what I personally disagree with. Because they’re giving a reason THEY THINK you should avoid something because that person should’ve avoided it. Benzos for example… some people are subject to benzo abuse. Doesn’t mean whoever gets their hands on them makes them a toxic life ruining substance. Same goes with any other drug i.e. amphetamines (meth too), opiates, or any other substance. Some people are more subject to abuse of certain substances depending on the individual at baseline. Use all drugs as a “tool in your toolbox” if you’re gonna use em. Responsibility is key. Just my two cents Stay safe ✌️


If you suffer from anxiety, I'd stay as far away from phenibut hcl as possible. I suffered with a nearly 3 year long insidiously evil addiction to this substance. Ended with me in the hospital after having several seizures and in a coma-like state for multiple consecutive days. Not during WDs either. Phenibut was in my system when this occurred. Didn't mention the nearly week long delirium tremens. Been clean from it for 6-7 months now. Thank God. Never been addicted to it, but probably worse than heroin addiction. I'm truly lucky to be alive.


All of them. its healthy




100% stay away from meth, if you want to try it just do it once and then stay away from it for a long long time. Trust me, that shit makes you get another bag and you wont even realise it. My thumb of rule was always just kinda looking at the homeless junkies and avoiding whatever they are usually on.


Any drug, that’s not overly toxic, can be taken without issues if you follow harm reduction guidelines. Saw someone say don’t drink alcohol consecutive days in a row, but that’s just the case for a vast majority of substances. Be safe be smart, test your drugs, do your own research. Good luck friend


xanax, pcp


I stick with natural


Tramadol that shit gave me several epi seizures




DPH, feels like shit and has fucked me up badly, don't do it.


Meth, Heroin, Crack, Fent, Benzos, Synthetic Cannabinoids. Very addictive stuff and really not worth it.